HomeMy WebLinkAbout934772 WARRANTY DEED 00041.3 KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that ALAN W. MAKI and ANN W. MAKI, Husband and Wife, as Tenants by the Entireties, P.O. Box 3888, Alpine, Wyoming 83128, GRANTORS, for and in consideration ofTEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby CONVEY AND WARRANT to ALAN W. MAKI and ANN W. MAKI, TRUSTEES of the Maki Trust dated November 8, 2007, P.O. Box 3888, Alpine, Wyoming 83128, GRANTEES, and their successors and assigns, the following described real property, situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, hereby waiving and releasing all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to wit: That property described in the Warranty Deed that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on May 13, 1998 in Book 411 at Pages 661 and 662 as Receiving No. 850380, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein. Including and together with all and singular tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances, and improvements thereon or thereunto belonging. Subject to all covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, rights-of-way, and easements of sight and! or of record. TNESS my hand this 8th day of November, 2007. ?~ -.) ltf 1 ~ ~) )1toJL ' ANN W. MAKI RECEIVED 11/13/2007 at 11 :20 AM RECEIVING # 934772 BOOK: 678 PAGE: 413 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ACKNOWLEDGED before me on the 8th day of November, 2007, by Alan W. Maki and Ann W. Maki. STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. ) COUNTY OF LINCOLN 1 ial seal. M. KEVIN VOYLES - NOTARY PUBLIC COUN1Y OF. STATE OF UNCOLN WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 16. 2011 My Commission expires: 0;1,,, {II 11/08/2007 ~1'47 13078773101 I INCOLN COUNTY CLERK PAGE 01/02 00041.4 .' RECFJVED' . .' '. . .. . . .dNCOLN COUWty CLEr~K '. :. W~a1dEED . .. . . 991 ~Y J 3 P1\ 1,'/7 . GARY DAVIS ~ DAWN DAVIS, Husband and W~,~~~lii:\,~~~fiNG STEWART COXþ JR., AND LILLY MARIE COX, Husband and Wife, : as Tenants in COJ1.U110nþ '. . -.i'1.11 . 6 61 BOO~ PRPAOE ,. grantors of ~",' (I.{ County j State of Georgia, for consideration of Ten and 00/100's ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration in hand, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged CONVEY AND WARRANT TO ALAN w. MAla AND ANN W. MAKI, ·Husband and Wife as Tenants by 'the Entireties, grantee, whose address is 12160 Lake Vista Drive, Willis,. TX 77378 the following described real estate, situate in L~~~oJn County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing .and waiving all rights under and by virttiè of the homestead exemption laws of the state to wit: Part of Section 9, T36N R1l9W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln 'County, Wyoming being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point which lies S 89Q59'18" W, 1249.32 feet from the North 16th iron pipe-brass cap corner between Sections 9 and 10 of said T36N R1l9W and running thence N 89°59'18" .E, .1070 feet to the West bank of the Salt RiveJ:; thence southward along said river bank the following courses: thence ~..49.°~p' W, 215 feet; thence S 63°30' W, 150 feet; thence S 46° W 280 feet; thence S 13Q30' W, 430 feet; thence S 20°11 'SOli W, 268.14 feet; thence S 06Q30'OO W, 210 feet; , . thence S 07°00'00" E, 246.72 feet; ",... [hence N 52°33'00" W, 195 feet; thence S 37°27' W, 186 feet; . thence S 54°44'41" E, 210.62 feet to the West dght-of-way line of a sixty foot roadway; thence southwesterly on a 210 foot radius curve along said right-of-way line, 97,67 feet, (long chord bears S 21°55'53" W, 96.79 feet); thence S 87Q30' W, 203.27 feet; thence N 23 Q24' W, 250 feet; thence N 12° W, 240 foeti thence northw~sterly along a 885 foot mdius curve to the left a distance of 489.3 feet· i . (hence N 46°19'20" E, 2 .01 feet; . thence N 42°27'10" E, 1 2.8 feet; . thence northerly along a 33.0 foot radius curve to the left 402.28 feet; thence along a 300 foot l'a ius curve (long chord N 12°34'04" E, 425.36 feet) a distance of 472.79 feet to the point. of begÍIUling, - .r ~~ &. i)~ Dawn Davis Stewart Cox, JI'. '-~;~~:'. 41h:~-I ~ I~ Lilly Marie -Cox .,/ - .. .- ~~/~ö/L~~( ~~:4( ~.:H:J{ö( (.:11tH L1N~ULN ~UUNIY ~L~~K µA(:j~ ~:¿¡ ~:¿ i, .', Ub'~~ua80 662 State of Geo.r~' ..' 1 ." ' , .' " . , '- County of . 0.-,1) f\J i rV '~.....".", ..,...... . :1, .... . . . 'OQ041'5 'tI ':tol.l, --:...101 ,,~~..."" '" '~ c. . My Commission E;1I;pires; I ", ¡ .. . " ~ '. I Th~ foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Gary Df\vis and Dawn Davis this ~fI)d day of May; 1998.! ..,', '.'11 , . '. ,11"111 """ ,." . Î .^ J.t1 '. ""I ." g ~ 'Iflo ,11,- Witness my hand and official seal. It,,' ,;.. .':~:~~~~:::!...~).A~!%;.. , , . ~ "' tl'\\"""/t "\tr.,, . IJI"!! ',.,'.'t ',: ;:~" ~~ I,:"" . I I, ri· :t~ :·.,. ~ ~ , ~. .' t ..:. iI:l, 'frr'.'). ~T, 1;11'. a 't . :,:.~. t, ~. "'.: a-; Not I n;.·bIIC ..:",\<'1. 'L:!" ,.Ct' .i, - Y r U A . ;.:u;J ~ I~:~\ tT. ; '\'-. I' : ,:.;. ...; . ..\~",) ·..¥·?}~:[O N·J'f ',.:....1 : ·;;t . !~'r"I' ...,~. , ..." "~''1.'. .I i: II"" .~. ~ . I ""'I" t· ..... ....':,":'\' ':!ttt~ . '" "'.~ ~ 'A" ..r~' \. \,'" .' I"" ~I:J v? "", , . .' . " "'."I ltlltlll" . Notary F\!bl C, r:nrJl' :n CO'mty, O,org,hl MY CQlTlmls'Õi'II' E"pil't>3 r:Ðb. IG. 1999 State of Georgia County of .r;; "ill; /11' My Conunission EfPires: The foregoing, inst11lme~1t was acknowledged before me by Stewart Cox, Jr. and Lilly Marie Cox this .5--ii1_ day of May. 1998. ..,.... . " ..,\11\11"\""",,' . .' ,I'..... ''''l. ~Å.tJJ' 'I, Ij'""~" J.~I_ ,. 11,........_ . ~1' ,~'\~ , ~,.,. ,~ ...'';.\_''»'01' . ...,...::'I~~., "'.... ,. ~ I'i').~.~ v.~· ..~~ I'·~'··~~"· "·1,-';, r..' ... .,,~~. .. . " '" . ,.'. '" ... . ~ ::¡,N -;:WI" ',-' ",: "'t ¡:d, ~;...oC9k\.,. O";'. ,.v : ..-. ..,/MA .~-._I. . ..,..,~I..~I .I_I~ ....I "".,"'\ . .... . ~ -\.... !oC.O·N i,i;~' ~ ~.~~.:., .-"JIt,', : 0;.\.....".. ~~,. ..,. '.' ~ I..,,,. v~. .....r~~;.~... ...,' ~ !. '~ '.., f " ~' !l-, "\...~ :II" , : "I,'" ¡ VaN' , ,.' . '1/ " .1. I'" . "'"lIIïiÙII\\ , ' ., .." ,'" Witness my hand and official seal. 9 -10 ;..c40iJd- ... ", - - .- - . ""'''r''ni7i~;'.''~' ........~·w_...""