HomeMy WebLinkAbout876417RECOR UESTED BY: U.S. Trust National 180 East Fifth Street St. Paul, MN 55101 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Putnam Ranch,•LLP Box 389 Randolph, UT 84064 Witness my hand and seal this 6`" day of February, 2001. (NO CORPORATE SEAL) itness: Shana M. Bloom A P 6 Witness: Erik Magnuson Attest: Jason M. Giel, Asst. cre ary STATE OF MINNESOTA)ss COUNTY OF RAMSEY WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature 104 I/AZ L. Elaine Eby Name (Typed or Printed) Association PM 3OOK 474 PR PAGE 2 1 4 of l nr a •J Y'ii L'' ,39 i +J SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECQRpE VA V'' M I i e G B 878 LIMITED POWER OF ATTORNEY U.S. Bank Trust National Association f /k/a/ First Trust National Association "U.S.. Bank a national banking association organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America, 180 East Fifth Street, Corporate Trust, 2nd Floor, ,St. Paul, MN 55101 hereby constitutes and appoints Zions First National Bank Zions Agricultural Finance Zions Mortgage Company Zions"), and in its 'name, aforesaid Attorney -In -Fact, by and through any President or any Vice President, to execute and acknowledge in writing or by facsimile stamp all documents customarily and reasonably necessary and appropriate for the tasks described in items (1) through (4) below; provided however, that the documents described below may only be executed and delivered by such Attorneys -In -Fact if such documents are required or permitted under the terms of the related servicing agreements and no power is granted hereunder to take any action that would be adverse to the interests of the Trustee or the Holders. This Power of Attorney is being issued in connection with Zions' responsibilities to service certain mortgage loans (the "Loans held by U.S. Bank Trust in its capacity as Trustee. These Loans are comprised of Mortgages, Deeds of Trust, Deeds to Secure Debt and other forms of Security Instruments (collectively the "Security Instruments and the Notes secured thereby. 1. Demand, sue for, recover, collect and receive each and every sum of money, debt, account and interest (which now is, or hereafter shall become due and payable) belonging to or claimed by U.S. Bank Trust, and to use or take any lawful means for recovery by legal process or otherwise. 2. Transact business or any kind regarding the Loan, and an interest therein and/or buildings thereon, as U.S. Bank Trust National Association's act and deed, to contract for, purchase, receive and take possession and evidence of title in and to the property and or to secure payment of a promissory note or performance of any obligation or agreement. 3. Execute bonds, notes, mortgages, deeds of trust and other contracts, agreements and instruments regarding the Borrowers and/or the Property, including but not limited to the execution of releases, satisfactions, assignments, and 'other instruments pertaining to mortgages or deeds of trust, and execution of deeds and associated instruments, if any, conveying the Property, in the interest of U.S. Bank Trust National Association. 4. Endorse on behalf of the undersigned all checks, drafts and/or other negotiable instruments made payable to the undersigned. FOR CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT U.S. BANK TRUST NATIONAL ASSOCIATION f /k/a FIRST TRUST NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as Trustee By: Tamara Schultz -Fugh, Vice President Shannon M. Rantz, Assistant ice President On this 6` day of-February, 2001, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Tamara Schultz -Fugh, Shannon M. Rantz, and Jason M. Giel, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the persons who executed the within instrument as Vice President, Assistant Vice President, and Assistant Secretary respectively, of the corporation that executed the within instrument, and known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such corporation executed the within instrument pursuant to its by -laws or a resolution of its Board of Directors. (NOTARY SEAL) REC RIED _JNGOLh' COUNT"( CLERK L. ELAINE EBY Notary Public Minnesota My Commission Expires Jan. 31.2005 My commission expires: 1/31/2005 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS PREPARED BY TAMARA SCHULTZ -FUGH, U.S. BANK TRUST NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, 180 EAST FIFTH STREET, ST. PAUL, MN 55101, (651) 244 -1171. Parts of Sections 2, 3, 9, 10, 11, 15, 21 and 22, all in Township 22 North, Range 120 west. of the •Gth principal Meridian, being more. particularly dencribed•as follows: Beginning on the North line* of said Section 2 at a point located south 89 East, 3760.40 feet from the Northeast corner of said Section 2, said point being also located on the East right of gay. line of Lincoln County Road No. 207; running thence West -along the North lines of •said Sections':2 and 3 to the Northwest corner ..of said. Section 3; thence South along the West line of said Section 3 to the Northwest corner of the SW;SWi 'thereof; 'thence East along the North line said SW ;5W} to the Northeast corner :thereof; .thence 'South, along. the East line of -said SW}SW4.to the Southeast corner thereof and the Northeast• corner of the NW +NW* of said .Section 10;,. thence 'South along the' East line of said NWiNW} to thee- Southeast._.corner. thence West along the south line said NWNW; the Southwest. corner thereof; thence South along the West line of the sWiNwi to ;the-'Southwest corner thereof..:and• the Northeast corner of the SE•;.of said Section 9; thence West along h uth aline of said SEl- to. the Utah- Wyoming state Line; said State line to. the. South line of said Section 9; thence East along. said South lino to the Southeast corner of said. Section 9: and the ..Northwest corner a� flan 15-to Section no 15; th e nc e South along the.West line of. said S Q corner thereof and :the Northeast corner'of Said Section 21; thence West along the. North line of said Section 21 to the ta:tah.- V?.y.oming.::.State ..Line; thence South along, •said state line to: the South line of ...the. Quarter of said Section 21; thence -:East `said line to the southoeas aid Section said :NE; the ,Southwest corner of.:.the NW* :of i a the t 22;' thence-;.East along tae South .line of said .NW, right of way' line of...- Lincoln County Road No. 207;' thence Northeasterly along said East line to the West line of Tract 43 in said Township; thence North along,said West line to the Northwest corner of said Tract 43; 'thence East along the North lire of said. Tract 43 to corner Number 5 of Tract 48 in said Township; thence along Tract Corner. 8; m thence thence Fast to corner 7; thence North to corner Fast to corner 9; thence North to Corner 10 and the .South fine of Tract 49; thence West along the South line of Tract 49 and said South line extended Westerly to its intersection 7, with the right of 'way line of Lincoln County Road to No. p th e c e Northeasterly along said right.of way l beginning. All, of Lot 9, Secti.on Township 22 North, Range 120 'West of the sixth Principal Meridian, State of Wyoming.. i�`�h tifjlJ i'�t41tia at v r C �r e i I Ai• L..F,^. Y ..f Fb:.a�,y{.J A 2 rLk ;P'w 7 P g �f a F 1 t�Zy'. i i r y 4 `+iFUrdl'!n3. .Sk #.!(uW,ti, ubi•.. y. tf G t -t)I. (J &7(41'V 216 West, 192.0 feet along the western boundaries of the holdings of John Sedey and Beckwith Quinn and Company of (Lawrence Johnson thence North 71'44 West, 7,058.7 feet to the point of beginning. Beginning. at a .point from: whence the. Northwest corner of Lot 24 of said. Section 22 bears West 314.8 feet; thence 1,005 Sect to Corner No. 7 of .Tract 43; thence North 3,999.6. feet to. Cornet No. 8'. of Tract 43; thence East 1, 320 Peet to Cotner No. 5 of :.Tract 48, a point situate upon the. North boundary of .Tract 43; thence South 23'59' East, 5,295.3 feet -thence North 81'38'. West .636. feet; thence.'South 74'20' West, 1,164 feet; .r thonco. North 84 25' .west, 2,906.9 feet; thence Borth'. 11 53' East 794 feet to the point of.bcginning.. hlso a parcel of land in Section 15 and Section 22, Township 22 North,. .Range 120 West 6th P.N., Lincoln County,: _.•..Wyoming, commencing at Corner No. 5 of Tract 49 of Resurvey of Township 22 North, Range 120 West; .thence south 25 09'49" West, 6019 feet to the point of beginning of this description;.. thence South 19'35'37" West, 3,982.04 feet;. thence North 89 °14'04" East 1,338.01 feet; thence North 0 °03'10 West, 3,722.57 feet to the point of beginning. LESS THE FOLLOWING; Beginning at a point situate upon the. West boundary of Tract 42 from whence the Northwest corner of said. Section 27 bears South 1,343.1 fact, more or less; thence '762.3 feet more or less, along the West boundary:: of Tract 42 to the Northwest cornea of Lot 24 of said Section. 22; thence: East 314.8 feet;. thence South. 11'53' West, 794 feet; '.thence North '84 °25' West, 155.1 feet to than point of beginning. .Meadow .Pines Beginning at the Northwest Corner of Lot 24, which is :situated at the West boundary of Tract 42, Township 22 North,. Range 120 West of the 6th P.M., Wyoming (which point of beginning •31es 2,105.3 .feet North of the southwest Corner of said Section 22); proceeding thence North 89 °20' West 46 feet to the East right of way line of the county Road; thencc South 29 °35' West 592.25' feet along said County Road right -of -way;. thence South 68'47' East 363.5 feet to the West boundary of Tract 42; thence North 645.8 feet along the said West boundary to the point of beginning. That part of Lot 24 of Section 22, Township 22 North, Range 120 West, Lincoln County, Wyoming and part of those tracts of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 43 of Photostatic Records on page 122 and in Book 162 of Photostatic Records on page 428, described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Tract 54 of said Township 22 North, Range 120 West, found as described in the certified land corner recordation certificate filed in the said Office; thence East 314.8 feet to a point identical with the Northwest corner of Parcel. 11 of record in said office in. Book 178 of Photostatic, Records on page 818; thence south 11 °53' West, 420.53 feet along the West line of that tract of record. in Book 178 and the East line of that tract of record in 'Book 43 to an intersection with a fence line; thence North 79 09.3' West, 232.35 feet along said fence line to an intersection with the West line of said Lot 24 identical with the East line of said -Tract 54; thence North, the base bearing for this description, 367.8 feet along the said East and West. lines to the corner of beginning, all in accordance with the 'plat. titled, "PLAT OF TRACTS IN LOT 24 'SECTION 22 TRACT 54 SECTION 21 TOWNSHIP 22 '.NORTH RANGE 120 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING" to be filed in eai,d office. ,Johnson Ranch That part of Tract 54A of .Township 22 North, Range 120 West, Lincoln County, Wyoming, and :part df tract of record in the Office of the. Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 188 of Photostatic. Records on page 317 described as follows; Beginning at Corner No_ 1 of said Traot 54A found as described in the Certified Land. Corner .Recordation Certificate filed in the said office, thence west,. '46.00 feat' along the forth 'Inc of said Tract 54A to :an-intersection with the Southeasterly right of -way dine of Cokeville-vtah line County Road No. 12 -207; thence South 29 °35' 'West, .372.31 feet along said right -of -way to an intersection with the protraction of a fence line located in Lot 24' ot Section 22 of the Said Township 22 North, /tangs 120 West; thence South. 79 09.3' East, 233.98 feet along a protraction Of said fence line to an intersection with the East line of said Tract 54A; 'thence North, the base bearing for this description, 367.80 feet along the said Bast line to the corner of beginning; all in accordance with the plat titled "PLAT OP TRACTS IN LOT 24 SECTION 22 TRACT 54 SECTION 21 TOWNSHIP 22, NORTH RANGE 120 WEST LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING" to be filed in said office. Beginning at a point situated .upon the west boundary of Tract 42'. from. whence the Northwest corner of said Suction 27 bears North 0°12' for 2,501.4 feet; thence North for 1,269.6 feet; thence South 63 57' Nast, 7,453.S feet; thence south 2 °57'