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File No.: 6010715051
KeJly Bryce Jasperson and Iris Mayann Jasperson, Husband and Wife,
grantors of Thayne, State of Wyoming, for and In consideratIOn ofTen Dollars and Other Good and Valuable
ConsideratIOn, In hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) Convey and Warrant To
River Bend Meadows, LLC, a Wyoming Limited Liability Company,
grantee, whose address IS: 190 Newport Center Drive Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA, 92660 the folloWIng
described real estate, situate in Lincoln Cmmtyand State of Wyoming, to wit:
See Exhibit "A"
Hereby releasmg and walVlng all nghts under and by virtue of the ~mestead exemptIon laws of the State of
Wyommg ~~)
W,"'''' 0"' hand, tb" day of Novemb", 2007 ¿
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KelIy yce ]as rson Ins Mayann J erson I
State of Wyoming )
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County ofbfi~!tOtJ )
The foregoing mstIlllnent was acknowledged before me this
Jasperson and Iris Maryann Jasperson.
'2 ~ day of November, 2007, by Kelly Bryce
County of . State ,of
lincoln ' WyomlOQ
My Commission Expires 1"1.07. 0'
WItness my hand and official seal.
My commtsston expires. t:¥f. 0 7. ðß
:} l{
RECEIVED 11/13/2007 at 3:13 PM
RECEIVING # 934812
BOOK: 678 PAGE: 461
~ StreamLine Deed - Wamnty WY /C) Rev, 111212007
Description: Addition to River Bend Meadows
A portion of the Kelly Jasperson property, as referred to
in the Deed recorded in Book 618, on Page 740, Receiving
number 918048, with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln
County, wyoming, within the Wl/2SE1/4 of Section 10, T34N,
Rl19W, of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, the
Boundary being more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at the Paul N. Scherbel RLS 164, 1983 location
for the Northwest Corner of the E1/2SE1/4 of said Section
10; thence SOo10'05"W, along the West line of said
E1/2SE1/4, 500.00 feet to a Point, said Point being
2,155.97 feet NOo10'05"E from the Paul N. Scherbel RLS 164,
1983 location for the Southwest Corner of said E1/2SE1/4¡
thence N89°13'27"W, parallel with the South line of said
Wl/2NE1/4, 871.46 feet; thence NOolO'05"E, parallel with
said West line, 500.00 feet to a Point in the South line of
said W1/2NE1/4¡ said Point being 467.53 feet S89°13'27"E,
along said South line, from the Paul N. Scherbel RLS 164,
1983 location for the Southwest Corner of the Wl/2NE1/4¡
thence S89°13127"E, along said South line, 871.46 feet, to
the Point of Beginning, Encompassing 10.00 Acres of land.
TOGETHER WITH AND SUBJECT TO: All Easements, Exceptions,
Restrictions, Reservations, Right-of-way, Improvements and
Conditions of sight and or record.
To be contiguous with River Bend Meadows properties, as
referred to in the Deeds recorded in Book 612, on page 438,
Receiving number 916026, and in Book 612, on Page 156,
Receiving number 916922 with the Office of the Clerk of
Lincoln County, Wyoming.