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State of Wyoming RECEIVED 11/14/2007 at 1 :07 PM RECEIVING # 934852 BOOK: 678 PAGE: 623 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Space Above This Line For Recording Data 000623 RELEASE OF MORTGAGE BANK OF JACKSON HOLE , which is organized and existing under the laws of THE STATE OF WYOMING and holder of that certain Mortgage made and executed by STROLEY. LLC. A WYOMING LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY as Mortgagor, and BANK OF JACKSON HOLE as Mortgagee on 05-25-2006 , certifies that the Mortgage has been fully paid, satisfied or otherwise discharged. The Mortgage was recorded on 06·05-2006 , in the lAND RECORDS for LINCOLN County, Wyoming and is indexed as RECI 919034 BK 622 PG 271 . The Mortgage having been complied with, the undersigned releases the Mortgage and all of its right, title and interest in the Property located at 7 ACRES OF LAND ON ALPINE HILLS DRIVE. ETNA. WY 83118 and legally described as: SEE "EXHIBIT A ' ATTACHED HERETO 3(, \'1 2·2-- LENDER: BANK OF JACKSON HOLE ~ @2001 Benkers Systems. Inc.. St. Cloud. MN Form SAT-WY 4/4/2001 (page 1 of 2) ACKNOWLEDGMENT. (Lender Acknowledgment) STATE OF WYOMING , COUNTY OF ~t(\ ss. . This instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ~J.. )QN\bQ.r , lQtol by D. WAYNE RUBY as SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT of BANK OF JACKSON HOLE 000624 (Titles) (Name of Business or Entity). My commission expires: ~ t61dro1 __~lh--- GERRI L KITTRElL NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF .. STATE OF LINCOLN WYOMING My CommísslŒI Expires feonJarv W, 2009 A~~~~:~;:~·~~·~.-:-:'-;'~.~~~.~ l ~fuU.D (No ary Pub IC ~ ©2001 Banker. Systems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN Form SAT-WY 4/4/2001 (page 2 of 21 J!..!5,.,~:! I HIT" A" el 1 . FI ." ~.. '., .\ \,),~·:¥J,,:ß~),JC( , rhat)Jart or t,I;.· S¡m~ and Chot p"c at I:.n:. NHSEH o~ SOCt 10n 22, ,TH", Ra9~ L~nooln Couney, Ii}'UIII¡nQ, lo.inS Part ,,~ ,I:.hul:.. 1:<"<:" of. r"Oorrj ,ur the 'Ot'~ice of chI) Clark of' Lincolh. cO\.tttty 3,n Hl)~ 34.60£ Ph~t~..t.t,IO a-Pardo On page ~3 descdbod.·s faU""., ., COMMJJÑcnm RI; the' nOJ:"l;.h~ast.: cer'ner of said S~IQ~ion', ,a;;{., found if/I dQ£lC~ibed ii.n t:.he t.:Qrnar RI9CO'X'd. t1:l.~û iu øaiçJ O:l!f;"t1~/. , '.., .. . 000625 --. JO~79 I:.h.nO. N09'-~O"·OO"II, tho DASH BEARING £O'''thi~· ~ùrv.y, .140,S,~1I ·fßfilt:,.;i\lQna. ~hu nO:t'~h I1neo1!. said Sæol;iuu ;¡a,' t\:J.t:.b''z.no.\'I:,I¡- 'f:fJl9,t 'cornttr·'of AlJptm ,Hill $ubdi"J.$~on ot ;¡;-øoord in o(ilid nuJ.r.'c,: a'fJ Pl~t·Nol..109, .". : ., ,,' . I: '0' ".. .' .,,' .' '. thon'"e 'South, Üoo, 00 £~et ðlong the un bound.'T a f'jdq SUbç\~v.isl~l1! ·~o tha ..òuthep.ø~ Oornel," !:h~.tðO!; ~heJ1ël soo ~:AOj'1 OÓ "W I, 430', '13 'feat r Along che "liSt:. ,.1 ine '0£ ~h,n ~ ~J;'aot: qf, X'l1CJOl'ð in 1!H1.id Otf!1ce in, hOok J:L3 'ot f1lOt/l¡¡¡~UI. I.~; R~cordll on pl\!j1å 559, to ~hl!l B.!\'.t1I111Y 01 a.t(.lUmtNGI .. . " " " thanee, Na9~~ 51' ~3 5 lOW ,·:·,604;.84 f$ßt, ",'¡pog tho aou~h'.i LlltI uf è.1 id t;¡'ac~~n nOoJ~ 313 r' to thq ØOQt:hWdlGt, oot'neL" tht1:'BOf, m~n:'kfilrJ IJ}l Ii })Ì\,.~ ~11J!Y J " , " , , " , .. thÙUÙij>COllUlluinq MOO"51' '3B"W, 170,1. f..t, ~;ß ~pn:¡, cBn~'~,rline ~f. Alp~nra ·H1l1s DrivEl, of record in· ~h~ 8i'J ,I,d ~n ·aop~ ~4di: of· .P,hC;:lt:.oa~atiQ RøcO~dQ on pagm '/,:¿ t . '.' . . . . t:hœi~·c~ cPl.lr~:~n.~ "nþ.:(d . c~ntGrU.ne n~ tol~owå I. 554' '17' ~.~ ~,~'E, H.9 5 t.~t, ~ to ß .pike I ... ~i7Q:.~~~ I'~.,~ ~,liEI.: 7·e~,. ~'4 .f9G!t, ,'CO ~' t.1Þiku I .. ~&J"·.:J.7I'l~IIB,·;' 51J.6!.1Iiu,tt ,tQ t:h~ nort:hW00t oèi~tHn" oCMlgLy. ,·M~adcw.lsta~ti~ Q~ ilc~~ct in s~id atiic. kO Pl~t No, 214-^, Common, totb~ 'Bouthwe't ~o~ner o~ bhÞ~ trmgt of re¢Qr~ ill said OttiC. ,~n Book 1,OS of PhO~08t.t,q Record. . 0" PlIg"~~Ù,,,: . , than~8 NOQ·,4·9 ì ;4~,':~i ;~90, 21 'fut, . "io¡:i¡¡,.:thffl,: waat·:)iilu., O{¡'aid ' t:.r~cl· in,. Book. ;,109 ': to.' tha, PA'.l'UIDY'Ot" JUlr,UU1i;r-¡C:I i:: ' . ~.. "1' .' , .' . I'. . '. . . . ,.1, "',':.. I . . I i I ~ /( 01: r.J.\;I~1 I Parcel ,2 . ' :Beginning at a point N89°50'W, 1485.98 feet and South 1980: feet frOl1,1 the Nort,heast Corner of Sectiön 22, Township 36 N0l1h, RaQge '119'West'ofthe 6th PM;alld running THENCE N89Q50'W 5055 f~et; THENCE South 431 fec't; THENCE ~89~50'E, 505.5 feet; THENCE North 431 feet to the beginning. . .