HomeMy WebLinkAbout934923 QUITCLAIM DEED 000023 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that ALVIN L. ROBINSON and ALICE L. ROBINSON, husband and wife, Grantors, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND QUITCLAIM to Chris H. Hunsaker and Geralee L. Hunsaker, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties, whose address is 35 Elk Run, Fairview, WY 83119 the following described real estate, situated in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: That property as described on Exhibit "A",a copy of which is attached hereto marked Exhibit "A" and by this reference made a part hereof. TOGETHER WITH all improvements, appurtenances, hereditaments and all other things thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. l1 It SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to all easements, rights-of-way, reservations and restrictions now of record or otherwise affecting said lands. WITNESS my hand this \õ~ay of Octobef, 2007. 1\\.w~,~~'( -;;: I ì , V C1L ).;?~ Alvin L. Robinson ~û~~-J AI ce L. Robinson RECEIVED 11/16/2007 at 10:37 AM RECEIVING # 934923 BOOK: 679 PAGE: 23 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY The above and foregoing was acknowledged before me by Alvin L. Robinson and Alice L. Robinson, this lõtrtJay of Qctobef, 2007. '~\ltnÙJQJ STATE OF WYOMING } }ss, } COUNTY OF LINCOLN WITNESS my hand and official seal. County of Lincoln State of Wyoming rJ BECKY BARBER - NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires August 31, 2010 .,J'." c;:"" Prolessional Lend Surveyors Paul N, Scherbel Wyo, Registration No, 164 Utah Registretion No, 1670 Idaho Regislrelion No. 3990 Nevada Registretion No, 6805 Scoll A, Scherbel Wyo, Regislration No. 3889 Idaho Regislration No, 8026 Uleh Registrelion No, 372111 MARLOWE A, SCHERBEL Wyo, Reglslratlon No, 5368 Surveyor Scherbel, LTD, Allon, Wyoming Big Piney, Wyoming Jackson, Wyoming Lava Hol Springs, Idaho Montpelier, Idaho DESCRIPTION FOR CHRIS H, HUNSAKER AND GERALEE L, HUNSAKER HUNSAKER TRACT 000024 To-wit: - - That part of the SEV4SEv.. of Section 4, T31N RU9W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 435 of Photostatic Records on page 156 and part of that tract of record in said Office, in Book 274 of Photostatic Records on page 28, described as follows: BEGINNING. at a,point on the east line of saiQ SE'!4SEY4, NOoo-56' -OO"E, 154.00 feet fi:om the southeast corner of said Section 4; thence N88°-59'-44"W, 138.75 feet, along an existing fence, in part, to a point; thence SOoo-56'-00"W, 6.43 feet, to the northwest point of that tract of record in said Office in Book483 of Photostatic Records on page 409, on the southJine of said tract in, Book 435; thence N89°-58' -51 "W, 11.23 feet, along a south line of said tract, to a southwest point thereof; thence along a west line of said tract in,Book 435, as follows: NOoo-56'-00"E, 100.00 feet, to a point; N89°-58'-12"W, 16.00 feet, to a point; NOoo-56'-00"E, 198.00 feet, to the northwest point of said tract, and leave said west line; thence N90,?-OO'-00"E, 166.00 feet, along the northJine, of said tract, to a point on the east lin.,e of said SEV4SEv..; thence SOOO-56'-00"W, 294.01 feet, along said east line, to the POINT OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 1.08 acres, more or less; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the east line of the SEv.. of Section 4, T31N R119W, being NOOO-56' -OO"E; each "point" marked, by a, 5/8" x 24',' steel reinforcing.,rod with, a 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHEIƒEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368", with appropriate details; , each "corner" found,as describedin the Corner RecorQfùed or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; all in accordance, with the plat prepared, to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "CI-llUS H. lillNSAKER AND GERALEE L. HUNSAKER AND DOUG REYNOLDS PLAT OF TRACTS AND .ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT WITlllN THE SWI/4SWV4 SECTION 3 SEv..SEv.. SECTION 4 T31N R119W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING", dated 16 August 2007, as revÁsed. ] ; ~ ¿ 1/, 27 September 2007/' \TR\31-119-4\Chris.I:Iun.sak.cr, ~ "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor"