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[~ J/~. File Na.: 6010716184 RECEIVED 11/21/2007 at 10:59AM RECEIVING # 935068 BOOK: 679 PAGE: 394 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY QUITCLAIlVI DEED 000394 Diana Hill A single person grantor ofLinco]n County, State of Wyoming, far and in cOJJSideraíÏon ofTen Dollars and Other Good and Valuable Consideration (_ $10.00-), in hand paid, receipt whereof is hc.reby acknowledged, hereby Conveys and Quitclaims To Randal HilI A single person grantee,whase address is P.O. Box 4163 Bedford. WY 83112 property, situa.te:in Lincoln County and St;Lte of Wyoming, to wit: , all interest in the following described real Lot 6 of Shooting Star Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyom.ing as described on the official plat thereof. Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws offue State of Wyoming. 20 07.. State of Wyumlng ::t:-clc¿h Ò Countyof~ ~DuJ~e.Jv- lie ) ) ss. ) The foregoing instrument Was acknowl~dged before me this .l..1 day of JÝ /) (J C m bvr , 20~. by Diana Hill.. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: Ôr¡~tJ;z. _I ( 1", <;. \,\ ~l~. ';: r. r: fj ritlfCr,o,r " . n (1 h 1'0 '1"':.~". (j \... "~.!J.Ii: 't1 tI.t',,;.., ..~' ,-<l ,<"','O'''P .(1/ ";' c:¡ ¿:..\. (.t, ('J:~ ...... ~~, /~.... ~""" If:,cr. -.r.1 'G!@ø ,"'~~ ;;,' Q/';" ~ I ''0. 't 41~)f. ~~ :~ I~",¡ ~~ -r\. ¡:> - ~ r;,: ::~ !'1~t i,~ :\<\) (.:f' (~ F. ~ F' 1""'1 0 ~\;'" . '.\ L ...1 \'" .... &" ~ Cf) S. {~.I'\ ,\- g ,(,) ;"; ,." ...; " ..., . ,.., '" ","I '0' !> ...() ,C; f'1' (J! ú\)" r:'I ", I' (~ ""(:.'I y:. r:? .;,,~..., <;' ¿ J¿i ClQ ~G."O ./~\." .;""" ¢',.,. Q@eQ0{'~ÐO' ""....(~ ....\' ,~~~ ,(i'Q () . ( ; \_ -(,> "''".,.,., t01' 1], r¡rç¡' t.!_)· .~\..() ~il4'¡j'~; ¡,. (j ~.J.i!: ~~ -; ';',':: ,. '¡''' í" ND~7' fu~ ~ StreamLine Deed - Quit Claim WY © Rev, 1130/2007