HomeMy WebLinkAbout935081 CORRECTIVE QUITCLAIM DEED 00041.8 i , This corrective quitclaim deed is being filed to correct a bearing & a footage error in the Exception therefrom description on deed fIled 11-16-2007 @ 9:~7 AM, Receiving # 934918, Book 679, Page 11, Jeanne Wagner Lincoln County Clerk, Kemmerer WY. KNOW ALL MEN THESE PRESENTS, That F. Michael Kibbie and Carla S. Kibbie, As joint tenants of the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming in consideration ofTen aIId 00/100 dollars (10.00) and other good and valuable consideration to them in hand paid the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, have remised, released, convey and forever quitclaim and by these presents do for my heirs, executors and administrators, remise, release and forever quitclaim unto County of Lincoln, Stpte of Wyoming Whose address is 925 Sage Avenue, Kemmerer, WY 83101, forever all such rights, title interest, property, possession, claim and demand as I we have, ought to have or hereafter acquire in or to all of the following described premises, to wit: That part öf Section 10, T36N Rl19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming described on Exhibit A prepared by Marlowe A. Scherbel entitled " Description for County of Lincoln McNeel Power Plat Road Tract" dated September 23,2003. '1 ç? ,c, \ , (0 Excepting therefrom the following described parcel contained within Exhibit A. Beginning at the intersection of the westerly right-of-way of U.S. Highway 89 and the southerly right -of-way line of McNeel Power Plant County Road No. 12-104, 880 degrees- 57'- 14" E, 2,027.21 feet from the northwest comer of the 8W '14 of said Section 10; thence N04 degrees - 11' - 25" W, 40.35 feet, along the westerly right-of-way of US Highway 89, to a point; thence 889 degrees - 23'- 04" W, 520.29 feet to a point; thence SOO degrees-36' - 56" W, +/- 40.35 feet to a point on said south right-of- way line of said County Road; thence S89 degree-23'-04"E, +/- 528.99 feet along said south line, to the INTERSECTION OF BEGINNING; Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemp~ion laws of the State of Wyoming. Dated this ;2./ day of /f/ó v ~ Wf. J Q,</ , ,2007 RECEIVED 11/21/2007 at 11 :32 AM RECEIVING # 935081 BOOK: 679 PAGE: 418 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ~&~ / F. Michael Kibbie é!<k, 05 ~¡¡, ~ J arIa S. Kibbie SmteofVVYOmlllg ) )ss County of Lincoln ) 0004:1!9 1 The foregoing instrwnent was acknowledged before me by F. Michael Kibbie and Carla S. Kibbie, this 31 ~ day of JJ,1T/J'l/1lA7_V , 2007 . " : Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission Expires: ~ ~ ) Ù ICoililu' Jt; O~JJ Notary Public . \\\\11111"" ~ ",\ J 0 "" ~ ...' ð..\~........ 0/. ,~ ;, S ð..V.· T '. v..<\ ',. .:- O'v ... ~o Aii' ¡:.; Ca ~ ::,.. . ...~..:. ...CO. .v'l'" ;: I \)71= = : COUNTY OF liNCOLN: ': :: c.n\ I I: ~ :...\.. I r" ,- .,." l' -.. þ ... .S::' ..:.- ~,. ^··...l!8L1~..:.~ ~':-i ., ~ <::-.... ..... Ol~' ,~ "" OF W'< "" , """In\\\\ oressionalland Surveyors ,ul N, Scherbel 10, Regislrallon No. 164 ,h Reglslralion No, 1670 .ho Reglslrallon No. 3990 vada Registralion No. 6805 011 A. Scherber 10. RegistraUon No. 3889 ,ho Raglstrallon No, 8026 ,h Reglslrallon No. 372111 IRlOWE A. SCHERBEl /0. Registration No. 5368 rveyor Scherbel, lTO, on, Wyoming I Piney, Wyoming :kson, Wyoming la Hal Springs, Ideho ",Ipeller, Ideho DESCRIPTION FOR COUNTY OF LINCOLN MCNEELPO~RPLANTROADTRACT To-wit: - - 000420 That part of the NEV4SWV4 of Section 10, T36N Rl19W, Lincoln County,! Wyoming, it being a part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln Cotmty in Book 398 of Photostatic Records on page 179, as follows: ' BEGINNING at the intersection of the westerly right-of-way line of U.S. Hi~hway 89 and the southerly right-of-way line of McNeel Power Plant County Road No. 12-104, S80o- 57'-14"E, 2,027.21 feet from the northwest comer ofthe SWV4 of said Sectiþn 10; thence N04°-11 '-25"W, 100.35 feet, along the westerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 89, to a southeast point of that tract of record in said Office in Book 310 cif Photostatic Records on page 39; . thence S89°-23'-04"W, 520.29 feet, along the southerly line of said tract in Book 310, to a point; thence SOoo-57' -12"W, 50.00 feet, to spilce on the centerline of said McNeeliPower Plant COWIty Road 12-104; . thence SOoo-36' -56"W, 50.00 feet, to a point 011 said south right of way line of said County Road; thence S89°-23 , -04"E, 528.99 feet, along said south line, to the INTERSECTION OF BEGINNING; each "intersection" and "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rdd with a 2" I ' aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS:5368", with appropriate details; each "comer" found as described in the Comer Record filed or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the west line of the SWV4 of Section 10, T36N Rl19W, being NOoo-04'-42"E; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Cler~ of Lincoln County titled, "PLAT OF SURVEY FOR MICHAEL KIBBIE AND CARLA S. KIBBlE T/R36-119-9/Mike Kibbie "Modification in any way of the foregoirig description terminates liability of the surveyor"