HomeMy WebLinkAbout935113 RECEIVED 11/26/2007 at 11 :54 AM RECEIVING # 935113 BOOK: 679 PAGE: 511 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY QUITCLAIM DEED 0005:11. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that J & I Ranches, LLC, Grantor, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND QUITCLAIM to Irby E. Haydon and Jolea M. Haydon, individually, Grantees, whose address is 231 River Ranch Road, Afton, WY 83110 the following described real estate, situated in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: That property as described on Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B", a copy of which is attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. )( ¡/; TOGETHER WITH all improvements, appurtenances, hereditaments and all other things "[-'"\ thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to all easements, rights-of-way, reservations and restrictions now of record or otherwise affecting said lands. WITNESS my hand this 21st day of November, 2007. J & I Ranches, LLC STATE OF WYOMING } }ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN } The above and foregoing was acknowledged before me by Irby E. Haydon, Operating Manager of J & I Ranches this 21st day of November, 2007. WITNESS my hand and official seal. County of Lincoln Stale 01 Wyoming BECKY BARBER - NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires August 31, 2010 '.f. )1..,).",/ ,.:-~' ".1~ . ..."J.0' ._} ......J rt,...c: ·~it··t......~ 'CJ '-...-. "~'" 000512. 000"669 Exhibit A . That part of the West half of the Southwest Quarter ofSecUon 24, Township 31 North Range 119 West of the GI~ P.M., LincoLn Coun~y, Wyoming, being part of that tract ofrccords In the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln Counl)' in Book 370PR on page 640 and In Book 570PR on page 634, described as follows: Beginning at a point, North 310:26'16" East, 766.10 feet froro the Southwest corner of said West Half of the Southwest Quarter¡ thence North 00°06'.(3" East, 503.53 feet, to the Southeast point of thal tract of record In said office In Bool!: 51GPR on page .403; , thence coursing along the Easterly boundary line of said trøct as follows: " North 00°06'43" East, 123.95 feet, to a point; Ooo::tS'1 North 42°30'30" East, 49.41 feet, to a point; North 00·06'43" East, 190.55 feet, to the Notiheast point thereof, said point b!:ing on the Northeasterly boundary line of said tract In Book 370PR and leave Easterly boundary line; tllence coursing said Northeasterly line as follows: ' South 76°14'16" East, 158.02 feet to a polnt¡ South 85·01 '04" Eust, 60.99 feet to a polnt¡ South 42"29'48" East, 262.66 feet tò a point; South 52·57'45" East, 86.00 feet to a point; , Soulb 70·44'31" Eust, 105.14, feet to a point; Soulh 53°50'02" East, 75.94 feeUo a point; South 21"22'09" Eflst, 1wt12 feet to II point¡ South 25·03'03" East, 45.30 feet to R point; South 88'47'37" East, 191.09 feet, to a point on the ERst line of said West half of the So~tthwest Quarter and leave said northeasterly Hne; thence South 00·07'01" West, 61.95 feet, aiong said East line, to a point; thence North 88°18'51" West, 83.48 feet, to the Eas,teriy most point of that tract of record iu said Office in Book 513PR on page 691, all the South right of way line of sixty (GO} foot access and utility easement; thence coursing along said right...of-way llne and the North line of said tra.ct as follows: South 48°31 '31" West, 83.89 feet to a point at the beginning of a circular curve to the right¡ Westerly, 9'0.09 feet, along the arc of said clrcular curve, through II central angle of79"24'40" with a radius oC 65.00 feet to iii point; , North 52°03'49" West, 114.78 feet, to a point; North 11"03'16" West, 93.21 feet to a point at the beginning of a circular curve to the left; Northwesterly, 111.87 feet, along the arc of said circular curve, through a centrøl angle of 55°53'10" with a radius ofl14.69 feet to a poh;tt¡ , -North 66°56'26" West, 125.01,feet to II point lit the beginning of n circular curve to the right Northwesterly, 55.52 feet, along the Brc of saId circular curve, through a centralangle of21 "26'35" with a radius ofl48.34 feet to the Northerly most point Qfsald tract in Book513PR¡ thence South 26·17'26" West, 26.85 feet, along tite Northerly ertension of the Southeasterly line of Tract A-2 Revised of record In said Office on the Plat No. 356F, Identical with the Westerly line of said tract in Book 513PR. to the Easterly most point of said Trøct A-2 Rcvisedj thence continuing South 26°17'26" West, 86.32 feet"along the West line of said tract, to a point; thence South Oq"06'43" West, 394.37 feet, along said Westeriy Hne, to a point; thence South !!9"S4'36" West, 308.6S feet to the point of beginning. ., ~ ".--.. ..... ~ . .r '.". ""., I .~. ~...~.ft;Ç" '~IIÛIIt,Ii~ . - .- - .. c_ .-TI ~~Ilf!I'Jõ'J.~~ 000513 That part of the West Half ofthe Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 31 North, Range 119 West"Lincoln County, Wyoming being part of those tracts of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book370 of Photostatic Records on page 640 and in Book 570 of Photostatic Records on pa.ge 634, described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northeast corner of Tract A-I.l Revised (2) of said West Ha.lf of the Southwest Qua.rter and the Southeast corner of Tract A,2 Revised (2) of said West Ha:lf of th~ Southwest Quarter as shown on the Hudson L. England and Carol England and Arnie Dunkley Revocable Tr.ust dated 23 June, 2004, Plat of Boundary Adj ustment filed December 13,2004 as Instrument No. 905184. . thence South on South 00°06'43" West, 653.70 feet, along the East line of TRACT A-1.1 Revised (2) of said West Half of the Southwest Quarter, to a point on th~ South line of said West Half of the Southwest Quarter¡ thence West on North 89°57'54" West, 268 feet, along the South line of TRACT A-I.1 Revised (2); thence North 653.70 on a straight line to South 89°54~36" West;' thence East on South 89°54'36" East, 268 feet to the CORNE~ OF BEGINNING. NOTE: Encompassing an area' of 4.0 acres, more or less. The purpose of this property description is ,to boundary adjust Tract A - 2 Revised, (2) by increasing the parceJ from &.0 acrf?s, more or less, to p.OO acres, more or less and to boundary adjust Tract A - 1.1 Revised (2) by decreasing the parcel Îrom 15.21 acres, more or less to 11.21 acres, more or less. The property description does not create a new parceL '