HomeMy WebLinkAbout935123 '76- J Cí ~ !J( ~ ~ ~ ."'''',",VVI ......,.VI.. ..1.1...·.... UVIoI'VU....'...-' .....,....".... I.......¿",......& &..;,4-..."........ WORK ORDER #- 64322 SEe. 6, T30N, R 1 ì 8W DIS'l'jUIWTIOI\ EASE1\'ŒJ\T KNOW ..~J~L MEN BY THESE PRESE1'.T 000522 That the undersigned, Neil J. Fri<.:cl1imecht ~\nd. .r'l.SOtl H.. Frischknecht, ("Grantor") for a good anJ v:..lúûbie COIl;;ldc!'atioJl. tht: r~cC'Ìpt 0:' wt..dl JS hereby a(:kJ.1,owl~d.geQ. do :1ereby granC t:o:1'iiey and wamnt unto Lo'....er Vall;::)' Energy. a CliOpl':ré1rÍ'i"f.." Cornoration, 0f A,t;:o::1 tìud Jackson, \Vymnll1i;: and. to It;; :>l.li;CI;:SSOrs aad as[j},s'llS, ("Gl',ml'::::;;"'¡, a perpetual easement ::md ngh: or way for the COlhmlctÌon a lei t:<mtinued maintenance, œpair, ..dte-rat:on a:1d replacement of the elP.ctnc clistrib-.lt:on circum" ¡iut's a 1¿ cqll:pmc!.l': of the Gral1tee to be- C0r.:.'~r"lctr;d and .Q1UiJ.lléii.r.eù under, !..:pon and ,I'C¡'O::;5 the pT\~1;:,ri5C5 úf' Gramcc in UllcoBn County, State of \V,'oming, "long a Ene descÜbcè as t(¡Húws, to wit' BEING Ii pan. of GLO Lot j of S~ctiOl1 6, T30N, R! 18'rY, m Lincoln CO'ù!:lY, 'N/o:r:1ing more aCGill'lte:y ,describ::d at) f~ll/¡Jws: BEGINNING S89:'·09'·û6'W 523.8), feet, Stll,¡th 3g feet from Ü\I~ Ncrthea:_t CO~TleT of s.aid GLO Lot :;, Thcnce SIZoW. 1020 feet ~o a transfonner IOC:i.Hwn, EASElVIENT to mcLude 1 I,) feet on ,~ach Gid¡;: of de.;;cnbed ¡me, tiJgc~hcr with ""ll :H~ccssary and r~a5ot1¡¡b¡;- ngh~~ of it'\gres~ .1nd egress and .1] excay:;¡t¡; ar:d re:t11ì d:t¡;;hes i.nd t'enc:les for ·~!:e !n;:-".twli ê.ild rep;u' or' sa,0 tf.L0jlit:es and to ..:ut, tim, 5pni.' ber1-}l~·l"IF.:B, (IT' rC1"Jo\:e ;rÇes, s.h.m1:>ber:.v, ~!:yjergro\'"1:r. ,)r othe:' U1NrÜGllOJ;$ inlerfcr:ng \vÜh tLt,· re¡:eir and IrŒÜ1,Cllâ.W::,'~ ur Llæ ÌacJitie.'). The Grantm i1.c~.ow!edges that fh'ctric Dnd MIlg<1et¡C Fi,:Jds (D..1Fì are namraJly Úccu¡~-jng in ÚiÇ l111!1,SrnlSSlOn or dJ.stribution of clectr.ic:ty, (E1(\ bat the: Grant~c has here nutified Grit!!!')\' tbn EM} í:~:sti;g and infommtiG::I ;,$ avallt1ble upon reque3t ii"QITl th::; G:"antce, TIm, E¡¡st:men{ by iJ~anlOr is l11tendcd ~ 0 ;:1ch,de ;;0 much spaee as is !!:~~ef,::""l'Y 0;' iLp~lropriate to rh~ ;In;scl'tce cf EMf dud r"~i::son&b1e open,uon uf 'the Grantee'f, dislIibutiO:l ìinê¡) Grantor agrees that aJl polet., wires 2.nd other facilities, ir.aaI~e.d on 01' und~r the described land:. shaH remain the propCI"7y of lhe Grantee n:movabk in the sule di¡;crl~tion of ·the Granke at th(;~ (irar;te.e;'s c::\pem" ~, Th~ right~:, cor..ditiol1s and prrr\Tl,,,iorlS uLhì~ easement shaH inure lo the ben,:fit of and be hinding '-'pon th: parties, their hem" executors, ,-"dmin:jstrator~, 5UCC<:'SSDr!,; and as;;ign;::;, Gr'anto~ ~hall compensate Grlintel:'; th' r;.ey damagt& to Grantee's fadJitle,~ C,~¡¡~;j by Granter,. mclud21~g payment of (irantc~'[, aUOlll1:Y fe¡:~ ,f (l('t1on is undertaker, by Gra::t~ to ¡;;If,)rç-:: the cO:l1mitmenls de:sGI ih::,d in tÌ"..is ea>emem. Grantor r'~s(:;",/¡:. th~ right ;:c Improve, oce·up)' a:ld liS!;;' th:: ,~E1SÇ¡,,~çr¡tiûr al: pu.rp<.'S'::S ¡lOt ~ncomi;.;tent \'I,'irh the ,~aSênl;at gran!. Ea;;hpart,y shall have the remedy úf s],,:d5c p;;':::ol1mm~~e rcgw:èieg tbis eas~mel1:, TI.¡; rig;'ï:> ánd obligations descTibed in this easer:1!,;nt sh'~ll I'lII1 with th¡: !e.r.d, Thjc .;;ascmcnt is ~Iot l:xdJSiile, ~nd Gran(('r renjns 411 rights not specífi,cally granted by HUE easement. This is ".he '.::ntm' "gn:~elTlen': d ib~ panj,·':J reg8tding thi~; e~m~me:1t! excev: <l~ !:nay ',x, i;el forth ill ,>,,,Titing afh~!' the d;;:t,;: ü!:'tì:is Ca3e:1:'cn.~ <1.nd 5iglH~d 'ty , G 1 b J 'd' It' l,t b " ... , .1' ·h'· 11, ..., '~T "'d O;;"·"~r'T"·' ",~, [ "',",' ,.<' ~h~ p2.!t\f:~ì. r.autor lere y rt: _ë;::'~~.5;tr V't'al\:~~~ a rIg::l b Y'~ 11 LL~e 0 l ïL c; ",,-...f..~l,..I.~.h~~ LJt~\.,:.l ")I~.nb' ...W I';:' t Il 'Wyoming, :WITJ\F,SS the Hand (lithe Granwr, tbisdL(~åay of ß~_, 200i'. ., ~ R. j:;:;,chi,;;'cht STATE OF Uka.~ COUNTY OF U-b:J\ before :11C by Neål J. I"ri$cbl.uHIl~bt and Jason Ii.. 2007, Witness mv hand and' lIoal $t."aJ. . p '1\,1'-.., '~I'TT1T\'~.t·"·;,..·n ".Y'~~'·''''t'' ~ c:: :E w a. ffi ~ N :E NM~8J~ N..Z~ ~U;~~~ 8~~~8J ~ w-' (D: : : Zo ~ >- ..-0 ZI- "-Zøi1Ïz C~.....-,:::> ww~ 00 >O~ -wo Z Wc::O -' U CD 0 W 0 a: Z ::ï