HomeMy WebLinkAbout935165 COKEVILLE RESOLUTION NUMBER 07-01 RESOLUTION APPROVING REQUEST TO VACATE 000698 PORTIONS OF THE HUETT AND ROBERTS SUBDIVISIONS WHEREAS the Cokeville Town Council has received the petition from Jeff Kallstrom, requesting that portions of the Huett and Roberts Subdivisions, located in the Town of Cokeville, be vacated. WHEREAS Jeff Kallstrom for Jewett Construction, Inc., (hereafter Petitioners) have described the property they desire to be vacated attached to this Resolution, titled "Hunter Addition", attached hereto as ExhibitA. WHEREAS the Cokeville Town Council has reviewed the petition and signs that it would be in the best interest of the Town of Cokeville, to vacate the portions of the Huett and Roberts Subdivisions, as described in the legal description on attached Exhibit A, "Hunter Addition." WHEREAS the Town Council approves vacating portions of the Huett and Roberts Subdivisions, as set forth in Exhibit A, "Hunter Addition", provided the following conditions are met: A. That each and every person or entity that has any interest in that real property described on the attached Exhibit A, "Hunter Addition" signs under oath, an Affidavit stating that they request the real property described in Exhibit A, "Hunter Addition" be vacated from the Huett and Roberts Subdivisions, located in the Town of Cokeville, AND said Affidavit be filed and recorded in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office, specifically, in the real property records of the Lincoln County Clerk, located in Kemmerer, Wyoming. B. That each and every interest holder in attached Exhibit A, description of real property, "Hunter Addition," provide a copy of the Affidavit as required in paragraph A to the Town Council. C. That rio lots are sold in the Huett or Roberts Subdivisions prior to the portions of the real property described in Exhibit A, "Hunter Addition" being vacated. D. That any and all real property which is currently in the Huett and Roberts Subdivisions, not included in the legal description attached as Exhibit A, "Hunter Addition" is left with legal access as required under the Planning and Zoning requirements for the Town of Cokeville, State of Wyoming. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that after the conditions set forth above have been met by all the owners and holders of any interest in the real property described in Exhibit A, "Hunter Addition" attached hereto is fully complied with, the RECEIVED 11/27/2007 at 2:38 PM 'age J of 2 RECEIVING # 935165 BOOK: 679 PAGE: 698 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY. --- ... "'--"'''-'-'--'-.' ._.~. --.--,..-....- __..___.__ _n____._'___'__'___ ,.._......__ u__._.._.m._.'__" -------.,..---. -- real property described in Exhibit A, "Hunter Addition" is hereby vacated from the Huett and Roberts Subdivisions, being located in the Town of Cokeville, State of Wyoming. 000699 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Affidavit, as required herein, shall be attached hereto and filed with this Resolution as Exhibit B. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED THIS -L DAY OF JANUARY, 2007. FOR THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE TOWN OF COKEVILLE B~~ Stanley ompson, Mayor BY: ~~ ßl..tf#ltt . Na ne Dana, Town Clerk ATTESTATION OF TOliVN CLERK STATE OF WYOMING ) COUNFYOFUNCOLN ) TOJiVN OF COKEVILLE ) I hereby certify that the foregoing Cokeville Resolution Number 07-01 was duly postedfor ten (10) days in the Town Clerk's office. ~~ ÆfL~ NAD E DANA, CLERK Ifurther certify that theforegoing RESOLUTION was duly recorded in the BOOK OF RESOLUTIONS, TOliVN OF COKEVILLE, UNCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, ordinances and regulations to be incl~~-i.M.a~¡¡"Je TC?u;n Code. {;}'t' tO~tI ¡;Pol ~.t: ," '"'_ e04lOdQU1t-HQ ~~ ,~ ATTEST: it .,,-' ~ / 0o". ,fj> \ :::-~. ð \ ~ .!ffi o,101i;\T~ \ tJ; ~ ~, ~ ,~ . ~ ~~:" -~ ~~~ ¿;,~ : i :Iii ~j 1 ~ 3'\ 191(1 ¡ if ~~ ~- L1Vt\' .u~Ç!i ,1, ... ..' .,¡¡¡; ~: .~. f,:,,,,,, fl~ 'i:,. t'l', r~f;¡1 I~·'t.>r 1'.1' ;;;~~):'fl~1!j. ~".4<lJe;;'t . ' ~'(~'~II .-.Il, ooa:.n.. :'t;: .I~~\~~,~w~"*" Page 1 of 1 Jewett Construction, Inc. Hunter Addition 000700 VACATION Legal Description: All of the Lots, Blocks, Streets, Alleys and Easements lying within the following described parcel, being part of Tract 82, T24N, R119W, 6rnP.M., in the Town of Co keville, Lincoln County, Wyoming, said parcel being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Northwest comer of Tract 90, T24N, R119W, 6mP.M., running thence S 89°10'28" E, 935.08 feet along the North line thereof; thence S 0°49'32" W, 1453.42 feet to the Northwest comer of the Heuett Addition; thence S 18°43'28" E, 235.40 feet along the West . . line thereof to the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point of beginning lying on the Easterly right-ofway line of the Union Pacific Railroad Company's Oregon Shortline railroad, said point of beginning also lying on the South line of Sixth Street; thence S 89°15'28" E, 342.85 feet along said South line; thence S 0°44'32" W, 360.00 feet; thence S 89°15'28" E, 385.00 feet; , thence S 0°44'32" W, 313.86 feet along said West line to a point on the South line of the C.R. Roberts & Sons Addition; thence S 78°29'32" W, 465.36 feet along said South line and the extension thereof to a point on the West line of said Heuett Addition and said Easterly right-of-way line of the Union Pacific Railroad Company's Oregon ShortIine railroad; thence N 18°43'28" W, 819.45 feet along said West line and Easterly right-of-way line to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel containing 6.790 acres, more or less. [EXHIBIT NO. ~ J 109390N. A1nine Hwv. #128 Highland. TIT 84003 801-756-3811 801-763-1933 fax -. -- -..----..-.-.-.-----.-.. .-.. .._---_._--~-_._._._-- .. . - ..--~. -'---. -- .-... ...--.--.-. ....... _._. ..___._______.._._~___._n_..._.._.._ ..._n__.__. ._..__.._._.. .--..-.-..." .--._. --.....-..-.-.. AFFIDAVIT OF VACATION Exhibit B State of Wyoming ) )ss County of Lincoln ) 000'101. Comes now Ron Jewett dated November ;;¡c, 2007 who being sworn on Oath, according to Law, do hereby make the following statement of facts and affirm: 1. I am the sole owner of the real property described in exhibit --Â- of the "Hunter Addition" , do hereby request that the real property described in Exhibit A of the "'Hunter Addition" be vacated wm the Huett and Roberts Additions, located in the Town of Cokeville, Lincoln county Wyoming. a. The Legal description in Exhibit -L includes the following lots from the Huett Addition; Block 4 Lots: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 Block 11 Lots: 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12 BIoekl0 Lots: 5,6,7,8,9 b, The Legal description in Exhibit A also includes the .fuUowing lots from Roberts Addition; Block 2 Lots: 4,5, 6, 7, 8, And those portions of Lots:1, 2, 3, described in Exhibit A c. The Vacation also includes the streets within the boundaries of the legal description in Exhibit A of the " Hunter Addition". Witness my hand and official seal Date my commission eXPires~11 2. That said lots are herby vacated in accordance with Wyoming Statutes, 2005 as amended Section 34-12-106 3. That the County Clerk is instructed to write the word "vacated" across the area described Í!\ \ \ \ , IIII111I Exhibit A /" ,,"~~~.T.I!.91:Þ~""" '" ..' 0 T. "~ -:. ~ /~ "1"'P....~ ~ - ,,~ .- - . . - on Jewett = (/)~. 1l ~ -< j : -:. ,..\ ··.~IC : :: The foregoing instrument was subscribed an worn to before me by Ron Jewett, this$···...........·~· ,~ Day of November 2007. __ Ú '",?F ID~\\\\\\ CJI!~\\ Notary Public