HomeMy WebLinkAbout935183 RECEIVED 11/28/2007 at 10:24 AM RECEIVING # 935183 BOOK: 679 PAGE: 750 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK. KEMMERER, WY QUITCLAIM DEED 000750 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that WILLIAM BYRON TITENSOR and WILMA S. TITENSOR, TRUSTEES of the William Byron and Wilma S. Titensor Family Trust, dated the 22nd day of April, 1998, of Thayne, Lincoln County, Wyoming, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have hereby remised, released, and forever quitclaimed unto WILLIAM BYRON TITENSOR, TRUSTEE of THE WILLIAM BYRON TITENSOR LIVING REVOCABLE TRUST dated November 27,2007, and to his Successor Trustees and assigns forever, an undivided sixty percent (60%) interest, and unto WILMA S. TITENSOR, TRUSTEE of THE WILMA S. TITENSOR LIVING REVOCABLE TRUST dated November 27,2007, and to her Successor Trustees and assigns forever, an undivided forty percent (40%) interest, as tenants in common, all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand, as they may have or ought to have, in or to all the following described property, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to-wit: North Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 22; and the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 23, all in Township 34 North, Range 119 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Wyoming, containing 160 acres, more or less, according to the Government Survey. Subject to conveyance of right-of-way to East Side Canal Company by deed recorded in Book 22, Page 28; and subject to reservations in United States and State patents and to rights of the public in all highways. -¡ Excepting therefrom that property described in the Warranty Deed to Scott E. Hyde and Robyn L. Hyde that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on November 12, 1992 in Book 320 PR at Pages 258 and 259, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. ,,' l~ Also excepting therefrom that property described in the Warranty Deed to Terry Lynn Titensor and Pamela W. Titensor that was filed in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on June 18, 1993 in Book 330 PR at Pages 629 and 630, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Including and together with all and singular tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances, and improvements thereon or thereunto belonging. Subject to all covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, rights-of-way, and easements of sight and/or of record. WITNESS our hands this 27th day of November, 2007. 000751. »Id/~~~ WILLIAM BYR NT TENSOR, TRUSTEE of the William Byron and Wilma S. Titensor Family Trust, dated the 22nd day of April, 1998 ~Ä;)~ WILMA S. TITENSOR, TRUSTEE of the William Byron and Wilma S. Titensor Family Trust, dated the 22nd day of April, 1998 STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SSe COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) BEFORE ME, THE UNDERSIGNED, a Notary Public, in and for the State of Wyoming, personally appeared WILLIAM BYRON TITENSOR and WILMA S. TITENSOR, who acknowledged signing the foregoing instrument as Trustees of the WILLIAM BYRON AND WILMA S. TITENSOR FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST dated the 22nd day of April, 1998 pursuant to authority provided to them as Trustees of said Trust, on this, the 27th day of November, 2007. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal, the day and year in this certificate first above written. M. KEVIN VOYLES- NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF STATE OF LINCOLN WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY 16, 2011 My Commission expires: Þ7/ I' ¡,I j ~ ': I " :~~.' :.:.:/;::: 'y"::: ·~.I ~:'~:{: .:. :'~\it~;'::::':'r/£~: ':;f~~/~:" : '!;:'~r\~i~::~:~~~'~~::,;~:'~!,; ,:' .;¡:':: .: ,~' ~r'~ ,:.:.' ::.::...'. . .:J.I.:~\~:~..:I::~:{· ~.:I;:..~~~~:; ~:~:.~'~;~PJ.~ ' ~~~i" '. : ", ,:'I..~, .....' ":'~'~' '.~ . '.,:. f.., ,', ":' .'; ~,' . t",,~;. ~~.,. ......\ ~; " ~,I' ~ ~/"","' }'"~I .I.>f~~''~'~''' ~§" ""''';''''~:'r(-' .~,~',' :)\"'" {., ., " ..I. '" ," .;,. ..'i;...... ,.... 'A·,i',~."'''· .~~t~'·U:\ll"·" ~\ ':'.., '.' I:"; .''',' ~.-. . ,.'.,': .... ' '. I' , ,'. ,~., \ " I':. . .~, ',' ,'~' ,.. t~1 '.; I~I·I~:;, N, 1~'1:t·,....,,,II,, I~ ~.~~: :~A,o.J:'.'¡;,iJ'·~: 'i~':"':\:' ",..':~, .,':r,''.. ~:i.' 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Box 834, Thay e, WY 83127, the following described real estate, situate! In Lincoln County, and tåtè of Wyoming, hereby releasing and ,'waiving all rights ,under and by virtue of the homestead exemptIon laws of the Staté, to-wIt: That part 01 the NE1/4. SW1/4 of Section 23. T34N, R119W, partIY'WlthI1' the Incorporated IImltsoLth!!Town of, Thayne" Lincoln County Wyoming,' being Pflrt of that tract of record ,In the Office of the lIncOI County Clerk In Book 27 of Deeds, page, 493, as more partlcularl déscribed ,on the· attached Description executed by Marlowe A~ Scherbel.and dated October'26" 1992. ! , WiliNESS our'hands as?f this 22i1d day of Octo~er, 1992. STATEO~WYOMING ss,. COUNTY bF LINCOLN The foregoing WarrantY Deed was,aoknowledaed before,me by W. Byr n'Tltensor and Wilm S. Tltensor"husband and wife, this ::)M day of ' ,1992., a!. T ny I.. Marlc. """¡"", NolQlV pubno I CoUlltv 01 f:.' "J SlalO 01' Unco1n "~ WyomlrIQ V Co:"nm....lorl E)cpl... 27. JIi"uarv , ggO ' '\.:> My commission expires: ,,,..,-_.... . ¡ , ;··1,-,-, 11/26/2667 63:36 1367877311''' LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK PAGE 63/63 ,.... . ~.: kS9 D1!ISœn'l'ION . :.:' ..,:. ,:..' .' ~ ~", : ,: t, , . !-'.:'-'.;' I.,' , POR SCO'l''l' S. AßJ) Roéril L. JlYDE FROH Bnoll 'l':tTDSOR TRACT A To-wit:-- 0007 3 That part of the NE3;c,sw3;c of section 23', T34N, R119W, partly with!n the inoorporated limits of the Town of Thayne, Lincoln county, wyoming; being pa~t of that tract of reoord in the Office of the Clerk , of Lincoln county in Book 27 of aeds on page 493, d.s~ribed as follows:. i BEGIlINI1fG at a poiQton th~ north line of said E3;csw~, 'NB9010~2Iw,the base bearinq:for this survey, 466.51 f et from the PNS"northeast corner of said NÉJ;;SW~, found as desc ibed in the certified'Land'Corner Recordation certificate f~led in t::::eO::~:~nUing NBso-10.2IW, 233.16 feet, along saJd north line, to a point; l thence N01002.4~E, 41.65 feet, along, said fence, to OF BEGINNING;" t north thence SOoo-49.8IW, 142.14 feet, perpendioular line, to a ~oint; thence N87°-56.8'E, 146~74 feet to a point; thence, NOlo-25.3'W, 90.10 feet, along an existing point; thenoe' N88~-52.2'IE, 90.05f'èet, along said fence, to a POIN't ',f' ' ENCOMPASSING an area of 0.55 acres, more o~ less; . " I ';~I: SUBJECT to easements of sight'and of,re~~~d; . '. . " .," . . . ~'L '; . ,t' 'r" . ! each I\point~~¡niarkêd by a 'S/8" x;,24": steèl.reinforoing r a 2" aluminum ,.cap: inscribed."SURVEYOR SCHERB.EL,· LTD. :eX WYO. PLS ,:~3,~~I~l":; . ~. I . . '," I all in aòcordance with the plat prepared tto be filed Offioe.of the\Clerk ,of Linooln county:titled t~SCOTT ROBYN L.· ¡'IYDE,\.NE!¡SW~ SECTION' 23 T34N -:R119W PARTLY WI TOWN OF 'l'}tA~NE \, ~ !IJ '11 UNTY, WYOMING", Cl.ated 16 Octobe o A' . , ',I. " the &..n..IJ.,,~1 ~ ,. .... . .. ' I ,'.,. $8.00 " . ìiJiþol'lCGÞ" . ; :'Ju,n. .18...1'~9J.. ... _, 4~ ,M. H!OoKl:i~~9P."..rl'.£:G29:r.\·'.':.I'~ . WYO. No..~7.G6. ~"'" ..r!.I~.1.'1G1'IC.W'~: C!.mx WARRANTY DEED Q00754 BYRON TJTENSOR, aka W. DYRON TlTENSOR AND WILMA S. TtTENSO . Husband and WICe 6Z9 ¡ran tors of Lincoln County, Slate of Wyoming, for consideration of Ten and 00/100', ($1 .00) and OÚler good Ilßd valuable consideration In hand, receipt whereof Is hereby acknowl ged CONVEY AND WARRANT TO , TERRY LYNN TITENSOR AND PAMItLA W. Tn'ENSOR, , Hnsband and Wife ns 1'Ollanls by tbe Entireties grantees, whose address Is P.O. BOJl 244, Thayne, WY 83127 the followin¡ described real estate, situate In Lincoln aounty and State of Wyoming, h by releasing and waiving aU rights under and by virlue of the homes~d exemption taws of 1I1 state ' to wit: See attached Exhibit A. for Legl\l Description: WItNESS our hands lids .L:Z day ,of lune, 1993: , ., sor Wl1ma S. Ti nsor Stale of Wyoming County of Itit1~oln . t' I', ", '.. The foregoing Uistrument was acknowledged berOre me by, Byron Tilensor and I1ma S. TiLensor this -LZ- day of June, 1993. Witness my hand Ilßd official seal. e} C.I),~,r.r!. m:,ræ mr(1}m: . 1.", ,:~ n'l t ( ;:\~~, PI.'. I~) -I~:"I" I,'; ':'Þ\'~li"j , '\"" t' ""1 ''''I'~'' '''''''l':n' . '1Jdìl O"fo,~í;~'~ ¡¡~ií~; ~íy II, \1ei1S My Commission Expires: Notary ubllc . I \ ¡~ 11/1~/~~~1 ~1:4~ l;; ~ {I:J {{;; lYl" LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK PAGE 03/05 \: I' ' .0', !. øqJJ~,S'S . '. ! II. ...... . "'~." ,,' 'Jb:hibi t P....." 1 ' '" 'Leqal Description , ,... .' . Terry ~ynn Titensor Part of SW~ of section 23, T34N R119W of ~ha 6th P.M., Lineal County, Wyoming described as follows: ~I Beginning at a point on the West right of way of U.s. Highway 89 which is S 26°10' 1'1, 36.S teet from the Northeast corner NE~SW of said Seotion 23; thence N 90·0' 1'1, 220.0 feet; the~oe S 3°54' 1'1, 153.5 feet; ,thence S 90°0' E, ~75.0 feet; thence N 15°35' 1'1, 159.3 feet along the WeISt 'Highway 89 to the point of beginning. , . l/~~~.I . '. ~ '.;:':~:' ~. ' . .¡/ ",:i't, "..... . ~1 '___.,. "'l¥,~,,,,, . ' , " ~~ .-: , . . ". I ',630 . . '. "~ .,'. '. , " .':\1 " right 'of way of' U.S. I LESS AND EXCEPT land described in Deed to East Side Cana.l compl:IßY recorded February 25, 1939 in Book 24 on page 28. TOGETHER with acoess road described as follows: Beljlinning 26 f..t West of the' Northeast corner of NE~ section 23 and running thance N 90DO' 1'1, 211 feet; , thence S 3°54' 1'1, 33.1 feet1 thence S 90°0' E, 220 feet; thence N 15D35' 1'1, 34.2 teet to the point of SW~ of sdd beginning. . ,':~,:.. .~j , I , ' 'I'" " .......1. '~.' , .,* ..~ I' . I , . . .' , .. .' . ","-. '1,· ....., ." , ,.' .,", " ,I , I I I I I I i i ,+.'" , I