HomeMy WebLinkAbout935185 RECEIVED 11/28/2007 at 10:36 AM RECEIVING # 935185 BOOK: 679 PAGE: 757 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP THE STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. ) O()0757 COUNTY OF UINTA J. REED BROWN being first duly sworn upon his oath, deposes and states as follows: 1. On the 12th day of May, 2003, my wife, JOYCE R. BROWN, a/k/a JOYCE BROWN, a/k/a JOICE BROWN, passed away, as is evidenced by the official certificate of death attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. At the time of her death my wife jointly owned certain real property with me, said real property being located in the ( County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, and more particularly described as follows: ~ Beginning at a point Ten (10) rods North of the Southeast corner of Lot Four (4) in Block Fourteen (14) of the Afton Townsite and running thence West Eight (8) rods; thence North Seven (7) rods, Four (4) feet, One and One- half inches (1~"); thence East Eight (8) rods; thence South Seven (7) rods, Four (4) feet, One and One-half inches (1~") to the place of beginning. /7- -'l" J (¡ ¡ ¡ Said real property was originally conveyed to J. REED BROWN and JOYCE R. BROWN, husband and wife, by Warranty Deed dated May 28, 1970, and recorded in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds on September 30, 1970, in Book 91PR at Page 453. 000758 3. At the time of her death my wife jointly owned certain other real property with me, said real property being located in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, and more particularly described as follows: SE~NW~, E~SW~, SW~SW~ and SW~NW~, Section 34, Township 32 North Range 119 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Wyoming. Said real property was originally conveyed to J. REED BROWN and JOYCE BROWN, husband and wife, by Warranty Deed dated August 20, 1963, and recorded in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds on August 30, 1963, in Book 62PR at Page 315. 4. At the time of her death my wife jointly owned certain other real property with me, said real property being located in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, and more particularly described as follows: SW~NW~, Section 34, Township 32 North Range 119 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Wyoming. Said real property was originally conveyed to J. REED BROWN and JOICE BROWN, husband and wife, by Warranty Deed dated September 27, 1971, and recorded in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds on September 30, 1963, in Book 95PR at Page 425. 2 000759 5. By reason of my wife's death, I am entitled to sole ownership of the above-mentioned real property. DATED thl' S :1! ¡t..-day of f -'< ¿p 1)/'6 .I ¡ 8.?"[ ,/') -~f- I , 2007. ¡J tfb-J 0>u7</Y1_ J. /!EED BROWN SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to f)þ' frJ day of Me) l ¡ -t?v'Yl b..ev and acknowledged before me this , 2007, by J. REED BROWN. WITNESS my hand and official seal. M" co.mmis~ion.EXP. ires: '\f'-0_\f:J) pIli D l I " . ^:.I:. \! " \. I' ~. JJll-l'l L\ LUÇÂJ\'j-ûLt ì Notary Public ,.' -',·~~~ ,.-A:<I:_~",....ø:"V"'\.;I"~.\..~~ HEATHER WARREN County of Lincoln NOTARY PUBLIC " State 01 Wyoming My Commission Expire3 December 15, 2010 ~~~~ø~~~t...;.\13:,.;'j"<àf'Vf~ 3 . .....0000_ nn__nn............ .__................ ....-........-................. . ..nnn.nn__n_nnnn.........___......__......n........_....__....__....n........ .._ .......... AcDu IDlnIonnttdonon It* tNm IIImIIId under ,he.......... Ad '- 7 """..... LOCAL FILE NUMBER - 1. NAME OF DECEDENT FIRST STATE OF UTAH - DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 8'5" CERTIFICATE OF DEATH 000760 LAST STATE FILE NUMBER 3o,DATEOF DEATH (Mo"Day. V,) 3b,TlMEOFDEATHt.....'*"'1 MIDDlE Joyce 4, DATE OF BIRTH I...., Doy, "'J 1B39 1,SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER Afton W omin _ Bb. NAME OF HOSPITAl, NURSING HOME OR OTHER FACILrTY (If out.1de . far:illty, give ./raala_.. of_lion) Dixie Regional Medical Center e. SURVMNG SPOUSE(' wIf..gIve maiden "11m') St. George Washington J. Reed Brown 10. ~R~~~~Em 1,. MARITAL STATUS 12.. =~~rJ~~ g;,Cg:~~~~"\~":I:.':::).,_ dOl1ll 12b, KIND OF BUSINESS OR 'NDUSTRV ARMED FORCES? 0 1, Neve, MBrried 0 3, WldowBd 0'. V"1K!2. No ŒJ2. Merried 04, DIvorced 130, RESIDENCE - STR ET AND NUMBER Education 30. COUNTY 13d. STATE 356 Monroe 13.. INSIDE CITY 13/. ZIP CODE LIMITS? 00 ,. V.. 02,NO Afton 14':~,D~~~NT OF HISPANIC OR/GIN? 0 ,. v.. E9 ,2. No O',Mo_n 0 2.Cubo" o 3. Puerto Rlcen 0 4. Other (Specify' Lincoln 15, RACE· Black, Whllo. Am, Indian (1r1Þe may be entered). J.pan..o, .Ie. (SpocII'¡) Wy 18. EDUCATIONI_"",_.. -__ _ryor Socondory(1).12) CoIIogo(13-18 or 17+) 83110 White 18. MAIDEN NAME OF MOTHER (Flnl, _. LaJl) Nellie Theodosia Llo d 16 PARENTS 11. FATHER'S NAME (FIrJ/. _.. L..t) Samuel ROberts, Jr. 18. NAME, RELATIONSHIP AND MAILING ADDRESS OF INFORMANT ~ ~~~5ìF·~ ~Pö'S?nON . Jt,- 21~1>À~E OF eisp<>srriõN 21b. PLACE OF DISPOSITION (nJIM of cemetery, 21c. LOCATION. City or Town, SIIiIe cnmatory, ør oth.,. place) INFORMANT 01. Entombmonl 0 2. Donollon 0 3, Other o 5, CtemllIIon 0 8, RllmOVol 2003 Afton City 3, LICENSEE NUMBER 112551 Cemetery Afton, WY 83110 2., FUNERAL HOME (Name and address) Spilsbury & Beard Mortuary 110 South Bluff St. St. George, UT 84770 _toln,_ I Solwoen Onset And Dooth. I 05, NON·USER 33.. WAS AN AUTOPSY 33b. WERE ALlTOPSV PERFORMED? FINDINQS AVAILABlE PRIOR TO COMPLETION Of CAUSE OF DEA1It7 o e. UNKNOWN IF USER 01.V.. ŒJ2,No o 1. V.. o 2. No !!II. N...... 0 a, _onl o 3.Sufdd8 0 4.Ifomlcldo o 5. ~~~::r'"od 0 e. ~~~:'1Ion 35g, DESCRIBE HOW INJURV OCCURRED(O_ Nquenco 0_ ="Il:' dr'W~~ p8~':'" or pe~.ltrlBn, woo I J V . .nlef8d m . This ist(;~~rtify that this is a true copy of the certificate on file in this .office. This certified copy is issued under authority of section 26-2-22 of the Utah Code Annotated, 1953 As Amended. ~:sYh1~g~~~ B~.t ~ ~;2~~9~ MmiÍlII{m~I¡~f~elf * 0 1 2 1 3 1 ~~ RECORDS By ~ L-. -/-----\ >