HomeMy WebLinkAbout935214 When Recorded Return To: Academy Mortgage Corporation Attn: Final Docs 4055 South 700 East Suite 200 Salt Lake City, Utah 84107 Loan Number: 2061020081 M~#: 100060800000251023 RECEIVED 11/29/2007 at 11 :41 AM RECEIVING # 935214 BOOK: 679 PAGE: 868 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 000868 ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE For Value Received, the undersigned holder ofa Mortgage (herein "Assignor") whose address is 4055 South 700 East Suite 200, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111, does hereby grant, sell, assign, transfer and convey unto Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. ("MERs"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the United States (herein "Assignee"), whose address is 1595 Spring Hill Road, Suite 310, Vienna, VA 22182 a certain Mortgage dated July 14,2006, made and executed by Clark K. Price and Lila Irene Price, husband and wife, Mortgagor, to and in favor of Bank of Star Valley, upon the following described property situated in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming: That part of Section 30, T33N, R118W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming described on Exhibit A prepared by Marlower A. Scherbel labeled "Valoy S. Porter, Parcel A-I" dated July 6, 2000 "".l} "ð .. such Mortgage having been given to secure payment of $144,000.00 (original principal amount) which Mortgage is of record in Book, Volume or Liber No. 627 at Page(s) 52 recorded on July 21,2006, as Instrument/Document No 920451 of Official Records of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, together with note or notes therein described or referred to, the money due and to become due thereon, with interest, and all rights accrued or to accrue under said Mortgage. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same unto Assignee, its successor and assigns, forever, subject only to the terms and conditions of the above-described Mortgage. ~ WITNESS WHERE0J¡ the undersigned Assignor has executed this Assignment of Mortgage on ~(,\t)btr \~ 20u i . Academy Mortgage Corporation A uarporation . (~ By caro~ It's Administrative Vice President 1 State of Utah County of Salt Lake ) ) 000869 On 9 2Q personally appeared before me Carolyn Herbert who being by me duly sworn, did say that she is the Administrative Vice President of Academy Mortgage Corporation, and that the foregoing instrument was signed in behalf of said corporation by authority of a resolution of its Board of Directors, and said Carolyn Herbert acknowledged to me that said corporation executed the same. (~~~ Notary .' . , MYCOmmiS~~\ Residing in: ' . 2 ............ ~... ........ ....-...,." '--.. '... 111""'_._ .... .....111..... --...- _,- ......_ IN, IIIA""-\" -.. =. .-- .... EXH1ßJT CIA" ....~~....,~ p.'''''''''''r """.~.......--. ...----. ...,..~'W""if~ VALOY S. PORTER·' '..1.," ...,',~ '1. ,- .."~ /= '".~~oI-~,'C').7(I';))~"'~'¥"'.i:.I~'~"""'''''''1 " ..: ,..,.. r 't, .. .. .. .. I'A.RC~L A-I To-wIt -. Tlult part of th~ NWV.SEY. M<I 111111 port DC tho SW~SE\4 of Section 3D, TJ3N, 1t1l8W, tmcoln ColU1ly, Wyomlng, 118mB pari orthat trlU:t ofrtCOrd In t\le Offic~ oflhe Clcrk oC Llllcoln County ¡nDook. 72 orrhotostlbc Records On page-l B1, dncn\)ed IS f'Dllows BEG INNING at the 'Olll~t ~mer or saId NWI-ISBV., th~nce NOO··ZI'·OG" W, 42921 feel, lI!C1nS the ePlt lone oC5IIId N"!,,IoISB\4, to the eOlluly mOil loutheast point oC that IIBcl of rccord In said Olliee Iß Book 419 of PhOlostallc Recol1!l on pale BO, . thence cOdrsm¡¡thc soulherly hne of laid Ifact lIS follows N81 0·35 '-32" W. ]9\ 97 feet to ~ pOInI, S280-02·-OO"W..517 39 feet to II point on Ihe soulh I~n~ ofsald NW~SEY., thenc!; S39°·30·-53" t. 212 8,.5 fee~_lo a pOint, ihence N700-U'·5S"E, 296"36 feet 10 a point under the Wdf nghl-of.\\8)' fence (If the Orover Narrows Counly Road No, ]~-130, thoneo N88°-02'-II"1?. 21 à4 (oello a PQ1nton the e..s¡ hne oruld SWV.SE't., thenoeNOO'-2\ '·06"W. 62 49 foet to ¡he CORÑ&R OF BEGINNING. the BASE BEARING (or tills Jurvey IS the clISllme oCtile WI12SBI/4 ofScclion 3D, T33N, R1IBW, bc!mg NOoo-21''()6''W. - SUBJECT 10 an nsemonl (or'the Grov.u NDtrows County R.oad No 12-130 oaeh "comer" found IS dcscrrbod In the Cornu Record liI.d In tho Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; oaeh "pOI~I" morJçod by 0 5/B" X 24" stee! reinforelllg rod with a 2" aluminum cap Inscribed. "SURV¡:YOR.- SCHE1WEL LID AFTON WY I'LS 5368", found Dr kt with appropriate details: 011 In pccordonee wllh tho plat prepared to 118 iiled In the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln Count)' lIlIad, '''PLAT "10 ACCOMPANY PARCEL PI VISION APPLICATION FOR r ARCEL A-I AND PARCEL A-2 FOR V ALOY S. POR.TER WITffiN THB S!UBCIION 30 T33N RIIBW LINCOLN COUNTY, \VYOMlNO", daled S May 2000 and rcvL,cd 22 ~""'20" ¿. " j;; .. 6 uly2000 ,G. ~ "Modll!eallollln any way oll~. 10'090109 d..e,Jplllln lormlnalos IIObllky or tho sUtV8YOl' 91H mmo d m-l 9819-£E1-lO£ ~uedlllOJ 11111 puel-l'IO~~ 3 .. £E,tl 90-ZI-1n( 000870