HomeMy WebLinkAbout935248 RECORDATION REQUESTED BY: BANK OF IDAHO Channing Branch 1800 Channing Way PO Box 1487 Idaho Falls, ID 83404 . _n.JiHESY RECORDING !1is document is being recorded iJiely as a courtesy and :ccommodation to the parties therein. Land Title Co. Hereby expressly disclaims any responsibility or liability for the accuracy content thereof. ".tkMAN fänd lìtle _C9mpan:v SINCE 1904 WHEN RECORDED MAil TO: BANK OF IDAHO Channing Branch 1800 Channing Way PO Box 1487 Idaho Falls, ID 83404 SEND TAX NOTICES TO: AlPEN HAUS INVESTMENTS II, ltC PO BOX 51535 IDAHO FAllS. ID 83405 RECEIVED 11/30/2007 at 9:36 AM RECEIVING # 935248 BOOK: 680 PAGE: 22 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 000022 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE IS FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY MODifiCATION OF MORTGAGE 1~~~~~~~~~~~~II~~~I~~~I~m~~~~~~~I~~ THIS MODIFICATION OF MORTGAGE dated November 26, 2007, is made and executed between ALPEN HAUS INVESTMENTS II, llC, a Wyoming Limited Liability Company (referred to below as "Grantor") and BANK OF IDAHO, whose address is 1800 Channing Way, PO Box 1487, Idaho Falls, ID 83404 (referred to below as "lender"). MORTGAGE. lender and Grantor have entered into a Mortgage dated October 27,2004 (the "Mortgage") which has been recorded in LINCOLN County, State of Wyoming, as follows: Boo I::.. 5-11 l+),().,:~. <~.. /,;:; Recorded 11/1/04 as Instrument #904225 in the records of Lincoln County WY. REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION. The Mortgage covers the following described real property located in LINCOLN County, State of Wyoming: See" A", which is attached to this Modification and made a part of this Modification as if fully set forth herein. The Real Property or its address is commonly known as 52 HIGHWAY 26, ALPINE, WY 83118. MODIFICATION. lender and Grantor hereby modify the Mortgage as follows: Maturity date is hereby amended to be 11/27/2010. CONTINUING VALIDITY. Except as expressly modified above, the terms of the original Mortgage shall remain unchanged and in full force and effect and are legally valid, binding, and enforceable in accordance with their respective terms. Consent by Lender to this Modification does not waive Lender's right to require strict performance of the Mortgage as changed above nor obligate lender to make any future modifications. Nothing in this Modification shall constitute a satisfaction of the promissory note or other credit agreement secured by the Mortgage (the "Note"). It is the intention of lender to retain as liable all parties to the Mortgage and all parties, makers and endorsers to the Note, including accommodation parties, unless a party is expressly released by Lender in writing. Any maker or endorser, including accommodation makers, shall not be released by virtue of this Modification. If any person who signed the original Mortgage does not sign this Modification, then all persons signing below acknowledge that this Modification is given conditionally, based on the representation to Lender that the non-signing person consents to the changes and r . ions of this Modification or otherwise will not be released by it. This waiver applies not only to any initial extension or modificatio, t also to a such subsequent actions. E G REA All THE ROVISIONS OF THIS MODIFICATION OF MORTGAGE AND GRANTOR AGREES TO ITS N OF MORT GE IS DAT D NOVEMBER 26, 2007. BANK OF IDAHO X Authorized Signer 11~~~~~~~~~~~II~~~m~~I~~~II~~~~I~~~ loan No: 25518997 MODIFICATION OF MORTGAGE (Continued) Page 2 LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF ~~QC ) \ \ _ ) SS COUNTY OF _~__ :'AfuJ..MJ..._ ) On this ~ ~ day of ';t1.r\'\.u.m ~\ , 20 -Ú-, before me, the undersigned Notary Public, personally appeared lAUR NCE B. REINHART, Member f AlPEN HAUS INVESTMENTS II. llC, and known to me to be a member or designated agent of the limited liability company that executed the Modification of Mortgage and acknowledged the Modification to be the free and voluntary act and deed of the limited liability company, by authority of statute, it!\,''!Il'~~~¡¡/kA>tIJì!)1anization or its operating agreement, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned, nd on oath stated that he or she is authp,Fi~~: 'f\IYt&ecutë'l4J,js Modification and in fact executed the Modification on behalf of the limited liabilit company. 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V.r. Copr. Hlrllnd Flnanel" SolutIOn!. Inc. 1997,2007. AM Right. R,..ved. . WVflQ H:\HAALAND\CFI\LPL\020'.FC TA-3374 PA-3 .: 1 . ',.~ . CZOOOO --......A..~ r ~@,ZbguÌl ! r¡g'uqJJfJG; , ,.tr\ ·,f'·Iï' . ........ ..~. . ~. . ...". . DBIBIT 'A' LEGAL DESCBIPTIoø 000024 Begjnni11g at the Southeasterly c;omer allot I of AJpeadorfSubcHviåiØa. p~ 1 recorded as·ÏDstrumeDt 1700391 LiDcoIn County, Wyoming said point beiuø N6t48'38"W ~O.ll tèet tram the South U4 Comer of Section 20, Township 37 Non&, !Wage 118 W- oftIH. 6TH P ..M., and runmng thence NIso18'57"W 12.50 feet; thence N74OJ2'36I1E 8.71 feiet; thence NIS~7'24ItW 23.81 feet; thenco S740:32'36"W 8.65 feet; tbenceNlSol8'57"W I9.5~ feet; thence S.740S1'28"W 31.57 feet; tbeuœ Nlso08'32"W J2.88 feet; thence S74°S1'28"W 31.~O feet; thence S1500Sf]2"E 12.88 feet; thence S74°5]'28"W 32.421èc:t; tbenœ SlS~OO4"E '19.S3 feet; thence S74OJ9'S6t1W 8.80 feet; thence SIS~O'04"E 23.S1.feet; thentij N74OJS;56"E 8.80 feet; tbeoce S]S"20'04"E 12.52 feet; thence N74°S0'S4"E 95,86 feet to tbe!Point OÎ:BqV""i~ . '