HomeMy WebLinkAbout935253 " U L. J. '" \I , L . J U I III AU, V I I I. ( , ., I 000039 'I ,j/ The parties to this agreement, James Crandall, Blaine Brown, Edwin Brown, hereinafter referred to as Crown Ranch, and Trout UnJiØlited Property 8Dagemcnt, LLC and Mark Weston own adjoining properties located in the south o-half of Secûon 21, Township 33~ Range 119 West, and in the southwest one-quarter 0 Sedion 22, Township 33~ Range 119 West. TOlD's Creek meanders through era Ranch and the properties owned by Trout Un1iuúted Property Management, Ltc and ic Weston. The parties to this agreement recognize IUld acknowledge that between their properties docs not acœrately follow the 1rUe property J' 8. The Trout Unlimited Property Management, LLC and Weston property Jines 80tu extend south olTom's Creek at the southwest comer of Section 22. and the Crown. ah property 1iDe aoIu811y cxtmds IIIII1h of Tom's Cmek in the BOuIhesst ~ fSeclion 21. The parties dcsite to maintain ownership oftllo property pursuJ to the existing Deeds, and the 1rue property lines. They aJso want to maintain the pres t fence line and the present loaatÍon of the dirt road which the Parties believe will work or the mutual convenience of I14id parties. 1'/ Therefore. Crown Ranch hereby grants to Trout Unlimited Pro LLC and Mark Wcstoo. and their 81JCCe1S01'8 in into.œs~ an easement portion of the dirt road which paraI1cJa TOtD'ø Creek for the pwpose of and œoreation, as weD as the right to improve said road to allow in Weston toaicleoce to be built in Tom'ø Canyon. The boundaries of this deøoribed in &hi.bit "A" attached hereto which is BmCllded by this more than 30 feet wide. Management, d over that s, egress egress to the tare cnt to be no In return, Trout Unlimited Property Manaaement, LLC and grant to CroWD Ranch, its owners and auaceøsors, an easement on and 0 of tile dirt road that runs through the Trout Unlimited Property Manag Weston properties. aton hereby that portion t, LLC and Additionally, Trout Unlimited Property Management, LLC and easement to Crown Ranch, i18 owners and BUcceuors, 111 easement over tho dirt road and ATV trail that lead to the Worten property to the weat Unlimited Property Management, UClWcston properties, to the Nati north and west of the Trout UnUmited ~ M8IJ8IemeJ1t, LLCIW dC80ribed in Exhibit .'BIt attached hereto, and to the road that leads to ton grant an ole portions of the Trout Forest to the properties, as I :way 238. RECEIVED 11/30/2007 at 10:27 AM RECEIVING # 935253 BOOK: 680 PAGE: 39 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY -1- Dated: I I I I 000040 t The parties also grant each other the right to build and maintJ onds on and along Tom's Creek on each other's property. I It is expJioitly agreed that the use of the easements granted aboJ( shall not constitute open, adverse, and or notorious possession of said property l quali.ty for adverse possession, or to result in the creation of a prescriptive cascm t. The parties agree that neither they nor their successors or assigns will attempt to c te a prescriptive casement or any other right under the doctrine of adverse possession, I Executed this 3rd day of July, 2007, in the town of Afton, Cound. of Lincoln, State of Wyoming. 1 I I Dated: 7- ~- 0) ! ! BROOK SESSION.S 'NOTARY PUBLIC County of State of Lincoln, Wyoming My Commission Expires D mber 4, 00 BLAINE BROWN/Owner Crown Ranch ;/! DanSohw Managem BROOK SESSIONS.NOTAfiY PUIIlIC County of , Slate ., Liflcoln, Wyoming My C m4l.,on Expire. December 4, 3007 BROOK SESSIONS., NOTA, RY PUBLIC County of State of '1 Uncoln , ,Wyormng lilY Commission Ex res December 4, 2007 Dated: 7 - ~... ; I BROOK SESSIONS., NOTARY PUBLIC Ã'I... A I County of State of ~ I "0"," _ 1 ' ~ My Commission Expires December 4, 2007 MARK WEST~~ I I ! I I i I I I j I I S CRANDALUOwner Crown Ranch ated: 1/3/07 /):l~~ EDWIN BROWN(Owner Crown Rãnch -2- MUTUAL EASEMENTS 00004:1 The parties also grant each other the right to build and maintain ponds on and along Tom's Creek on each other's property. It is explicitly agreed that the use of the easements granted above shall not constitute open, adverse, and or notorious possession of said property to qualify for adverse possession, or to result in the creation of a prescriptive easement. The parties agree that neither they nor their successors or assigns will attempt to create a prescriptive easement or any other right under the doctrine of adverse possession. Executed this 3rd day of July, 2007, in the town of Afton, County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming. Dated: Dated: BLAINE BROWN/Owner Crown Ranch Dan Schwab/Dan Trout Unlimited Property Management, LLC Dated: Dated: JAMES CRANDALL/Owner Crown Ranch MARK WESTON Dated: '7/3/ D 7 /'i ~~---~ EDWIN BROWN/Owner Crown Ranch BROOK SESSIONS." NOTAI'tY PUBLIC County of, State gf Lincoln ' ' . Wyoming My Commission EKplfeS December 07 . (}Y~- State or\lJL~)'\A :¡VL[~ Countyof~ 000042 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, by Blaine Brown, Dan Schwab, James C~dall, Mark Weston and Edwin Brown This ~ day oQ;.J,t t ,20..Q!l Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission expires ~ BROOK seSSIONI)S , NOTMY PUBLIC Countv of Slate of Lincoln WYomi1g My Cemmlsslon ExpIres December 4, 2007 dL EXHffiIT "A" INGRESSÆGRESS AND UTILITY EASEMENT 000043 This exhibit describes the centerline of a 60 foot wide easement, 30 feet wide through the SEl/4 of the SEl/4 of Section 21 (the Crown Ranch property), for IngressÆgress and utilities for the benefit of Crown Ranch, Trout Unlimited Property Management, LLC and Mark Weston. This easement is for the sole benefit of properties owned by the above mentioned parties as located in Sections 21 & 22 in T33N, R119W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming. Beginning at a point 30.00 Feet NOo025'02"E along the center section line from the South Quarter Comer of Section 22, marked by a 1986 Paul N. Scherbel RLS 164 BLM type pipe and cap, running thence along the centerline of said easement; N79°53' 17"W, 105.54 Feet, thence; N69° 18'38"W, 205.63 Feet, thence; N63°58'22"W, 238.89 Feet, thence; S59°51'43"W, 310.44 Feet, thence; S79°39'51"W, 97.71 Feet, thence; N89°05'17"W, 203.91 Feet, thence; S87°01 '22"W, 210.73 Feet, thence; N68°43'44"W, 201.71 Feet, thence; N53°24'35"W, 312.64 Feet, thence; N58°28'52"W, 152.64 Feet, thence; N70027'26"W, 84.59 Feet, thence; S8001O'29"W, 116.67 Feet, thence; N75°15'49"W, 74.18 Feet, thence; N51 °20'41"W, 328.33 Feet, thence; N59°08'01"W, 188.15 Feet, thence; N48°23'45"W, 352.0 Feet, thence; N61 °40'50"W, 360.98 Feet, thence; N35°34'17"W, 107.02 Feet, thence; N61 °50'36"W, 206.08 Feet, thence; N77°19'36''W, 106.89 Feet, thence; N70049'30"W, 231.25 Feet, thence; N88°56'22"W, 189.02 Feet, thence; S55°47' 19"W, 44.28 Feet, thence; S46°12'20"W, 43.51 Feet, thence; S74°24'09"W, 208.0 Feet, thence; N87°09'00"W, 93.95 Feet; thence; N70036'50''W, 490.26 Feet, thence; S84°35'47"W, 232.66 Feet, thence; N64°25'49"W, 120.02 Feet, thence; N26°23'42"W, 70.69 Feet, thence; N32°57'36"E, 59.01 Feet, thence; N47°27'OO"W, 47.91 Feet, thence; NOoo09'46"E, 41.76 Feet, thence; N20056'17"E, 47.21 Feet, thence; N35°16'14''E, 66.72 Feet, thence; N54°03'54"E, 82.07 Feet to the north line of the Mark Weston parcel / ¡ --- -- ---" t".II:I(4 I U.&1'ORI'8I' ACCISS EASEMENT 000044 '11dt 10 tbot wide eIICIDCI1t is lOt ICOIIIIO the U.S. FOØIt alo.n¡lbe afs MIfcrIiaI ÏI deal... beIow_ the..... ottbe Jim CmØJU, ecat SeDdoa 28, T33N, RtJ9W, 6" P.M.. Liaaola County, WyomiDa. This IIIow ICOIIII bJ fbot, Jaone or ATV."''' 1M Natioall Foøat. BBOJNN.INO AT A POINT 1327.10.. NadIa.... 960.40 filet Wost ~ibe South_ o..rtv SIOIioø 22 mIIfad by a 1916.... N. s.rbel RtSl64 0Ip ~ 1bIaDo: TI .- --,.. I N70'49'3O"W 1'1.61 fbeI; thIaco N8I'5G'22"W 190.71 téet; ..... SS ÿ. 7'19"W 1',72 _ tbIDae 848'24·"3"W 66.6! feat; ..... S74-.z4'0!I"W 209. . dJeaco I N81'09'OO"W 93.95 fecI;.... ~52"W 171.93 ~ tJacøo N '2rw' 3JIJ4 felt; tbeaoo SI4-'S'41''W 232.66 feet; .... N64'25'49"W 1 feet; __ N2fr2!'GiiW 70.69 _... ~5r36"B 59.01 fait; __ N4S05 1"\V 44.2J teet;.....N02'2i·'J"W 4$.121M1t;_~6'17"B 47.21 feD&; : N"-1Cí'14"B ".12 filet; ihae N55'3'5n 6U6 feet; thoIa Nm7 9"B 165.21- 1M; theaøe N4'-'71O"B 71.'. AII;.... N25....'2O"B 40.49 flit; :. MJSOI0'3ð"B 211.70 filet¡ - N06"45'OO"W 120.19 flat; tbeDcc HI 1 '24"W 86.45 føt; ... JQfl48'31"W 123.11 feet¡ tbaaee NW42't9''W 1M felt; tbeaoe to"'f'03"'W U7.GO-_..... N33-s2'59"W lU.04 Aet; tbeaøc N W 34.JI feet; ... N36"40'3'1"B 47.61 6et; theace NG"Sl'03"B 21.70 , tbIDoe N7'-'I'UÞ"B 116.0$ act; __ N~'33"B 76.11 Aet; thaIœ N4 " 51.96 feet; .... Nl"4O'4Ì".8 33.27 foot; tb&IIeo N03o,z'JI45"B 213.09 filii; I NOI'33'02"Ø 50.12 ~... N31'32"" 29.05 Cell; ...... NW21 : 22.73 . feel; that 83,.43'25"8 .-'7 l1li; .. 8S2'2I'11"B 63.63 ft:ct; . S41·1'·~6''B 62.95 tèDt; ...... SG'16'~7"8 10.19 &It; ... S56'2I Iß 63.47 ~ - theace 879'00'24"8 65." feet; tJaeaaeN7(tl10'31"B 41.'13 ... N39'14'4O"J! 64.fiOtbDI¡.....N0'J033'55"W 3'.24re.t;tbaaco . 7"W'19.06 tilt; 1beaca N33'01'SSØW' S6.4G feet; _ Nl9'24'59"W 142.48 feat; N3~' J9"W 82.27 feet: tbaIae N24-03'10"W 111.53 feat; llBaco 125.631èet; 1heace N33143f51''W 74.25 &at;... N14'44'34"W 14'., Ntf'12'58"W 94.20 tete; tåmae N22'3"45"W 216.50 tìIeI; ... N3t J 11.41 a.; th... N14°10'WW '4.01 feet; dIeaoe N06"04'45"E JlO.S _. HI J052'03''8 92.72 1at;1heaeo N3.5°.f1'34"B 1'.11" tba:o N2rlg "E -140.04 fWt; tbcDoe N31°40'21"'W 14'''5 &at¡ thecDI N3" rlO"W 2OB...· . N45"30'28"W 256.84 feat; __ N30'12'46"W 35.13 feet to the ' ,_ ! 1IouDdtry,N}....lØIMIbytJloNOIdsLtooot Secliœ2J, T3:JN,IU19W. :14.. LbaooID Couaty. w,o.... 1 '~ SJped dais 30~ _ of Juae, 2007 ¿-¿~~ < j ¡ I ~1~~ j 1IIi1 who" 10catecI ml wW ï 'EXHIBIT \\ß/I · I . " · · , ! JUL-,;"rCò"m 13: 49 ..-.c.I.... I I I 000045 II' ,. I I· I I~ I.: 1\ it If' II; ! [: I I i' ¡ I \ 1" I ¡ p: i t I J . ! I (.-so 2 of2) I :mTAL p, as