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RECEIVED 11/30/2007 at 11 :37 AM
RECEIVING # 935257
BOOK: 680 PAGE: 48
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That Dee W. Call and Dianne F. Call aka Diane
F, Call, husband and wife, of Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming, in consideration of the trust created
herein and for the other covenants contained herein convey and quitclaim unto Dee W. Call and
Dianne F. Call, Trustees of the Dee W. Call Living Trust dated July 11, 1997, Dee W. Call and
Dianne F. Call, beneficiaries, of 88500 North U.S. Highway 89, Afton, WY 83110, all such right,
title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand as they have or ought to have, in or to all the
following described premises, in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, to-wit:
Call Readv Mix 3.50 Acres
That portion of the NE1/4NE1/4 of Section 24, T32N, R119W, 6th P,M" Wyoming,
more particularly described on Exhibit A attached and incorporated herein by this
3 reference.
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Parcel Behind Cement Plant (15.72 acres)
In Section 24, T32N, R119W of the 6th P.M., to-wit: Beginning at a point 631/2 rods
South of the Northeast corner of said Section 24, and running thence West 28 rods;
thence South 20 rods; thence East 18 rods; thence North 10 rods; thence East 10
rods; thence North 10 rods to the place of beginning, together with improvements and
water rights.
Gravel Pit in AIPi~e
An undivided one-half interest in the following described land being part of Section 30,
T37N, R 118W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming: :
Beginning at a point S89°55'W, 3,019 feet, more or less, from the Southeast Corner of
said Section 30 (said beginning point being the point where the West right-of-way
boundary of old U.S. 89 Highway intersects the South bounda~ line of said Section
30); and running thence S89°55'W along the South boundary lirie of said Section, 903
feet, more or less, to the Southwest corner of the E1/2SW1/2 of ¡said Section;
thence N21°0'E, 762.2 feet;
thence N10022'E, 483.4 feet;
thence N5°11'W, 698 feet;
thence N9000'E, 99.1 feet to the West boundary line of said old U.S. Highway;
thence in a Southeasterly direction along the West right-of-way boundary of said old
U,S. 89 Highway, 1,960 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning,
Auburn Land
The E1/2SW1/4 of Section 3, T32N, R119W, of the 6th P,M., Wyoming, consisting of
80 acres, more or less.
Together with an easement to traverse an access right of way commencing at the
Southwest corner of the E1/2SE1/4 of Section 4, T32N, R119W, and running thence
East along the South line of Section 4 and Section 3, of said Township and Range,
160 rods, thence North 25 feet, thence West 160 rods, thence South 25 feet to the
place of beginning.
Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws
of the State of Wyoming.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Dee W. Call and Dianne F. Call, husband and wife, have
hereunto set their hands as of the ó2t1tJ, day of !JJtJ1,I-Bmh ,2007.
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Dee W. Call
Dianne F, Call
The foregoing Quitclaim Deed was ack~o.wleçfged bef~ W, Call and Dianne F,
Call aka Diane F. Call, husband and wife, this ~'f#7 day of ,2007.
Witness my hand and official seal.
County 01
State 01
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My Comml..lon Explr.s May 2,2011
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A portion of NE1/4NE1/4 of Section 24, T32N, R119W, 6th P.M., Wyoming,
" déšCdbed'às fõnöws: Beginning at a point 63 1/2 rods, more or less, South
and 28 rods, more or less, West of the Northeast Corner of said Section 24
(said point being the Northwest Corner of that tract of record in Book 103
P.R., Page 166, Dee W, Call and Diane F. Call) and running thence West
parallel to North boundary line of said Section 24, 52 rods, more or less to
the West boundary line of that tract of record in Book 207 P.R., Page 357
(Richard Val Dee Kennington and Cecilia Dale Kennington); thence South
along said West boundary line 16 1/2 rods; thence continuing West along
the boundary line of said tract 16 rods; thence continuing South along the
boundary line of said tract 20 rods; thence East along the South boundary
line of said tract 86 rods, more or less, to the Southwest Corner of that tract
of record in Book 162 P.R., Page 274 (Lincoln County Weed & Pest); thence
North along the West boundary line of last said tract 16 1/2 rods, more or
less, 'to the South boundary line of that tract of record in Book 103 P,R" Page
1166 (Dee W. Call and Diane F, Call); thence West along the South boundary
line' of last said tract 18 rods; thence North along the West boundary line of
last said tract 20 rods, more or less, to the point of beginning.
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