HomeMy WebLinkAbout935275 AfttJr Recprdiµg Return to: 1 STBANK P.O. BOX 3110 ALPINE¡ W'f 83128 RECEIVED 11/30/2007 at 3:16 PM RECEIVING # 935275 BOOK: 680 PAGE: 102 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 0001.02 ISpaceAbove,This I.inc For Re¡:ordlugDatal MORTGAGE MlN: 1000157-0008521992-7 DEFINITIONS , The Note Wördsused In multiplcfsectlons' öfthis document are <Jefil1cd below and other words ate defined in Sections~, II. 13, 18, 20 and 21. Certain:l1des regarding the usage of words used in this docurncntare also provided in section 16. (A) "Securit)' IÏJs~runn:øt"mðaJ1sthisdocul11ent, which is dated "Novembèr26,' 2007 'R.idetstotnisdocurnent. ,together with all (B) "Borrower" is ROBERT C. ADL.ERandDE60~ K. ADLER, Hl)$6ANDANDWIFE Borrower is'themOl'tgagorw1der this Se¡;urity Instrument. (C) "ME~ is Mortgage Electronic RcgistratiQn Systems, Ine, MERS is a separate corporatÎöo tþatis ,a~ting sQlelyas a nominee for Lender and Lenrler's,suecessors and assigns. MERS Is the mortgagee under this Security Instrument.MERS is òrganizedan4existingunderthe laws,ofbClaware, and has an address and telephone numberofp;O. Box. 2026, Flint, MI 4850 I-2026,tel.(888) 619-MERS. a ,¡ I I~ r 0--1 (D) "Lender" is 1Sr6ANK Lender is Ii Corporation the lawsof Wyoming Pl" aoX3t10,ALPINE,WY IQnJ I (E) "N~te"meansthe,ptomissory note signed"by BorroWer and d!ÙèdNovember 26, 200,7 st¡¡,testhat Borrowerowes,Lend~r ,TwO',Hundred N!nétyThousandand nøl100 Dollars (U;S. $ 29.0.000;00 ) plus intereSlBorrower häs promised, to pay this debt in regularPer o~ic:Paymen~ and to pay the,debt in full not later than December 01, 2037 organized and existing under . Lender1saddress is l~ ¡^¡ !V,f../ (F) "Property" means the property that, is described below under the heading "Transfer of Rights in the Property," ITEM 276911 (OO,11¡..-cMERS (Page J 01 i2 pttge.t) Form JOSl 1101 GtealDøn'" T.I'I OnJ.rCan; 1·~;~7S WVÇ>MING-"Si¡¡Slç Fa\Üìly,·'·FannleMiel.'reddie MaCUNIFt1RMINSTRUMENT OOOj.03 (G) "Loan"me.ansthe debte.videnced by the Note, plus interest, any prepayment charges and 'Iatecharge~ due under tbe Note,and alt5umsdueuoder thisSecudty Instrument, plus interest (H) "Riðcl'$" means ai/Riders tothi5 Security Instl'Ument that are e.x;ecutëdby Borrower. Thefóltowing Riders are to be executed byBorrower[chec:1< box as applicableþ 0; AdJusm.ble R,aìe Rider o Balloon Rider o 1-4 FamUyRider o Condominium Rider D'·Planned'UnitDeveÌopmentRider DBiweekly Payment Rider o Second Home Rider D Other(s) [specifY] (I) "Applicable Law" means allconÜ'Qllirigapplicable federal, state and local statutes, regulations, orðinancéS and administrative rules and(irders:~that havet1!.e effect of law) as well as allappHcablefinaI, n()l1-appeatablej udicia} opinions, (J)"CommulÏity ASsôdatiol1Du~, Fcc5;andAssessmcnts"meansalt dues, fees, assessments and o1l}er charges that are imposed on Borrower or the Pröperty by a condominium association, homeowners association or similar organization. (K) "Eleétr'ónicFunds Transfer"means any transfer offunds, other than a transaction originated by clteck, dratl, or simi,larpaperinstrument, which is initiated thrôugh an electronic terminal, telephonic instrument, computer, or magnetic tape so as to,order, instruct, or authorize afinanciaUilstitutionto debit or creditan account. Such term indudes, but is not limitëd to, point-of·saletránsfers, automated teHer machine transactions, transfets initiated by telephone, wire transfers, and automated clearingho\.lse,transfërs. (L) "Escrow Jtems" l1eansthoseitems thataredcscribedin Scction 3. (M)"Misc:eïJsncousProceeds" means any compeosaHon, settlement, award of'damages, or proceeds paid by any third party (otherthaninsUI'8JlCè proceeds paid underfl¡ecoverages described in Se9J;ion 5) for: (i) damage to, or destruction of, the Property; (ii) cOildemnation,oróther;takingQhlloranYPartof'the Property; (iii)conveyancein Hell of condemnation; or (iVO) rtiisrepresentationsof.:oromissiöns as to,t~eválueandlor ~ondit¡onof the Property . (N) "Mortgagelnsuranc:e"means insurance protecting Lender against the nonpayment of, ordcfaulton, the Loan, (0) "Periodic Payment" ,meal1sthe regularly scheduled amoµnt due for (i) principal and; interest under the No~, plus (ii)any amounts under Section30fthlsSecuritylnsttument. (P) "RE$PA" means the Real EstateSèttJeni.etit Procedures Act(l2U.S:C.§2601et seq.) and its implementiJJg regulation. Regulatioo,X (24C;FiR. Pél\1:350());äštheymight be amended Jtöm time to time, or any additional or successor lëgislation or regulation thatgovems the same subject matter. As used in this Security Instrument, "RESPA" refers to aU requirements and reslJictions that arc imposed inregord tôa "federally related mortgage loan" even iftheLöan does nôt qualify as a "fedcralty related mortgage loan" under RESP A. (Q) "Suc~essor in .lnterestoC Borrower" means ,any party that has ~aken title to the Property, whether or not that party has W!sumed Borrower's obligations under the Note andlorthis Security Instrument. WYOMING-Single Family,..,FannleMaet¡"reddieMae;(ÏNIFORMINSTRUMENT IT.EM2169L2(P011r-'~S (page:1 tJf 12 pug,S) Form 30S1 1101 'GrealDooa '" T.o OnIerCalt 1.so~88'6715 TRANS~ER OF RIGHTS IN THE PROPERTY 000104 This ,Security InstrUrnentseCul'és.toLender: (i) the repayment of the Loan; and all renewals, extensions and modifications of the Note; and, (ii)the performance of Borrower's covenants and agreements under this Security Instrument and the Note. For this IMpose, Horrower does hereby mortgagè, grant and convey to MERS (solely as nominee for Lender and Lender's successors and ß$sigru¡)and to the successors and ß$signs.,of MERS, with powerofsale,the following described property located ¡nthe County of Lincoln ' "{Type ofRccording Jurisdiction] [Name o[Recording JurisdìC:lion] .LOT 600F PRATER CANYON ESTATES UNIT NO. 4llNCOLN COUNTY, VVvOMINGAS DESCRIBED ON THE OFFICIALPLATTHEREOF THAYNE [Chy] , Wyoming 189 PRATER CANYON ROAD [SI~eO 83127 ("Property Address"): lZip Códe] WhIch currently has the address of TOGETHER WITH aU the Improvements noW or herèaftererected on the property, arid all cß$ements, appurtenances, and fixtures now or hereafter a part ofthe property. All reptacements and additions shaUalso be covered by this Security Instrument. All o.f the foregoing is referred to in tois Security Instrument as the "Property.n Borrower, understands and agrees that MERSholds only, legal title to the interests granted by Borrower in this Seëurity Instrument, but, if necessary to comply with law or custom,MERS(asJ1omineeJor L.enderandLender'uuëcessors and assigns) hß$ the right:to,excrcise ariy or aU ofthose.interests, in,c::lud,ilg,butnot limited to, the righttoforecloSè and seU the Property; and to take any action rêquiredof Lender indudÍllg,' butnotlimitedto,releasingand'canceHngthis Security Instrument, BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is lawfullyseisedofthe'.e,$tatc hereby conveyed and has the right.to mortgage,grant .and convey the Property and that the ',Property is unencumbered,c1(cept for encumbrances of record. Borrower wQn'ants and will defend generally the tÎde to the Property against all claims and demands,subject to any encumbrances of record. ' TI-IlS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines unifonncovenants for national use and non-unifonn covenants, with limited variations bX jurisdiction to<:onstituteaulÙforin security instrument covering real pro(XU'ty , UNIFORM COVENANTS, BorrQwerand Lender covenant and agree,as follows: ..Payment ofPdndpal.Jnterest¡ Escrow Itenïs,Prep¡a)'mentCharges, and Late Charges. BOlTower shall pay when, duetheprincipa[of,and interest on, the debt evidenced ,by the Note and ailyprepaymentch¡u-ges and Jtltecharges due under the Note, Borrower shall also pay flmds, for Escrow Items' pursuant to Section 3 ,Payménts due under the Note and this Security lnstrument'shal1 be made in U.:S.currency. However, if any check or otherin$trument received by Lender as payment, under the Note or this Security Instrument is re,tumed to Lender unpåid, Lender may require thafany or all subsequent payments due under the Note and this Security . Instrument be made in. one or more. of the foUowingJonns, as sele~ted by Lender: (a)~h; (b) money order; (c) certified check, bank check, treasurer's check or cashier's check, provided any sucocheck is drawn upon an institution whose d~posits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entity; or (d) Electronic Funds Transfer, Payments are deemed received by Lender when received at the location designated ,in the Note or at such other location as maybedesigpaiedby Lend~r in accordanèewith,tl1e noti¢eprovi~ionsjnSection 1$. Lender may retumany payment or 'WYOMINe-sïngleFamily-FannleMaeiFreddl! ~àC UNljo'ORMINSTRUMENT ITEM 2789L3 (OO11>-MI!RS, (Paglllof12 pages) Førm3,05t ,t/Ol Gre.lDoo.~ To OrdorCall: 1-800~775 000105 partial payment if the payrnent or partial payments are insufficient to bringtbe.Loancun:ent., Lender may accept¡mypayrnent or partial paymëntinsufticientito bring the, Loan current. without waiver ohoy right!¡ hereunder or preju(Jice to ¡tsrights to refusesuchpayment or partial payments 'in the future, but Lender is not obligated to apply such ,payments at the timesueh payments areäècepted. IfeachPeriodicPayment1s applied as of ítsscheduled due date, then Lend,er need not pay interest on unapplied funds. L.endermaYhóld such unapplied funds until Borrowerrnakespayment,to bring the Loan current. If Bottower does not dt)so within a reasonltbleperiod of time, Lender shall either apply such funds or return them to, Bop-ower . lfnotappliedeatlier,suçhfundswUI be applied tatheoutstanding principal balance under the Note im¡:ncdiatelyprior to foreclosure. No: offset or claim which Bottowet might have now or in the future against Lender shall relieve Borrower from making paymenl$ due under the Notc and1his Security Instrument or performingthecovcnants and agreements secured by this Security Instrument. 2. Applkation ofPaymenùor Proceeds. Exceptas otherwise described in this Section 2, all payments accepted and applied by LendershaU be applied in the JolIowingorder of priority: (a:) interest due under the Note; (b) principal due under the Note; ,(c) ,anlounts due under, Section J, Such payments, shall be applied to, each PeriodioPayment. in the order in which it became due, Any remaining amounts shall be applied ñtst to latecharg¢s, $econd to any otheranlounts due under this Security ·Instrumen~ and then to reduce theptincipalbalanceoftheNQte. [fLender receives a payment from Borrower fora delinquentPeriodicPaymentwhìchincludesasuff!cientanlount to pay any late charge due, the payment may be applied to the delinquent paympntand the latecharge.lfmore thart one Periodic Payment is outstanding, Lender may apply any payment received from Borrower to the repayment of the Periodic Payments iÇ>and to the extent that, each payment can be paid in full. To the extentthat any excessexÎstsafter the>payrnent is applied to the full payment of ' one or rnorePeriodi? payments, such eXcess may be!lPplied to any late charges due, Voluntary prepayments shall' be applied ,first to any prepayment charges and,then 3$ described in the Note. Anyapplìcationofpayments, irtsuranceproceeds,' or Miscellaneous. Proceeds to principal due under the Note shall not ~xtendor postpone tbe due date, or changethe,amount,of the 'periodic Payments. 3. Funds for EscrówltèinS; Borrower shall pay to Lender on the day Periodic Payments are due under the Note, until the Note is paidinfuU, a suli1(the "Funds") to provide for paymentofamounts, due for: (a)iaXes and assessments.and other items which can atmin pdorityoyerthis Se(;urity lnstrutnentas a lien or encumbrance on the Property; (q)leasebold paymeI1tsor g~oundtents()nthe Pr,e¡perty,ifany; (c) premiÜJnsJor anyartd all insurancerequ¡redby LenderunderSecti9n 5; and (d) Mortgage Insurance l'remium$, if any. or any sums payable by BOrrower to Lender in lieu of ,the payment of Mortgage Insurance prerniums in accordance. with the provisions of Section 10. These items are called "Escrow Items," At ,origination ,or at anytime during the teon ofthc LOall,Lender may require that Community Association Dues,Fees,and Assessments, ,if any ,b~ escrowed by Borrowèr, and such dues, ,fees and asscssrnentsshlÛl bean· Escrowftem.Borrower shall promptlyfumish ,to LenderalJ notices of anlounts to be paid under this Section. Borrower shall pay Lender the Funds for Escrow Items unless Lender waives Borrower's obligation to pay the Funds for any or all Escrow Items, Lender may waive Borrower's {)bligationtopay to Lender Funds for any or all Escrow Items at any time. Any.such waiver may only be in writing. In the event of such waiver, Bop-ower shall pay directly, when' and where paYable, the amounts due for any Escrow Iteïns fòr whicbpayment of Funds has Qeenwaived by Lender and, if Lender requires. shalLfurnish to Lender receipts evidencing suéh payment withinsuchtimeperiòdasLender ù1ayrequire~ BOl1'Ower'!s obligation to m,ake such payments and to provide receipts shall for all purposes be deemed to ·beacovenantand agreement,c,on~ained'inthisSccutitylnstrument. as the phrase "covenant andagreemen~I' is uSeditl Section 9; If Borrower is obligated to. pay Escrow Items directly ,pursuant to a waiver, and Borrower fails'lo pay the amount due for an' Escrow· ltem~ Lender may exercise its rights un.der Se,ction9 and pay suchamóuntand Borrower shalnhen be obligated under Sectìon 9to repay to ,Lender anysuêh amount Lender may revoke the waIver as to any: or all Escrow Items at anytime by a notice given in accordance with Section 15 and, upon such reyocatiQn,Borr()wer shaIlpaY,Jo Lender all Funds, and in sucharnoutits,that arethën required under this SectionJ. Lender may. atanylime,conec~and hold ,Funds in an artiount(a) sufficient to permit Lendedo apply the Funds at the 'lime specified under RESPA,and (b) riot to çx.ceed the maximum, amount a lender ¢an requirç under RESP A. Lender shall estimate the ¡m10untofFunds, due> on the bàsis, oCcurrent .dati'îand reaSonable estimates of ex pen dim res' of future, Escrow Items or otherwise in aecordancc:w,ith Applicable Law. The Funds shall be hel.d in ¡m insJitutionwhØse deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality, or entity (including Lender, if Lenderis8ninstitqdon whose deposil$ are sO insured) or jnany ¡<ederal HOme Loan Bank, Lender shall ~pplythe Funds to, pay the: Escrowltem~ noJaterth8l1 thetimespcoitied· underRES,P A. Lender shlÛLnotchargeBorrower Jor holding and applying the Funds, annually analyzing the eSCrow account, or verifying the Escrow Items, ünlessLender pays Botrowerinterestonthef'unqs and,ApplicableLawpennits Lender to make such a charge, Unless an agreement is made in writing or Applicable Law requires interestto be paid onthe Funds, Lender shall not be required tapay Borrower any interest WYOMING-Singlc'Family....,Fannle,'Miu;/Freddle Mac, UNU'ORM INSTRUMENT ITEM 27691.4 (OO11)-MERS (Pagø4 of J 2 pages) Form 3051. 1/01 GlutDae, '" ToOi1!erCiIIl:HlOO-8Q.6776 / 000106 or'eatnings<:ïn the Funds. Borrower and Lender can agree in writing, however, that interest shall be paid on the FUnd$. Lender shåll give to BOri"ower, without charge,anannUal<accouritillgof the Funds ~required by RESP A, Jfthereisasurplus of Funds ,held in escrow, as defined under RESPA, Lender shall account to Borrower for the excess funds in accordance with B,ESPA. If there isashortågeofFundsbeld in esCrow, as defined underRESpA, Lender shall notify aorro:wer as required ~y RESPA, ,and Borrower shall pay to ,Lender theamóunt . necessary to make ,up the shortage in accordance with RESPA,but 11\ no moré than 12 monthly payments. If thereís a. deficiency of Funds held in escrow, 8$ defined under RE,SPA, Lendetshall notify Borrower as. required by RESPA,and Bòrrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary tomal<.eup the deficiency in aC¢Qrdancewith RESPA,butJn no more than 12 monthly payments. Upon paYJt1ent Ïnfull orall sums. secured · by this SecurÜy Instrument, Lendérshall promptly refund to, Borrower any Funds helØ by Lender; , 4. ChargC$;J,¡:iens. Borrower shall pay aU taxes, 8$sesstnents, cbarges, fines, and :impositions attributable to the Propertywlíichcan IIttåi~lpriorityover this Security Instrument,leasehofd payments or groundr¢nts on the Property, if any, and Community Association Dues, Fees, and Alisessments; if any. To the extent that these items are Escrow Items,Borrower shall pay them in the mannerprovid"din Section J. BOFf(>wer shaUpromptIy discharge any lien·which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Borrower: fa) agrees in writing to the payment of the ,obligation secured by' the lien ¡na manner acceptable to Lender, but Qnly so long as Borrower is pertbrmingsuch agreement; (Q)contests the lien in good faith by, or defends against enforcement of the Hen in, legal proceedings which in Lender's opinion operate to. prevent the enfarc,ement of the lien while those proceedings are pending, but only until such proceedings are concluded; or ( c) secures ftom the halder of the ,,1ien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating tllclien to this Secutitylnstrument. If Lender determines thatany part afthe Praperty is subjectto a lien which can attainprlarityover this Security Instrument, Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien, Within 10 days ofthe date on which that notice is given. Borrower shall satisfy the Hen or take one ar more oCthe actions set forth abóvein this Section 4. Lendèrmay require Borrowcr to pay' liane-time charge,for 8r(!al estate tax verification and/or reporting service used' by LenderÜt ëonnec:tion·withthisLoan. 5. Property IU$llrance. Borrower shall keep the improvements noW' existing o.,r hereafter erected on the Property insured against loss, by fire, hazards Jncluded within the tennUextcnded coverage;" and any other hazards including, but not limitcdto, earthquakes and floods, for which Lendenequires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts (including deductible I~,wels) and,fòr the periods that tender requ4'eS. What Lender requires pursuant to the preceding se/Úences cán change during the 'term ofthc LOM; Theinsurance carrierþroyidingthe insurance: shall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's right to disapprove Borrower's choice, which rightsþaUnot be exercised unreasonably, Lender may require ß,orrowerto pay, in connection with this Loan, either: (a) a one~timecharge [or flood zone determination, certifica~ onand 'tr8ckingservices; or (b) a one-time charge for flood zone determination and certification services and sub,sequent charges each ,time remappings orsimi1¡¡r changesoceurwhichreasonably mightam~ct such determination or certification. Borrower shalL also be responsible for the payment orany fees imposed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in connection with the review of any flood zone determination resulting ftom an obj ection by Borrower. If Bor,rower fails to. mnlntainanyof the coverages described above,. Lender may obtain insurance coverage, at Lender's option and Borrower's expense. Lender is under nòobligation to purchase any partiCular type or amount of coverage. Therefore, such coverage shall Cover Lender, but might or mightnot protect Borrower, Borrower's equity in the Property, ar the contents of the Property, against any risk, hazard orliabiljty and might provide greater or lesser coverage than was previously in ,effect. Borroweracknowledgestbat the cost of the Insurance coverage so ,obtained might signJticantly exceed the cost ofinsurancethatBorrowercould have obtained. Any,smounts disbursed by Lender underthisSeqtion S shall become ,additional debfQfBorrowersecured by this: Security 'Instrument These amounts.shaU bear interest at the Note rate from the dateaf disbursemerttan¡LshaU be;payable, with sl1ch Interest, uponnoticeJr'om Lender to' Borrower 'requesting payment AIlinsurancepolìcies,Iequiredby Lender and renewals ofsuêhpolìèies shaH be subject to Lendet'sright to disapprove such polìoies, shalllnclUdea stMdard mortgage êlause,and šhallname Lender as mortgagee and/or as änadditionalloss payee. Lendc:l'shaU baye.the rignqo hold the poliçies ' and renewal certificates, IfLendertequires, BorrowetsbáU promptly give, to Lender . all, receiptsofpaid:premiums· and renewal notices. If Borrower obtains any form of insurance , coverage, not otherwise required þyl;,ender, for <iamage to,' or destruction ot;th.e Property, ,such policy sl1all include a standard mortgage clausclUJd shall namc Lender as mortgagee and/or as an' addltiona] loss payee" In the eventoflClss, Borrower shall givepromptnotice to the jnsurancecarrier and Lender, Lender may make proof of loss if not made promptly' by Borrower. Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any insurance proceeds, ITeM 2769L5 (<I011}-MERS' (J'agdoI12 pag.8) FQI'm 3Q51 1/01 Gf..tDoc.... To Ot:derCèlt HlOO-8U8-5T1'S 'WYO¡\'I1Ne---sín¡¡l~ Famil)'~F.nnle!\>lIelFre!ld¡eMac.UNIYORM.JN~TRUI»ENT 000107 whether or noUbeunderlyinginsurance was required by Lénder,shanbeappli~to restoration or repair oftheProperty, if the restoration Or repair iSèconomicáll)'feasiblè and Lender's security is not lessened. DUring such repair and restoration pèriod, Lendershallhav,ethe right to hold such insurance proceeds until Lender has had, an opport .lnity to inspect such Property to,elJsurethe. work has, been complete<L to, Lender's satisfaction, provided that such inspection shall be undertaken promptly. Lender may disburse, proceeds for :the repairs and restoratiortin a siilglepaymentor in a,series of progress plíyments ,3$ thewotkjs completed. Unless an agreement is made in writing or Applicable Law requires interest to be paid on such insurance pr()ce~ds. LendershaU rtotbe téquiredtQ pay BOlTower any interest or earnings on such proceeds. Fees for pubHc,adjustel'$, orotþetthird parti¢s, reúliné<tby Borrower shall not be paid out oftheinsurance proceeds and shali'be the sole obligation of BOlT ower. If'the restoration or>repair is noteconómical1y feasible or Lender's security would be lessened, theinsuran.ceprocceds .shallbe ~ppHedtothe..sumssecuredbythis Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with the excess" ifanY;,.pll1dto,,:Borrower;· Such,.insur ,Utceproceeds.shall be apptiedin tbeorderprovidedJòr in Section2. IfBolTov.veraband( ns the Property ,Lender may file,negotiate< and settle aóyavailàble insurance claim and related matters, IfBOlTowcr doesnotrcspond within' 30 days to a notice rrol\1 tender thl1ttheinsurance carrier haiioffered to settle a claim, then Lender may neg~tiate and stlttlethe claim. The 30~day· period will, begin when the notice is givel1~ ,In eithetevent, or, if Lender acquires 1heProperty upder Section 22 or otherwise, BOlTower herebyass~gns to Lender (a),BolTowdr's 'rights, to any insurance proccedsinan amountnotto ex.ceed the amounts unpaid under the Note or thisScqurityI~cnt; and (b) any' other of Borrowef,srights (otherthíU1.theright to any refundofunearncd premium$ paid þyBorrower)under all insurance policies Cövering'the Ptoperty, insofar as such rights are,applicabteto the coverage of the Property. ,Lender may use the insurance· proceeds either to repair or restore the Property or to pay amounts unpaid,'und~r the Note or this Security lristiument; whether otnotthendúc. ' 6. Occupancy. Borrower shall occupy, establish, and use the Property as Borrower's princjpal re..sidence within 60 days after the execution of this Security Instrument and shalt continue to occupyth\} Property as BOlTower's principal residenceJôratleast oiteyear,afterthe date of occupancy, unless Lender otherwise agrees inWJ'iting, which. consentshall not be unreasonably withheld, ör unless extenuàting circumstances existwbich are beyond Borrower's control. 7. Preservation, Maintenance andProtedionof tbeProperty; Inspections. Borrower shall not destroy; damage or impalrthe Property; allow the Proþertyto -dëteriorate or commit waste on the Property. Whether or not BOlTower is residirtgin thePrQperty, Borrower shall maintain the Property in order to prevent the Property from deteriorating or decreasing in value due to its cönditi.on. Unless it is determined p,ul'$uant to Secti,on 5 that repair or restoration is not economically feasible, BOlTower,,$hall pr()mþtly repair the Propèrty if damaged to avoid further deterioration or.damage, If insurance()r condemnl1tii)oproceed:ntrep¡îidin con.néction With damage tö, or the taking of; 'the Property, Borrower shall be responsible for repaitil1g or restoring the Property only<if Lender has relea$cd proceeds for such purposes. Lender may disburse prcx:ee,qs~orthe 'repairs, and restoration in a single payment, $)rina.series of progress payments as the work is completed.If the insl,lrance.or condernnatio!1 proceeds are nót sufficient to repair or restore tbe Propèr1Y, BOlTower' is not relieved ofBol'tOwer's ohligation for the completion ofsuph repair or restoration, Lender ,or its ,agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. lfit has reasol1aþlecause,Lender may inspect the interior of the improvements on the Property. LendershaU give!3orrower notice at the time of or prior to $uchanintetior inspection specUyingsuch reasonable9ause, 8. Borrower's LoanApplication, BOlToWer shall be in defàul.tif,'durin,g th.e Loan,appUcation procC$s; BorrQweror any persons or entitienctingát the direction of Borroweí' orwith BOlTower'sknowledgeor consent gave materially false, misleading, or inaccurate infurmatiònor statements to Lender (or failed to provide Lender with material information) in connection with·the'Loan. Material representátions include; butàre not limited to, representations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Property as BôJTower's prinCipâl residence. 9. Protection of Lender's Interest hl tl1e Property and Rights Under this Security Instrument. If(a) BOlTower faUs to perform the covenants arid agreements contained in this Security Instrument, (b) there. is sIegal proceeding that might significantly affect, Lender's interest in the Property and/or rights under this, Security Instrument· (such ,asa proceeding in bankruptcy, probate, for condemnation or forfeiture, for enforcement ofa lien which may attain priority over this Security Instrumentar to enforce laws or regu!ations),Çlr(c) Borrower has abandoliedtheProperty, then Lendermaydó and pay for whatever is rea¡¡onableor appropri~teto protect.Lender's interest ¡nthe PrQpertyandri.ghf$.under this Security Instrumcnt, includingprotectil1gandl,orassessingthe valueofthePropèrty ,andseouring andlor repairing the ProPerty',Lendet' sactions ca, n. i,l1, chid,. e,butlU'e . not limited to: (a) paying äny sums secured, by alien which has priority over this Sec, uclty", Instrument; (b) appearing i~çourt;aitd (crPayingrcasonal>leatt~rneys' fees toprotèctits, ¡ntere$! .irtJ:hcProperty aildlor rightsundetthis Secudty Instrument, including itss~uredpQsitìon ina bankruptcyproceedil}.g.Securingthe Property includes, but is not limited to, entering theProperty,to,!!ake repairs, changelocks,rephice or boardu,p doors, and windQws drain "Vaterfrol\1 ITEM 2789LG(OOI1}-MERS (Page6of 12 pages) Fonn 30511/01 GrnlÐOot .. To Order,C.lt HlOOò968'5775 WYOMIJ\fG-SinglePamily-Faanlé¥äØ'rccitllt'MacUNŒORMINSTRUMENT 0001.08 pipes, ~limiriatebUilding.or other code violations or dangerous conditions, and have utilities turned on Qf off. Altbough LendetJ:i1ay' take actiOn undertbis Section 9) Lend~r does not have to do so and<is not under any duty or obligation to do so, It is agreed thatLenderincursi10 1ìâbilityfor not taking any or all äctions authorized under this Section 9. ,An'l amountsdi$bunied ,by Lëpderúnder' tnisSection 9 shalJ.becomeadditional døbt 'of BOlTower secured by this, SecurityJnstrument. These arnounts shall bear Jnterest at the Noteratefroni tbe date of disbursement and shall be payable, withsuchinterêSt, upon'notice:from Lender to Borrower. requestingpaymel1t. If this Security 'Instrument lsona leasehold, Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquiresfeetitletotheProperty ,the leaSehold and the feetitleshàl1 notmerge ul1less Lender agrees to the mergedn writing. 10, Mortgage Insurance. If Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a condition of making the Loan, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to. mainta.in the Mortgage Insurance in effect. If, for any reason, the Mortgagelnsurance coverage requjredbyLeml.er ce~es to be availablcfr(),m thcmortgagcinsurer that previously provided such 'insurance and Borrower was required to' make'separately designated paymentstowardthepremiums>for Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shall pay the premiums requiredto~btaln çoverag!o1 sUbsta¡:atiallyequivalentto tllì~ Mortgáge Insurance previously in effect, ,at, 8cøst substantIallyeqµiyalentto the CQsttoBor,row~r of the Mortgage Insurance previously in effect, frQm ¡uï alternate mortgage insurer selected by Lender, Ifsubstantially equivalent Mortgáge Insurance coverage ìs.notavailäble, Borrower shall continue ,to pay to Lender th.c , amount ofthe separately designat~paymentsthat were due when the ìnsurançe coverage ceased to be in effect. LenclerwiII accept,ušeand retain these payments, as a.non-refundable loss reserve in lieu, of Mortgage Insurance. Such lossreserve>shallbe'norÏ.refimdable,notwithstandingthe,facttbat the Loanis ultimately paid in full, and Lender shall not be required topayBorroweranyíl1terest or eaming$ Qnsuch loss reserve. Lender can no longer require loss reserve payments if Mortgage Insurance coverage (in the amount and for the period that Lenclerrequires) provided by an insurer $elected by Lender ägain becomesavnilable., is obtairied~andLenderrequires separately designated payments tl)ward the premiums for Mortgage Insurance; IfLender required Mortgage Insurance as a condition of making the Loan and' Borrower was required to make,scparatelydësignated payments. towatd'thepremlwns' for Mortgage Insurance, Borrower shallpaythe.premiwns requIred to rnalntäinMortgage Insurance in effect, or to provide a non-refundable loss reserve, until Lender's requirement for Mortgage Insurance ends in accordance with .any written agreement between Borrower' and Lender providing for such tem1i,nation or unti1terminaÜon is~quired' by Applicable Law. Nothing in this Sectionl 0 affects' Borrower's obligation to pay interest at the rate'provided. in the Note, Mortg¡lge Insurance. reìmbursesLender (or any entity that purchases the Note) for certain losses it may incur if Borrower does not repay the LOM as agreed. Borrower is not a party to the Mortgage Insurance. Mortgage insurers evaluate their total risk on all such insurance in force from time to time, and màyenter into agreements with other parties that share or modifY their risk, or reduce losses~ These agreements are on tetms and conditions that are satisfactory to the mortgage insurer and the other party (or parties) to these agreements. These agreements may require the mortgage insurer to; make paYments using any source offunds thatØte ,mortgage insurer may have available (which may include funðsobtainedftom Mortgagelnsurance premiwns), AsaresuIt of these agreements, Lender" any purchaser of the Note, another insurer,anyreinsurer¡ any other entity, or any, affiliateofanyofthe foregojng,may~eceive (directly odndirectly ) amounts that derive from (or might be characterized 1I$)'a,portionofBorrower'sPl1yments ior Mortgage Insurance, inexchangefor sharing or modjf;ying themortgl\gcinsurer' s risk, or reducing losses.lfSuch agreemel1t provldesthatal1 affiliate of Lender takes a,share of the insurer's risk in exchlU}ge forashate ofthepremiwns paid to the insurer, the arrangement is often termed "captive reinsurance," Further;, (a) Any such agreements will not affeCt tbeamòuntsthatBorrowerhas agreed to payror l\1ortgagelnsurance, or any other termsof.tbe Loan~ Sucbagreements willnotincreasetbé atliounLBorrower will owe for Mortgage Insurance, and they will not entitle Borrowedoanyrefund. (b) Any sucb. agreements will not affect the rigbts, Borrowerhas--if any-'with respect to the Mortgage InsurÌlncéuüderthe Hòmeo}vnersProtecfion Actor 1998 or åny other law. These rigbts may indudethe right to receivecert~lÎndisclosures to request and obtain cancellatIon of 'the ,Mortgage Insurance, tobave the Mortgage Insuraru:e>'terminated autømaticaUy, an,dIor to receive a refund of any Mortgage Insurance premiums that were un.eam~d ,at the fime,ofsuchcanceUatlon. orterminatiòn. ' 110 Àssignment of Miscellaneous Proceeds; Forfeiture. AIlMiscellaneQus proceeds are hereby 8lisigned to andsball be paid.toLender, If the Property is damaged,such Miscellaneous Proceeds shall beappHedtO, restoration o,r repair of the Property, if the restoration or repair is economically éear¡ible and Lender's security is not lessened. During such ~pair and restoration period, Lender shall have the right to· hold such Miscellaneous Proceeds until Lender has had an opportunity. to inspect such Property toerisurê tþe work has been completed to Lender's satisfactionfProvidedthatsuch inspectlonsþalJ be undertlkenpromptly. ITEM 2'1891..7, (001 1 )-'MERS. (fag, 7 ø/l1 paB"j }o'orm 3051 JI01 ,GrealDoce '" To Ord.r'Ca~; 1·~1IW77ð wyOMING-Singtefllltlily....Fal!nte.MaeIFreddlt MaII,lINIFOR,J\f,INSTRUMENT OOOj,09 l,.ender ,maypay 'forthc repairs and restoration in a single disDursementor in Ii serlesofprogresspaytl1ents as tile ,work is cQ~pleted,Unlessan agreòment ismadeJri writing or AppUcableLaw requires intcrestlo be paitl onsucll Miscelhmeous Proceeds, Lender shällnotberequired to pay Borrower anyinterestoreamil1gs on such MiscellaneOl.\s Proceeds, If the restorationonepairisno,tecobornieally feasibleor,Lerider'ssecurity would be lessened, the Miscellaneous Proceeds shaiJ' be äppliedto thcrsumssecuœd by this Security Instrument, whether ornotthendue, withthe excess, if any,pal.dto Borrower, Such Miscellaneoùs ProceedS shall be np¡jIjed in the order'provided for in Secdon2. II) theeventofn total taking"dc:struction, or loss in valueoftheProperty,the MiscellaneousP,roceeds shall be applied to tbe' sums secured bythh¡ Security lnstrument,.whether or not then due, with the excess; if any, paid to Borrower. Jnth~event 0(<\ partial tàking. destruction, or Joss in value, of the Property in which the fair market value of the Property immediately be.îoreJheplU1iRl taking, deStruction, or loss in value is equal toorgreàterthanthe Ilmount of the sums secured by this Security .Instrument immediately before the partial tIlking, destruction, odoss in value, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise !igroo in wtí~ing,thesufi1s secured by this Security Instrument shaJIbc reduced by the amounto(the Miscellaneous Proceeds multiplied by the following fraction: (a) the,totalanïountofthe sums secured irnmediately,beforethe partial taking, destruction, or loBSin va.luedividedby (b) the fair market value ofthePröpertY;Ìmmediately before the partial taking,dcstruction,or loss in value, AnyblÚanceshall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking, destruction, or loss in value of the Property in wbich the fait market value of the Property immcdiatelybefòre the plU1inl taking, destruotion, or loss in vnlue is lëss th\U1theamount of the sumS secured immediately before the partial taking, destruction" or ,loss in value, unless Borrower and Lender otherWise agree in writing, the Miscellaneous pròceeds shall be applied ,to the sums secured by this Security Instrument whetlu:r ornotthe$umsare then due, ' If.theProperty is ,abandoned by Borrower, or if, aft,'" ernotice by Lender to 130rrower thatthe Opposing Party (as defined in the next. sentence) cffers to, make a ) award:toBettlea,claimfor damages~BQrrower fails tc respond to Lender within 30 daysa~rthe date, Ú1enòtice is given, Lender lsauthorizëdtocoUectand ~pply the Miscellaneous Proceeds either to reStoration or repàirofthe Property or to the sums secured by this Security I nstrument,whether or not tben due. "Opposing Party" meàßsthe third party that oWes Borrower Miscellaneous Proceeds or the party against whom Borrower has a Tight of action in regard to MiscëHaneousProceeds. Borrower shall be in de,fault ,if aJlynøtionor proceeding, whether .civil or criminal, isbègun that, in Lender's judgment. could. result in forfeiture .()fthe Property' or o.thermaterial impainnent ofLênder's interest in the Property or tights uíldet this S~urity Instr!iment. B,orrower can Cure such a defllultand, if acceleration has occurred, reinstate as provided in Section' 19, þy çausing the actibnor proceeding to be' dismissed with a ruJing·t1mtjin Lender's judgment, precludêS forfeiturëof the Property orothermateriaHmpairment of Lender's interest in ~he Property or rights under this Security Instrument. The proceeds ofanyawardorclaimfòr damagc:s that are attributable to the impairment of Lender's interest in tbe PI'9pel1Y are hereby assignedandshal.lbe paid.totender. All MiscellarieousPro.ceeds that arenotappIied:to restQration or repair of the Property shall be applied in the order provided for in Section 2, U.Borrower No.t Released; Fo.rbearance:By Lender No.t a Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortizätionof the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by Lender- to Borrower or any Successor in Interest of Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of Borrower or any Successors in Interest of Borrower, Lender shall not be required to commênceproceedingsagaútstanySuccessorin Intere$tofBo.rr,ower ortoretùse toextendtiine for payment orothërwisei11odifY' amortization of the sums secured' by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made'by the oríginal Borrower'orany Succe$sors in, Interest ,of Borrower. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising -anyrightor remedy' including,. without limitation, Lepder's acceptance of payments from third persons. entities or SucceSsí>rs in Interest ofBorrowerorináiuounts lessthàß theainounHhendue,shal1 n,ot be, a w¡µver of or preclude tbe exerëiseof any rightorreínedy. 13.,Joint,and Several Liability; Co-signers; Successors, and AsSigns Bound. Borrower covenants and agrees that Bórrower'sobligationsandJiabiJityshnUbe Joint and several. However, anÿBorrower who. co-signs this Security Instrument butd()cs not executetbeNote(1i "co·signer"): (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey theco-signer's i,nteresUn the Property under the termJ¡ofthis Security Instrument; (b) is not perso.nally obligated to pay the sums secured bythis$ecurity Instrument; and, (c), agrees that, Lender and any other Borrower can agree to extend, modify, forbel,U" or make any accommodations with regard, to the terms of tj:tis Security Inst.rument ,or the Note without the . ...." .. co-signer's ,consent. Subjec~ to the provisions ofSectiqn 18, any Successor in Jnterest of Borrower who assumes Borrower's obligations under this,Security 'lnstrum" ent in writing, and ,is approved by Lender. shall obtain all of Borrower's rights and benefits under . " . WYOMII'lG-Síngle Flimilÿ-(o'Rllnie Mllv/(o'reddivMäc UNIFORM iNSTRUMENT I11:M2769L8 (OO1.l)-MERS, (PagtS oln pagu) Fonn 30511101 GrNlDO~.", TQ OrIIe,CIlU: 1-800·"1\0$775 0001.1.0 this Security Instrument Borrower shall nofbe released from Borrower's obligations and liability under this Security Instrument unless Lender agrees, to such release in writing, The covenants andagreemelJts ,of this Security Inslrument shall bind (except as provided ¡nSection 20) and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender . 14. LQanCharg¢s.Lender may charge Borrowerfees for services performed in connection with Borrower's default, for the purpose ofpròtecting LendeJ''.sinterestih the' Property and rights under this Security Instrument, including,bqtnot .liit1itedto, atto~eys' fèes, property inspection and · valuatÎónfees; In . regard to any othedees, theabsence.of express authority in this SecuritylnstrutneÌlt to charge a specificfe.etö Borrower shatl not be con.s1ru«t as,a prohibition~n the chargingofsuch fee; Lender may nt;ltcharge fees thi'tare exptesslYþrohibited by this Security InSti'Ument or by AppUcable Law. If the Loan Is subject.to a law whiéhsets maximum loan charges, and thatlawis finaJly interpreted so thal the interest or other loan charges colleétedor, to be collected in connection with,theLoan exceed the pem1ittedHmits, then: (a) any such loan charge shall be r,educedby .the fUt1()untnecessary tòreduceth~charge to the pennitted limit; and (b) any surnsalready coJlectedûom Borr.ower whicnexceededpenni~d limits will be refunded to Borrower. Lcnder may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal ,owed under the Note or bYmaldnga direct payment to: Borrower. If a refund reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as.3 partial prepayment without any prc:paynient charge (whether or not a prepayment charge is provided for under the Note); Horrower'sacceptance ohny such refund made, by direct payment to Borrower will constitute,a waiver of any right ofactionBorrowermighthave,arisln¡ outotsuch overcharge. ,15, Notices.AU notices, given by Borrower or Lenderinconne~lqn with this Security Instrument must be in writing. Any notice to Borrower ii1'conrtectÎon with ,this Security Ins,trument shal1 be·deemed. to have been given to Borrower when mailed byflrstclass mail Qrwhen actually delivered to Borrower's notice address.if sent by other meaJ1$, Notice to anyone Borrowershal1coristituteJiotice,to all Borrowers unless Applicable I,.awexpresslyrequiresoth.erwise, The nøtice address shallbethëProperty Address unless Borrower has designated a,substitute notice address by notice to Lender" Borrower shall promptlynotify'Lendèr of Borrower's change of address, If Lender specifjes a procedure forreporting Borrower's change of address, then Borrower shall only rèport a change of address througb that specified procedure, There may be only one designated notice address under this Security Instrumentat any onetime. Any notice to Lcndershallbe given by delivering it or by'máiJing itbyfirst class mail to,Lerider'saddress stated herein unless Lender has designated another address by notice to Borrower. Any notice in,¢onnectionwiththisSecurity Instrument shalLnøtbe deemed to have been given to Lender until actually received ,by Lënder. Ifany nöticerequired by this, Security lnstrumentis alsörequired under AppHcable Law,the AppJicable Law requi.-ement Will satisfy the corresponding requirement under this.securitý Instrument. 16~ GQverningLaw;Sèverability;RUles o[CoDstrudlOn. This Security lnstrumentshallbegovemed by fedendlaw and th~ la:WQf'thejurisdiëtioli in which the Property is located, All tights andobtigations contairted in this Security Instrument'atesubjcctJoany requirements and1ilnitationsof Applicable Law. Applicable Law,mightexplicitIy orìmþlicitIy allow the parties to agree by contract or it might be silent, buts,uch silence shall not be constrlJedas a prohibition against agreementby,contraet. 1n iheevent that any provision, or clause. of this· Security Jns~mentorthcNoteconflicts with AppliCable Law,suchcontlict shallnotaffectotherprovlsionsQfthis Security Instrumentor the Note which can be giVen effect without tbëconflictingprovision. As used in this Security Instrument:, (a) words' of the masculine gender shall mean and include corresponding neuter words or words of theJemininegender; (b) words in the singular shall mean and include the pluratand, vice versa; .¡md' (c ) the word "mäy"givessolediscretióÌI with<;>ut any obligation to take any action. 17. 'BolTower'sCopy.Borrower shall be given one copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. , 18. Transfer oftbe, ,Property ora, Beneficial Interest In Borrower. As used in' this Section 18, "Inter~st in the Property"means any legal or beneficial interest in the PrClperty, including, but not. limited to, those beneficial interests transferred in a bond for deed, contract fOi'deéd, installment sales contract or escrow agreement" the intent of which is the transfer oftitlé by Borrower at a future date to a purchaser. IfaBotany part of the Ptoperty or any InterêSt in the Property is sold or transferred (or ifBClrroweris not a natural person and a beneticialint¡"rest in Borrower is sold or transferred) without Lender's prioiWritten consent. Lender may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Secürity Instrument. However, this option shall not be exercisedb~Lender ifsuçhe~ercjseis prohibited by Applicable L!tw. If Lender exercises this option, Le!1.der sþa;ll,give,Borrowernotice ofac¢eleration. The notice shall provide a period of not less than 30 days 'from the date the notice,'!s given in accordance with Seçtion, 15 within which Borrower must pay all sums, secured by thisSè¢urity lnstrument, Íf ßClrrower fflUs to:þaytb.ese sums priottothe. exþiration of this period, LJ;ßd,er may invókeany rømcdiespermittcdby this.Security Instrument withoutfurther. notice, or deman4'oß Borrower. 19; Borrower's RighNo Reinstate After Acceleration. If Borrowenneets, ,certain conditions, Borrower shall have the ,rightto have enforcement ofthisSecurity Instrument discontinued at anY time prior to the earliest of: (a) tivedays before ITEM 276Pl9 (0011)-MERS (Page ~9112 pages) Form30SJ 1/0J GlVltDflCl ... To OrdorCÏlI: 1,600416&-5775 W\'OMING-SfnBleFamily,-J<'JlDQie'l\1u/J<'redd,le MaclJNIJi'ORM tNSJRUi\{ENT OOO~1.1. sale of the Property pursuailtfo any power of sale contained in this Security Instrwnent; (b) such oUier period as Applicable Lawmightspeciiy,. for theternHnationofBorrówer'srlght to reinstate; or (c) entry ofa judglT\entenforcÎnglbisSecurity Instrument. ,,1'hose:ëonditions':arethat,Borrower: (a) pays Lender an sums which then would be" dlleunder, this· Security InsttuJ'nent,apdtheNpte as iLnp â~lerationhad occurre«; (b) cures any defaulrofanyother covenants,oragreementsj (c) pays aU,expenses incurred in enfurcingthis Security lnstrumént" including,butn( f lintitedto, teasonàbleättorneys' fees, prOperty wpection andvaluatìon fees, and other fees incurred for thèpurpose of protecting Lender's interest in the Property and,rights under thisSecµi'ity, Instrument; and· (d) takes such actiòn as LendermaY'Teasoitably require to assure that Lender's interest in the Property and rights under this Security Instrument, and Borrower's obligation to pay the s\:uttsscèUred by this Security Instrument, shall. continue unchanged, Lender may require that Borrower pay such reinstatement sums and expenses in one orml)reof the following forms, as selected by Lender: (a) cash; (b) money order¡(c) certified check, bank check. treasurer's check or cashier'.s ch*ck, provided any such check is drawn upon an institution whose deposits are ìnsuredby a federal agency, insU'Ulnentality Or entity; ôr ((I) Electronic Funds Transfer. Uponreinstatement by BorroWer, this Security Im¡trumentandobligationssccureghereby.shaJlremain fullydTective, as Ifnoaéèeler~tion had occurred, However;thÎs ,tight toreinstateshaU notappIy Îrlthecaseofllcçelera,tion under Sectic)ß 18. 20. Sale'ofNote;CbangeofLqanServic~r;Nl)ti(!eofGrievance. The ,Note or apartíal interestintheNote{together with this Security lnstrument)~an, be sold one; ,or more times without prior notice to Borrower, A sale might resultina change intbeentity (known, as the "Loan Servicer") that collects Periodic Payments, due ,under the Note and· this Security In$tn.Jmentandperfurmsôther mortgage loan servicingobligations.unde~theNote, this Security Instrument. and Applicable Law; Therealsomightbeone Or more changes of the Loan Servicerunrelatedto asaleofÛ1e Note. It'thert!Ís,a,changeofthe Loan SerYicer, BOlTOwer will be given written notice of the change which will state ,the name. and address of the. new Lo¡m Servicer; the ,address to whichp8YmentSshouldbe made and any other information RESPA requires ¡nconnection with a notice of 1tansfer of servicing. If the Note is sold and thereafter the Loan is serviced by a Loan Servicer other than the purchaser of the Nöte; the mortg;¡ge loan servicing obligätions to Borrower witlremain with the Loan Servicer, or be transferred to a succeSSOr' Loan Serviter, and are, not assumed by the Note purchaser unless otherwise provided by the Notc purchaser. Neither Borrower nor Lendermaÿ commence, join, or be joined to ally judiciálaction(aseithëran individual litigant or the member of a class) that arises, from the' other party' S actions pursuant to. this Security Instrument or that alleges that, the other party has breached any prQvisionof. or any duty owed by reason of, this Secudty Instrument, until suoh,Borrower Or Lender has notified the other party (with such notice given in' compliance with the requirements of Section 15), (¡fsuch alleged breach and afforded thco ;þer party hereto a reasonàbteperiod after the giving of suchncitice to take ~rrecti:veaction. If Applicable Law provides a time period which must elapse before certain actionclín bè taken. that tiineperiod will be deemed to be reasonable for purposes ,of this P!1ragraph. The noticeoíaccelerationand opportunity to cure given to Borrower pursµant to Section;22 and the notice of.acce!eration given toBorrowerpursµant tl) Section IS s,halFbe deemed tasatisfy, tbe notice and opportunity to take correctiveactipnþrovisions of this Section 20. 21. lIa~l'dollsSllb$~ances.Asusedinthis'Section 21: (n) "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as toxic or ha¡¡ardoussubstal),ces,pollutantli, or wastes by En'lironmentalLawand the following substances:gasoline,ker:osene; othertlaIntìlâbleortox.icpetroleum products, toxic pestJcides and herbicides. volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive materials; (b) "Environmental Law" means federal laws and. laws of the jurisdiction wher~ tbeproperty is located that relate to health,safcty or environmeittal protection; (é) "f:nvÙ"onmental Cleanup"'includes any respoöseactÌon,remedialaction,or removalacti6n. asdefine<l in Environmental Law; and (d) an "Environmental Condition" .meansacortditiön that can cause, contfibute' to; or otherwise' trigger an' Environmental Cleanup. Borrowersha.ll notöause or' pennit the presence,use,disposal, storage, or release of any Hazardous Substances, or threaten. to release any Hazardous Substances. on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do. nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the Property (a) that is in violation of anyEnvirOì1mental Law, (b) which creates anEiwirönmental Congitioì1, pr (c) whjch, duetö the presence. use" or release ofa Hazardous Substance"creates a condition that adversely, affeclsthe valuc;:,ofthe I?rOp¢fty; Theprc;:ceding two'sentencessháU not apply to the presence; use. or storage on the Property orsmaUqulII)titiesof Hazardous ~ubstancesthat are genetaUy tecogtlized to· bc, appropriate to nonnal residential usÇs and to maintenance, of tbeProperty (incliJding,butnotlimited to, hazardous substances in consumei' products). Borrower shall prornptly give Lender written notice o£(a) any jilVestigatiQn, claim. demand, lawsuit or other action by any govemmental or regulatory agency or, private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Law ofwhich;Borrqwerhas actual knowledge, (b) any Environmental Condition, includingbutnot limited to; any spilling;leaking, discharge, release or threat of'telease orany Hazardous Substance, and (c) any,conditioncaused by the ITGM2769LI0\OOI1)-/11ERS (Page.10 0/12 þages) .'otll1 30511/01 Gre,\DOc. '" To Ord.rc..ø; 1-&00'966-5775 WYO~IING-Single Family-,Fllnnl¡jMitef}'reddie ~cUNIFORl\f INSTRUMENT 0001.1.2 presence. usç or release of a Häzaidous Substance which adversely affects the, value of the Property,. If Borrower learns. or is notified by 'any gò'VcrnmentaL()r,regulatory authority.ocany private, party..' that any' removal or, other remediation of any ijazârdóus Substance,atfecting. the Property is necessary ,Borrower shall promptly take all necessary remedilll actions in açcordance with Etlvirottlì1efitaILaw. Nothinghereill shall create àn¥obligatjonort Lender for an Environmental Cleanup. NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. BQrrowerandLlmder further covenant äfid agree as follows: 22. Acceleration; RemedIes. Lender shjl.Ugivenoticc to Borrower prior to acçeleration following Borrower's breach oLany eovenantor agreement in thIs $eeurify[nsfrumélit (but not prior to acccle,rationunderSection 18 '.lDless^ppUea~le, Law provides otherwise). The notlceshaUspeéity: (a) the default; (I» the action required to eure"the default.(c),adat.e,noflesstltan30 daysf~m,the,datethenotice is given to Borrower, by which tbe defaultrnustbe cured; 3nd(d) that f3iluretocurethe ddaulton or before the datesþeclßedin,the notice may result inaccelerationøf the sums sec,~redbythls Security Instrument and sale of the Prøperty. The, notice shall further inform Borroweróf the,,rjghtto reinstate after acceleration and the right to bring a court action to a,85ert the non-existence ofa default or any other defense of Borrower to acceleration and sal,e., If the default is not cured on or beforetbe datespecißed in the notice. Lender at its option may require immediate paYD1entin fùllof all sums secured bytbis Security Instrument wi~hout further demand lDd may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies pennlttedby Applicable Law. Lender sballbeentitled to tolled all expenses Incurred inpursuì..gthe remedies provldedili tbls Section 22, induding,butnotUmitedto, reasonable attorneys'feesand costsoftif e evidence. If Lendèr invokes tbe power ofsale, Lender shállgive notice of intent to !orecloseto Borrower and to..the, person lnpõssèssloÌl ofthe Property,<Ifdifferent. in accordaß(:ewith AppUc~bleLaw.Lender shall give notice of the sale to Borrower in tbê manner provided In Section '15. Lender shall publish ;thenotlee ofsale.,andthe Property shaltbe sold in the mánnër prescribed, by Appllcablë ·Law. Lender or its desIgnee .may purchase the' Property at any, sale. The proeeedsof the sale shall be .applied in tbefoUowbagorder: (a) to 011 expenses of the sale, inchading, but not limited to, re.s()ßable.ttorn~ys'fees;(b)to all sumsseeured by this Security Instrument¡and,(e) any excess to, the person or personsJegally entitled to it 23. R~lease. UpQn payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall release this Security Instrumcrtt.BorrowershaU payanyrccQrdatiQ!1 costs. Lender may charge BotTöwer a fee forrele¡¡singthìs Security Instrumen~. butQnIy if~Jw fee is paid to a third party fQr services, rendeted ,·and the charging'oftbe feë is permitted ,under Applicable Law. 24.Waiver ; Borrower releases ,and waives ¡¡ll rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption Jaws of Wyoming. I11!M 2T69L11 (OO1t)-MEltI (Pog' J J øflJ pogu) .~OI1ll, 3,0511/01 G....lDocs... To,OrderCott t.øoóoøeS,5TT6 WYOl\fIN(;.;...Singl.e FamiJ)',--Fahnle Mae{Fre"dJeM1Ic UNIFORM 'NSTRU~r,a 0001.1.3 (Seal) -BorrQWer (Seal) (Seal) -Borrower .Bonower , (Seal) (Seal) -Borrower -Borrower Witness; Witness: State of 0 '\+1 0 County of W~~ ) )ss ) The foregoínglnstrument wasacknowledgedbeforc me by ROBERT C.ADlER, DEBORAHK. ADLER thÎs26th day of Novemþer2007 Witness my hand and offiyíal,seal. ~~ , N(!1aJy Public JUUA SCARBOROUGH My commission expires: 8':---& - t b - 2.0 0 J ITEM,2769L 12 (ÓII11),.-MERS (Page fl allZ pagel) Form 3051 1/01 GrealDoca ... To Ord,rCaß:1.,aoo-Ø,ØW175