HomeMy WebLinkAbout935294 RECEIVED 12/3/2007 at 10:27 AM RECEIVING # 935294 BOOK: 680 PAGE: 168 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, wy WARRANTY DEED , 1000168 , . T and M TIRE RECYCLING, j grantor of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars an~ Other Good and Valuable Consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do Convey and Warrant To ,. , TERRY DIXON AND MONETTA DIXON, Husband and Wife as Tenants by the Entireties ! grantees whose address is: P.O. Box 402, LaBarge, WY 83123 the following described rea~ estate, situate in Lincoln County and State QfWyoming, to wit: I ì I I Part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 26 North ~ange 113 West of th~ 6th P,M., Lincoln County, Wyoming more particularly· described on attached Exhibit A, I I Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of . Wyoming. . day of ()~/- ,2007. State of Wyoming ) ) ss. ) County of Lincoln Witness my hand and official seal. I i I I I i The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ :1 day of October, 2007, by :.AeARGE REAL 1¥,·· . i 'Po O. BOX 74 . : . LABARGE, WYaa1. . ¡ ~J~/¿I Notary Public ¡ COUN1Y OF LINCOLN My Commission Expires Feb. 7.2011 Terry Dixon. My commission expires: !fo, )-,:<0/1 , . '~'''bENNlf(HACKÙN ; NÖTARvPUBLlé STATE OF WYOMING 2& I 1 ¿{ ~ StreamLine Deed - WlIlTIUlty WY@Rev. 9/24/2007 ···Ii·'· jr .,V " EXHIBIT A i I I 001i69 I . I Par~ B (West~ 8: 1292 acres OfHaCk1~ey Parcel)' , '. .1 A parcel ofland Within the SEY4, SWY4 of Section 14, T26:N~ RI13\V0fthe 6thP,M.Lm9oln count. y, Wyo~~g an~ al.~~ being part ofthat p~icular ~.ar.cel O. f. land.. 'COil. v.. e.yed. by warr.1~ deed ftomP,S.F, Luruted LiabilIty Company to Demus HacklinliIld J.W;~an.tq'as recorded m book 39,8 PR on pag~ 276 on file i~the Lincoln County Clerk's;;öft1ce in·I~emmerer,Wyoming I ~ bemg more particularly descnbed as follows: .... . .: '. i . .. . . . . . . Conunencing at the center Y4 comer of Section 14, T26N, RI13W, 6th P~M" where is fou da.. reddish. stone approximately 19 inches· long by 8 inches wide by 6~ inchesprotrudfug iTo the ground with SS chiseled on the east face and an "X" chiseled on the top face; thence Sooo 'OO"W along the east line of SWY4 of said Section 14 a distance of 1318.32 feet to theCS 1/16 0 Section 14; the~ce S89°54'27"W along the north line of the SEY4SWY4 of said Section 14 I distance of 138.45 feet to a point, said point is at the centerline of Lincoln County Road 1~-315 and is the point of beginning of the Dennis Hacklin and J.W.· Haney Parcel as described an~. . recorded in book 398 PR on page 276 on file in the Lincoln county clerks office in Kemmerer, . Wyoming; thence continuing along the north line ofSEY4SWY4 of said Section 14 a distange of 190.12 feet to a 1 ~inch aluminum cap stamped CCI, PELS-574, with a punch mark near.its center, said point being on the right-of-way line of Lincoln County Road 12-315; thence ! S89°54'27"W continuing along the north line of the SEY4SWY4,a distance of 487,69£eet t~ the . point ofbeginning·ofthi~ d~scription, wher~js fOlnid. ar~bär ~th an.~~umcap 'st~pep,CCI, PELS 5465; thenc~ co~tmu~g S89°S4'27!'~alon8the north line of the SB~SWY4~dl~ceof 603.84 feet to a 3 mch alummumcap'stampec:lCCI PELS 574, SWll16 Sec;14, \\1,ttha pupch . mark near its, center; thence SOOOl'07"E along the west line:,oftheSE~SW~ ofS~tion14 a . distance of728.56 feet to a 1 ~ inch alumimimcap stamp~d.ÇCIPELS:574;with a punch niark near its center, said point being on the right rightofwar:l~~'ot'~iPQ91n;e,~~ty'Road, 12..3 ~5; thence continuing along the west line of the SE~SWY4Òf'is~~4S~ç~ºn'14;aAi~tanc.eof60,~5 feet to the center line of said Lincoln County Road 12-315; thenëèNß()~12'37,,,ElLIongthe centerline '.' .' , . - ....:. , '. I of said Lincoln County Road 12-315 a distance of 723.47 feet;theI1deNO~20'39"E a distance of , ': . , 60.43 feet to a point on the right right of way line of said Lincoln Cöunty Road 12-315 where is found rebar with a 1 ~ inch aluminum cap stamped CCI PELS 5465; thence. continuing : Noo20'39"E ~ distance of326.89 feet to the point of beginning. Said parcel contains 8,129~ acres more or less. ' . , 'I Legal Description for Dennis Hacklin Split of Dennis Hacklin and J.W. Haney Parcel (near LaBarge, Wyoming)