HomeMy WebLinkAbout935324 UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS front and back CAREFULLY A. NAME & PHONE OF CONTACT AT FILER [optional] I I RECEIVED 12/3/2007 at 2:44 PM RECEIVING # 935324 BOOK: 680 PAGE: 244 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY B. SEND ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO: (Name and Address) Capitol Services, Inc, EO, Box 1831 Austin, TX 78767 800/345-4647 000244 L .J THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY 1a.INITIAl FINANCING STATEMENT FllE# 1b. This FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT Receiving No. 925274, Book 643, Page 158 IZI Is to be flied (for record) (or recorded) In the REAL ESTATE RECORDS. 2. 0 TERMINATION: Effectivenes. cß Ihe Fln.nclng Stll.m.nt Identified .bovel.l.rmln.led wlh respect to security Inter.st(s) cß Ih. Secured P.rty .ulhorlzlng Ihls Termln.tlon St.I.m.nt. 3. U CONTINUATION: Etlectlven..s cßlh. Fln.nclng St.I.m.nlldentlfled .bove with respect to securly Inlerest(.) cß the Secured Party .uthorlzlng Ihls Conllnu.l;on St.t.menlls contlnu.d for the .ddlllon.1 period prOllld.d by .pplc.bI. I.W 4. ASSIGNMENT (full or p.rtl.I): GIve n.me cß ..slgn..ln I.m 7. or 7b .nd .ddress of .sslgn..ln lem 7c; .nd .Iso give n.m. cß.sslgnor In lI.m 9. 5. AMENDMENT (PARTY INFORMATION): ThI.Þ<nenåTJent .tI.ct. D.btor g; Secured PorIycßr.cad. Ch.ck onlygof th... Iwoboo... Also ch.ck Jl\I cßth. following Ihre. boo.s I!IJ pro'IId. .pproprlat.lnformatlon In I.ms 6 and/or 7. CHANGE n.m. .nd/or .ddre..: PI.... r.fer to the d.lall.d Instruction. DELETE n.me: Give record name In re ards to chan In the name/øddress cia 8 to be deleted In Item 68 CW 6b, 6. CURRENT RECORD INFORMATION: 6a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME Anadarko Petroleum Corporation OR 6b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 7. CHANGED (NEW) OR ADDED INFORMATION: 7a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME 115 OR 7b. INDIVIDUAl'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 7c. MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE POSTAL CODE COUNTRY 7d. SEE INSTRUCTIONS 7e. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION 7f. JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION 7g. ORGANIZATIONAllD #, Wany o NONE All that certain collateral more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein. 9. NAME OF SECURED PARTY OF RECORD AUTHORIZING THIS AM ENDMENT (name cß ..slgnor, If Ihl.l. an Asslgnm.nt). If Ihl.ls an Þmendm.nl .ulhalzed by a Debtor >MIlch .dds coll.ter.1 or .dds Ih. .ulhorlzlng Debtor, or I1thl.I.. T.rmin.tlon AiJthorlzed by. Doblor. ch.ck here 0 .nd enler n.me cß DEBTOR .uthorizlng Ihls Þ<nenåTJent 9a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME OR The Royal Bank of Scotland pic, Agent 9b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 10. OPTIONAl FilER REFERENCE DATA Lincoln County, WY (Anadarko: October 2007 Advance - 165484) FILING OFFICE COPY - NATIONAL UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT (FORM UCC3) (REV. 05122/02) HOU :2754216.1 I UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT ADDENDUM I FOlLOW INSTRUCTIONS (front and back) CAREfULLY 11 INITiAl FINANCING STATEMENT FilE # I Receiving No. 925274, Book 6~3, Page 158 12 NAME OF PARTY AUTHORIZING THIS AMENDMENT (same as item 9 on Amendment form) 120. ORGANIZATION'S NAME , I OR The Royal Bank of Scotland pic, Agent I 12b. INDIVIDUAL'S LAST NAME FIRST¡NAME MIDDlE NAME, SUFFIX 13, Use this space for additional information I 1 THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY 000245 Additional Debtor: Anadarko E&P Company LP FILING OFFICE COPY - NATIONAL UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT ADDENDUM (FORMUCC3Ad) (REV. 05122/02) HOU:2754216.1 Well Name: Wilson Ranch 449-31 E Anadarko Well Number: 92049 Rowl Numbers: 7131 and 7136 State: Wyoming County: Lincoln Legal Description Type: Jeffersonian Township: 20.0 N Range: 112.0 W Prime Meridian: 6 Section: 31 Quarter: NW SE HOU:2754216.1 Exhibit A Description of Designated Wells 000246 October 2007 Advance