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File No.: 60111716141
Bob Jacobson and Vicl,y Jacobson, Husband and Wife,
grantor(s) of LaBarge, State of Wyoming, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars and Other Good and Valuable
Consideration, in hand paid. receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) Convey and Warrant To
Trever Wesle)' and Meghan Wesle)', Husband and Wife,
grantee(s), whose address is: General Delivery LaBarge, WY, 83123 the following described real estate, situate in
Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, to wit:
That pal1 of the South Half of the Southeast Qual1er of the Southwest Qual1er of Section 6, Township 26 N0I1h,
Range 112 West, within the incorpomted limits ofthe Town of LaBarge, COWlty of Lbtcoln, and part ofthat tmct
of record bt the Office of the Qerk of Lincoln COWlty in Book 598 of Photostatic Records on page 97 and also
part of Lot 1 ofthe vacated Marx Addition to the Town of LaBal'ge 01' record in sold Office as Plat No. 201 and
described as follows:
Beginning at a marker for the Southeast of said Lot 1, on the East line of said South HaIf of the Southeast
Qual1er ofthe Southwest Qual1er, NOl1h 00°-08' East, the base bearing for this surve)', 283.50 teet, fl'om the
South One-Quarter cornel' of said Section 6;
Thence North 89°-59'-30" West, 220.56 feet along the south line of said Lot 1 to a point;
Thence North 00°-08' East, 226.09 feet, to a point South, 0.8 feet of a chain-link fence for the EOG Resow'ces
Well Cbimney Butte UlÚt No. CP-5 and Southeasterly, 4.4 feet from the fence corner;
Thence South 86°-57.5' East, 220.84 feet, parallel with said fence line, to a point on the East line of said South
Half ofthe Southeast Qual1er ofthe Southwest Quarter, South 00°-08" West, 161.9 feet from the
NOl1heast corner of said South Half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Qual1er and NOl1heast
corner of said Lot 1;
Thence South 00°_08' West, 214.40 feet, along said east line to the Mal'kel' of Beginning.
Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of
WYOM~. ~
Witness my/our hand(s) this A 7 I: day of): 4:A'rf.,6ú/ ,20.J22.
~/'- A~ ~ ~~~
Bob Jacobson ¿/ Viclcy Ja 0I\f
Sl1Ite of Wyoming )
) ss.
County of Lincoln ) , )
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this.;/1 E· day of Y tHJ-t-17l/6~{/
by Bob Jacobson IInd Vicky Jacobsoll.
My commission expires'
Witness my hand and official seal. '
?; .;?.fJ g'
S~ate of
County of Wyomina
Lincoln . ~ - '1: ill.
My Commission Expires -- -.
~ s.......Liøe Deed - Wmanty WY C Rev. 1112712007
RECEIVED 12/4/2007 at 12:35 PM
RECEIVING # 935347
BOOK: 680 PAGE: 375