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COURTESY RECORDING This document is being recorded solely as a courtesy and accommodation to the parties therein. Land Title Co. Hereby expressly disclaims any responsibility or liability for the accuracy content,the,reQ.f. ,/I. 'f.! i. "I~- knd lìtle -C9mpan:v SINCE 1904 , . RECEIVED 12/5/2007 at 10:22 AM RECEIVING # 935367 BOOK: 680 PAGE: 443 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 000443 State of Wyoming Space Above This Line For Recording Data MODIFICATION OF MORTGAGE DATE AND PARTIES. The date of this Real Estate Modification (Modification) is 11-29-2007 . The parties and their addresses are: MORTGAGOR: ANDREW M. BOOTH, A SINGLE MAN P.O. BOX 3850 ALPINE, WY 83128 LENDER: BANK OF JACKSON HOLE ORGANIZEO ANO EXISTING UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF WYOMING 990 W. BROADWAY P.O. BOX 7000 JACKSON, WY 83002 BACKGROUND. Mortgagor and Lender entered into a Security Instrument dated 09-22-2006 and recorded on 09-27·2006 . The Security Instrume'nt was recorded in the records of LINCOLN County, Wyoming at REC#922832BK635PGl15 . The property is located in LINCOLN County at 106 HAWTHORNE DRIVE: 268 ASPEN DRIVE. ALPINE. WY 83128 Described as: LOT 20 & 25 OF THE BROKEN WHEEL RANCH SUBDIVISION, SAID SUBDIVISION BEING THE SW1I4NE114 OF SECTIDN 15, TOWNSHIP 36 NORTH, RANGE 119 WEST. 6TH P.M.. WYOMING. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE OFFICIAL PLAT OF SAID SU8D1VISION AS FILED FOR RECORD IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK AND EX-OFFICIO RECORDER OF DEEDS, LINCOLN COUNTY. WYOMING ON THE 2ND DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1972. REAL ESTATE MODIFICATION·WYOMING (NOT FOR FNMA. FHLMC, FHA OR VA USEI Ex/5ë?è.11J ©2001 Bankers Systems.lnc" St. Cloud, MN Form MMOD-WY 1/16/2004 (page 1 of 3) ~ .f: *, ''''.' '. ,A .~" Jd,";!~ ....,~,. ..- .,. ~..r' a ;:w,:·,~ .,.. ""1' 'I. ~ ' MOrJi);~ I, 'I, N. ~F9~ ~~'óß%received, Mortgagor and Lender agree to modify the original Security Insti'Ufnf~~ ortgàrfbr~j.r:id'\~Lender agree that this Modification continues the effectiveness of the ori'gir:l¡JIf~1ecurj~y: Ins.trument. The Security Instrument was given to secure the' original debts and obliga1ioris' fwnetlíef identified as Secured Debts, Sums Secured, or otherwise) that now have been mòdified. T;ogether with this Modification, the Security Instrument now secures the following debts andâll extensions; renewals, refinancings, modifications and replacements. (Include items such as borrower's name, note or contract amounts, interest rates (whether variable), maturity datesl etc.} MODIFICATION TO INCREASE MAXIMUM OBLIGATION TO $462,600.00. 0'00444 ŒJ MAXIMUM OBLIGATION LIMIT. The total principal amount secured by the Security Instrument at anyone time will not exceed $ 462,600.00 [X] which is a $ 125.00000 IX] increase 0 decrease in the total principal amount secured. This limitation of amount does not include interest and other fees and charges validly made pursuant to the Security Instrument. Also, this limitation does not apply to advances made under the terms of the Security Instrument to protect Lender's security and to perform any of the covenants contained in the Security Instrument. CONTINUATION OF TERMS. Except as specifically amended in this Modification, all terms of the Security Instrument remain in effect. SIGNATURES: By signing below, Mortgagor agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Modification. Mortgagor also acknowledges receipt of a copy of the Modification. MORTGAGOR: . / / -0 í. fi~ /J1 ~ I~ 3j/j'-'1. (Signature) ANDREW M. BOOTH (Date) (Signature) (Date) (Signature) (Date) (Signature) (Date) (Signature) (Date) (Signature) (Date) ~œI ©2001 Bankers Systems, Inc., St. Cloud, MN Form MMOD-WY 1/16/2004 (page 2 of 3) 000445 ACKNOWLEDGMENT: L' C; I STATE OF WYOMING , COUNTY OF ' r\. Ç) ~ ~ ss. IIndivlduan This instrument was acknowledged before me this 0011- day of i..-IOV rOYrI by ANDREW M. BOOTH A SINGLE MAN My commission expires: I' (0..0'1 (Seal) ~:;;;;::":::;:"""""~~~;;::'::'~":;;:::;;;;"'1 MAf~I.ENE FISHER N01ARY PlIBLlÓ '¡ COUNTY OF STATE OF i LINCOLN WYOMING ~~~ ACKNOWLEDGMENT: L ' t STATE OF WYOMING , COUNTY OF I h Co ~ } ss. (lender) This instrument was acknowledged before me this\.3Ö'1'Q day of lOVP(r\&V;~ by PHilLIP W. NEWCOMB as SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT of BANK OF JACKSON HOLE Business or Entity). My commission expires: i~ I c> ' 09 (Seal) (Titles) (Name of --~-.............,.....,.....,:,......:.,.....~---- MARLENE FSHËR~-"i~;~lARYPU8LJ;¿-~ì COUNTY OF STATE OF LINCOLN VVYOMING , !::1,~.~~SION EXPIRES ,IANUARY 10, 2009 ~~=~~~ ." A¡A~,j ~t[IJ ©2001 Bankers Systems, Inc.. St. Cloud, MN Form MMOD-WY 1/16/2004 (page 3 of 31