HomeMy WebLinkAbout935370 RECEIVED 12/5/2007 at 10:34 AM RECEIVING # 935370 BOOK: 680 PAGE: 452 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY AFFIDAVIT OF SURVIVORSHIP THE STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. ) 000452 COUNTY OF LINCOLN EVA M. WILSON, being first duly sworn upon her oath, deposes and states as follows: 1. On the 8th day of May, 2007, my husband, PHILIP RAY WILSON, a/k/a PHILIP R. WILSON, died, as is evidenced by the official certificate of death attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 2. At the time of his death my husband jointly owned certain real property with me, said real property being located in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, and more particularly described as follows: Parcel 120 of the Town of Diamondville, Lincoln County, Wyoming, as shown upon the plat thereof dated August 31, 1942, containing 7500 square feet, more or less, as the same appears of record and on file in the Office of the County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds in and for said Lincoln County, Wyoming, together with all improvements and appurtenances thereon situate or in anywise appertaining thereunto. 3. Said real property was originally conveyed to PHILIP R. WILSON and EVA M. WILSON, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties, by Warranty Deed dated January 25, 1980, and recorded in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds on July 28, 1992, in Book 313PR at Page 419. 4. By reason of my husband's death, I am entitled to sole ownership of the above-mentioned real property. cl00453 DATED this t"3.?' U day of 77 N . / , 2007. "'---,-. L' '. " :z- ;0"' ) / " r?, £/'7¿'/ /?J. (¿ / A..I':.::L..¿J I~ EVA M. WILSON SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to -.{ 0 day of AI6 '1/. and acknowledged before me this , 2007, by EVA M. WILSON. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~ .' '~¿-0~L-<.. ~ N-t ry Public ð Commission D ( f{:....~'~~~~._~~<¡¡.....?...~~-;;.-.r.":..,¡.~~ LOUise L:O,~'i.SE~:::.J\07!';RY PUBUC CC~~gfY (::' ð?',{';¡:) STATE Of L~¡i/JlN Iii",,':":." ""'r.MI'1I' '<!;;::.;(;ÿ ,11>," UN My Commission Ex~; ")., Ce ~ ;:~D ( ( 2 ,..,. ...., ......{ ., \ AnTO':' 'M': '.., ,:'.: G:'"·,,,, 51ATEOFvvl . 'IN .. D~PÞ$TII!I.I;NT OF tlEALTH\ ' ''-:;::C-, .:;: Philip Ray WilsOQ r~~~~mberq7, 1939 DEÄ.TH CERTIFICATE ,." ~ ~ I ~ ~ I. 1 ~ ~ j! , i ~, ; ~ ~ ¡¡ ~ I ~ Jli ~I. ¡ ~ i i ìj j i~ '"',', ,'. . Dècedent: Name: Gender: .,' ",'.. Datø of Birth:} ,", ..... .... ',' 'c.' -:. _.. ..' '.... :::: ';:::- .::; ::: ::;: :::: ;.:: >:: ::;: .:" Statt~ File Nurt.ber:2Q071001387 < SociatSecLtrityN!,.Imper: ',', , .' ):Ageø.t tbe:Tirp~. 9fDeâ~: 71year~ AdditiQnaIJ)ecø~enUnformätion:, .,¡' ", Placé of Birth:' Savageton. Wy.ominø· ..".. ¡ Residence: Diamond"1illet Wyoming _ " .....- - - . - ....~..... ..........,..;.. ::::. Marital Status:' Married . < ......,', ......., ; NameofSurvivingSpouse: Eva M. Flores NameofFather:"GlÍarle~AndrewWjls9n, / ' . , j''''' Maiden Nåmi;! ofMpther:ty1aryl\t1atildi:rGeet: '..,' Informånt: """Eva M. Wi/sori";' \ \ I I I I ~ I I I I I I ~ .... Date and Place of Death: Daté ofDeatb:,"rv!ay 0&(200;7 City ofO£3ath{ "J<emmérer \.., ....,'--..-:.....,., . I,.'.:.:.'" ,.;.;. ~ ,·("Cç~·qty qn~~ath:Lincolri ... > ",;.: ;'·'-:':':i.;"'" .. .. -':";" ~~t~~~i~~Bi1pJ~ii¡0~~(/ .. RéiriovàLfibmJ.$tëite'{ Place of Disposition: UFD CrematiorfCenter, South Jordàn, Utah '. " . -,~':'.. -"., "', .., '"';:" ":' \ ':" .. .. ".".',.."",:,.- .. èi¡use\of,'be,.th t:: ..:" . "'" ,""". . "". ,..,:" ...,,':.,. .'.:"" ...... '::":' .;::' ..:': ':':;" ""'.. . ...- The immediate cåûse is listed oþthefirsUi1èfollowed by any iJhdeilying caûses. (a) Coronary Atherostenosis ,...... /' ...... '.' .' ....... ,I (b) Arte~iQ~~I~roticCat9!ovasþlilàrDi~~à~e': Other$Jgl1lflçant.Conq!trons:~( )t R.~çorq~d . Interval: Not Recorded Manner of. D~ath;~aturaID~a~h '.'..' '.' . '-' ~ ,'..,. ·····TimeofDeath:·1B:39.. .......} .. '.. , " ',' ":', :'- . " ,'. .'.' .., .. . Certifier: Name: \ Address: