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WORI\.. .....I.-...a..o,¿r{ # 64459 & 64460
S~. 14, 1L34~,}tl19VV . J
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KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT: ~ThaYh ~I W r ?;3/:l 'l ..-fJa; L
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..;( 17 That the under81gned, IDA BEm AULLMAN LA wrON married woman, gra..ÛIet of ..cltey~,
LI VI C c.~ Y\ Lanœle ~ounty, Wyoming (maWng address: 11.303 YeUew Dear, CheiéJQ~;WY 82009), as her sole
and separa, property, the following described real, estate, situate in Llneolo County, State of
Wyoming, hereby re.leaslDg and waI'ring aU rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption
laws of the State, ("-orantor" for a good and valuable consideration, 1he receipt of which is hereby
acknowledged, do heœby gran~ convey and wammt unto Lower Valley Energy. a Cooperative: CotpOration.
of Aiton aud Jackson, Wyoming and to its sucçessors and assigns, (1IGrantees"), a. pezpetua1 easement and
right of way for the construction and continued maintenance, repair, alteration and replacement of the
electric distribution cirçui18, Jînes. and equipment of the Grantee to be çonstructed and maintained under,
upon and across the premises of Grantor in Uneoln County, State o(Wyo.mlng, along a Jine described as
follows" to wit:
BEING a portion of the SEl/48W1I4 of Section 14, T34~, R1l9W, 611 P.M. Lincoln County. Wyoming
more particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at a point that is 437.50 East and 30 feet ~orth of the SW comer of the SEl/4SWl/4 of said
Section 14, at a power pole location. Thence N 4<>E, 143 feet to a transformer location. Easement to include
a strip of land 20 feet in width running paralJel with east line of parcel described in a wammty deed
recorded March 12, 1986 in Book 236 PR, page 460, recording number 651529.
EASEMENT to include 10 feet on each side of described line, together with all necessary and reasonable
rights or ingress and egress and to excavate·and refill ditches and trenches for the location and repair of said
facilities and to cut, trim. spray herbicides, or remove trees, shrubbery, undergrowth or other ob8cmctions
interfering with the repair and maintenance of the faciliüa¡.
The Grantor acknowledges that Electric and Magnetic Fields (EMF) are naturally occurring in the
translnission or distribution of eJecCricity, BIld that the Grantee has here notified Grantor that EMF testing
and information is available upon request from the Grantee. This Easement by Grantor is intended to
include so much space as is necessary or appropriate to the presence of EMF and reasonable operation of
the Gmntee's distribution lines.
Grantor agrees that all poles, wires and other facilities. il1stalled on or under the described lands shall
remain the property of the Grantee removable in the sole discretion of the Grantee at the Grantee's expense.
The rights, conditions and provisions of this easement ahaU inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the
parties, their heirs, executors, administmtors, succ.essors and assigns. Grantor shall compensate Grantee for
any damages to Grantee's facilities caused by Grantor, including payment of Grantee's attorney fees jf
action is undertaken by Orantee to enforce the commitments descn'bed in this easemenL Gmntorreserves
the right to improve, occupy and use this easement for all purposes not inconsistent with the easement grant.
Each party sba1l have the remedy of specific performance regarding this easement. The rights and
obligations deson'bed in this easement shall nm with the land. This casement is not exclusive, BIld Grantor
retains all rights not specifically granted by this easement. This is the entire agreement of the parties
regarding this easement, except as may be set forth in writing after the date of this easement and signed by
the parties. Grantor hereby releases and waives all rights by virtue of the Homestead Exemption Laws of
WITNESS the Handofthc Grantor, this JC/. day of-L]Jov'i?-vY\ h '1' ~2007.
STATE OF N.e brq5 KC( }
COUNTY OF \-1 q rI }
The f~mg ~t was acknowledged before me by IDA BEm AULLMAN LA. wrON
this day of V M b-e ¡( 2007.
INPIL tÐWf{ . StIrI" __
__ Comm. EIp. Aug.', 2010
Notary Public
My oommission expires: A 1.1 7 ' g- w ( d
RECEIVED 12/5/2007 at 11 :07 AM
RECEIVING # 935376
BOOK: 680 PAGE: 473