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RECEIVED 12/7/2007 at 10:42 AM RECEIVING # 935449 BOOK: 680 PAGE: 647 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY CORRECTIVE QUITCLAIM DEED 000647 KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that A VR HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Wyoming Nonprofit Corporation, P.O. Box 3525, Alpine Wyoming 83128, which does business as ALPINE VILLAGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, GRANTOR, for and in consideration of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, ,in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has hereby remised, released, and forever quitclaimed unto WJW HOLDINGS, LLLP, a North Dakota limited liability limited partnership, P.O. Box 9199, Fargo, North Dakota 58106, GRANTEE, and its successors and assigns forever, all such right, title, interest property, possession, claim and demand, as they may have or ought to have, in or to the following described property situated in Lincoln County, Wyoming, to wit: That portion of Alpine Village Loop that is described as Exhibit "A", attached hereto, and as shown on the EXHIBIT TO AFFIDAVIT TO VACATE A PORTION OF ALPINE VILLAGE LOOP, attached hereto. Including and together with all and singular tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances, and improvements thereon or thereunto belonging. Subject to all covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, rights-of-way, and easements of sight and/or of record. This Corrective Quitclaim Deed is to correct the Quitclaim Deed that was recorded in the land records of Lincoln County, Wyoming on August 8, 2007 in Book 668 at Pages 336 through 338 as Receiving No. 931974, by clarifying that the Alpine Village Homeowners Association is the doing business name of A VR Homeowners Association, Inc., a Wyoming Nonprofit Corporation. DATED this I$fCaay of -4 ó~ A VR HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Wyoming Nonprofit Corporation that does business as ALPINE VILLAGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION ,2007. BY: vJæffW PAULA STEVENS, PRESIDENT STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF f,¿1f:r.. ) ) SSe ) ACKNOWLEDGED before me by Paula Stevens, President of the A VR Homeowners Association, Inc., a Wyoming Nonprofit Corporation that does business as Alpine Homeowners Association, acting on behalf of the Board of Directors of said Corporation pursuant to authority provided to her as President of said Corporation, this ~ day of Á/lI)v~6-t- 2007. WITNESS my hand and official seal. , v~~ue L. ADAMS. NOTARY PUBuõ1 Te~ 01 . State of My Comm18s1 Wyoming on expires January 5, 2008 -- My Commission expires¿5z"'" .t."-"-¡ J; :1cv(f I \ / ! I I , .' .. , , " ,", . . " , , , , , " EXm)nT.-"A~' . " 00064~j' OO~~37 . , " P AiCE~ t: '~OJ; ~ny and alrrigh~ w~have to the follQwing roådway, 'Within: ~pine , Village Su~divisjon No.1) ~lat 1 ~ended) filed Jup.e 4, 1981) ~~iving # 559 ~ 90, Plat , ' ~~.. 263, Alpme Village Subdivision N~. i~ Plat 2,Ani~nded, filed June 4~ 1~8.1, !teceiVing " # 5.5~191~ I,>la~ NQ.: 264, and AÌpmè Village Subdivjsion No~), Pl~t'3 Am~qed, fi~ed J\ID,.e , 2; 19-8Ž, Receiying # 578380, that P9i'tiOIl o~ Alpirt~ Vi~ag~'Lòop fr~ntiÌig.on·Lo~ 2Ò,.21, " 22;: 41 and 42, as .s~o~ ~n the Alpinè village ~ub<lÍ:vi~ion'~o¡,l, :Plat' 2 Amen~ed 'dåt~d'.: , " Måy, 18", f98,l, ~~~ept-tha~ whic~ is',~~pte~sly' rð$eIye.d,to,gi~tó~" th~ir,h~"aJÌ~. ,," ~ , suèCesso1'S" sqbject to righ~;.qf-w!LYs grantéd to ~acþ oWner of l(lts ~thinthe' suþdiVisio~ . .' , ' , " ~.Aitiële·:ry:of·~eAlpjn~vi~1ag~,'R~ålty;fuc.,~~V'e~~~,.,cQndition~',~~~ç~tricti~, ',.,'..' " . :' . . .. :~ .:. I..:.. . ~ . . '.. .' '".. . .... . . .' " '. '" I.. . . . . . '" . . , , P:ARÇ~'2:, ',F.oI:,anŸ:~4 ~11 nghts we h~:ye to' the f~llowing ~o~~V{aY, ~thin'i,\l1'ilie.', , ", ViJláge ß,u"~Y.isi~n No: ,¡,.Flat'! Aí:µéb,d~d; 'fiieg ¡µne 4, ,~98 t, Re~iviì1.8 #,559.l9'()~'Flat ' " , , .' No~ ~6j)'Npi:ne:Vil~~ge ~ub4ivisiòri No. )"pitti 2 'ArttendeØ",fiIe4 iµciè, 4, 19~i~'ReceiviIig ...,.., ,. " '. # S$91:91~,P'~a~'~o:26~, and Alpiri~.viUag~ Suhdi.,vlsiqnNo.·l, PJ~t¡3' Mten~ed" filèd)tme,' ..'. ' ':,'.. , '".... '2,.l9~2,.Rèçei,~·#5183.8Q~'AlpineVi11åg~,LQpP'):exci.ëpt.tha~whiqhì~exp~,ssly,", ' , ' ...:' '...... ',' ".,' : ' , fe$erV¢4 'to gtåþ.tors~ th~i:r Jiejrs. ,àrid' s\1c.cessørs; subJeCt tå right..of-ways: 'granted to eaéh . " " . ,', ',:'. . ' ,''..: ',,; ,'~., " oWrier()flots"WitP!~'~~.~$ubdj,Visi~~"per Arti~le ,N ofthë Atp'in.è Vi.,lla~e'~ltY~}nc:: " '~ ' '"., ':, "', " Covenants conditionsand,RestrictioIis.', '.",,',,." , ."'." '" ' ':, "".. ,', , ',' " ,':,' ,.' " .<', '" '..' ',,', '" '" ' ,," ". ':.',' ,,","; , '.,' " , " . ': ' " ,,' " ' G:ran~Qrs, théir ~e~ ån<,i, ·~ticc,essòrs r~erýè '~~ ,exc~~ive rig~t 'aD:d :9wµersnip' of tb,~~ .' .' .. , ..' ',' p~ttiori,ofAlp~è Vi1l~ge'Loòp.front~g ~n ~~ 20, 1~,:22, 4:t'and.'42,.,as ~hQ":'1Ù)ri:th,e ',' , "::' , '1\1þine:Village .~~Ddi~si~'~o~ l,~ PI~t 2'~~,n4e~ da~e,d,'M,aY:Jat'¡98~:.,. , :", "',: :' '., ." " , ' '.' \, .' , '. , " . ' . N " . . . ;' '~" " ' .' ',' , " '..... -', 0' .... . , , .'. . " .. . . , ' ' , , . ' . ' , , ·t' . .. , ' , ,\. , , , ' , .... . . . , ' " . ,..... . . , '. , ' , . . '. ., . " , ,'". " '. ~" .... .1 .' . ' : .~. .' . , . . " , " ... :. .. ',. . '. . . "I ". ...."..: .', '. .... '" '. , , .' " . . " ' " " ,- ", . .' .' .. " . \ . . , . ' , '. '", .. '. ' . , " " , , .'. , ,. . . . , . . , .' . . ' . . , " ." . '.' . , . ': ,.' ", "I' . , . '" . . , I.... '. ,', , , ' . , '. , , " . . , , ' . . , " ' ,', \ '.' , , , ' , " , , , .' , ' " , , '., . . . .' ',' . , , , , . 61658 . 0& B'Rcport l.'alc4of'4 . " . , ' .' , ' , .. , ' , , , "I, . , , '. ' " , "----"-------:~-_.-.-----'---~.,--......_".;~'--~-.."'~-"...--;-..,....,.~- ~-- ,.._-~..."'.'- ......._-.. '.. , . Alpine ViUa,ge $ub"ivisicm 000338 No. t Pl~ t Amende" P£a:t No. 283 Lot 18 419 PR 878 Let 28 41S PR 378 Lot -12 808 PR 795 Ch4rlAs C4'JJ aM ../ Alvin M. Cœridy 428 Pit 47$ ..4lpinq ViLLage Ho owneTs 000649 AssooiaHon. I . 488 PR 444 4()() . ð()() .II' == 200 ' Alpim ViUa.ge S'UbcHvision No. '/ Pla.t- Amended Pla;t No 28.f .lot .2.2 280 PR 188 !4 ?E:' 'li'AIW 8¡¿ ~ctlLA!£j) 8~ :41E"GC1? l'/1'ONl'! "6!ZO eæw.. \ ~lF/i' /71.~' Cop>flgt!t © 2007 b ~ ðbR~yO.R ~ ~ /AM) Bat' nn 9/G PINEY -- ¿MHBI.£TON, H1'Q __ æ.r A!I: A' .v~- :9.' .if~. ~ -.-1Zl. ».....-7. 1'i"J:-. L".L ~_ ~ J()7-.?7'4-J.T~7 UV.Jl .tU1to"'-_/þ .M4'--"'N'_oNrh