HomeMy WebLinkAbout935464 RECORDATION REQUES'1"EiD BY: BANK OF THE WEST JACKSON P.O. lOX 528 160 WEST PfARL STReET JACKSON HOLE, WY 83001 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: lANK OF THE WEST DIRECT SERVICING P.O. lOX 8180 NC-1RE.o1-M WALNUT CREEK. CA 94&9& RECEIVED 12/7/2007 at 4:52 PM RECEIVING # 935464 BOOK: 680 PAGE: 726 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY SPACE AIOVE THis UNE 18 FOR RECORDER'S USE ONLY, 000726 MORTGAGE MAXIMUM LIEN. The lien of this Mortgage shall not e.CIted lit IIflY one time $109,773.00. THIS MORTGAGE dated November 30, 2007, is m.de IIIId executed between SCOTT B TARBELL, SINGLE, AS SOLE OWNER, Whole IIddress is 257 A STREET, IDAHO FALLS, ID 83404 (referred to below 8& "Grllntor·) and BANK OF THE WEST, who.. 8ddr'..I. P.o. BOX 628, 180 WEST PEARL STREET, JACKSON HOLE, WY 83001 (refetTed to below 8. "Lender"). GRANT OF MORTGAGE. For valUllble contlderatlon, Grantor mortgag.. and conveY8 tg Lender all of Grantor's right. fltla, and Intlrlllt In and to the following delor/bed real property. together with ell Ixisting or subsequently eracted or affixed bulldlnge, Improvemente and fixture.; III a8HmenU. rights of way. and appurtenances; 1111 water, water rlghtl, waterCOUl'II811 Ind ditch r'lØhbt (including stock in utilitiel with ditDI' , or irr¡glllion rights); and all oth'r rlghte, roY'ltl.., and pròfrta reletin~ to tha, ra81 property. including without IlmltBtIon all mln.r.ls, 0.11, gIS" . geothennal ,nd ,lmilar mine,., [the "Rul Prop.rty") lucllted In UNCOLN County, Sune Of Wyoming: , LOT TEN (10) Of MEADOW RIDGE ESTATES, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, ACCORDING TO THAT PLAT, fiLED APRIL 28, 2004 AT DOCUMENT NUMBER 898827 AND MAP NUMBER 237-A IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, The R.al Pruperty or'its address ie commonly known..a LOT 10 MEADOW RIDGE, ALPINE, WY 83128. The R..I Property tIIx Identinclldun number Is 12-37115-20-3-00-103.00. Grantor pr...ntlv B..lgnll to lender 'II of Grantor'l right, title, Ind interest in Ind to 811 prelent end future l8all8l1 of the PropertY Ind 811 Rents from tha Property. In eddition, (irantor grants to Lender I Unlfonn Commlrclal CocIe 8ØOUrity interest in th. Person81 Propørty 8nd Rents. THIS MORTGAGE, INCLUDING THE ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS AND 1'HE SECUIITY INTEREST IN THE RENTS AND ...-aNA&. PRO,PERTV, IS GIVEN TO SECURE (AJ PAYMENT OF THE INÞEBTEDNIiSS AND II) PERFORMANCE OF ANY AND ALL OBLIGAT10NS UNDER THE NOTE. THE RELATED DOCUMENTS. AND nlls MORTGAGE. THIS MORTGAGE IS GIVEN, AND ACCEPTED ON 'l'HI FOLLOWING ~M8: < ' PAYMENT AND PERFORMANCE. Except es othsrwill provided in Ù1is Mortgage, Grantor shall P.V to lander I)' Imount. .fCured by thi. Mortg8ge II thay beaome due snd shallstrlotlv perform all of Grantor'. obligation' under thie Mò"gage. ' POSSESSION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PROPERTY. Grantor sgree. thet Grantor's posHssion 8nd ula of the Propeny shall ba govlrned by the following provlslone: , Po......on 8nd'U... Until theocaurrence of øn Event of Default, GlIntor may (1) remlin in POIIØlIÎon end aontrol of tha Property: (21 1.11., operlla or managl tha Propøny: and 131 Dollect .the Rents from the Propertv. ' , ' Duty to Ma~ln. Grantor IIhall mllnteln the Property in good condition and promp1!y pllrfonn alll'llpalrs. replacllments,.and malmenancl neCIG8lry to preMM itl veILl.. ' Complilnve With EnvIronmantal Law.. (irantor represents and warrants to L.nder that: 11) Ður/ng the per¡òd of Granm,'1 ownership of the Property, there ~ been no use, generation, mlnufaclUre, etorage, treatment, dilpolal. relltelll or Ù1ntlltllned I'llleull of IIIr1Y HlWlrdous Substønca by anv person on, under, about or frort1 the Pr~pertv¡ (2) Grlntor hes no knowfedge of. or 1'II1,0n to believe thllt there hu baen, BXOIPt 811 PI'CIVlOU81v dlecloHd to and acknowledged, by Lendar.in writing, ,(el 8ny bra~ah or vlollltlon of anv Envlronmentsl Laws, Ib) IIny ulle, generation, manufacture, IItorlge, treatmant, dilPØ881. r.118slI, or thraltenad,l'IIlaBse of any Huerdaus Substøn08 on, undaf, about or from the Property by IIIIY prior owner. or 'GCcupllnts of the ~oparty, or leI eny actual or threatened litigation or clliml of any kind by eny pllRlon rallting to such matters; and 131 Exaept lIS prevloullly "llIClosad to and loknowledged bV Lender In writing, (a) nøithBr Grantor nor any tanllnt. aontractqr, agent or other "rthor11Eld ueer of the Property Ihall Ule, generlte. menuf8utura. stora, Iralt, disposa t;)f ' or ral.IISII any Hlzardoul Sublltanoe on, und.r, aboU1: or from 'the Propertyl and (b)' any such aotivity lhell b. aonducnad In aomplilnœ with all applicable federel, ItetII, end locel Jews. regultltions Ind ordlnllnces. Inoludlng wlthaut limitation ell Environmental laws. a...ntor authorl2ea lander ,nd ItIIlgentll to enter upon the Prop.rty to make such inspections and tellts. at Grantor's expønll8. a. Landar may deem epproprietv to datennin. oompllance of the Propeny with thlll uatlon of th, MOl'tgøg,. Any In8pectlone or test8 .mlde bV Lender Ihell bø fur Land.r'lI purposas only and shall not be construed to orelltCl any responslblUty or liability on the pan of Lender to Gl'lntor or to IiIIny other pel'llon. The repr..entttiona and w8rr8ntils con18inld hel'llin Ire based on Grantor's due dlllgencl In Investigating the Property for HllzlrdOUI 8UbWlncee. Grantor hereby (1 relel8... and w8ive8 8ny future alllims against under far IndlmnJty or oontrlbuUOfI In the evant G...ntor beaulnea liable for çl..nl,lp or othsr OOltl under any luoh Ilws; and 12) agrees to Indemnify. defend, and hold hlrmle.. Lender against any Ind all oJllml, 101..1, lIabllltlea, damlgal, penllties, and axpens~s which Lender may diraatly or indireGtly sustain ,or suffvr 11Ilulting from . braaoh of this Hatlon of the MDrtgBge or al a oonllequence of any ulle, generation, manufaaturø, storage, dlspoall, rele.88 òr threatened rale81e occurring prior to Gr.ntor's owner~hip or Interest In ,th. Property, wheth.r or not th. lIame w,. or shGuld . '.. Dee 3 2007 9:36 1/035 MORTGAGE (Continued) 000727 P8ge, 2 l: hElVe been known to Gmntar. The provisions of thle lection of the Mortglge, including the obllglltlon to Indemnify and defend. shill survIVe the þayment of the IndebtBdnus and the sltlsfactJon and reconveyance of the liep of this Mortglge and shllll not b. 8ff8~d by Lander', acquisition of any Intereet in the Property, whether b'( foraalosurø or O'therwl8e. Nuilanc., Wa.... Grlntor shall not caus., conduct or permit any nuill8nC8 nor commit. permit. or suffer any stripping of or w18te on or to the Property ar any portion of the Property, WrthoLl'l: limiting the generality of the foregoing, Grllntc:lr will not remove, or grant to Bnv other party the right to remove, any timber, minerlllslincluding 011 and ga.l, coal, clay, ecoria, soil, grevlll ar roak produam without Lender's prior written con"nt, RIHIIQV8I af Improven1ente. Grantor shall nat démolish ar remave any Improvements from the ",al PrvpertY without Lender's prior written consent. As II condition to the f'IImovøl of eoy Impro)fllmllnts, Lender mBY require Grantor to make .rrensemenlv lIatiBfaotory to Lend.r.,~ replolce euch Impruvementa with Improvements of lit least: IquIII vllue. Lend.,'. Rieht to Enter. Lender Bnd lender'llgents and reprauntatlves mlY enter UÞOn the Aeel Property It III relson8b1e Umes to enend tc:I Lender'e intertllw and to inspect the Rell Property for PUrpOSI. of ßrantor', complllnGe with the tenns and conditions of this Mong8ge; Cumpll8l1Ge with Scnrernmln.1 R,qulrement8. Grantor shell promptlv comply with all laws. ordlnancel, and røgulatlons, "OW or hefNIfter in effeat. of III govømmlntel .uthorItJel appRoabl. to the uee or oaoupanay of the Property. Grantor may contest In good fIlth Inv luch law, ordinance, or ...gul8tion 8nd withhold compliance during any proceeding, Including appropriate appeale, eo long as Grantor ha. notified Lender in writing prior to doing 10 and 10 long .., In Lender'e eofe opInioD, Lender's interølta in the Property ere not Jeopardized. Lender may ,..qulrø ßrentor to poet adequate security or a su...ty bond. relsonably Iøtllf~atary to Lender! to protect Lender'e Interell. Outy to ProteCt. Grlntor agreee neither tel ebendon or IBaV8 unattøndld the Property. Grantor ehall do III oth.r acte, in addition to tholle actll Bitt forth 8bow in thillleotlon, whlçh fram the çharacter and ule of the Property ar. rellsonabfv necessary to protect Ind preser:ve thll PropertY. TAXES AND LIENS. The foNawlng provisions relating to the IIxellnd Illne on the Property are part of this Mortgage: PBymlnt. Gr,ntor shill pay when due land in 11111 sVllnts prior todelinquenayl .11 teHl, payroll mxss, lpeclal taXI., Isssumenta, w'ter charges end sewer serviae chlrge. levied IIgalnlt or an aCCo","t of the Proplrty, and &hIli pay when due all cleim. for work done on or for servicell rendered or meterial furnished to the Property. Grentor shal! mlllnt,ln the Property free uf any liene heving pnunty over or &qUeI tp the interest of Lender under this Mortgage, except for tho.. liena epecificllly agreed to in writing by Lender. end except for the Ilan of taxel snd usseslments nat dUll al further epeclfled In the Right to Contest paragreph. ' .." Rlgbt to Çontht. Grentor milly withhold puyment of eny tllX, aSIHllmønt, or alalm In connection with I guod flith diepute over tHe obUgaltlon to pay, ao long Ie Lender'e inwreet in the Property II not JeopardIzed. If 8 lien Irla.. or Is filed .,1 . reeult of nonp.yment, Grentor ehell within fifteen (161 days ulter the lien arlsBs or, If a lien Is flied, within fifteen (15) dlVW Ifter Grentor hee notice uf the filing. seout'8 the disohlrge of tne lien. Ðr if requested by L,øndsr, deposit with Lander c..h or a eufflolent corporate surety bond or other secutity satlsfaatory to Lender In In amøunt auffiQient to diacharge the lien plUI anV coets IIfJd rølsoneble 1Rt0rneya' fees. or other ahllrges thlt could accrue al II relult of a foreclolure or Ille under the fien, In any contelJt. Grlntor shill defend itself Ind Lender .nd Ihlll satisfy Iny IIdverle judgment before enforcement IIgalnst the Property. Grantor shall nlme Lender II at" atddltlon.' oblige, under any surety bond furnished in the oontest proaeedlngs. Evidence af Payment. Grentor shIll upon dlm.nd furnish to Lender eatllflctorv evlc;lence of ptýmant of the taul or IlIIeumentÌI IIInd sh,'1 authorize !hI approprl'te governmentll official to d.liver to Lender It env time III written stetement of the taxes Ind IssessmtÌnts aglll~l! ' the Property, ,.' .,,/ Nottae of Construotlon. Grantor shall notlfv Lender It lea.t fifteen (15) deys before IIIny work Is commenced, env services ara furnllhed"or Bny matarlals are supplied to the Prop.rty, if any mechenic's lien, materillmen's lien. or other lien could bø aSlertød on Bacount of the work, servioee. or meterill.. Grlntor will upon request of Lender furnl,h to Lender .dvance leeurenees letisfactory to Lender thllt Gnlntor aln 8nd win pay the COlt of luph Impl'OVl!lment.. " , PROPERTY DAMASE INSURANCE. The following proVl.lon. ,.lltIng to Ineuring the Property ere e ,pan of this Mungege: MaintenanCe of lnaul1Ince. Grlllntor shin procure IInd mlllntaln pollclu of fir. Insuren!,:, with IUIndard eX1ended coverlllt endoreem,nte on I ...plaaement basis far the full insureble value aoverlng all Improvements on !hit Rell PropertY In an amount euffiolent to avoid Ipplicltion of Bny colnsurlnoe ClllUse, IInd with a standllrd mo"gagBe clau88 In favor of Lender. PoJiciea shell ba writtvn by euch Insurenae oompenies end in suoh form as may be reasonably accePtabl1 to Lender, Grantor ehell deliver to Lender certificetell of cowrage from alllch insurer containing a ,tlpulatlon that coverege will not be 08noelled or diminished without e minimum of tan (10) days' prior wrlttlln notice to Lender and not containing any disclaimer of the inlurer'l liability for feilure to give such natloll. Each Insurance policy 1180 shllll InCllude an endorsement providing that caverøgøln favor of Lender will not be Impaired In any way by any act, omiselon or default of Grantor or eny uther person. Should the RIal PropørtY be I~ated In an area daa/gnated by the Director of the Federel Emergenav Mlnegement Agency 81 a epaclal flood hazard aree, Grentor 8grees to obtain and maintain Federal Flood Insurance, If avalllble, for the fuB unpaid principal balance of the loan and anv prior liens un the property securing the loan. up to the mDlmum policy limits sat under the Natlona' Flood In8ùranc'. Progrøm. or es otherwise requlrød by Lender, and to mllntaln euch Inaurance for the tenn of the loan. ' I , AppDaatJan af Prooelds. ~rantor shall promptly notify Lender of any lose or dameg. to the Property. Lender may m8ke proof of loss 'if Grantor falls to do so within fifteen 11 6) d~V8 of the c.,Iualty. Wh.ther or not Lender's security is impeired. Lender may, 'at I:.ender's election, røceÎY8 8nd t'8t8in the pruceeds of Bny insuranae and apply !hI procelds to the reduction of the Indebtednee., peyment of any lien affecting the Property, or the restor8tion end, repelr of the Prcperty, If Lendsr el,cte to apply the proceedl to reltoratlon and repair, Grantor shllil repair or replaca the dlmaged or ~Ntro'{ed Improvements in a manner satisfactory to Lender. Lender shill. upon setlaflctory proof of Guch expøndlture, payor relmbuI'8Ø Grantor ,rom the proceeds for the ....sonable aost of ",pair or reltomion if Grantor Is not In default under thle Mortgage, Any proceeds whiotl hlllve not been disbursed within 180 days lifter their receipt and which 18nder hI' not committed to the r.pelr or rseto~ltion of the ¡property shall ba used first to pay Bny amount owing to I.andlr under this Mortgago, then to pay accrued intereet, Ind the remeioder. if anv, shill be applied to the principal ballnce of the Indebtedness. If Lender holde any proceeds after payment in full of the Indebtedness. sucr praaeeds Ihlll be paid to Orantor as Orantor'. Intare.fa may a )pe~r. ::. ":~:: U:NtJ~'8 IÐCPEI\IDITURE6, If Gnmtor felle (AI tq keep the Propeny free of III tlxes. lIen.i. seClurlty Interests, ancumbrlnclIs, end othlr claims,' IB) tQ provide any reQuired insurlnoe on the f>ropeny, or ICI to mike repairs to the Property then Llndlr may do 10. If any Batlon' Cor proceeding ill Commanoed thet would mlterially Ilffeat Lender's Interelts In the Property, then Lender On ßrllntor'l beh,lf may, but Ie ribt required to, take IIny ection thet Lender believes to be epproprllte 'to protect Lender's InterlllS. All expens.s Incurrød or plld by Landltr for I I I I I I I I OOO..,2R auoh purposes will then bpr Interest .t the rete c:h8rged under the Note from the' d~e Incurred or paid by Lender to the dtte of repayment by Grantor. All .uch t Cptn... will become. pin of the Indebtedness Ind, It Lender'e option, will IA) be payable on demlnd; (BI be Idded to the bal,n08 of the Note .nd be apÞonloned .mong ilnd be plylble with Iny in8UIllrnent plllymrmw to become due during either (11 the term of uny uppllcaÞIe Insu,.nce pollcr. or (2) the remllnlng term of the Note: or ICI be tteltEld IS III balloon payment whiah will be due ,end peyable at the Note'a maturity. The Mortgage elso will HOure plllyment of these amounts. The rights provld.d for In thle plr,grlph ,h,1I be In IddltJon to any other rights Qr ,"y remedie. to whiçh l.ender mllly be entitled on ellGount of any default. Any such 'action by Lender shall not 'be construed "1,1 curing the defeult so Ills to ber Lender from Iny remedy thet It otherwise would hev. had. WARRANTYJ DEFENSE OF TITU!. The following provllllonll relltln9 to ownerehlp of the Property are I plllrt of this MOrtglglil: ' 11tIt. Or,ntor Wlrrlnte thlt: lal Grantor holds good IIInd mlllrketabla title of record to the Property In fee slmpl., fff' and cle., of ," II.", and IKIGumbrenon other than thoae set forth In the R.el Prop.rty description or In .ny tlUe Ineurence policy, title repgrt, gr,finel title gpiniun issued In mor of, and aaaeptad by, Lender In connection with thIs Mortg.ge,.nd Ib) Grantor he. the full right, power, and àuthgrity tv execute end deliver this Mortgflge to Lender. Defns. of TlU.. Subject to the exception In the paragraph Bbove, Gr.ntor w,rranUl and will forever defend the Utle to the PropertY ag,lnst the IB~I aI,lm, of III persone, In the IVent any .ctlon or proceeding 'e commenced thlt querrtions Grantor'e titte or the interHt gf Lender under thie MDrtglge. GrillntDr shell defend the sation at Grøntor'l øxpanlll. Grentor mey be the nomine I pø~ In .uch proà,.dlng, but Lender Ihall be entitled to participate In tha proceeding and to bll repre..nted III the proceeding bV couneel of Lender'. own choice, and Grantor will deliver, or clu.e to be delivered, tg lender .uch inltruments a. l.endllr may requelt from time to tima to permit sugh partlelpetlon. , . Comp6anc8 With Law.. Grflntor werrønts that the Property end Grlntor's us. of the Property compile. with III IxI.tlng .ppllc.ble lawa, ordlnlnce., end regulltitlnl of govemmrmtel authorities. SuNjyal of Prom... All promises. agrlttlmentl, and Itatements Grlntor his mede In thll Mortgage Ihallllurvlv. the execution ,and delivery of this Mortgage. shall be aontlnulng In neturo and shell remeln In full foroe and effect untllluch time .. Grlntor', Indebtednlls Ie ptld In full. CONDEMNATION. The fgllowing prrMllions rellllting to condemnllltion proceedings are a pert of this Mortgage: ProceecØnp. If any prooeedlng In cond.mnatlon Is flied, Grlntor shill promptly notify LIIndlr In writing, and Or,ntor ahall promPtly take such ...p¡ ,s m.y be nec8Gsarv to defend the Ictlon Ind obtlln the aWlrd. Grlntor mav be the nominal panv In such proceeding, but Lender shell be entitled to perticipate in the prOllHding and to be represented in the prc¡1l1aeding by counsel of Its own choille. and Gran~or will deliver or CIUM tg be delivered to lønde~ suah instrumsnts and dgaUment8tign IllS mey be requested by Lender from time to time to permit such participation, ' AppDo.tlon of Net Prooe.l. ".11 or .ny pin of the Property I. condemned bV eminent dgmein proceeding. gr by 8ny P~bceldirig"'òr purchaee in lieu of condemnetign. Lender may 8t Its eleGtitln require that all, or any portion of the' net proeHds of the award be applied tq the Indabtadness ar the repair or restoration of the Property. The nat proceeds of the IWUrd shill mlln the IWlrd after plylTient of 11,1 ,,"onlble cOlts, expen88e, and 8110rne\'8' fees incurred by Lender in conmll;tion with the condemnation. IMPOSITION OF TAXES. FEES AND CHARGES BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHOR1TI&a. The following provision. relltlng to govemmenøl tIX"~ fees and cherges are e part of this Mortgege: ' ' Currant Tax.., F... end Charges. UpDn request bV Lender.' GrantDr shellllxeGute such doaumenta In øddltlcin ta this MortgelÍe and' biKe whetaver other ac:tign is requested bV Lender tg perfsen and lIontinue Lendsr's lien on the Rail Property. Grantor shall reimburse Lender for all taxes, a8 described below, together wIth all expenses Incurred In recording, parteatlng or continuing this Mongeg., Inoludlng wl1hout limitltion 1111 tlX8S. fees, doaumentllry sblmps, and other charges for recording or registerIng this Mortgage. TIIX... The following shell constltubl biKeS to which this s.ctlon eppllsl: (11 a lpeclflc blx upon thl. type of Mong.;s or upon all or any part of the Indebt8dnsal slÍOured by thle Mortg.age: 12) ,specific fix on' Grlntor which Grantor Ie authorized or required to deduct froÏJt payments on· the! Indebted"... ..oured by thle type of Monge,e: (31 I tax on this type of MtII1{ age chargeable aglinat the Lender g ' the holder of the Note; end 14) I specific tax on 811 g ' Iny pgrtion of tha Indabtedness or on payments of prIncipal snd interest made by Grentor. ," Sub"q...nt T..... If any talC to which thll sectign Ippli.. is en8Ct8d lubHquent to the datil of this Mgrtgege. this event shell hlllW the lI.me effect 18 1/1 Event of Default, end Lender mev exercilllJ any or' ell of its avail.bla remedies for øn Event of Default 118 provided below unless Grantor either 111 pays the tax b.fore It becomes delinquent, or 12) caonteate the tax .e provided .bove In the Tax.. and Ue~ section and deposits wIth Lender cash or B eufflclent corporat. lurety bond or other "cur/ty IItlsflctory to Lender. SECURITY AGREEMENT) FINANCING STATEMENTS. The following prgvisions relating to this Mortgage es a s,curity 8greement IIIre a part gf' this Mortgege: S.ourlty Agq.m.nt. Thll Inltrument Ihall conetltute a Security Agreement to the extent eny of the prgpel'ty constitutes fixturel, and Lender ehlll have ell of the righta gf 8 secured party under the Uniform Cgmmaraiel Code Ills emendad from time 10 time. S8Gul'Íty Intllr..t. Upon r,quest bv Lender, Grentgr shlllll teke whatever aClian is requested by Lender to perfect and lIontinue LeItHr'S seaurity intereat in the Personel Property, In addItion 10 recording 'thIs MOl1Uage In the reel property records. Lender may. at any Ilmè end wIthout further øuthorlzatlon from Grantor, fl19 .xeouted counterparte, coplte or reproducatlons of thle Mong.ae Ie II flnenclng ,mtement. Gren10r shall reimburse Lend.r far ell expenses InculTlld In pert.ctlng or continuing thl. sllcUrlty In18rel1. Upon default, GI'II~r shan not remQV8, sever or detach the Pereonal Proper:tY frvrn the Pl'tlperty. Upgn default, Grantor 8hell 8ssemble Iny Per.gnal Property' not affi_d to the Property In a mannor Bnd 81 e place re"onably convenient to Grantor and Lender .nd mike It available to Lender within three ($1 d.vs after rec8ÎÞt gf written dem.nd frgm Lender to the eICt8nt permittsd byappliceble lew. . Add.....e.. Th. mailing edd,..... gf Grantor Idebtor! find Lend,r Ilecur,d pertyl from which informatitln aonc,rning the seaurity ,jntar.est granted by this Mortgage mey be obtained leach el required by the Uniform Comm.rcl.1 Code) are '1 stated on the first page of thl. Mortgage. , FURTHER ASSURANCES: ATTORNEY·IN-FACT. The fgllowing P~gY¡I,gns relating tg further alluranass and Ittgrney-in-fact lllre 8 pert Df this Mortgsge: Further Assur.nc... At øny time, end from tlmll to time, upon requ.st of Lender, Orentor will m.ke, e-(l\I1:e end deliver, or wIll (1'1'.8 to MORTGAGE , (Continued) Page 3 Dee 3 2007 9;36 1/035 MORTGAGE (Continued) 000729 P.g~ 4 be mede. executed or delivered. to Lender or ta Lender's designee. and when requested by Lender, cause to be filed, recorded, reflled" ,,?r rerecorded. 1& the case may be, at such timea and in such offices Ind pieces Is Lender mlY deem ~pprvpriate, any and en 8uch rn'i'rtgOlge"" deeds of trust, sec:uritv d8tds, SIOUrity agreemønts, fin,ncing stlltements, eontlnulltion 15mementa, tn.truments of furthør ","urøncø, certlflceW8, Ind other documents .. may, In the 80le opinion of L.ender, be nece.elry or dØllnlble In order 'to effectuate, complete, perfeot, continue, or prelerve 11 I Grantor's obligations under thø Notll, this Mortgøge, ønd the RellltfJd DocumøntG, .nd (2' the Illnl IInd leourlty InturBsD arellt8d by this Mortg.gll as first and prior IIlIns on the Property, whether tOW owned or 'hereafter acquired by Grlntor, Unle.. prohibited by Ilw or Lender IgreR ta the contrary in writing, Grantor shell T8imburle Lender for ell aasts and expenses inaurred in connection with the mettel'li ref.rred to in this paragraph. ' Attorney-in-Facl. If Gflntgr 1Iila to do env of the things,rllÍ1lrl'lid to in the preaeding plragraph. Lender may da 10 far lod in the nlme af Grantor and at Grantor's BxpBnn. Par luch purpoaes, Grantor hereby lmavocably appointe Lender .1 Grantor'. attornev-In-f..ct for. tl'le PUrpOl1l of making, llxøcutln9, deliverIng, f/llng, recording, and doing III other thlng8 .e may be n8celeary or deelnlble, In Lender'. lole opinion, to Iccvmplieh the mettel'li referred to In the preueding paragraph. FULL PERFORMANCE. If (irllntor pllys all the Indebtednels when due, and otherwise performs all thø obligations Imposed upon G~antcir ünifòr this Mortgage, lendBr shall IIX.CutII Bnd dlllver to Grantor a suitable satlllfact!on of thle Mortgage ' td suitable 8t.atemente of termination of Iny flnaoolng Itllblmllnt' on file evidencing Lender'ø øllCurl'ty Int.....t In tht Rtnts .nd the Pereonal PropertY, GrantQr will PlY. If' p.rmltted bv applicable law, any reasonable termination fee as datermined by Lender from time to time. EVENTS OF DEFAUL r. At Lender's option, Grentor will b. in d.fault und.r Utis Mortgage if any of the following happ.n: ' " ,..' Pilyrnlnt Default. Grantor feils to make any Plym.nt when due und.r the Indebtedn.ss. > , DBfault on Other PlIVIhllnu. Plllur. of Grantor within thB tlmB required by this Mortgagl to mllkø anv payment far taxa or Inlurance, or any other payment necessary to prevent filing of or to effect discharge gf any lien. Bretk Other Prom"n. Grllntar br.aks IIny pramlse mllde to Lender or falls to perform promptly 8t the time IInd strigtfy in the mllnner provided in thie Mo/1{ age or in Inv agraement releted to this Mortgags. Faile Statemenll. Any representation or statlmsnt made or fumished to Lender by Grantor ar an Grantor's behalf under thl. Mortgage or the Related Documents is false or rnialeeding in eny meteriall'lisptlGt, either now or at the time made or furnished. , Deftctive Colllt...IiQtion, Thle Mortgage or anv of the Aelated Documente ce'eee to be in full fgroe and effect !including failure of any,., collateral document to create a valid end perfected eecurity intereet or lien' at any time and for anv reason. , " Death or Ineolvency. The death of Grantor, the insolvency of Grlllntar, the appointment of a reusiver for any plllrt of Grantor's property, ~~y allignment for the benefit of creditors, any type of arel!lltor workout, or the aammenCBment of any proceeding under any bal;lkrupmy ~r In80lvency lawI by or against Grantor. ' Tlllklng at the Praperty. Any creditar or governmental egencv tries to teke Inyof the Propørty or Imy ather of Grantor's prvperty in which Lender hu ø lien. Thll Includes taking of, gamlshlng of or levying on Grantor's accounts with Lender. How.vef, if Grlllntor dillpUtlls in good faith whether the claim on which the taking of the PropertY I. baeed Ie valid or reaeonable, Ind If Gran1Qr give. Lender written notlaB Qf the olaim and furnlehee Le tder with monlee or a furetV bond ..tlefaotary to Lender to satlafy thB clllm, then thll default provision will ngt apply, Br8luh of Other Agreemvnt. Any breach bv Grantor under the terms of Iny other eore.ment between Grantor end lender that I. not remadied within IIny grace period provided therein, including withøut limitation eny. øgraemønt canGeming any Indebbldnels or other obligation of Grantor to Lender, whothlr existing now or Iltllr. .' . Even" Affecting Guaranlor. Anv of the preceding evente occure with re.pect to anv gueran'tgf, endo,..r, sUl'fty, or accommo'dl1:lon patty of anv of the IndebtednBs. or any guarantor, endorser, surety, or IIccommodatlon pBrtv dlBS or became. InoompBtent, or revokel or dl.putlls the validity of, or liability undBr, anv Guaranty of thl IndabtednB"" In the,event of ,ø death, løndør, at Its option, may, but shall n!:lt be rëquirad to, permit the guarantor'a eatate tg aasume unconditionally the obligations arising under the guat8nty in a manner latisfactory to Lender, and, in doing so, cure IIny Event of Default. " ", RIGHTS AND REMEDIES ON DEFAULT. Upon the occurrence of 8n Evønt of Default and at any time thereafter, lBnder, at Lendar'. option, mBV exercise anyone or mare of the following rights and remedies, in addition to IIny ather rIghts or ramedi.. provided by lew; ; , ' Accelerate Indebtedneu. Lender shall hava the right at Its option 'without notiQe to Grantor to d.ulere tha .ntire Indsbtedneas immldietely due and payable, Including any prepayme.,t pl.,alt'( thet Grantor woUld bl'requlred to pay. UCC Rernedl.., With reepeel to ell or anV part of the Perlonal [tr'operty, I..nder ehall have all the rights and r.m.dle. of I IICUred partv under the Uniform Commercial Code, CoIBGt Rents. Lender shell hllVe the right, without noliae to Grantor, to taka paueuian of the Property, inaluding during the pendenuv of fgreclowre, whether ,Í\ldiaiel or nan-judicial, end collsll1: the Rents, including amounUl past due and unpeid, and epply the nst proceeds, vver and above Lender's oasts, agalnlt the Indebtednels. In furtheranae. of this right, Lender may require any tenant ar other user at the ' Proparty to make pavmentl of rent Dr use fBes direatlv to Lender. If the Rents are aolleated 'by Lender, then Grantor irrevocably designates Lendsr a8 Grantor'e ettvrney-in-fect to endgr.e instrumsnts receiwd in payment thereof in the name of Grantgr. and to negotiate the .ame and gollsllt the proassd.. Payments by tenents or other users' to Lender in responae þJ Lendar'a demand ehall· dUely the obligation. fC1f which the peymantB are made, whether ar not any proper grounds far the demand existed. Lender mllY exergise Its rlghtl und.r this subparagraph either In person, by agent, or through a reoeiver. Appoint Receiver. Lender shall havl the right to havl 8 recelvlr appalnt8d to tekll pon.lSlon of all ar anv pert of the Property. with the power to protect and preeerve Ihe Property, to operate the Prop.rtv preceding foreclolllure or sale, and to collect the Flentl from the Property and aÞPIy the procead8, (lyer end ebove the co.t of the recelver.hlp, eg.lnet the Indebtedne.., The receiver mav SffVe without band If permlned by IlIw. Lender'a right to thtt appointment of II reualver shall exist whether or not the apparent value of the Property exeBBds the Indøbtedn... by II substantllllllmount. Employment by Lender shall nat disqualify a person from lerving as a reGsÎ'(8r, Judicial Foreclaure. LendBr may obtain a udlpllll decree foreoloslng G~antor's Interest In all or any part of the Property. NonjudlclaIS.le. Lender m.v for.eloee Grantor', Interest In III or In Bny PliTt of the Property bv non-JudlclallBIII, Imd Ipøalflcsl'V by. ·pow!!r of eale" or "advertiaement and alien forecloeure Ie provided bV etatute. ' MORTGAGE (Continued) 000730 Pag.' 5 Dtficienc~ Judgment. If p.rmitt.d by applicable law, L.nder may obtain a Judgment for any deflolency remaining In the Indebtedness due to Lender Ifhtr application of III amounta received from the exercise of the righti provide~ in thil Mcth;,n. " TenanGy .t &ufflN'anve. If Gr8ntor remein. in poIIaellion of the Property after the Property is .old al provided .bove or Lender otherwi8e becom.. entitled tD polRulon at thll Property upon default of Grlllf.Or, Grlntor shall become a tenant at sufferance of Lender or the purchBler at thll Property IInd shall. It Lendar'. option, alther 11 1 ~y e rea.onable rontal fgr the u.. gf tht PrvÞ8l1Y, or (21 vac~ the PropertY Immediately upon the demand of Lender, OUIer Remedie.. Lender aha II have all o1her righte end r.rnedie. provid.d in this Monglge,or the Nine Dr IVlillbla lit IIIW Dr In equity. sa.. of the Prop.,ty. To the extent permitted by IIppllclble IIW, Grlntor,hereby walvee Iny and all rl"ht to havI the Property mal'ltialleèt. In Ix,relslng Its rights Ind remldlel, Lender shall be f.... to .ell aU or any þan of the Property togeth.r or ..plratelv,· in on. Ille or by IIParate 8I1e., Lender ehlll be entitled to bid It any public 1111. on III/ or any pgrtion of tht Property, Notice of S81e. Lender will give Grentor reesonable notice af the tIme and place of any public IlIle of the Perlanlll Property ar of the time after whiah eny privaw sele or other Intended dllposltlon of tha Perlonal Property II tD be made, Relsoneble notloll shill milan notice glvan at lalst ten (10) dlyl before the tlm. of the .Ble or disposition. Any elle of the Pereonlt' Property may be made In con/unction with any sllle of the Real Property. ' BecUOn of Remedi... All of Lender'lI rightt Ind remedi.lI will b. cumulltive Ind may be exeruislld Ilone or together. An ehtlrtiun by Lender to chou.e anyone remedv will nDt bar Lender from using Bny Dthllr remedy. If Lender døoldes tD spend money or to perform any of Grantor's obligations under thll MortgBge, Bfter Grllntor's failure to do so, that dlclslon by Linder will not øfføçt Lender's right to declare Grantor In døfault and to exercise Lender'. remedies. Attornep' FeeII; Ellllan.es. If LIInder Institute' any s..." or flCtllH1 to 4tnforce any of the terms or thIs Mongagl, Lender Ihall be entltl.d to t8CoW, .uch .um 811 the court mlV adjudge 1'W810n8b1e II attorneys' feBI 8t trill and upon any applal. WhIther or not any coLIn action is involved. and to thø extent not prohibited by Ilw, all reBsonable expenle. Lerider incurs that in Lender'. opinion lII'e naC8lll1ry'.t Iny time for the protection of Its Inter..t or the enforcement of lte righr. ehall become a pan of the Indebtedne.. payable on demand end Ihall tIear Intere.t It the Note me from the date of the expendltu,. until repaid, Exptn... covered by thla parlllJrlph Include, without limitation, however subjecn tD any limits under IIpplicable IlIw. Lender's reasonllbll lIttomllys' fBesllnd Lendlr'sløgal expel1llll wh8thlr or not #I.re ill I Iflweuit, including reasonable flttorneYlI' felS and Ixpenses fo' bankruptcy proceldings !including efforts to modify or vl08te'lIny autamlltlc stay or InJunction), appeels, and eny antlolplt8d past-Judgment coUllotlon IlIrvloes, the OOlt of Harehlng records. obWIl\lng title reports IInoludlng forllolosure rllports), surveyors' reportl, and IpprBlIII fee. and title Insurlno_, to the elCt8nt permitted by apRlloBbl1 IIIw. Grantor alao will pay Inv coun co.ta, In addition to III other .ume provided by law, ' NOTICES. Any notice required to be given under thle Mortgage, Including without limitation any notice of default and Iny notlcl of lale ehall bl given in writing, and Ihall be effective when actually delivered, when IDtullly received by telefec.imil. (unle" otherwi.e required by law), when deposited with a natlonllly rlloognlzltd overnIght courlllr, or, If malllld, when deposited In the United Støtel mell, 8S flrlt olan, Clnlfled ur registered mill! postage prepBld, dlreated to the addresslls shown nlllr the beginning of this Mortglge. All capllls of natloes of foreclosure from the holder of any Uen which hi. priority over this Mortgage ahall be ..nt to Lender'e addreH, II ehown near the beginning of tN. Mongl"", Any perac:m may chlnge hi. or her add"'ll for noticee under thil Mortglg8 by giving formll written notice to the other pereon or penton., lpecifying thllt the purpose of the nutllle II to chlnøl the person'l addrell. ::or notille purpo.... Grlmtor IlIrn. to k..p Lender inform.d It fill, tlmès of ~nmtDr's current Iddrell. Unlels utherwlle providad Dr required by law, If there il more than one Grentor. any notice given by Lend.r to 'AY Grantor I. deemed to be notlc' given to III Gl'llntQrs. It will be Gr8ntor'. re.pon,lblllty to toll ttH! ottwrs at the natlcl from LInder. ' I,': MISCQ.LANEOUS PROVISIONS. 'J'he following miseellaneoua provisions are a pan of this Mortgagll: Amlndmlnts. What Is written I~ this Mortgllgll and In the RIII~bld Dooumentl Is Grentor',s IIntlre agreement with Lender concllming the mlltters covered bV t~i. Mongage. To be effective, any ohlng. or amendment to thi¡ Mongage muet be In writing and mUM be ,¡gned by whoever will be bound or ob6g8ted by thl changll or emendm.nt. ' Capllon HIBdlnJII. Caption hlladlngs In this Mortgagl are for convenience purpOHI only and, IIrll nDt to bll used to Interpret Dr define thll provisions of thll Mortll., ClDVømlng Law. This Monpge will be governed by ,.....1 hlw çp IAble to Lender and, to .... P1ent not pre""Ptlld by hldei8l!Bw. the IaWI of the State of Wyoming without rløard to itIt confI"lCIÞ of law provIsloM. Thil Mortgage has b8cm ilGCepted by Lcmder in th.sune of Wyomll1g. ", No WIIIvør by Lendlr. GrlntDr undårstandl Lender will not glYII up any of Llnder'l rights under this Mortgegll unl.IS Lender does io'ìn wr/tfng. The raet that L.ender d.lay¡ or omits to e)Cercl" any right will not me.n that Lender hll gIven UP th.t right. If Lllndsr does'lgrle in writing to give up one of Lender's 'ightll, that doell ng ; mefln Grantor will not hive tv comply with the other pl'Vvilionll of thill MoI1glge, Grantor 1110 underltands thlt if Lender dOl. consllnt to a requast, that doel nut milan thet Grlntor will not have tu get Lend.t'e ooneent again If the eltultlon happene again. Gl'lntor further underetande that JUM becauee Lender coneenta to one or more of Grantor'. req~.~, that dot. not mean Lender will be requIred to oon..nt to any of Grantor'e future requtlte, Grantor walv.. preeentment, demand lòr payment, protest, IInd notice of dishonor. Grøntor waives 1111 rightl of exemption from execution or similar law in the Propllrty, Ind Grantor 8grees that the rights of Lender In the Property undar this Mortgagl are prior to Grantor's rights while this Mortgage remainll in éffeèt. ", SøverabIJly. If a court fI!tdl thl1: any provision of thl. Mongage Is n(lt vllld or fhauld !tot be enforced, that fllct by Itself will not mean '!tUIt the rell1: of thi. Mortgage will not be valid or enforced, Therefore, I court will enforce thl relt of the provillionl of this Mortgage even Ir II provlelon of thle Mongage may b. found to be invalid or unenforcalble, Merger. There Ihall be no merger of the Interest or IIstllte orelltlld by this Mongage with eny other Interelt or eltllte In the Property 111: eny rima held by or for the benefit of Lendllr In eny CBpBCIty, wl.thDUt the written consent of Lender. Suac...ors and Assign.. SubJec;ttD Bny IImltatlonl Itllted In thll Martgagll on transfer of Grantor'l interelt, this MortgllV8 Ihall be binding upon Ind Inure tD the blneflt of tho pertlel, their IUCCISlora Ind ISllllns. It ownership at the Property becomes vested In a person ottJer than Grantor, Lender, wlthøut notice to Grantor. may deal with Grantor', IUOces.or5 with reference to this Mongeg. Ind the Indllbtedne8š bV wlY Df fgrboarano. Qr olC~n.lon withaut rol...lng Grantor from t"- obllgltlonø of thll Mortgagll or liability under the Indebtednesl. " TIme 111 of the ENence. Tlmllls of the e8ll0nco In the pllrfo~nco of this Monglge. WaIv. of Home_ad Examptlon. Grantor hereby rei..... and welve. III rights and' blln.flts of thll homeltaad lIumptlon Ilwa of the Stlltl of Wyoming al to II/ Indebtedne.. ,.cured by thil MClrtgag.. ' Dee 3 200-' 9; 36 ""<1/U3b MORTGAGE (Continued) 0007,31 ''-ge fS DEFINITIONS. The following words shall have the following meanings whan used In this Mortgage: Borrower. The word "Borrower" me.nll SCOTT B TARBELL and Inåludaa all co-Ilgnarø and co-m.kel'$ signing tha Ncm, dnd all thtilr successors and assigns, ' Envirunmental Llwa. The word. "Environmenta' Lawsw meen any end en stllte, fvderal and 'ooal stlltUtes. flgulltions and ordjn.n~ØII relating to the prvœgtion of human health or tha envirunmant, ingluding withuut limitation tha Comprehensive Envirunmental ResPonse. Compensation, and Uablllty Act of 1980, ae amended, ~ u.a.c. Section 9801, e1: eeq. ("CERCLA" , the Superfund Amendmente' and "e.uthorlatlon Act of 1988, Pub. L. No. 98-488 ["SARA"), the Haarduul Materiela Tranaportation Aøt, 49 U.S.C. SaGtian 1801,.t seq,. the ReBauraø Con...-vøtlon and RØQovery AIrt, 42 U.S.C. Section 8901, e1: .eq., or other Ipp lclble ItIte or federel lewe, rule" or regulations adopted pursuant thereto. Eve~ of Default. The' worda "event of Defll.llt" mean any of the evente of default aet forth in this Mortglge in the evente of deflult aection of thill Mortgage. Orantar. The word "Grantor" means SC01T B TARBELL. Guaranty. The word "Guaranty" mean. the guaranty from guarantor, .ndorlØr, surety, or accornmodetion party to lend.r, including without limitation a guaranty of all or part of tha Note.' " ' , Halitrdoua Subetaneel. The worda "He¡erdoul Subatenc8s" meen n,ateriela thlt, becauH of their quantity, concentration or phV.iCl~, chemical or InfectlouB characteristics, mev oause or, pose a present or pat.ntlel hazard to humBn health or the environment when Improperly uBed, treated, stored, dlBpaaed of, generated, rnønufaatured, transported or otherwise hllndled. The wordB "Hazarduus SUbatance," Ire "aed in their very broedeat aen.. and include without limitetivn Inv end III ha..rdoua or toKic lubetano.., materials or wa818 .e defined bV or lIeted under the Env/ronmentlllelwlI. Tha term "HazardQUe Subetanoeø" aleo Include., without IlmltBtIon, petrolaum and petroleum by-products or eny fraction thereof and Ilbeltoa. ImPtovementu. The word "Improvemente" meane all existing and fUNre improvemente, bulldlnge, etructures, mobile homee affixed on th. Real Pruperty, facilitiea, additiona, replecementa and othsr con,trvction on the Real Property. Indebtednus. The word "Indebtednellln meBnB BII prlnclpBI; interest, Bnd other amounts, costs and expenses payBble under the Note or RI IBtItd Document., together with ell renewals of, extension. of, modifJøøtJaoB of, l,'IansolldøtiDl1ll of and Bubstitutions for the Note' or Related Dœurnents Ind ef!Y emounte exp8lÌded pr edvenced by Lender to diacherge Grantor'. obligltiana of expenlea incurrsd by Lender tó enforc~e Grantor's obligations under this MortgBge, together with Interest on such amounts as provided in this Mortgage. Lender. The word "Lenderw me.ns BANK OF THE WEST, Its BucoaSsorB IInd aBslgns, The words ·successors or flsslgnB; mean flny person or complny thet egquirea eny interelt in the Note. " Mortgage. The word "MonaagaR maans this Mortgage batwHn Grantor and Lender. Note. The word "Notu" maana the promillsory note detsd November,30, 2007, In the orlglnel prlnclpelamount of .108,77~.OO from Grantor to Lender, together wIth all renewal~ of, extensions of, modlfioations of. refinancings of, oonsolidltions of, 8nd substitutione for the proml..ory note or agrument. Tha mlltUrlty date of this Mortgage Is DCIC8mbllr 7, 2009. I Personal Property. The worda "Pel'8onlll Property" meln 1111 equipment, fixturea, and other articles of peraanel propertV now or hereafter owned bV Grantor, and nOW' or hereafter attached or effbiied to the Real Propertyi togstner with en ICcN,ion" parte, and additione to, all replacements of, and all substitutions for, any of Buah property; Bnd together with all proceeds (Including wlthuut limitation IlIlnaunlßce prooeeds Bnd refunds of premiums) from any s.'e or other disposition of the Property. Property. The word "Property· means oolløotlvely the Real Property and the Personal Property. Real Property. The worda "Real Prop,rty" meen thl real property, ¡ntereete Ind rightll, la further deeorlbed 'n thla MOl'tgagl. , Ra18ted Doaumentø. The worda "Reløtsd Documents" meen an promiøory notee, credit IgreementIJ, loan agreemente, envIronmental agreements, gUllr8nties. BegUrity 8greements, mortgages. c;"~edi of trvln, lIegul'Îty deed" colleteral mortgage" and III other In.trume~tIi, agreem8ßtll and documents, whathllr now or hereafter ax'stlng, executød 11;1 connection with d¥llndebtednesB. ' . Rente. The word "Rente" mean,.11 preaent and Mur. rents, revenues, Income, leeuee, roy.ltfee, proflte, and ottIer beneflte darlved from the Property. ,,' , ' PMOVISIONS OF THIS MORTGAGE, AND GRANTOR AGREES TO ITS TERMS. ..' ", ,,'I MORTGAGE (Continued) 000732 PCIIg l! 1 ::~~~ INDIVIDUAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT ) "" ;. "".;;"" "" ÔAVID J. ÂDÂMS ( r;: . ~ COMM. #1548365 ~ ~ -. : NOTARY PUBLIC· CALIFORNIA:1 SONOMA COUNTY , ) ~ My Comm, Expires January 29, 2~ ~~"'w"'""""""""",,,-""'--""'-""''''''''",,"",,"~ I lIS I On thie d8y belare me, the undersigned NDtllry PUbll!:, PlJraonally eppeared scenT 8 TARBELL, tv me known tò be the Individual dellGribed in and who executed the Mortgage, and IQknowl.dged thlt he or .he algned the Mot1glge .. hi. or her free end yolunt8ry egi and d.ed, for 1he U$e. 8ncI purpu,.. therein mer,tjon.d. , I GN'" und.. my,~ end oflk:lI. e..' this l¡" dllY at t}e L- eA-/~ . 20 ø ., . By if) I).. vi tI ~ I'J-nt,.. S -;..~~ Il¿·~ R,.icfm8 at // '¿ ,¡IV. 4u,~ IJox< d d/; ¿ , Natøry PubUc In lId tor the Statuf ~J:J,hk~A//~ My gumml..lun expires ' t'~ '9./'1l?9. '-....._....."...,...... OOPf.__...._...,'.w.IGII, l1li""".""""" . IVY ....._.R 1II<1H71.. "'11 .'