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TIlis 60 foot wide easement, also known as Moose Mountain Road, is for
ingress/egress and utilities for the benefit of Parcels 1-11 of the Toms Creek Ranch, filed
with the Lincoln County Recorder, located in Sections 21 and 22 of T33N, R119W, 61h
P.M., Lincoln County Wyoming.
The utility easement is for the use of Lower Valley Energy and other utility
companies and their assigns, and includes an additional 25 feet than stated above on each
side of said centerline.
Legal Access to said Toms Creek Ranch is recorded in Book 634PR, Page 382
and Book S30PR, Page 391 with the Lincoln County Recorder.
Beginning at a point 30.00 Feet NOO'25'02"E along the center section line tì'om
the South Quarter Corner of Section 22, marked by a 1986 Paul N. Scherbel RLS 164
BLM type pipe and cap, nmning thence along the centerline of said easement;
\ (,{
N79'S3'17"W, 105.54 Feet, thence; N69'18'38"W, 191.50 Feet, thence; N03°07'59"E,
97.10 Feet, thence; N14°02'02"E, 78.08 Feet, thence; N48°29'13"E, 204.24 Feet, thence;
N30009'55'''E, 76.92 Feet, thence; N47°51 '24"W, 69.27 Feet, thence; N57\13S'23"W,
202.62 Feet, thcnce; N4So04'5S"W, 150.30 Feet, thence; N36(J20'06"W, 299.61 Feet,
thence; N22°4S'20"W, 144.02 Feet, thence; N04°04'28"W, 99.70 Feet, thence;
NIOò47'52"E, 159.22 Feet, thence; N02°23'44"E, 56.14 Feet, thence; N17°15'08"W,
68.64 Feet, thence; N04°19'44"W, 68.14 Feet, thence; N20001 '47"E, 301.19 Feet,
thence; NOOo49'06"W, 79.87 Feet, thence; N56°34'35"W, 92.70 Feet, thence;
S52°09'37"W, 60.55 Feet, thence; S34°22'50"W, 202.65 Feet, thence; S45°48'59"W,
126.57 Feet, thence; S25°04'30"W, 43.31 Feet, thence; S05°55'18"W, 131.05 Feet,
thence; S24°16'08"W, 60.81 Feet, thence; S50014'38''W, 98.21 Fcet, thence;
S61°S3'46"W, 161.08 Feet, thence; 879°41 '07"W, 100.98 Feet, thence; N80052'53''W,
56.85 Feet, thence; N67l>27'01"W, 102.01 Feet, thence; N52') I O'52"W, 214.20 Feet,
thence; N56°52'21"W, 93.11 Feet, thence; N73°54'25"W, 203.59 Feet thence;
N62°01'25"W, 52.38 Feet, thence; N3S'03'40"W, 73.74 Feet, thence; NI5"02'13"W,
64.19 Feet, thence; N02'06'SI"W, 214.44 Feet, thence; N06'43'13"E, 70.41 Feet,
thence; N24°33'03"E, 136.68 Feet, thence; NI9°00'25"W, 51.0 Fect, thence;
N49° 12'24"W, 142.37 Feet, thence; N80042'43''W, 67.05 Feet, thence; S61'48' 18"W,
240.55 Feet, thence; S81'00'55"W, 91.05 Feet, thence; N67'42'36"W, 96.49 Feet,
thence; N5Io09'24"W, 411.87 Feet, thence; N42°00'14"W, 59.20 Feet, thence;
N29°04'48"W, 291.29 Feet, thence; N4 I'02'54"W, 67.30 Fcet, thence; N6<t38'47"W,
112.71 Fect, thence; N68ð50'25"W, 238.16 Feet, thence; N58"25'41 "W, 167.61 Feet,
thence; N70'02'07"W, 178.27 Feet, thence; N66?14'55"W, 85.56 Feet, thence;
N5T51'38"W, 107.57 Feet, thence; N59°46'29"W, 150.76 Feet, thence; N52°52'47"W,
12Q.87 Feet, thence; N47ð58'54"W, 104.04 Feet, thence; N43°52'02"W, 213.20 Feet,
thence; N46°02'34"W, 108.83 Feet, thence; N40'05 '21"W, 208.26 Feet, thence;
N34°19'46"W, 120.39 Feet, thence; N3Io20'45"W, 269.74 Feet, thence; N3T14'14"W,
RECEIVED 12/10/2007 at 10:34 AM
RECEIVING # 935473
BOOK: 680 PAGE: 747
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101.39 Feet, thence; N42°32'38"W, 174.25 Feel, thence; NOO'OO'OO"E, 75.48 Feet to the
south line of Parcel 10 ofsaid Toms Creek Ranch.
Dated this¿Z~ day of_~~~..~m__"m_' 2007.
C ZC!~
Charlie Burnham
CountYOft&~ ,)
On this 2.f':!:.. day of __D~k2007, before me, the undersigned Notary
Public in and for said State, personally appeared Charlíe Burnham, known or identified to
me, as the person that executed this instrument.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official
seal the day and year in this certificate first above written.
, ~~ë
Notar Public for
Residing at
My commission expires
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