HomeMy WebLinkAbout935476 WYOMING LIEN STATEMENT 000751 THE UNDERSIGNED LIEN CLAIMANT, pursuant to Title 29, chapters 1 and 2 of the Wyoming Statutes, is filing this Wyoming Lien Statement at the Office of the County Clerk for the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, as a claim and lien on property and for matters described and referred to herein as follows: (1) The Lien Claimant seeking to enforce this lien is R&R Builders, PO Box 3466, Alpine, WY 83128. (2) The amount of the claim for this lien that is due and owning to the Lien Claimant is Fourteen Thousand, Three Hundred Seventy-Five Dollars and 71/100 ($14,375.71), plus any accrued interest. (3) The name and address of the person against whose property this lien is filed is Kathleen Burnett, PO Box 11414, Jackson, WY 83002, as owner of the property described on the Warranty Deed Recorded in Book 626, Page 267 as Receiving No. 920188 in the Lincoln County, Wyoming Clerk's Office (Subject Property), a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A. (4) The itemized lists of labor and / or materials provided is attached hereto as Exhibit B. t",.~ (5) The name of the persons against whom the lien claim is made is see No.3 above. (6) The last date lien claimant provided labor and / or materials was on or about November 15,2007. (7) The legal description of the premises where the work was performed is as shown on the attached Warranty Deed marked as Exhibit A. DATED: this 7th day of December, 2007. RECEIVED 12/10/2007 at 10:51 AM RECEIVING # 935476 BOOK: 680 PAGE: 751 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY BY: R&RBUILDERS BY: LUTID& VOYLES,LLC, Attorneys for R&R Builders BY: J~1.~ JACK D. KPW ARDS WYOMING LIEN STATEMENT PAGE 1 OF2 STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ) SS. ) 000752 I, JACK D. EDWARDS, acting as attorney for and on behalf of R&R Builders, being first duly sworn according to law, depose and state: that I am the affiant in the above entitled action; that I have read the above Wyoming Lien Statement by me subscribed; that I know the contents thereof; and that I verily believe the statements therein contained are true. d:!l~ SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me by Jack D. Edwards this 7th day of December, 2007. WITNESS my hand and official seal. TONI CALl- NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF .. STATE OF LINCOLN WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES OCTOBER 5. 2011 l j~ (;t:J.ØJ NOTÃRY PUBLIC My Commission expires: DCfojµ/ 5"¡ ~O// When recorded, please return to: Jack D. Edwards LUTHI & VOYLES, LLC P.O. Box 820 Thayne, WY 83127 WYOMING LIEN STATEMENT PAGE20F2 ""-"" I.'" . . ..'. .I "'~~~, '.--- /8 i . \ ' ',", 'L..- ' . 000753 . EXHIBIT A .... .. .... ..' .........,.. - "'~ _..~.... .~._.._.. ....,...,.. ..-. ..... .....-. ._-_.......'._.._._~..._... .._____.~__ø_.._.~_._....____..__~______. ( Pilo No.: 6010615626 W PfRANTY DEED 000754J(j~2.e' SpurlO'ck Properties, LLC. a Wyoming LlmIted LlabWty COdlpany. . grantor(s) of Lincoln County. S~te of Wyoming. for and in consideration of Ton Dollars and Other Good and Valuable CO'nsideration. in hand paid. r~eipt whoroofis hereby acbowlcdgod, 40(08) ConvOy and Warrant To . " Kathleen BUrDett, as Si)le Owner grantee(s), whose addrcss.is: Þo &~. Jl4.,¿J. ~~fIl\t;U. tll~ ~~~. real estate, situate in Lincoln County &ad State ot yomlna. to wit: . the fonoWÌD¡ dosoribod , Lot 1 of Trail Rid&o Subdivb:lon.L1ncoln County'. Wyoming ias described O'n tho offtcla1 plat,mod on October 21. 1003 as bUitnuDont NO'. 894618 of the records of the Llncolu CoUD~ Clerk. . Hereby releasing and waivin¡ all ri¡lüs under and by virtue, of the' homestead _ption laws o.f tho State of Wyoming. . ' Witness mylqur hand(s) this '11th day of July. 2006: .... SpurzortlClt LLC ' . . ~~~ By: David R. Spurlock, ID&¡ct RECElVeo 7/1312008 at 3:42 PM RECEIVING., 9201j8 BOOK: 628 PAGe: 267 JEANNE WAGNER UNCOLN COUNTY CLERK. KiMMERER,WY .. --" State ofWyom1D.g , ) ) lis. Cbunty ofLlncom ,) . , . The f()regoing inStnunont was acknowledged before mo this 11th daY'of July. 2006~ 'by David R. Spurlock, . Manager of Spurlock Properties, LLC. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: 9-15-07 ~~~ NotuyÞubUo . ' ' . '. . .....,... ~.._.-.---.. -..- .-.. -. ..... .__.~-_.._-""-_._.,._---_._---------- ..------ GLORIA K. BVEI\8 -NOTARY PU8UC CountY of stat. QI. . . UnoóIn WyQR\1nQ . Comm~n Exfjlrn S.Pt.",.- , ' ee S'trumLIIIO Òoèd. WanantfW'fO aov. ~. .. DID ... .r ~, '. ; \",~~>....-"",/ (J:Ø/, "',' , . ;......:.:': ,.,,<#., 000755 EXHIBIT.B .. .... .... .... ..~ ,,--.....- ..... -~".,,-_.._...., ... -_.....~......~ ..-.....-...-......--....-.. ..._-_...-_...-..-_._..__._.._..._-_...._.__._..-~._-_.-.-.-------.------------ Request for Payment Date; October 11,2007 From: Kathleen Burnett Job Location: Lot 2, Trail Ridge Subdivision, Alpine, Wyoming Work vompleted - - from cost breakdown: . Entrydoorhardware -- Jen1dns,inv.#121567 P ·b-fl fl.t~ Granite counter tops - - Legacy Granite, inv. #50639-fN ' Flo,ors - - Carpets Plus Color Tile, inv. #1927 Subtotal 12% profit & overhead Total due FAX 307-654-7349 OR 307.a83-48S9 000756 $ 170.56 6,241.96 1,996.18 $ 8,408.70 1,009.04 $ 9,417.74 Car- _L_ P'1us Colo.:r Tr . P.O. Box 1214 616 N MainSt #2 Thayne,WY 83127 (, ,~' I,.yvice . Date Invoice # 9/1812007 1927 B/IITo R & R Builders P.O. Box 3466 Alpine, WY 83128 Ray BergstromlRob Wagner 89<>-6537 fax 883-4889 000757 P.O. No. Terms Due Date Account # Ship Date Ship Via A . .ßu nAl\ I tI 9/1812007 9/18/2007 Item Description Area Size (12x?) YdslSf Rate Amount Order Carpet Carpet: Herb Garden II: Aged Linen 12x48'9" 58S 2.34 1,368.9OT Order fad Pad S85 0.55 321.7ST Labor-Cçet Carpet Installation 585 0.50 292.50 Trap doors Trap door carpet 1 25.00 25.00 Requested install around the 21st of Sept Discount Builder Discount -77.00 -77.00 I Subtotal $1,931.15 Thank you for your business. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact ou.r sa.les staff or installers immediately. 307-654-8587 Sales Tax (4.0%) Total $65.03 I $1,996.18 I Payments/Credits $0.00 . Balance D,ue $1,996.18 Phone # Fax # È-mail Web Site 307-654-8587 307-654-8589 ebueh1ers@yahoo.com www.carpetsplus.com or www.colortlle.com "'(\I\fu'~¡r .'ë, ;.',;. '~;':1!~::~(~i~',.. ·""\,11':· ;. ¡~ '\:' ' .,~·;~I·' \: ...~~; ¡.::"'.::.j;~:. '~~~ <.. ~~b,r.~." ..!H~I" . ". "tIc, ï\n'r""" Qa ~.;" ,j!.... .' ,¡,Ii, ,', " : ':' . ,,':.~"') ·:':~.::··'.}.~!·.~:(,~:~~.,'..':"ï,.:,.;: .. '..." J'\~ ~"'·"Ìf'~.~~\11.: If.ttt;..., ,'" 8~r.ð<~~(,''''''~!~V~~\)'': ,r:, ~! ¡ß,g? : ,'~;:::,';:'\~;.~i.~ " , :',!I 86:80 385.40 '~I''::· -:::r:;; /':1, '. ~.' ~ ~: .. (' " " t/) \~~: ¡¡ ~, H ~f 'TJ III I-'~ --~ :ø~s: § 1:1 ,'TJ ?~~ :~ ~ --s tt1~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ '" I.n <II ...... . H 0 ¡ij I ~'ë; ~~ <II .... CI1 ~. -.J ~ N g:!3 Q. ...... . 1:1 I.n C§. . t/) ttI I-'W '< f:i ~ 000759 ~ ~f CI) ~IP W 5 I-' , N ( ) . CI) N t/) 81 . ~ ~ S~i I o ~~S ~ I-' -. 'TJ ...~ . H co ~ tZJ ~ NI~ N ... ~¡1 þ< ID ... g~ f ~ ::t:~1:1 OtZJ ~ ~ I oZ~ I.n ~ .~ I-' ~ ' . t"ItZJ t/)I ~ tZJ liJ I ç:~ - ê5t:J~C/) -.J ~ . þ . f ,.... ~~ N ~c~g I.n 0 I o I~~ 0 . ~ I-' ! -g~~ ~h~ ~ . CI) N ..j·.~O> (j), ~ f_ CI) ID tZJ C/)O W . . ~ 1:1' l:1E;;tZJz I-' 'W~b;~ N .... ~.... CI) <:I ~= 0 ~~ \, ~. ~~ ~ . . we C/) .... N ~.~g(þ ~ ~, f W ~~ \0("') , 1:1 CI) H tOO a i!) :: C/) 0 ,.--. g ~ ~ 0 ~~ § ~ ~~ .... .... ~ ~, "-Þ~ C/) ... 2 ... ~ H 1:1 § 01-' b1 o~ 0< I-' H I-' -.J I-'~ t"iliJ 0 .... tt1 VI I' tø ~ o H o tZJ I-' ..... ~ ....... t/)z.... I' ~' .... ß ~,~ §~~ !Z l'1 O~ ~ ~ ;~. ...., I-'H o H Q.... ~@ g fJ I o ~~E;; 01 r1' C'I o~ g~ '< 0 §... .&; , ... f: IDt1 ~ ' II ... ... : R ~, fJ ... , I-' I-' I-' tZJ 0 ... 0 0 -.J 0'1 0'1 ~ ... He.... -.J Z Om "'0'" 1-'>: f¡1 "'~'tI 0 ~.... ... t"i 0101 000 ~~ ... 0 H ~m 000 ... H fJ .... oC/) ... 0 N I-' ..... oH N ... l'1 ... .... ~l @ ID ... tZJ·01 CI) ... ... ~ N "''''*-.J N N 0 '. . '.;"~::~~';;""'''q:''',...:.. ......./ "''','':'1;1.',.-: ;" . ."-'" ~... ..~.. '......,'.-..-.".....-.... \ Datð: October 25, 2007 Front: I{athIeen Burnett Final Billing ". 000760 Job Lo~tiQn: LOt 2, Trail Ridge Subdivision, A1p~, WyODÍing Work completed - - ftom cost breakdown: . County inspection - - framing & ·final Electric - - final, mv. #1203 Plumbing - - final, with fixturè extra, see inv. #963 & est. #25 Paint . - final, R&R Builders Allowance lines: Appliance installation -.. mv. #825 Subtotal. , 12% profit & o'Verhead ..---...---- C907) eæ.. FAX S0706$40~ OR:B07~ $' 250.0 7()8.0 2,793.7 395.0 220.0 $ 4,426.7 531.2 $ 4,957 ~ " ' "AM" Plumbing Company, Inc. 4566 Thayne-Freedom Rd. 125 P..O. Box 161 Freedom, WY 83120 Name/Address R & R BUILDERS P.O. BOX 3466 ALPINE, WYOMING 83128 1-307-654-7349 ~,..~~~ IIììIIt ' -; 0" () '1: LIS: ¡if' /Ill Description M61210RB 2HDL 4LAV FCT TRIM KINGSL ORBR MT21120RB 1HDL SHWR TRIM KINGSL ORBR MT21130RB 1 HDL T&S TRIM SPT KINGSL ORBR K2210-0 17X14VC UC LAV CAXTON WHT. MT9100RB 2HDL LEV RT TRIM KINGSL ORBR PFUE208 34-1/2"X 20 1/2" 2B UC SS SINK W601 PPABSBZ PP ABS PIPE BZ ORIGINAL QUOTED PROPOSAL PRICE ON FIXTURES AND FAUCETS: $658.19. $1951.59- $658.19 , $1293.76 DIFFERENCE IN COST OF NEW It. FIXTURES AND FAUCETS. . \~ ~ r \ \ ~ Sales Tax ,W ~~.r 0\""" L (I" IT ~{ ~\1 Qty Thank you for your business. \, , '..' , ---.,.' 8/20/2007 3 1 1 3 1 1 1 Total Date Rate 232.65 154; 79 197.24 61.13 280.68 330.70 50.00 3.00% Estimate Estimate No. 25 0007Gj. Project Total 697.95T 154.79T 197.24T 183.39T 280.68T 330.70T 50. DOT 56.84 I,., $1,951.59 , U' "'. to .""".. ....,.. I~ .....,,...,., 1""'-'-' '1' 111'-'. InVOice 4566 Thayne-Freedom Rd. 125 P.O. Box 161 Freedom, WY 83120 Date Invoice 1# 10/21/2007 963 Bill To R & R aULDERS P.O. BOX3461$ A~, WYOMtNG 83128 1-307-654-7349 000762 P.C.No. Terms DUB Pate DRAW BURNE." NET 10 10/31/2007 Item Description Qty Rata Amount FINAL DRAW ON THE BURNElT PLUMBING CONTRACT. ORIGINAL P,LUMBING PROPOSAL PRICE: $15.500.00. DRAW ON OS/20/2007 $2,500.00. PAID. DRAW ON 07/01/2007 $7,500.00. PAID. . DRAW ON 08/16/2007 $4,OOO.OO~ PAID. REMAINING BAlANCE ON CONTRACT AFTER, DRAWS AND BEFG1E CHANGE ORDER: $1,500.00. CHANGE ORDER BALANCE: $1,293.76. [Sæ ESTIMATE #25 FAXED ON . 08/20/2007.] DRAW TOTAL BALANCE ON CONTRACT WITH 2,793.76 2,793.76 . CHANGE ORDER: $2,793.76. '. , , z. T-hank you for your business. Subtotal $2,793.78 Phone # Total $2.793.76 . 1-307-883-4261 Balance Due $2,793.76 Fax 1# 1-307 -aaS-4262 &mail kather.ine@$iJverstar.ècm r : Î ,t"- , \ \~~; Invoice Johnson Electric, LLC P.o. Box 3303 Alpine, WY 83128 Date 10l24J2007 invoice # 1203 BID To R& RBullders P.O. Box 3468 Alpine. WY 83128 000763 P.O. No.' Terms Project Burnett Burnett Quantity Deecription RBt8 Amount ) Construction Draw: Amount n:maining on contract 76S.00 768.00 .. - , Total $768;00 Grand Interiors of Star Valley, LLC '446 CMR Lane PO Box 770 Thayne, WY 83127 Invoice Date Invoice # 8/17/2007 825 SUI To R&R Builders PO Box 3466 618 Snake ,River Drive Alpine, WY 83128 Kathleen Burnett, res 000764 P.O. No. Terms Project Item Description Qty Rate Amount Jenn-Air Jenn-Air Range (dual fuel, convection) model # 2,339.00 . 2,339.00T JDS9860BDS serial # 15587603LN Jenn-Air Jenn-Air Gas Slide in Cartridge with satin grate model # 249.00 249.00T JGA8150ADB serial # 11347781 LG GE GE Profile French Door Ref. model # PFS22SISSS serial 1,869.00 1,869.00T # MM05 GE IS 499.00 499.00T , 88367 Parts and general hook-up installation Z20.00 Ray Bergstrom, cell 8~0-6537 Deliver appliances Monday 9/17/07 .' .....~ Installation Completed Oct. 1st, 2007 .' ·:,,~3 . , , . ctfP lr'oIJ _€IrQ far ·ß e4:5 s p~.~ Y:r me.... Please remit to above address. Subtotal $5,176.00 SaléS Tax' (4.0%)' $198.24 Total $5,374.24 . Payments/Cr.dits $-5,134.24 " ·e·a:l$nceDue $24Q.00