HomeMy WebLinkAbout935703 RECEIVED 12/19/2007 at 4:10 PM RECEIVING # 935703 BOOK: 681 PAGE: 621 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY When recorded mail to: DRI Title & Escrow 12720 I Street. Suite 100 Omaha, NE 68127 000621. QUITCLAIM DEED JILL THARPFOOA JILL MARIE PRICE AND SCOTT THARP, WIFE AND HUSBAND Grantor's in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good valuable consideration paid by SCOTT THARP AND JILL THARP, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS JOINT TENANTS, Grantee's, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim unto Grantee and to Grantee's heirs, successors and assigns forever, all of Grantor's right title and interest, in and to all that certain real estate located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, legally described as follows: THE NORTHERLY THIRTY -SEVEN AND ONE-HALF FEET (N371/2') OF LOT NUMBERED SIX (6) IN BLOCK NUMBERED FIFTY (50) IN THE SECOND ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF KEMMERER, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, AS SURVEYED, PLATTED AND RECORDED, AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT NUMBERED SIX (6) IN SAID BLOCK NUMBERED FIFfY (50) IN THE SECOND ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF KEMMERER, AND RUNNING THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE NOR THERL Y BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 140 FEET, TO THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE EASTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT, 37 Yz FEET; THENCE WESTERLY AT RIGHT ANGLES AND PARALLEL WITH THE NORTHERLY AND SOUTHERLY BOUNDARY LINES OF SAID LOT, 140 FEET TO A POINT ON THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 37 Yz FEET SOUTHERLY FROM THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SAID LOT 37 Yz FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, TOGETHER WITH ALL BUILDINGS, IMPROVEMENTS AND APPURTENANCES THEREON SITUATE OR IN ANYWISE APPERT AINING THERETO. Also known by street and number as: 1022 SAGE AVE., KEMMERER, WY 83101 Page 1 of2 000622 Together with all and singular the hereditaments thereunto belonging and any after-acquired title thereto which would otherwise inure to the benefit of Grantor. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises unto Grantee and to Grantee's heirs, successors and assigns forever. DATED: \ d.. '''"""t \ - 2>- ao 7 ¡jj j0brtH((i STATE OF WYOMING ) )SS COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) Personally came before me this \ \ -\- ~ day of lkc -e. M her- . 2007 the above named Jill Tharp fIkIa Jill Marie Price and Scott Tharp, to me known to be the person's who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledge the same. My Commission Expires: <:)~ - \Q. - ao \1 ~~.~. \) . i ET PAULSON Notary Public Uncaln County, WY ... My Commission Expires 0 ocg -\ ~ ë,O This Instrument was drafted by: DRI Title & Escrow 12720 I Street, Suite 100 Omaha. NE 68127 Page 2 of2