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Form Approved by t¡
and Effective January 6, 1998
Lease 'If UI_'U'-.'
Parcel # 563
Fund Code: CS
This indenture of lease entered into by and between the State of Wyoming, acting by
and through its Board of Land Commissio.ners as LESSOR, and the following as LESSEE:
Fitzsimmons, LLC
Section 1. PURPOSE. The LESSOR, in consideration of the rents and royalties to be
paid and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the LESSEE, does hereby
grant and lease to the LESSEE, the exclusive right to drill for, mine, extract, remove, and
dispose of all the oil, gas and associated hydrocarbon substances and gaseous substances and
elements produced therewith, including sulphur, hydrogen sulfide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen,
carbon dioxide and helium, which may be produced from the following described land, to wit:
All Section: 36 Township: 25 North Range: 116 West of the 6th P.M.
County: Lincoln
Acres: 640.00
($1.00 per acre or fraction thereof)
Together with the right of ingress and egress and the right to use so much of the
surface of said lands as is necessary to construct and maintain thereupon all works,
building, plants, waterways, roads, communication lines, pipe lines, reservoirs, tanks,
pumping stations, or other facilities necessary to the proper conduct of operations there
Section 2. TERM OF LEASE. This lease shall become effective on the day and year set
out below and shall remain in effect for a primary term of five (5) years and for so long
thereafter as leased substances may be produced from the lands in paying quantities. This
lease may also be extended beyond its primary term in the absence of production of leased
substances as may be provided by the statutes of the State of Wyoming and the regulations of
the Board of Land Commissioners adopted pursuant thereto. Provided, however, if drilling,
completion, testing or reworking operations are being diligently conducted, either during
the primary term or during ~ny extension thereof, this lease shall continue in full force
and effect so long as such operations are being conducted and so long thereafter as oil or
gas may be produced in paying quantities. This lease may be relinquished or terminated at
an earlier date as herein provided.
Section 3. If the LESSOR owns an interest in oil and gas in said land less than the
entire fee simple estate, then the royalties and rentals to be paid LESSOR shall be reduced
Section 4. LESSEE expressly represents that, if an individual, LESSEE is a citizen of
the United States, or has declared an intention to become a citizen, and is over 19 years of
age-and if a corporation, is duly qualified to transact business in Wyoming.
Section 5. This lease is issued under the authority conferred by Title 36, W.S. 1977
as to the State and School Lands, and Title 11, W.S. 1977 as to Farm Loan lands, and shall
be subject to, and operations by LESSEE hereunder shall be conducted in compliance with the
specific lease terms set out on the reverse of this lease, and with all applicable state
statutory requirements and the regulations issued thereunder, including those providing for:
the leasing of State or Farm Loan Lands for oil and gas; the conservation of oil and gas;
and the regulation of security transactions.
Section 6. HEIRS AND SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST. It is covenanted and agreed that each
obligation hereunder shall extend to and be binding upon, and every benefit thereof shall
inure to the heirs, executors, administrators, successors of, or assigns of the respective
parties hereto.
Section 7. SOVEREIGN ~ITY. The State of Wyoming and the lessor do not waive
sovereign immunity by entering into this lease, and specifically retain immunity and all
defenses available to them as sovereigns pursuant to Wyoming Statute 1-39-104 (a) and all
other state laws.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this lease has been executed by LESSOR and LESSEE to become
effective on the 2nd day of, October, 2007 A.D.
L~S,S?)R., J~'I'ATE OF
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Lessee Signature:
~~~~ :2y a d through its
< ..." ". ~.~ By'
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City: State: Zip:
Phone :--- ------ -----
.,John L. l<ennHdy
2201 Cabin Court
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RECEIVED 12/26/2007 at 10:15 AM
RECEIVING # 935780
BOOK: 682 PAGE: 10
Oil AND GAr -----
(a) BOND. To furnish a bond with anllllf'lllled corpcnIe anlVc:on.-nyaulhorized IoII--=t
busi_1o the Slate 01 WyomIng. or such oIIW SUIIIIy as møy be acœp/8bIe 10 the lessor. In the
penal sum as requinId by the _I \IlleS 01 the Stale 8œnI of Land CømisaIonIIrs.
conditioned upon the paymd 01811 rentals and R~allleucaulng \a the lessor under the I8Ims
hereof. and upon the full oon1lll1lllce 01 all oIIW tenn5 and oondI\ions oIlhIs'" and !he rules
and regulati_ NIaIIng IhereIo. and IIIso OOIldlllolI" on the ~ 01110 damIges \a the
surface and I~ thereon where the IeIIIIe __lands the surface oIwiIIch hils œ..
sold or oIhenMse leased. Such bond or bonds furnished prior 10 the development 0I1he lands
aJI1I8Ined In' 1hIs1eBíè~ be Incr8IIS8d in such.-.tlle IIßDIII\S 115 the lessor fIllY decide
upon c:omnenc:emenl ofdriUing opeI8l1ons and 8IIer the disaMIy 01 oil or gas.
(b)PAYMENTS. To make all paynwds accruing heIeunder 10 the 0IIice 01 SIaIa Lands and
InVIIStITWIIs. 122 West 25th SIraeI. Cheyenne. Wyoming 82002.Q600.
(c)RENTAlS. PrIor 10 the discover¡ of 011 01 gas In pøying quantities' /0 pay the lessor In
advance. begI/WIIng with the eIfeC\hIe dIIIe hereof. an 8MU8I R!ßI8I 01 $1.00 per acreorbcllon
After the cfiscover¡ 01 011 or gu In paying CI81IIIieS 10 pay the lessor In advance beginning with
the firsl day 01 the Ieøse year suc:ceedIng the IeIIIIe year In 1IIIhIcII1IduIII disaMIy- ßIIIIe. an
annual rental 01 12.00 per acre or lractlon Ihereøf. unless changed by agreemanl Such R!RIaI so
pakllOr anyone year shall be a1IdII8d on the royally lor IhaI yeII/'.
AMuaI renlBls on all .... shall be payable 1ft ødv8nce lor the IirsI yeør and eøch year
thereafter. No nob 01 rental due shall be S8II /0 the Iæsee. If the renIIIIls not paid on or
before the dele II bec:oINs due. notice 01 default will be sent /0 the '-. and II penallytl $0.50
per aae lor tate payment will be'--.
The lessee Is not legally obligated to pay either the rental or the penally. but if the rental BRd
penalty ere not paid within thirty (301 dayS 811erthe notice 01 default hils œ.. reœiwld.1he II8se
wlllleminale automallCally by operation 01 law. TeminaUon 01 the IeIIIIe shall not relieve the
lessee 01 any obligation IRQIfRId under the lease other Ihen the obUgation 10 pay renIIII or
penalty. The lessee shall not be enIiIIed to a aedit on myelty due lor any penally paid lor late
payrnenls of rentel on an opereIing lease.
(dlROY AL TIES. The royøUIes /0 be paid by IesSM ere:
(lIOn 011. one-sIxIh 0I1h8I praduced. uved.and IOId /'rom saki land. the_ to becleli1Ø1ld
althe wells or 10 the credil 01 lessor Into the pipe line to 1IIIhIcIIthe wells may be connected.
(iil On gas. Including casinghe8d gas 01 other hydRIc8rbon subsIanœs. produced /'rom saki
land saved and sold 01 used off the premI_ or In the IIIIßUIac\uR! 01 gasoline or OIlIer prududs
Iherelrom. Ihe markel value at the well of --.lxIh of the gas so sold or used. pnwided IhaI on
gas sold althe wells. the royaIIy.....1 be one-tIIxIh 01 the amount RIIIØzed /'rom such sale.
(iD) On all other hydroaIItIons 01 value BRd gaseœs IUbs\anCIeS and eIenWIIs IRIduced or
extracted. Including propane. buIane. sUphur. nllrOgerI. carbon diøIIIde. end helium. at such
royalty as shall be rnJ\u8IIy de\enIWned /0 be fair and .-.tIle.
(il/) For royalty purpœes on gas and natural gasoline the value shall be as approved by the
lessor. BRd in the deIerninatiDft Dlthe II8Iue 01 natural gasoline the lair 00II of exIIactIon shall be
considered asa deductible Hem: pnwided. '-.lhaIthe ~forlhe cœt tI ØIIIr8CIIon
may 8ICCII8d two-IhIrds 01 the amount orvalue only on approval of the Ieø' and in no-" shaI
lhe pnce for gas. or nalUnll gasoline. be.. than \hat receìIIed by /he UnIted S1IIIeol AIœIca for
Its royalties /'rom the same field.
(1/) Natural gas and 011 actuaI\y used lor operating purposes upon the land and. ercept as to the
uilimate sale thefeoI. gas or liquid h)dIOC8ItIoIIS n!IUmed to the ..,.¡ for slindating Ihe
production '" 011 or MOOIIdary ~ purposes shall be royally In!e.
(e) DISPOSITION OF ROYAL TV OIL AND GAS.. To dIIUver /0 Ihe lessor. or 10 such 1ndl1IiduaI.
firm or COIpOIaIIon as the '-flllYdeslgn8te. all royally 011. lIB, orolherldnchd~
lrea 01 charge on the premI_ where produced. or. at the opIion 01 the '-. end In lieu 01 saki
royalties In 1d1Id. the '- eor-ID pay the lessor the field market price or value 01110 "1"
oil. gas. or other kindred ~ IIIIduced end S81/8d.
When \he lessoreleds ID I811eIls royally 011. lIS, OIother~ In Id1Id such as 01. lIB,
or other kindred I\ydIoc:arbons shall be ODd ......d.1I8bIe CIiI. gas, or oIIW Idndr8d
hydroc:elbOnS. The lessee shall iI-V IurnIsh sJorage for royally 0II1n!e of d1argeforhly
(30) days after the end of Ihe C81endar month In which \he oil Is produc:ed. upon \he leased
premi_. or at the such place as the '- end the lessee may nuIuIIIIy 8RI8 upon. pnMded.
\hat \he lessee shall not be held II8bIe for loss OIdes\nJc\lon tI,.ty 011 so IIfInd Iromcauses
beyond his control.
The /rea slDR1Ø8 01 011. as henIIn pnwided. shall apply only as long as the said oil is thellll8lly
01 \he lessor.
(I) LtEASUREMENTS OF PRODUCTION. To gauge. ____ and correct lor ~ all
produc:Iion /'rom saki lands In .....oIuo....oce with the RIles and reguIaIionsedopled by the IIcød 01
Land CornrisIIIoners and report said produdIoiI to the 1_In.øa:anlance therewith.
To keep books. reoonIs, BRd nIIOIts pertaining to\heprocb:llon from the land henin 1.-1 as
-U as \hose pertaining 10 the produc:IIon /'rom oII'seI wells openoted by the...... his openIIor.
or sub-Iessee on other lands. which shall be opened at all limes for the Inspedion of any duly
authorized agent 01 \he '-'.
To lumish thë 1_ with original pipe line reports IIhoooing \he day. month. year. --
gravtties. and ~ of 110 011 run end with monthly reports showing the month. year.
amount. and pnce 01 all gas BRd natural gas gasoline end other prududs IRIduced end sold tom
Ihe land herein lèøsed. and the amount '" gas nIIumed \a the sand.
Ig) MON11-II.Y PAYUENTS AND STATEMENTS. Unless the lime 01 paynlllllls oIIwWse
extended by lhe 0IIice '" Stale Lands and InvesIINnIa to IIIIke payment on or befon! the
'-UeIh 12Oth1 day of the ceIenctar month.-dlng the month 01 production and renDvaI and
sate 01 011 and gas /'rom said land. end /0 Iumish _ monthly sl8tenB11s therewith showing in
delailthe quenUty and quality '" the produc:IIon (perwall if required wherII practic:ellfroml\leland
hereby leased. and the quantity end quality 01 the prodUc:IIon (per...... whent pradìcall tomolrMt
wells upon c:omerIng or ~ land operated by the ...... his operatoror~ end
such other inlormaUon as may be celled lor in the form or report pnISCIibed by lessor.
(h) WELLS TO BE DRILLED. To drill and IIJ8f8Ie e/fecIiwIIy aII_ls.-y Io.-.ably
oIfsat wells upon and production /'rom ~ lands.
To drill such addIUonaI wells al such Urnes or places as are .-sery and essential \0 the
proper cteveIopmenIBRd c:ornneråIII production Dlthe 01 and gas 00II18nI 01 saki land. .
(i)lOG OF WElLS AND REPORTS. To keep a tog. In theformllpf1Md by the lessor. oIeach
well drilled by lhe lessee on the lends henIIn leased. showing the sbaIa and c:har8der 01 the
lormaUons. ...tar sends and ninenII depOSIts peneInIted by the drIB. amount 01 casing. sIm and
~ seL and such other lnIormaUon a. the lessor may requinI which log or copy thereof shall
be lurnished ID /he 1eUor.
To file propIIIIII reports. in \heformpnlSClibed by the '-'. at the end 01 each lhifIy(30) day
penod white each wallis being dIIIIed.
To liIe annually. or at such limes as the lessor may require. maps showing the cIewI\opnwII 01
the slJUdwe and the location 01 an wells. pipe 11_ and oIherworlcs used in connedIon with the
operaUons oIlhe lessee upon said land.
To make such other reports pertaining /0 the production end CIpeIa\i_ by the..... on said
land. and report such other InIormaIIon as may be poesesMd by the lessee on the wells.
produc:IlOR or ~ 01 others on lands on the _ IIOIogic structure \hat møy be 01
i~nc:e In eIfec\In proper cIeIIII/opnWII end operation 01 the lands herein...... as may be
called lor by the 1_. All logs, IœpS, and repolls",,1 be subml\ed In duplicate and the 0\IIce
tI Stale Lands end ~IS -r....... 8Uc:h ftIIDIts as candWons nwy Wanant.
(j)PROOUCTtON. To opemte \he wells upon \he land hef8In leased In a ~and eIIIcienI
mennerin an""""'lo _ell \he 01 and gas_-*:aIIy ICISSibIe/'rom saki land and 10
rw-' the under drainage 01 the 01 BRd gas thereunder by wells opended by the lessee or
oIhenI on ~ng or contiguous I8nds ID those leased herein. All pI_ or rneIhods lor \he
puIpCI68 of slillUaUng or Incre8SinO pIIIduc:Iion on lands herein leased OIlIer Ihen those In
conmon use shalllirsI be ..,..-oIed to the lessor for ~ beIore being put - -
No produc:\Ion eor-nents Uniting. restrtctlng. prorating. or oIheIwìse alfec\InIJ the
nalurelproduc:llon /'rom said land shall be entered Into by the lessee. nor shall the lessee Unit.
,.~ IV nrN'RIIiI: ~ AAhIfal nrrvllnlAn 1nvn......1AnIt in """ tIMIV IV' In AnV 41W1n' _~ with
drilled on lands IIdjoIninIJ@ss ... 200 feel flam \he IIIIßMIv 1- thereof; to oondud an
operaUons subject to f '1I8diDR 0I1he \eIIMr. to a . a '-'- upense all
.- DftIen _ __ 0I1he ....... _ . ___ 01__ BRd
IIWMIIBIIon 01 the propeny end the health end saf8ty 01 ~ indudno the IIIp/anIIng and
reseeding 01 drØng sites and oIIW __ tIstIIIbed by driI\in IIIJ8f8I\onS and on failure oIthe
lessee so to do the lessor shell have the r\ØII. /ogIIIIw with oIIW ___ hef8In provided. to
enter on \he PßIPIIlIY \0 I8IIIr damI(e or rw-' _18 at \he.--. tIIII8IIM; /0 abide by and
confarm \0 valid eppI/aIbIe rBU/atIons presaIbed /oJllimllunle the _01 the surface. If other
than the lessor. 01 ..... 01 I1IZIng rights IheI8oIIí:1r 8CIuIII .-..aa- Ih8Ieto and -..v 10
~ a-.. provided. Ihat the '- I111III not be held ,espølllillle lor eels 01
providence 01 actions bevond his oonIIoI.
(mITAXES AND WAGES-fREEDOM OF PURCHASE. To pay. ..... due 811 --1IIwfuIIy
-.ad and lIMed under the ... 01 the State 0I~ upon----, oil end gas
produced /'rom the lend hereunder. 01 Q\herrlhts. IRIpIfI.y 01__ 01 the ...... /0 acoonI aU
__~ In .....Ib...nce with the... 01 the Slate 01 Wyoning.
1nleresl1henIin. nor sublet any portion of /he..... pnIniSes. except willi \he oonsanlln IIIiIIn(
01 the lessor ftnI had BRd obtained.
All 0II8Iriding ,.Iies 10 be valid. nust have the approval 01.. Balwdor by" 0IIice0l State
Lands and Investments ..... 8UIhoriIy to do SO hils "-' ......... by the 8aIwd and wID be
reoorded with \he..... The BaIwd _the rfht 01 dIsapproiIIIII 01 such -'ding IuyaI\Ies
.....In lis opinion lheyb«øfte--.eand ___deIIImenIaI totheproper~._"
01 the ..... lands.
(0)DElJVER PREMISES INCASE OF FORFEmJRE. Tode/lVerup..I.-I............
pem&I8III ~ ~ in ODd order and oondIIIon in _oIforfeIIIn01 1hIs.....
butlhls .....1 not be oonstNed 10
~Ithe ren-'. alleratIon or renNII 01 equipmInI end __lis In the onfInary
course 01 operaIIons.
(a) The rfht 10.... sea. or oIheIwIse dIspoSe 01 \he surf8ce 01 the lend ernbnICed within this
lease under ØIdsting ... or ... hereafter enacted. end In ____ with the lilies 01 the
Board 01 Land Corm1issìons In80Iar as the sutfaœ 1& not-V lor \he... 01 the .....In
Ihe c:oi1duct 01 operalicns hereunder.
(bIThe righllD lease, sell. or o\hefwIse dispose 01 oIIW niIWat OI.........-.aII not
00IIerBd by the IeIIse, In __di.._ "'"" the 81J111ic:ab1e'" and the rules 01... BoenI 01 Land
(C)FlOIIIthe opeoatton 0I1his ...... the SUIface lands hereIoIoIe granIed roni~ and
easementIIend _the rfht 10 pIlI 1UCh000000r\lllS-Gf--wland--pnMded !Iv.
the slalulesolthe StaleDl WyofIing. aslon9-8Uc:hrial* oI.-yand-.-donotCØllld
with the opeI8\ionS lor oil end gas on the land henIIn.......
(dlThe IiFI /0 reIuM to oornnIIlhe leased lands toa unit plan 0I....1........1t lithe 8œnt1inds
such action would .........the'-'sr--'rfhttolalrellSlQI8\tygasinldnd8Rdto~
811 other gas allocated /0 the leased lands a RWided In SIIdion 3(e)below.
(a)The righllo alter or mocIIfy /he quantity and rate 01 pIIIductIon ID the end that.... møy be
eIirñnat.. or Ihat producfIon lIIIYoonform to the...... fair.... 01.--.. pnxU;IIon under
any system 01 Slate or NationBI CU1aIInBII and IRInIIOn .utIIorized by law.
(/)In addition to lis rfht to lake lis rUIIIIty gas In \dnd,the lessor_the right and opIIon to
~ 811 other gas produced for sale or use 011 the ...... lands. ThIs opIion sI1aII be
III8R:isøI only If the IIcød finds IheIthe lessee hils nalWId end IS wIIIInø tollœllta IIcIn. iIde
oIfer /'rom a ~ wiIo Inlands to sell or \ranIIOr\ the gas Into InI8I'IIate ~ and thai
oneor_InIr8SI8Ie~(Le..~wiIo""_-- orAlthegaslí:lr_
or ~ entirely within Ihe Stale oIW¡oning) _..... end aIIIe to fIUId*e \he gas
upon tenn5r-*"Y.............toend ......_IaIionIbIeIo....~as__oIIind by
the intersI8te~. The IIcød shIIII.......1hIs opIIon and penriI an InIerIIate saleillllinds
that no InlJastete pun;\I8Ser Is willing and able to pun:NM the gas upon Iem'B which ere
reøsonaIIIyc:u..~ 10 and at""" fIMnIIIe to.......... Asaoondlllon tosuch__.
a saIIsfac:tory aør-nn møy be entered II*! by 1IIIhIcII\he pIIIductIon ollis rUIIIIty 1181 fIllY be
deferred unUllI can be IRIduced and sold Ií:Ir ~ end _ en\InIIywilhln the Slate 01
Wyoming. ,
SectIon 3. APPRAISAl OF 1MPROVEUENTs. The..... shell ... the rfht subecI to the
provIsIonS '" TItle 36. as to Slate IIIId Stale SchooIlanda. and 11.. '1. as /0 8IaIe ~ and
b\.e,ob,l8Il1S IIœId lands. W.s. 1971. /0 _ any "loIo~ __ by~wi/hJn a
reasonable lime...... the temínIIIian 0I1hIs..... ~ .-lhatany such ~._oIs
noIl8IIIIMId wiIhIn a reasonable lime allerlBminalon 0I1hIs........ be......oIIUISU8I1I
\0 the IIbove sIaIuI8s_
SectIon 4. FORFEITURE CLAUSE. The IIaIInI shell have the IOIIIIIr end aulhlllity to cancel
leases pIIICUI8d byfrllud. dIIceII. or ..oIIk.,...dIIIions. orlorlhe we 0I1he I8IIds lí:lruntewiiA 01
l1iegai purposes. or lor the vtoIIIIion '" Ihe COII8IWIIIs 01 the .... upon IRIpeI' prooI thereof. In
the ........ the ..... ... datauIIln the leda.._ 01___ 01 any 01.... tenns.
---. and IIIpu\8Ions hMIoI. or 01 the QIIIIeI'III ~ IIaIIUIgIded by the IIœId 01
Lend CønmssIonerS end In fon:eon the date henIoI. !he Iessorsh8ll_notIceollUc:h.....
or c\efaJII ellherby,.sonal seMce orby-ulled 0I1tIIsIered møtI upon....--. 8Rdlauch
failure 01 datauII c:onIII.-lí:lr. IIIiod 0I1hIRy (30) daVS after \he seMce 01 sucII naIIce. "-
end In Ihat __ the 1_ may. at lis apIIan. ded8re a forfeIIIn and c:anœl1hIs IeIIse.
IIIIIeIeupon III rights and IIM\eges, abIaIned by the lessee .................and_
and the lessor may Ie-en\er and I8IIe ~ 0I8Id IIWßÌMS or any......... -n.e
IR)VIsIons shall not be oonstNed \0 ~ Ihe.-åse by '- any\eglll orequll8blel8ll1ldy
which the lessor night 0IIeNise.... A __01 any ~ _ or 1iarIIIIIn...... not
~Ithe C3ICIII\aIIon and 1orfeiture'0I1hIs'" by any aIheI_ 01........ 01 for Ihe
__ _ occurrinD at any other lime.
SectIon 5. RElINQUfSHMENT AND SURRENŒR. ThIs... fIllY be IeInquished and
sunendered 10 1_ as 10 all or any legal subdIvtsIan 01 said I8IIds _ foIIcMs:
(a) II no operaUons have "-' c:onducted under....... on the land to be relinquished. /he
lessee ....1 file with the Slate Land Bc8d and Stale '-- and ......... 8cBd. . tdIen
reIinquIsIInøII or SIImIIIIIer. duly signed and IICiøIIWedgId BRdSl8llng..........nooperellons
have œ.. c:onduded an the land. The reIInquistnInI so iIIed...... ....elleclMan..date
and hour '" receipt IhenIoI in the ofIIce 01 the Dlrec:tar or at _ later date. If such be so
specified by the lessee 1heNin. lithe 8Id AIiInquIshinent falls to stale Ihat no III8I8iIanS have
been oonduCIed. the eIfecIM date tI r8\InqUIIII1n8I shøtI be the d8IIIthe ~ Is
IIIIRJI/IId by the 1IœId.
(bll openIIions have œ.. c:onduded underlhe... on land IIIIpCIMd to be nlllnqulshed.1he
lessee shall Ive øtIIIy (60) days notice and shall fllewilh the DinIctora _lien reIInquIshnøII or
surrender duty lICIcna.vIedged and Slating lIIer1Iin IhaI ~ have been concIuc:I8d on the
land. The reIInquIsMwIt shall not b«øfte eIfecIIve unIiIthe lend and ........ ___ shall
have been placed In oondiIIon IIŒ8I\8b/e to '-' and...... havebMnllllluved by" SllleOl
and Gas SuperviSOr.
All _leis "-'ing due prior \a. SIImIIIIIer or ~ IIeooIIing etrecIIva. shall be
payable by lessee unless payment UIereof .....1 be WBiIIed by '-'. A nIIinquIS/v.-I having
become eIIec:Uve there shall be no ___ by..... end the IeIIse as to !he AI/inquIShed lands
may not be reinsi8led.
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