HomeMy WebLinkAbout935781 and Effective January 6, 1998 STATE OIL AND V.a.: ÑYOMING GAS LEASE Lease # 07·"""""· Parcel # 565 Fund Code: CS Form Approved by t This indenture of lease entered into by and between the State of Wyoming, acting by and through its Board of Land Commissioners as LESSOR, and the following as LESSEE: Fitzsimmons, LLC 000012 Section 1. PURPOSE. The LESSOR, in consideration of the rents and royalties to be paid and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the LESSEE, does hereby grant and lease to the LESSEE, the exclusive right to drill for, mine, extract, remove, and dispose of all the oil, gas and associated hydrocarbon substances and gaseous substances and elements produced therewith, including sulphur, hydrogen sulfide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen, carbon dioxide and helium, which may be produced from the following described land, to wit: -) Lot 6 Section: 4 Resurvey Township: 23 North Range: 117 West of the 6th P.M. q County: Lincoln Acres: 40.03 $41.00 ($1.00 per acre or fraction thereof) Together with the right of ingress and egress and the right to use so much of the surface of said lands as is necessary to construct and maintain thereupon all works, building, plants, waterways, roads, communication lines, pipe lines, reservoirs, tanks, pumping stations, or other facilities necessary to the proper conduct of operations there under. Section 2. TERM OF LEASE. This lease shall become effective on the day and year set out below and shall remain in effect for a primary term of five (5) years and for so long thereafter as leased substances may be produced from the lands in paying quantities. This lease may also be extended beyond its primary term in the absence of productian of leased substances as may be provided by the statutes of the State of Wyoming and the regulations of the Board of Land Commissioners adopted pursuant thereto. Provided, however, if drilling, completion, testing or reworking operations are being diligently conducted, either during the primary term or during any extension thereof, this lease shall continue in full force and effect so long as such operations are being conducted and so long thereafter as oil or gas may be produced in paying quantities. This lease may be relinquished or terminated at an earlier date as herein provided. Section 3. If the LESSOR owns an interest in oil and gas in said land less than the entire fee simple estate, then the royalties and rentals to be paid LESSOR shall be reduced proportionately. Section 4. LESSEE expressly represents that, if an individual, LESSEE is a citizen of the United States, or has declared an intention to become a citizen, and is over 19 years of age-and if a corporation, is duly qualified to transact business in Wyoming. Section 5. This lease is issued under the authority conferred by Title 36, W.S. 1977 as to the State and School Lands,' and Title 11, W.S. 1977 as to Farm Loan lands, and shall be subject to, and operations by LESSEE hereunder shall be conducted in compliance with the specific lease terms set out on the reverse of this lease, and with all applicable state statutory requirements and the regulations issued thereunder, including those providing for: the leasing of State or Farm Loan Lands for oil and gas; the conservation of oil and gas; and the regulation of security transactions. Section 6. HEIRS AND SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST. It is covenanted and agreed that each obligation hereunder shall extend to and be binding upon, and every benefit thereof shall inure to the heirs, executors, administrators, successors of, or assigns of the respective parties hereto. Section 7. SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY. The State of Wyoming and the lessor do not waive sovereign immunity by entering into this lease, and specifically retain immunity and all defenses available to them as sovereigns pursuant to Wyoming Stàtute 1-39-104 (a) and all other state laws. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this lease has been executed by LESSOR and LESSEE to become effective on the 2nd day of, October, 2007 A.D. LESSOR, STATE OF WYOMIN~~ng ~ and through its Le"ee Signaturea~ By _ Address: ç--- ------------- City: State: Zip: Phone:_, ,---; !'''ct3t.I:f:¡.eaV =____== :-. "-': ;' .~·1/"1¡~-: 1 ~.!~ ~ ~'..'..:"n ; '\_\:';;' ~,: ~~~.,;.. J,. ,. i, f'''''qí 4"'ft"!11 COW t .,,'- ,',..: ,,~.J'\.l.,.l " ",-I' ,.~~._." ' \Nv 'I a,,~)~!44 RECEIVED 12/26/2007 at 10:18 AM RECEIVING # 935781 BOOK: 682 PAGE: 12 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, \NY ~_I .l- ....i:, I, \, ,...~, [..\ .!~~t1':' I\- t.. ..d' .,. OIL AND GAS TERL4S ,~ ,'-----' ~ 1. 11ElESSEE AGREES: (a) BOND. To furnISh a bond with .. B IpIOI8I œopondø IIUI8ty _ au\IIOdzed 10 tr.onsact I>uIIne!Is In the Slate tI W~. or 1Udt_ SUII!Iy as may be aa:epIabIe to Ihe lessor. In the penal sum as røquirød by the c;unen11Ules tI the State BoInI tllMd ~ œndIIIoned uponlhe paymenl tI aI ftIIItaIs and "¥lilies acauing to the _ _the tenns hen!oI. _ upon the fill œmpIIanœ of al other tenns and condítions of 8IIs lease and Ihe rules and "'I UIaIions IeIaIIng IIHnID. _ aI80 CXIIIdIIoned on Ihe payIIØII tI aI damageS 10 Ihe SUIfaœ and iqInWernentS thereon where the lease - lands the surface tI which has been sold or ødIeIWiIIe leased- Such bond or bonds fumIShed pdor 10 Ihe de.eIapmenI tithe lands œnIaIned In 8IIs .... may be Inc:reaøed In sudI .......mIe amounts as Ihe - may decide upon commencem...d tI drIIing """",lions and afterthe dIsc:o\IeIy tI 01 or gB5. (b)pAYMENTS. To make aØ paymMbS acauIng IøaIncIer to.... 0IIIce tI Slate Lands and IrMIstmenbS. 122 Wesl25th S-. ~. W~ 82002.œoo. (e RENTAlS. Prior 10 the cIIsc:o-v 01 01 or gas In ~""'-Io pay the _In advance. beginning - the eIfectIve dale hlllllOf. an .....,1 ....tal of $1.00 pel acre or fJacIIan _. Alter the disc:IMIf)'.oI 011 or gas In paying ......_ 10 pay the _In advallce beglnnfng with the first day 01 the .... yearlUCCllllClno the _ year In which aduaI discoIIeIy - ..-. an amuaJ rental of $2.00 pel acre or I1acIIon 1hIIIIIOf. unless cÞànged by ~ Such "",tal so paid lor any one year shaH be..-.l an .... royally for thai year, Annuat ftIIItaIs 0/1 al _ _lie payable In advance for the _ year and each year _. No nøIIce tI rental due shall be sent to the lessee. If the rental Is not paid an or befonIthe dais ft - due. nolfce of defauft will be I11II'I110 the ......... and a penally tI $0.50 pel aCl1lfor late paymenl wID be assessed. The ........ Is not legally obligated 10 pay either lie rental or the penally. bull the rental and penally "'" not paid wllIm thIrtY (30) days after the noUœ tI default has been -. the - ... - autornaIicaIy by operallm of law. Tennlnallon 01 the _ shaI not .- the lessee aI any obIiga6an incumId _the _ _than the obIIgallon 10 pay rental or penally., The lessee shaI not be ...-I to a aedII an myally due for any penally paid for tate paymenls 01 /8l'ltaI 0/1 .. """",ling lease. (d ROYAlllES. The royalties to be paid by........ ""': (I) On 011. one-eIxth tI thai pnIduced. ......... and sold from eaId land, the same 10 be deIvered al......... or to .... credit tllessorlnlo Ihe pipe Ine to which the wells may be œnnecIød. (II) On gas.1ncbIIng ~ gas or other hydroc:aIbon subsIanceS. pmduœd from said land saoed _ sold or used off the premises or In the manufaclUle 01 gasoline or _ producIs 1henIfrom. the JllllkelIIIWe at the weI 01 one-sIxIh tithe gas 80 sold or used. provided thai on gas sold al the -'Is. the myally shall be one-eIxth tithe amount realized from auc:h sale. (Iii) On aI _ h~rbons 01 va" _ gaseous sullslances and elements pmduœd or extracted. including propane. butane. ...~. niIrogen. carbon -. and helium. at such myaIIy as shal be mutually delennlned III be fair and __. (Iv) For myally ~ on gas _ natural 8IIOIIne the ..... shall be as B ! IIOIIIId by Ihe __. and In Ihe cIeIermIMbI tI the value tlrmtural gasoline the fair cost tI-..cIIon shaI be aJIISIdenod as a dedUctible Item; pnMded. '-. thellhe aJIoooIanœ'" the cost tI ØIIIIBdIon may eoœed IwIHhInIs tithe a_ or value only an appmval tI the _ _In no evenl shall the prtœ for gas. or rmlunll gasoline. be - than thal.-ved by the United Slale tI AmeIk:a for Is ft¥IIØ8S from .... same field. (v) Natural gas _ 01 actually used lor «I IInIIng IUI Øa upon .... land and. except as to the ullmale sale 1heIeoI. gas orlquid hydrocaIbons reIumed 10 the sand for stimulating the IIOduction tI 01 or secondary reœvery pul JDSBS shal be myally free. (e) DISPOSITION OF ROYAllY OIL AND GAS. To _ to the _. or 10 sudllndIvkIua~ IWm or corporaIion as the lessor may designate. aD myaIIy 011. gas, or other kindred hydroc:aIbons. free 0/ chaIge on the Il8IIIises w11818 pmduced, or. althe option tithe __. and In lieu 0/ said royalties In kind. the lessee agoees to pay the __the ßeId martæl price or value 01 as royally 011. gas. or - kindred hydroc:arbons pmduœd and saved. When the _ elects to lake Is royally 011. gal, or oller hydrocarbons In kind such as 011. gas. or _ _ hydmc:arbons shaD be good merchantable oil, gas. or - - hydmc:arbons. The lessee shall · necessary lumlsh """- lor myaIIy 01 free tI chaIge lor thirty (30) days after the and at the caIendat month In which the Dills produced. upon the leased premises. or at the IUch place as the lessor and 618 lessee may mutually agree upon. pmIIkIed. thai the lessee shall not be held _for"'" or -..cIIon tI royally 01 so _ _ causes ~ his contn>I. The free storage 01 011. as herein provIIIed. shall apply only as long as the said oils the properly tithe _. (f) MEASUREMENTS OF PRODUC11ON. To gauge. _ and _ for tempefature aH production from _lands In conformance _ the rules and regulallons adopted by the - of lMd COmmiIIIoners and report said production 10 the __In BCCIIIIdanCe!llenlwlth. To ~ books. recordI. and reports perIaInIng 10 the producIIon from the land _ leased as well as those pertaining to \he producIIon from offset wells """",led by the lessee, his operaIDr. or sub-Iessee an _lands. which shall be apened al aØ ... for the InspedJon tI an)! duly auIIIOIIzed agenl tlthe_. To fumISh the _with 0ItgNI pipe Ine II! IOIIS SI\OWIng the day. month. year. amount, gr.MIIes. and tempefa_ tI aI 011 run and with monthly reports sMwIng the month. ~. amount. - prtœ tI aI gas and naIuIaI gal gasDlne and other products produced and sold _ lie land herein ØIsed. and the amounl tI gas fIIIumed to the sand. (gl MONTHlY PAYMENTS AND STATEMENTS. Unless the lime tI paynøllls otherwise extended by the 0IIIce tI Stale Lands and Investments 10 make paynøll on or before the twentieth (2OIh) day tithe caIendat month succeeding the month 0/ IIOduction and removal and sale tI 011 _ gas from said land. and 10 furnish swom monthly sta_ _ showtng In - the quantity - CJI8IiIy 01 the production (,- well I f8qUired where pr.¡CIIcaI) from the land hereby leaSed, and the c¡uanlily and quality tithe producIIon (,-weII wII..... pr.¡cllcal) from offset wells upon =-tng or contiguous land ~ by the lessee. his """"'.... or suIHeSsee and such other Informallon as may be called for In the fonn or report pn!ICIIbed by--. (h) waLS TD BE DRtlLED. To drII and openoIe effectiwIIy aØ -'Is neœssary to reasonably oIfseI wells U IIII1 and producUon from ad oIning lands. To drill such addIIIon8I-'Is al such lines or places as _ _ _ -'Iat 10 the proper œwIopmenl- commercial pmduc:IIan tI the 01 and gas conlent 0/ _land. (I)LOG OF waLS AND REPORTS. To keep a lag. In the fonn __ by the _. tI each well driIed by the lessee on the lands herein leased. showing the strata and chafacIer tithe fonnaIIons. water sands and mtneraI depOIIIs pene1Jated by the dill. amount tI caSIng. stze and where set, _ such _Information as .... _ may requ/nI "'*'" lag or CCIIY,IheIeOf shall be furnished 10 the lessor. To lie IfO rass reports. In the form""",- by the _, at the end aI each thirty (30) day period - 0IIch _Is being -- ' To file annually. or at such limes as the _ may require. maps sMwIng the ~ tI the _ _Ihe IocaIion of aU...... pipe Unes and _works used In connection _the opeI3tJans tithe lessee U IIII1 said land. To _ such _ reports perIaInInø to .... production and __ by the lessee on saki land. and II! IOI\ such oller Intonnallorl as may be pœæssed by the lesSee 011 .... ...... IIOduction or __ tI CI\IIeIS on lands 0/1 the same geologic _ thai may be tI ~ In eIfectIng proper œwIopment_ operation tithe _ _leased. as may be caIed for by the lessor. AI logs. maps. - reports shall be _In dupllcale and theOlllœ 01 SlaleLands _In-.lS may_such reports as ~ maywananl O)PRODUCTtON. To openoIe the wells upon the land herein __In a ~ _ ellldent_1n .. endeavor to I8aMII' Blthe 011 and gas ecønomIcaIIy possI)Ie from said land _10 IIeØI1.... under drainage tithe 011 and gas theteunder by wells opended by the lessee or others an IXIßIIIItng or contiguous _ to _ leased herein. AI plans or.-.ods for!ha purpose tlstinaJlallng or IncIeesIng production on lands_leased - than _In"""" .-.,.._ be ~ to Ihe _forB l llOWll befonI beIn( pullnIoactual~. No IIOduction aao-*ldInø. ~ III!IIIIku or øIhenIIIIIe eIfectIng Ihe naIuraIprDdudiø from said land shall be enterBd into by the lessee, nor shalthe lessee IImII. I8SIIIct. or pmrate the natural IIOduction from eaId land In an}! way or In any ~ ØIIOI!III with the~ In -.adlhe _find had an CJbIaIned. {k)SUSPENSION OF OPERATIONS. Shoo*I any _ dilled upon lands ~ by Ills.... dllaln production tloI. gas. or other Ir¡I!rocarbons In paying quantiIies - f Ihe lessee is unable to establsh a saIIsfadøIy market for the DB. gas or hydnIcaIbons produced "- aid..... tie _ may apply lor _the _ may __ permission forthe suspension tI production qøatIons ..... sudllines as a saIIsfacIDry malkel for the product from said wen can be developed. DurIng.... time any sudI suspension tI 0 I8Iatt0nS is In elfecl.1he _ shall continue to pay the annual rental tI $2.00 pel acre orf1action1heleDf II'IIIIided by (e)..-. and this Ie8se shall remain In eIfecI as l10ugh 01 01 gas _ being IIDduced from --. (1)DIUGENCE-PREVENllDN OF WASTE. To -œe.-.able ~ In dIIIIng. pmdudng. and """",ling tI_ on the land ~ henIby, unless COMØIIIo ~ opeI3IIoris \eII1IDr8ItIY Is granted by the lessor; to cany 0/1 aU """",1IorI1 _In a good and wør\ImaIIIIke mamet In ac:conlance with appmved methods and pracIIce. havlnO due IIIgaId for the lleØl1IorI ai_ie tI 01 and gas. or the entrance tI ...œr 10 Ihe 01 01 gas bearing sands or strata 10 the destrucllon or lnþJry tI such deposits. the ~ and c:onservallon tI the properly for lulu'" productive operatfons and 10 the healh and safely tI_ and ~; 10 plug securely In an appmved manner any wen bIIfIn --.na .. and not 10 -.don any well without permission allhe __, not III drtØ MY well within two htWIdred (200) feet 01 any tI the outerboundarias tI the land CØ\I8Ied henIby. unless to pmlecl against drainage by wells dilled on lands ad oIning _ than 2DO feel from !he ~ lines IheIeOf; 10 conduct aØ operatfons sub ecl1o the Inspeclfon tithe lessor; 10 cany out at the Iessee's __ atllU80llable onIanI and "",,_ 01.... __ relative 10.... prevenIIon tI_ and pftIS8IV8tiDn tI the ~ and the health and øafety tI_1ndudIng the replanting and -.g tI dItIIIng - - - areas -- by driIIng operaIions and on IaIIunI title _ 80 to do.... lessor _ have the righl.logeIherwlth __ _ provided, 10 enteron the pmpef\y 10 repWdamage or IIeØI1- at the -"'8IIJIIII188; 10 abide by and conform 10 veld applicable regutatIons .......- 10 ___ the owner tithe surface. . _ than the _. or_ 0/ grazing rtghts thereof for aclual damages - and Injury to Improvements -, pmvIded. thai the _shaH not be held __ for_ tI pmvIdenœ or _I ~ his canlm!. ' (m)TAXES AND WAGES-FREEDOUOF PURCHASE. To pay. ...... due aH taxes lawfully asseaed _ levied under Ihè _ ollhè Slale cI Wyoming upon I/npfIIIIìIIII\ 01 and gas pmduced from the land hereunder. or _ñgIIIs.~« _ tithe -. to aoconI 81_ and ~ compIeIe'- tI...,-. and to pay an wages dua -. and employees In œnfonnanœwlth Ihe """" of.... Stale d.Wyoming. (n)ASSIGNMENTS OF ~ I\GREBAENTS. NoItolltllligA ...........orany_ -.. ....._any lDlllontlthe·___."""""'lIriIhthe _In -.a tI the__ had and _. AB -"Ingft¥11Ø8S to be valid. ..... _ Ihe approval title 8œRIor by the 0IIIce tI SIaIe Lands _lnvesImenIswhen aUlhDrlly to do SO has been delegated by the Board and .... be reœnIed with Ihe lease. Tha Board _the ñghI tI ~ tI such -*ling myaIIIes _In Is opinion IheybeaJme exœssiVe _ _ - _laIlothe pmperdeve\apnWll tlthe__ -- (o)DBJVER PREMISES IN CASE OF FORFEI1\JRE. TO_.....__ __. _an pennanent___ thereon, In good order and œndHIon In case tlloIfeiIunttlthltllease. but thls_ not be consIrued to ~I the I8IIIOV8I. allelallm or ""-' 01 equ/prrIIIIIland II\1 IIOWmenIs In the ordinary mune aI operaIJons. SectIon 2. THE LESSOR EXPRESSLY RESERVES: (a) The right 10 _ sea. or CIIherWIse ......... tithe surface tithe land embIaced within thItI_ under existing laws or laws hereafter enad8d. and In acamIance with the JUles tI.... Board tllMd CammIssIons Insofar as the surface Is not n-v for the usa tI the........ In .... anM:I tI operations 1øaIncIer. (b)The right to _.1811. orolh_......... tI_..-aI or..-afaœ _ not ~ by the ........In aa:ønIanœ with the applicable laws and Ihe rules tithe BoanI tllMd CommissIonen. (e)From the openIIIon 01 this _. the surfaœ lands henIIoI'or8 granted for ñg/It HJf-way and ØBII8IMIIis _ _ the IIghIIo grant such _ IIghI&-ol--way _ _ as pmIIkIed by the -- tithe Stale tI W~.aslong as such ~__"donotmn\llcl_the__lorol_gason the land_leased. (d)The right to ""'- III....... tie laMed _ to a...... tI œwIapn8II f the BoøRIfinds such _.,..,.¡Id ~ the tessor's -* 1tgh11o take 115 royally gas In kind and to pun:hase another gas aIocaIed to Ihe _lands a pmvIded In SecIian 3(e betow. (eJThe right to alter or modIy.... quanIIIy_ oate tI production to.... end that _ may be eliminated or thai pmducIIon may confonn to the Ieoeee's ä' share tI aIIowaIIIe praductIon under any system tI Slale or NatIonal """-1 and ~ auIIIoI\DId by law. (f ln addlllon to Is light to take Is ßI!o'I1Iy gas In IIhI. the __ _the right and opIion 10 IUIdIase 81 other gas produced for sale or use off the leased lands.. This opIIon shall be eocen:Ised only f the Board finds that the lessee has .-ved and Is IIIiIIIng to 8CICII I\ a bona IIde offer from a pun:l1Hw who Inlands to sell or transport the gas Into In_Ie cømmen:e and thai one or IIIOI8InItaslate pun:haIIers (I.a.. purciIasanI who will use. cansume. or sell the gas for use orœnsumpllon 81111re1y_ the SIaIe tlW)unIng).....wiIIIng _ ablalDpurc:hase the gas upon _ reasønabfy ~ to and at least ae ~ 1o....1essee as - offered by the_ purthaSer. The Board shal _this option and pennII an _ _ r ft _ that no InbasIaIe pun:haser Is....-ng and abIa 10 purchase the gas upon Ienns whfch are fIIIIS<JnI!bIy œmpaoabIe to and alleasl as favorabfe to the _. As a ~ to such _. a øatIsfac:tooy Il l8Mll!lllmay be anIeI1Id Inlo by which the pmducIIon of its royally gas may be deferred until I can be prodUced and 8DId for consumpIIon and use enlirely - the Slale 01 WyooNng. SecIfon 3. APPRAISAL OF IMPROVEMENTS. The lessee shall _the righl sub eclto Ihe pmvIsIons tI T1tIe 38... 10 Stale and SIBle School Lands. and T1tIe 11. as 10 Slate Loan and _Is Board Lands. W.S. 1977. 10 _any ~... _by _ within a __ _ alterlhe _11m 0I1hIs _. ~ B I88S _any such ~ not /8ßIOved IIIIIIhIn a __limealter-.allorl 0I1hIs lease shall be dIspœed tI ""'--'to the_ ___ ~ 4_ FORFEITURE O..AUSE. The 8œRI.... _ Ihe """"'" and auIhOdIy 10 canoet leases procured by fIIIud. deœII. or .niso._datIorlS. or'or the use tithe lands for unlawful or tIegaI purposes. or for the vII!IaIIon tithe _ tI .... lease. upon pmper proof tøeoI. In the event thai .... lessee shall deIauIIln .... \IIIIfDnIØØ or --.ce tI any 01 the Ienns, IJ!I/8IIBI1Is. and s\ipuIaIIans ~. or tI the general regutallorls promulgated by the BoanI tllMd ConwnIssIonenI _In '0II:II on Ihe _ heIeof, the lessor shall _ _ tI sudI failure or defauft either by personal seIVIœ or by ..- or ~ mal upon Ihe ......... and r sudI fallur8 or default _ for a peIIod tlthIrtY (30) days _ the I8Mœ tI such noUœ. then and In thaI_ the _ may. alllS option. _'" a forfeiture and canœI this lease. -..pan 81 rights and potviIege&. obtained by the _ hereunder shall _ and cease and the _ may re-enfer and lake possession tI said premises or any parllhered.. These pmvIsIons shall nol be consIrued to prewnlthe -ase by lessor any legal or equItabIa remedy which Ihe __ might __ ha... A __ tI any I8IIIcu\aI cause or foñellure shall not prevenl\he canœIIaIIon and foIfeiIure tI this lease by any _ cause tI forfeIIure. or for the same cause ocwrrIng alanv_llme. Seclfon 5. REUNQUISHMENT AND SURRENDER. this lease may be II!IInquIshed and sunendefed to _ as 10 aD or any legal subdivision tI said lands as follows: (a) If no """",lions have been conducIed under the _ an the land 10 be relinquished. the _ shall IDe with Ihe State land BoanI and Slale Loan and tn_I Board. a wrttten ~ or swrender duly signed and acl<nowledged and staling IhenIIn thai no operallms ha.. been c:onducted on the land. The rellnqulshmenl so filed shall beaJme eI!edive on the dale and hour aI receIpIlhereof In Ihe ofIIce 01 the DIrector or ~I oome taler dale. IIIUch be SO apedfIed by.... _ _. If.... eaId ........- _ to sIBle thai no opeoaUøns ha... _ c:onduc:Ied. Ihe efIedIve dale tI ~ shall be !he date the ~ ts appmved by the BoanI. (II) If 0 I8Iatt0nS _ _ _ underlhe....... 011 land fIIIIPIIS8d lobe relinquished, the lessee shall give sixty (60) days notiœ and shal IDe with the DIrector a MIllen retlnqulslunenl or swrenderdulyaclcnoWledged and staling therein thai operaIIons lIB... _ conducIed an the land. The rellnqulshmenl shall not become eIfectIve until the land and the _ thereon shal ha... been ~ In condIIion aa:epIabIe 10 lessor.... shal ha... been appmved by.... Slate 08 and Gas~. AI /8I'I1B1s becon*Ig due pIIor to a SUI'IIIIIder or relinquishment becoming eIfectIve. shall be payable by __ un_ payment thereof shaH be waived by lessor. A relinquishment having become effective there shal be no recounse by........ and the lease as to the relinquished lands may nol be ~. Before a~y road, b~lIdlng. drilling pad construction. building construction or other earth moving activities commence, plans for such activities (induding maps) mus be SUbmitted for pnor approval by the Office of State lands & Investments or his designated representative. The collection of fossils from this land is prohibited. Any fossils found on this land must be safeguarded by the finder and given to the Office of State Lands ~ Investments or his designated representative as soon as practicable after their discovery. 00001.,3 ßh 1.1 \¡\'Ó ~ ~. t-- \\ \ . \ ~':'\"~ . ,.3 .... c..\ \', '.\ ',-,- "" \ 'ð ..J .;.;¡; .' .,: ..·f "":\ l. ~1 "'~ . " ~.: \.~ ',,",; ,¡ L - :.__ -~. 0, . <J1ß t~~~