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and Bffective Janua.r:y 6, 1998
Lease If U/-U"~"~
Parcel # 576
Fund Code: AG
Form Approved by the
This indenture of lease entered into by and between the State of Wyoming, acting by
and through its Board of Land Commissior:~\:;,.s a,~ ,~ESSOR, and the following as LESSEE:
Fitzsimmons, LLC000032
Section 1. PURPOSE. The LESSOR, in consideration of the rents and royalties to be
paid and the covenants and agreements to be kept and performed by the LESSEE, does hereby
grant and lease to the LESSEE, the exclusive right to drill for, mine, extract, remove, and
dispose of all the oil, gas and associated hydrocarbon substances and gaseous substances and
elements produced therewith, including sulphur, hydrogen sulfide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen,
carbon dioxide and helium, which may be produced from the following described land, to wit:
Tract 81 (formerly All Sec 1) ResUlvey Township: 24 North Range: 117 West of the 6th P.M.
I '
County: Lincoln
Acres: 640.00
($1.00 per acre or fraction thereof)
Together with the right of ingress and egress and the right to use so much of the
surface of said lands as is necessary to construct and maintain thereupon all works,
building, plants, waterways, roads, communication lines, pipe lines, reservoirs, tanks,
pumping stations, or other facilities necessary to the proper conduct of operations there
Section 2. TERM OF LEASE. This lease shall become effective on the day and year set
out below and shall remain in effect for a primary term of five (5) years and for so long
thereafter as leased substances may be produced from the lands in paying quantities. This
lease may also be extended beyond its primary term in the absence of production of leased
substances as may be provided by the statutes of the State of Wyoming and the regulations of
the Board of Land Commissioners adopted pursuant thereto. Provided, however, if drilling,
completion, testing or reworking operations are being diligently conducted, either during
the primary term or during any extension thereof, this lease shall continue in full force
and effect so long as such operations are being conducted and so long thereafter as oil or
gas may be produced in paying quantities. This lease may be relinquished or terminated at
an earlier date as herein provided.
Section 3. If the LESSOR owns an interest in oil and gas in said land less than the
entire fee simple estate, then the royalties and rentals to be paid LESSOR shall be reduced
Section 4. LESSEE expressly represents that, if an individual, LESSEE is a citizen of
the United States, or has declared an intention to become a citizen, and is over 19 years of
age-and if a corporation, is duly qualified to transact business in wyoming.
Section 5. This lease is issued under the authority conferred by Title 36, W.S. 1977
as to the State and School Lands, and Title 11, W.S. 1977 as to Farm Loan lands, and shall
be subject to, and operations by LESSEE hereunder shall be conducted in compliance with the
specific lease terms set out on the reverse of this lease, and with all applicable state
statutory requirements and the regulations issued thereunder, including those providing fqr:
the leasing of State or Farm Loan Lands for oil and gas; the conservation of oil and gas;
and the regulation of security transactions.
Section 6. HEIRS AND SUCCESSORS IN INTEREST. It is covenanted and agreed that each
obligation hereunder shall extend to and be binding upon, and every benefit thereof shall
inure to the heirs, executors, administrators, successors of, or assigns of the respective
parties hereto.
Section 7. SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY. The State of Wyoming and the lessor do not waive
sovereign immunity by entering into this lease, and specifically retain immunity and all
defenses available to them as sovereigns pursuant td Wyoming Statute 1-39-104 (a) and all
other state laws.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this lease has been executed by LESSOR and LESSEE to become
effective on the 2nd day of, October, 2007 A.D.
LESSOR, STATE OF WYOMING, AC~ by and through its
Leosee Signature, '~~.#41'~+ By'
Address : ~.u;c?
City:______ state:__-, Zip:______
Phone : _____~..:!....-....J.::..=~L---------
RECEIVED 12/26/2007 at 10:41 AM
RECEIVING # 935791
BOOK: 682 PAGE: 32
2201 CabinCt.
Gillette, WY 82718
_ ~ _ 44
-- -
s.:tion 1 THE LESSEE AGREE5;
(.) BOND. To....... bond ... .. ......................, .........,.....................--In.. .... rI"""""" 01......... .new - ...,.................. ........ .......... -.. ..........,..
__.....",...... ø.d rllMd ~ ~I ---.. candiIIønId upan....,.... rI.. .....II1II,.".... acn*Ia............ .........._....,. -upan.... --- rI......- - CØIdIIIan& rI
.. _II1II" ..... _ ......... ........ II-. _ ... ___.... .. ___ ",.. ....... .. ..... _iMlWD-__ '-' .... .. .... - ..... .. ..... ", tItIII:h ...1IMn1Old 01
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... .......... .-.-,,,,áI Olga
(!IJPA'tIIENTS. To...... ........--.__.....~fII.... ....-~ 122W111....... a.,... Vl/JlllllllDI:IIIID-ØIID.
(c)REllfALS. Priar.............., fII allOI...............-......,.........In....................... ............I.-af. ............", $1.œ....- or...............
AlIM..'-'-' rial 01...'......... .......,..,.........In ___............. ..1IIt_fII.. _ ,............... _,...In..... -............, -....... ..........",IUID.... - 01
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-no. ..... .. _............... .. ............... 01......... ...... ..... _ ...... - -............. t3IIt ..... .......... ."...... _lIMn ......... .. - .. .....-- - - '"'\'..,
DIIfIIIIan rI.... T......... fII.. _.... _ _........"..,............................ -....-....................... 01........ -no.......... -.......... --- ......,_tar..,
pllllllllrP*tar.....-.-. rI........................
(dIRO'iALTES. -no...................,.......
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Ii) On ... ...................... .. 01_ I ,.1 '. ..-. .......................... -.... or.....,.......- Olin.. -....... fII.............................. ................
... fII-*"fII..... .......... .............................. ........,.... ..--...fII.._....................
(II) on.. ...~. rI.....lIIII...... __.................. 01----' induIInII.............. ............................. -............ ......,.........................
(10) Far....,.............. _ ...... ........ ..... .... ... ..........., .. ........ - .... cIIIIInIIiIIIII rI.. .... rI...... ........ fair CDIt rI...... .... .. ......... · ..........II1II;
pnIIIidIId. _. ......~tar......fII......_.....---- ",.._..........,_ ........."..__111.....,.... .....tar..... or................ ....-...........,
.. UnIIId.... rI ~tar..""","""_1oId.
(vi __.. _... ___ ......................upan................................. --.r... ..1quiI........1IIII.......... .-I tar"""""" ......... rI"'OI~-r
.............. ......,..... .
(.) DISP06I11ON OF ROYALTY (II. AND GMI. 10........... _. 01 to sudI ............ ..... orallplllllan _ .............,...-. .....,... II. ..... 01........... t a . MII ...." m.p..............
............... 01..........",.......... ...111.... fII................... ............. to...,.. ........................ OI.....fII........, 11.... or............ ~t ................ -......
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upan. pnIIIidIId. ............... _....... ........_........... fII......,... so.......... _....... lllacoolnll.
-no.......... fII 11." _.......... .........,..., _.................. ......,fII..........
(I) IEASUIISEVlSOF PRDDUCI10tl To..... __ ............................................. QOo.....'!~~ -..............................,.. ø.dflllMd C .. -... NPØIt
....IIIIdIII:IIIIn.............--........ .
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() MONTHLY MY1ENT8 AND STA11!IIEtß8, ~..... fII___.....................,..~ fII.... UIdJ ..................... ___....,......... .......(2IIIIt...,fII..~.....
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_____ _..__tar..."- ...NPØIt...........,.......·
(II) WELLS 10 IE DRIJ,.ED. Todlll......................~..---......... upan............-.......--
To dill.................. .........,........_~...--............. I J 11...-- IIIIdIII:IIIIn"''' .............."....IIIIIL
(\)lOG OF WELLS AND RB'QR1S. To...... .........._....-...,......... fII.m... .....,....................................... -... -",.......... -..............
.......... ~..,.. dill, ..n rI............................. oIMr 1nfJInIIIIIan.""""''''' ............... CIIII¥.................................
To.............. ..... _ ..........,......... . .....fII.m.... (:lilt ..., 1*IøoI......m..............
To.......,. 01 .......... _........._...... ............ ..............- fII..IIInàa'" ..laaIIIIftfll....... .............. __.....In GIIIIIIKIIDn............ fII.. ..............
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No................---...... ..................................................... _...............-......,........ -................ ....... 01................................
....... etf -ror.....,...... ......_......,. ........".. ......1IIt...............
(Ir)SUSPENSION OF OPERATIONS. 8111Md..,....... upan..... __..,..................... fII 11...... · ....1\,41--.................. ......................................,.....
tar.. II. .... orl\,4l_ba¡..................... ....... ...,.....,tar _......,..., ...............tar............ fII IJDduI:IIøn ......... ............. -........, .........IIIIIIIJCt........
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.....1IauI III,..... -..........................
(IDILIGENCE--I OFwunE. To_____................. IIIIIIIåIIL ...........".......... ....-......... .....~. .......~.........I&..........,.. -.;",
cany...." __~... gøod_ _Å t:' _...--...................................- ....tar..........."....",......... ...._."........alOI..
...... ...... or _... diJIIIuI:IIDft..., fII............... ............. 00;_......."........, tar _................................... .....,."..................... - ...... Ira.
........... _..,..................... not.._ ",,,,~""""""fII""""'. not III dIII..,...wIIIIn........ (2110)....",..,.".................",......--.............
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... ........ ....... .................. ...................... _.".. ...... ....._.. _. or...... fII..............., tar -........................,.. I>.T * -- IIIIIIIIde4
_.. _.... not" hold .........tar... rI ~or""""",1IIa ~
(m)TAXES AND WAGES-FREEDOM OF PURCtWIE. To.... ..... _ .. _ ......, __............- t. .... fII.. SIIoIe rI~ upan...... ....... ... ..... ......... -...... --..
oIMrJlhia."""''' _fII........ ...-.......... ........,..~........ fII~ _. .........._.................,...III co."'-- .........."......."w,a.Ino.
(n~OF IJWIE JIROOIICI1QN AØREBENTS. ............II1II ........,.......... _1IIIIIIt..,llllllanfll................. ........................rI.........IIIt...............
AI-*IIno....... ID.bewlld, ..............-."...........,...0Ib.".... UIdJ... ............................ - ...-~ ..,..ø.d....................... 1Mø.d
_.....,..fII............fII...--.......................................--_................................·II.".............. .. ' -
(0)DEUIIER PRBISE81N CASE OF fQRFEßtME. To.......................... _.. .....,tl ~ ._.........In gøod..............In_fII........"....... ..........-.............
..........-. ......or_fII............._--<\_In..~_fII..........
(II) 1M...,..... _.... or................. fII.. ......fII................1IIII _................ tit................... ...In --............. fII...... flllIIIII Q,.. I . 4."""".
(!111M...,.......... ........................................... ____..,....... ...__..._.......................rI.. ....fIIlMdc.-.a....-. .
(cFøR .. ........ flllIIII ...... ....... ............. .......tar JWâ fII.. ... __... _.. ... "'................... rI.., - -. ............,.. tIIIIJIIIS fII...... rI
"."...,.., _..... _........... ............ __...not CDIIIIc:t.............. ....II1II.._.....................
(cIJI'M...,........... ___................ unit"'" fllJII __It............. ............................... --,...,... _........,....In.... -....... .......IIøCIIId...
....................In SIJeIaJI.,.....
(.)-no. ...,.. "'....,.....,......,.,... _ rI.................... __...,.................. pnIdudIan mar aanIømJ." ....... fIIr.... fII......... ...................,.,....................
................................., ....
(!In.............,.................,..1n IIInII, ........._.....,.._ apIan"'....... .......................- rlft.............. 1IWapIan ..............., ...ø.d..........
___.....__.__.........aIIIr.........-_Ir-*...............-~-_.._or_...........-(le.. ....--..--
...... ..1ot_or--........,...........fII~-...... _..................upan- --....-......-----...............,......,.............
...-. -no................ apIan ...--,-~ ...................- ,.--....... ......"',.-.... upan-.....----............................... '"
........ As. aIIIIIIIan............. ...........,....-.....,............,................. fII...........,.................... --.......-.- · ..._-......
....rlWJoa*Io. ...- ~-
s.:tion 3. APPRAISAL OF IIIPRO\IEIENfS. -no..................,........ ..,.........fII...... _......... .................... ....11. _ID........... ----........... W.s. 1fIT1."
_..,......- __..,.......... ___.... ................ fII....... a.-.........., ........-- not.-lwlllln. ___....... ............flllIIII........ be
SacIian". FORFEII1H: Q.AUSE -no...........................,... __ ..............,............ . .À........... .., ....tar.. - flit. ..............,., 01............-. OItar.. wIaIIIIM
rI .. _ fII .. ...... upan ...... pnIIIf ...... .. .. ..., ... .. ..... .... ...... lit .. .......--4- ,. _ fII .., fII.. -. --. ... .........I.-af. . fII....... ...........
............ .., t. .... rllMd ,., .. _ _........................ ............ -.... fII.... - or..........., ....... .........., ---................ ............. ........
,............ CIIIIIIinI.- lot. pIIIad fII.... t3IIt..... _........ fII......... _...111" _............,. ... apIIaft, ................. --......... ................ -...............
..,.. .......................... _ _ _.. __...,......._ _....... fII.............., '*'...... ,... IIIIIIIIIIaM.... -.. ---..................,........,.....
......... ....,¡yllllldl.. __............... A ......."..,IIdIuIIr-........ ....not..........CMCIIIIan... ........."........,..,....- rI........... ..... --......
...,......... .
s.:tion 5. REIJtIQUISHIENT AND SURRENDER. 1111&_..,................. ............._......or..,.... .......fII_.......__
(II) ... __ _ _1IJIIIIIàIId........" _................................ ......_......lIIIII ø.d.............. ~.............. ................-- .....
... ....~............................. _ _ CIIIIIducIId_..1IIIIL -no...........- _1IId ................_....... _....fII.............. ......".. DIIaI*Ir...._....
:..~ sudI .. so ...... .., .. ...... ....... .,.. ...................... '" ... ... ... .......... ...1IMn1lllllb:lld. .. ...... ..... fII ~'..~I(""" ....... ............ '_111&...........,..
(b).,.......... _lIMn CIIIIIducIId.........._................ .................. ............... ...,(IIDt.....-... ......- ..~.- ....................._....~ I 'IJ ~...
1IIIIinO.................. _ _ -.:lId ......IIIIIL -no.................. _ --......................... '-'.... - -............... ..........."'..............---
~ ..,......01... 0..........
AI ........ ....... _ polar. . ......,. ........._................ .... ..........., ..... ........-.......,...... -..,...... A '"'"' .a.................... .... ...... ...
1lùs lease is issued UJjectto and œ"dliáued upon lessee's ackI.alJlllldgementand agnønent IhII any eJCpIoraIion and de1.lIlapment ac:tivIies ..1dedaIœn shaD:
avoid human activity in big game aucial winter range from November 15 to ~ 30: and . ,
avoid surface disturbanœ or ~ wIIhIn Y..mIe of the perimeter of occupied;'" grouse leks; and
avoid surface distu1blng adivities and geophysical surveys In suilable sage g~ nesting and early bIOod-ntañng habI8t wiIhIn 2 miles of 8111
occupied Iek or in identified sage grouse nesting from May 15 to July 15: or
In the,altemative. exploration and development ac:tlvities shaD be subject to approval by the Director of the 0Ifiœ of StaIB Lands and IrwesImenIS
s~ to ~ DIr8ctor's cOnsolation with the Wyoming Game & fish DeparIment regarding aIIemaIive pradices andIor plans of deveIopm8I1
which provide similar resourœ protection and mitigation.
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