HomeMy WebLinkAbout935816 ) ADDRESS OF GRANTEES : Dick R. and Diana Lynne Heiner 3089 County Road 123 Bedford, Wyoming 83112 RECEIVED 12/26/2007 at 11 :50 AM RECEIVING # 935816 BOOK: 682 PAGE: 110 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WARRANTY DEED 000110 The Ralph S. Heiner Trust dated December 3, 2007 with Ralph S. Heiner, Gwen R. Heiner, and Dick R. Heiner, and the survivor(s), as Trustees, as to an undivided one-half interest, and _the. .Gw.enR"uHeiner Trustdated December 3,2007 with Gwen. R. Heiner, Ralph S. Heiner and Dick R. Heiner, and the survivor(s), as Trustees, as to an undivided one-half interest Grantors, of Bedford, Lincoln County, Wyoming hereby Warrant and Convey to Dick R. Heiner and Diana Lynne Heiner, husband and wife, Grantees, for the sum of Ten and no/1 00 Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration the following described property in Lincoln County, Wyoming, to-wit: The property is more particularly described on attached EXHIBIT A. WITNESS, the hand of said Grantors, this dd- day of December, 2007. ó?~~C)1€~ Ralph S. emer, Trustee of the Ralph S. Heiner Trust ~l'~R- f-/~ Gwen R. Heiner, Trustee of the Ralph S. einer Trust Dick R. Hemer, rustee of the Ralph S. Heiner Trust ..~ /2. #lþ~J7../ Gwen R. Heiner, Trustee of the Gwen R. Heiner Trust C7~1f¿ ·)3 "h/~ Ralph S. emer, Trustee of the Gwen R. Heiner Trust ~()J£2~ Dick R. Heiner, Trustee of the Gwen R. Heiner Trust 000111 STATE OF WYOMING ) : ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) - '-Ó~I:heJld~y oiDe~;mber, 2007 pers~~'aÙÿ~pp~~r~db~f~;·~-l~~·R~lphS'.'H~i~~~,-G~~~ R. Heiner and Dick R. Heiner who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the above deed as Trustees of the Ralph S. Heiner Trust and as Trustees of the Gwen R. Heiner Trust.. é/a-U. étí.á C-1.( Æ'£<\ t^'--.--- Notary Public - - ~ CtAUIM ANOØION , NotCIfY ~ · tJnco!n CoùnIy My CommlUlon~= 6 :?~. ;;JND EXHIBIT A Dick R. Heiner and Diana Lynne Heiner, Grantees An undivided thirty percent (30%) interest in the following described property: . OOO~~2 A portion of~e :property.. asrefetTedto·in the Dèedrecordeò In Book. 321 PRo on Page- 125, With thfi. Office of ·the Clerk of UncoJn County. Wyoming. wiIhIn the SW114NE1/4 of Sedioii 9~ T33N. R118W, of the .. 'P.M.. UncoJn CountY, Wyoming, the metes and bOun. being more partfçuJarty de.cnbed 88 foU~: ---·-BEGINNING,·uat-·þ- -Wltnessed-~pHœ--marklng' -tn.--SOUthtØt.'Cömet--Of'-theu NW1/4NE1/4 of said Section 9, said point also m.adng a paint ii. th8 North Ine of 1hè Ralph Heinof property .. nRerred to in the Deecll8CORIed in Bciók tOM. on Page 382 with said ortice: thence S84927'36'W, along said North lne. 1.493.89- feet to the B.L..M. type monumlmt lilarking the Lloyd 8. Baker PJSILS 698~ 2004 Iocatk)n of the SauIheast· Comer of the N1J2SE114NW1/4 of said SecIIOn 9; 1henCe tr4?05"'E. . along the ~ line of said N112SE1I4NW1I4, 886.70 feet to the WIÞ.Ies8ed Spike marking the Uoyd B. Baker PEILS eta. 20041oc8tion for the Southwest Comer Of said NW1I4NE1I4; thenc;e S88·02-oEre. along the South line of said NW1J4NE114. ,1,338.97 feet to..... Point of Beginning. containing 10.241 Acree·offancl. GRAN11NG and RESERVING THEREFROM: A 80 feet' wide Non-ExcIuslva Aight-of- way E8eement. ÞeIng 25 feet NOtth and 35 feet South of the North line of the above described property. '. , TOGeTHeR wmt The 60 feet wide Easement. as referr8cf to In the Rlgbtoof-Way Easement reconied in Book 559PR. on Page". with said Office.. TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: AU Eeeernente. exœpuons, ~, ~ RiøId8-of-Way anct Jmprovemente of eight and or record.