HomeMy WebLinkAbout935819 · ADDRESS OF GRANTEES Hal R and J ann E. Heiner Freedom Post Office Freedom, Wyoming 83120 RECEIVED 12/26/2007 at 11:51 AM RECEIVING # 935819 BOOK: 682 PAGE: 119 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WARRANTY DEED 000119 _______0,..___'. The Ralph S. Heiner Trust dated December 3, 2007 with Ralph S. Heiner, Gwen R. Heiner,' and Dick R. Heiner, and the survivor(s), as Trustees, as to an undivided one-half interest, and the Gwen ~=BJ~bL~.r. Ints,Ldat~d.D.e.çemb.er 3.,. 20D7with_Gwen.R..Heiner."..RalphS.Heiner.-- and Dick R. Heiner, and the survivor(s), as Trustees, as to an undivided one-half interest Grantors, of Bedford, Lincoln County, Wyoming .-,--..---.---- hereby Warrant and Convey to Hal R. Heiner and Jann E. Heiner, husband and wife, Grantees, for the sum ofTen and nol100 Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration the following described property in Bonneville County, Idaho, to-wit: The property is more particularly described on attached EXHffiIT A. WITNESS, the hand of said Grantors, this 4 day of December, 2007. ó7~.-R(JJ~ Ralph S. emer, Trustee of the Ralph S. Heiner Trust ~£.£ æq:.,,/¡,./ G en R. Heiner, Trustee of the ~ Dick R. Heiner, Trustee of the Ralph S. Heiner Trust ~ P '9iðÜ~j G en R. Heiner, Trustee of the Gwen R. Heiner Trust {(~~~)f -R4~ ---Ralph.S-.---Heinel;-Xms~t:-th€ Gwen R. Heiner Trust ~ Dick R. Heiner, Trustee of the Gwen R. Heiner Trust 0001.20 STATE OF WYOMING ) : 55. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) , .. -_..--_..-"-,._._._,.__._"_._--_..._------------~ On the2tttlay of December, 2007 personally appeared before me Ralph S. Heiner, Gwen R. Heiner andŒck R. Heiner who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the above deed as Trustees of the Ralph S. Heiner Trust and as Trustees of the Gwen R. Heiner Trust.. -·------_,_..,0- t:;úü. ¿Ú¿¡ Notary Public /' C./Ai é{ .¿.W l--1....- - CLAUDIA ANDERSON Notary PublIc LIncoln County WvorTiI~ . _ ell V My Commission fxplrea.J.;""':jç ';J EXHIBIT A Hal R. Heiner and lann E. Heiner, Grantees An undivided ten percent (10%) interest in the following described property: Lots 3 and.4 and the E-}$Wi of Section 34-, T. 4 Soutli, Rang{: 46 E. B~ M..; and . '---"--'---'-'------,:..'.~-. l' '. .,---, , Lot 3 and'SW-iNW¡- of S(:ct,ion '3; Lots 1 and 2 of S~ction- 4, all in T. 5 South, Range 46 ~, R.·M.; al~~ Begiñning at a:. point 80 rods Wc¡,¡t of the Center of Section 3. T. 5 S.. R. 46 E. B. M. .. thence .Wèst Z7t roels. thence Southwést 43 roç1s. thence Éast 55 rods, thb'itcc North 32 rods to th~ place . or' öégi:Driing. confaiüing 8. 40 ~c·Ì".~S) more or·leJ;l.$, 'excepting ,and reser~I).g. orie-ha1.f !>f äll mi*ctrals a:nd min~ral rights' to gr.~~tors. 0001.21. -_._--,------------- JL