HomeMy WebLinkAbout935909 _ _ ..=IVED 12/31/2007 at 12:56 PM RECEIVING # 935909 BOOK: 682 PAGE: 535 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Affidavit of Trustee 000535 I, Beverly A. Lupcho, being of lawful age and duly sworn according to law, upon my oath, depose and state: That under the date November 18, 1999, Mary L, Murray and Beverly A. Lupcho, by deed of that date, which deed was duly filed of record in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk, on November 18. 1999. in Book 438 of Photostatic Records on Page 494, conveyed to John W. Baker and Beverty A. Lupcho, as co-trustees for the Baker Lupcho Family Trust dated April 13, 1998, the following described property situate in Lincoln County, Wyoming, to-wit: The South Yz of Lot 9, Unit B, Commissary Ranch Subdivision, Lincoln County, Wyoming That by reason of said conveyance aforesaid, John W. Baker and Beverly A. Lupcho, as co-trustees for the Baker Lupcho Family Trust dated April 13, 1998, became the owners of the above described land, and title thereto vested continuously in said co-trustees from the date of conveyance described in said deed to the date of death of John W. Baker on the 22M day of October, 2001. That by reason of and upon the death of John W. Baker, and pursuant to the Administrative Provisions of the Trust, title to the above described real property vested in Beverly A Lupcho, as the sole trustee. Affiant avers and certifies that John W. Baker is the identical party named in the aforementioned deed whose death terminated his Interest, title and estate in said real property; and Affiant attaches hereto and makes a part of this affidavit, a copy of the Official Certificate of Death of said decedent, duly certified by the public authority in which said death certificate is a matter of record. Dated this,£L day of ()ÆihAk<. 2007. ~/~k . Severl A. Lupcho State of )ss. County of Subscribed and swom to before me, a notary public in and for said County and State, by Beverly A. Lupcho, this _ day of , 2007. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Notary Public My Commission expires: .... fJIIc.... ~fIII/ /P / per-..$. , IJ £ Sublátbed end sworn to CorA- '.. Before· me on thls..L!-_ of Ol! C. -J0.J2J." . Ll.e.-vL.SitI...'-,/ Â. l... L( P ~ t-I-O penon.fly known to me or pRMId to..... the basis of satisfactory .vidence.. lie... ....on(s) who .pp..... ........... 5Ignature~ ~ C( ~ (SRI) ~ ... ... - - ... P;'~IA-A ;"m; ... J @ Commllalon" 1669728 í Notary Public· California ~ J RIverside County t ~ .... ~ ~_;o:m:..Ex~e~~2~ 2~0 RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 000536 COUNTY OF RIVERSID~:E ~) STATE FILE NUMBER CERTIFICATE OF DEATH ITATC 0" CAL"onHIA U.II: BLACK INK ONLY/NO .R"sunlla, WHIT£OUT8 on ALTERATIONS V..II tRIEY. 1/001 LOCAl.. RItGISTRATtON HUM.E~/ DECEDENT PERSONAL DATA ';;1:: .. D......'_..., 'G'.." T~;;;;:m 13~~~e;:;~" ~;;;;/~;;~.TH H H' DO Ice yY '0' A;; T.O. i ~::'~:i .::: I"'~:::ï~":~:: a. ;;:Ie r- DAn G' ;~~;;';o~/t D ~ e e. T' H~~~2 Bo .T....T. 0.. ølRTH '10. aOCIAL a.CURITY NO. --r II. MIUTAAY 8ERVICE 11.1. MARITAL STATue 113....UUCATION TUN. COMflU:TI:O CA _. I ~ no 0 NG 0 UNo Married 16 14. RACE 18. HISPANIC .~CCI"'Y lie. .U8UAL EMI'LOyltR WhIte 0 no [! ND Hughes Alreraft 17. OCCUPATION lB. KINO 0'" BuaIN... 1'1. YaAR2"0'1'f OCCUPATION Proeurement Manager Aerospace 20. REa'D&NCE ISTRICT AND HUM.En OR LOCATION I '1 USUAL RESIDENCI: 52525 Wheeler Road 21. CITY Anza 122. COUNTY 123. ZIP COOl 124. YAS IN· COUNTY 125. S'ATE 011 'OIlIJaN COUNTRY Riverside 92539 16 I CA I ~~5~~L;I;::1:~~;:~:'~:z::M~:.;;;~;~un,uH"" ."... '.-, ""'. ZI.. 29. MIDDLE 30, '-"ST IMA.ORN NAMltl ae. HAMil. RELATIONSHIP INFORMANT Beverlv Lupcho, Spouse 28, NAME OP SURVIVING .flOUSI:-I"IRST SPOUSE AND PARENT INFORMATION 38. NAMII: 0.. MOTHE,._PIRS' Beverly 3'. NAMI 0" ,.ATHRn-FIR8T - Lnpcbo' 33. LAST 3.... .1"1'" .fATE 32. MIDDLI John William BAker Sr MO 38. MIDOLI: 37. LAST .MAIDEN, 38. .1"1'" ......T. DISPOIITIONI_' .JuAnita Marie 3.. DATE M MID 0, C C v ï 40. PLACE OF FINAL Ol8P08IT'ON 10/20;/2001 Rh'crsldc Nllllunl1l CCllleler)' 22495 Van Bnren Blvd. RiversIde, CA 92518 4'. TYPI 01" DI8POSITIONI.1 42. SIGNATURII Of' IEMBALMIR Bailey -- MO Jl'UNERAL DIRECTOR AND LOCAl. REGISTRAR 43. LtCEN.1 NO. CRlBU ~ Not emblamed , ' - 44. NAMII OP' ,.UHIERAL DIRICTOR 4BF"Due.I'.4"4'.I!!HO".~' .I~ATURE "'.tLO;A~.R~::::~n1~' " Cremallon Society orRiv Co " I.... ~ --:t-vt-aM-_ '" U 101. PLAeIl 0" DIEATH I loa. I,. H~SPITAL. SPIEC,P'Y ONEI I 103. .....CIUTY OTHER THAN ÞtOSftlTALI Rancbo Sorln!!s Medical Cfr 0 IP IXJ ERIOP 0 DOA 0 ~~:~: 0 ~~=. 0 a,.... 1011. .1'RIIET ADORE88-1a,.ftIlIET AND HUMPER OR LOCATION I I , 25500 Medlcn) Center Dr ~ 47. DATil. M M, DOl C C Y Y 10/25/2001 104. COUNTY PLACE. 0. DEATH Riverside 108. CITY MurrietA 107. DIIATH WAS CAUSED BY, IENTER ONLY ONII CAUSE PIIR UN. "OR A. 8. C. AND 01 "M.I"'.ltYAL snWIIN ONSIT AND DIArH ~~~~~'ATE IAI Arferiosclerolie Cardiovascular Disease Years 108. DlAtH II'PORnD TO CORON." EI YIlES 0 No 200i~¿()t¡"UMn. DUE TO c81 '". .ta...y PItRFORMIID OVE' ~NO 1 10. AUTOPSY PERFORMED o VE, ŒJ No I f 1. UIID IN DETeRMINING CAUl! Oy.. 0 No CAUSE OF DEATH DUE TO (CJ DUE TO 4D) 112. OTHER .'ON....ICANT CONDITIONS CDNT"'UUTIHQ TO DIIATH BUT NOT ".LATED TO CAUal[ GIVEN IN t07 Abdolllinn) Aortic Aneur)'slll, IITN 113. WAS OPERATION "En"ORMED "'OR ANY CONDITION IN ITItM 107 eft I I.' I,. V." U8T TYPIt 0" OPII:IIATION AND DATI:. -. Angioplasty --1--/1980 PHYSJ· ClAN'S CERTIFICA- TION I ,.... I ClflTI" THAT TO THI: _1t8T 0" MY KNOWL. EOGIt DEATH OCCU.....:O ATTHII HOUR, DATI: AND rlACE STATED ,.ROM THE CAUS.' IITATEO. DItCIE:~N~ :~~~D:~ ~I"CI ¡ DIC~~N', ~:~ ;~~ :UYI I I ~ O. "'G.ATU.. A"O "TL. a. c.."....' /110. L'C..".", ..~. 11 B. TY..1t A"ENDINO ,.HYSIC.AH·. HAMB. MAILING ADO"....; XI" '1:,'17. DATE MM/DD/CCYY I CERTI" THAT tN MY OPINION DEATH occunREO AT THE HOUR, DATIE AND ,.LACE .TATED I"RoM THE CAUBII. STATED. 1 ,.. MANNER 01" DEATH C&I "ATURAL 0 SUICIDE 0 HOMICIDE O 0 PENDrNG 0 COULD NOT Sf. ACCIDENT INVIUnGATION DETERMINED '2S. LOCATION ISTR,EBT AND NUMBER OR LOCATION AND CITY. ZIP' ...... '20. INJURY AT WORK ,..,. INJURY DATE 1M lot I 0 Die é y Y I 1 aa. HOUR I' a3. "LACK OP INJU..Y OfE8 ONO I '. I I I 1Z4. oEscnlDE HOW INJURY OCCURRED (CVENT. WHICH RE8ULt·.D IN INJURY) .... CORONER'S USE ONL.Y I 1118187 STATE' RE.GISTRAR 1a.t.~UR. ~~R OR OEPUTY c~lIn ,.......- ~("" '-:;p. /t/~ A r IC D IE T';~i;:i;~~~/eeTY ~7~;;;'~~N;~' T;~,eG;;~~;; D~~;O;~";"E. I' 1° H 'AX3;<;;;S9 . C"NOUSTRACT CERTIFIED COpy OF VITAL RECORDS ST ATE OF CALlFORNlA } 55 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE This Is a true and exact reproduction of the document officially registered and placed on file In the office 01 County 01 Riverside, Department of Health. Gary Feldman M.D. Local Registrar RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA DATE ISSUED 1 0 /3 1 / Z001 ~1~ ~J) This copy lIot valill unless preparell on engravell burlier lIisplaying seal and signalure of Registrar. . .'