HomeMy WebLinkAbout936307 PLEASE COMPLETE THIS INFORMA nON RECORDING REQUESTED BY: RECEIVED 1/16/2008 at 4:41 PM RECEIVING # 936307 BOOK: 684 PAGE: 91 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 00009:t. AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: Land Title Adjustment Department 3451 Hammond Avenue Waterloo,IA 50702 Prepared by: Rachel Brouwer [Space Above This Line For Recording Data] Servicer Account Number 060 17261 06 PARTIAL RELEASE OF MORTGAGE Know all Men by these Presents, That MERS, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., does hereby remise, release, and discharge the premises hereinafter particularly described ITom the lien of a certain mortgage executed by Scott B. Terry and Pamela J. Terry, and MERS, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (Beneficiary) dated December 7, 2006 and recorded December 8, 2006, as Instrument No. 925172 in Book 642, page 623, of the records of Lincoln County, Wyoming. Said above-mentioned premises being situated in the County of Lincoln, and State of Wyoming and particularly described as follows: See Exhibit A attached It is hereby expressly understood that this release shall not affect or impair the security of said mortgage upon any portion of any premises, except the premises hereinabove described. '1 In Witness Whereof, the undersigned has caused these presents to be signed by its proper corporate officer and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed this January 10, 2008. Witnesses: MERS, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. ~\\\\\\\\I\IIIIIIIII/I/ Ilt'fit, ~\\~~\\'ù REGISr,QA ~IÍ;;;;/; §' \:)\' ...... :«//-. .,' #' :'.~.····ÖRAr~····.:0 <,,~ ~\MA..KfV l&:'oÇ;-'f &~"'~~.'~¿ ~ ;:;:J ;'CJ (": Cf) § Jel § ~ ~ 1999 ! ñi § Ass % Á,:. .::!i: g -;: ø". :..Cr:! ~ "" ~" ö..,. f?tv.· ~ ~ %, o.;;·.:-:l.AWr:-...··.C) .~~ ".~...y ....... ~,......~":;f. ~ljlt, .. .\\~~", COUNTY OF BL~I@~lIltI¡¡\IW'ì{ 55: STATE OF IOWA On January 10,2008, before me, Sara M. Lentz, a notary public in and for the said county, appeared Jenny Brouwer, to me personally known, who, by me duly sworn did say that she is the Assistant Secretary of MERS, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. named in and which executed the within instrument, and that the seal affixed to the said instrument is the corporate seal of the said Corporation and the said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of the said Corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and acknowledged the said instrument to be the free act and deed ofthe said Corporation. WITNESS my h~d ~d "ot~;" ,,01, '-$l\11.! m, I J Y)~ My Commission Expires: 02/21/2010 Sara M. Lentz _. Notary Public ) RA M LENTZ .~IA' . SA . NO 745496 £' ..~:: C~~~~~II~~ON ÉXPIFlES ..Jiii~ré, FeBRUARY 21 2010 I , -:.:-. - ~nN: 100174102000025827 MERS Telephone: (888) 679-MERS EXHIBIT "A" 000092 . A portion of the Ter.ry property, as referred to in the Deed recorded with Receiving No. 925171, in Book 642, on Page 622, all with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within the ;NW1/4NW1/4, of Section 25, T36N, Rl19W, of the 6th ~.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, being more particularly descriÖed as follows: BEGINNING at the Nelson Engineering PE/LS 578, 1981 loçation for the So~thwest Corner of the SW1/4 of Section 24, of said T36N, Rt19W; thence S8So41'11"E, ¡along the South line of said SW1/4, 777.19 feet; í thence SOc45'41"W, ~arallel with the East line of the NE1/4 of Section 26, of s~id T36N, Rl19W, 300.00 feet; thence N88c41'11"W, parallel with said South line, 777.19 feet to a Point in said East line; thence NOo45'41"E, ~long said East line, 300.00 feet, to the Point of Beginning, Encompassing 5.35± ~cres of land. AND ~ portion of the Te~ry property, as referred to in the Deed recorded with Recei~ing No. 925171, in Book 642, on Page 622, all with the Of~ice of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within the NWl/4NW1/4, of Section 25, T36N, R119W, of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, being more particularly describ~d as follows: BEGINNING at the Marlowe A. Scherbel PLS 5368, 1987 location for the Sou~hea$t Corner of the NE1/4NE1/4 of Section 26, of said r36N, Rl19W; thence NO 045' 41 "E, a:Long the East lin.e of said NE1/4NE1/4, 332.32 feet; thence S88°S3'25"E, ~arallel with the North line of the SWl/4NW1/4 of said S~ction 25, 1,311.13 feet to a Point in the West line of the. Bl/2NW1/4, of said Section 25; thence SOo44I05"W, aiong said West line, 332.32 feet to the Marlowe A. Scherbel PLS 5368, 1994 location for the Northeast Corner of the SW1/4NW1/4; thence N88°53'25"W, ~long said North line of said SW1/4NWl/4, 1,311.28: feet, to the Point of Beginning, En.compassing lO.OO± ~cres of land. ~nN: 100174102000025827 ~ERS Telephone: (888) 679-~ERS