HomeMy WebLinkAbout936337 Kenvnerer Jan H Z¡U1tJ lD'L" PI1I1J/I1JZ NTI,..1691 When neorded IIUIÎl to: LAURA M. KAISER PO BOX 453 DIAMONDVll.LE, WY 83116 POWER OF ATTORNEY KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS OOOj.67 That I. JEREMY KAISER have made, oonstituted and lIppOinÅ“d, and b)' these presents do JDako, OOQtitul;e IDd appoint LAURA M. KAISBR, MY true and lawful Attomoy for ME and in MY name. p1aee and stead and fbr MY use and beDefit: FOR THE PURPOSE Of BXBCU11NG ALL DOCUMENTS CONNECTBD WITH TIlE SALE POI. PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1421 CENTRAL AVE KBMMBRBR, WY 83101 LOT S AND THE NORTHERLY ONE-HALF OF LOT 6 OF BLOCK 7 OF THE FAIRVIEW ADDmON TO THB TOWN OF KEMMERE~ LINCOLN COUNTY. WYOMING, AS DESCRIBED ON THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF. to ask, demand, '\le for. recOVCf. collect and receive allsuch sums of money, debts, dues, aocounts. le¡scICl. bequests, Interests, dividends. annuities and demanda wbatsoever. as are now or eIl,1I hercatÅ“r beeome due. owln¡. payable. or belonging to ME. and bave. use and take, aU lawful ways and meaDS in MY lWDe or otherwise, tor the 11Icove1Y '!hereof by .ttachments, arrests. distress or otherwise, and to oompromilo and agree for the 1II1JI1O, and acquittançea or other suftioienc dlschar¡es for the SIDle. for ME and in MY name to make. seal and deliver, to baa¡ain, contract, a¡ree for, purchase, . receive IDd tBke lands, tenements, hereditaments and lWCept ~e seizing IOd poIIession ofalllaods, and all deeds and other 8ISW"IIDces in the law thereof, and to lease, Ioc, damiso. bargain. sell, remise. 1'!'Jease. convey. mongap and hypoth_e. lands tenements and bereditmnenta, upon suoh terms and'conditiou and under suc:h çovenants as SHE shall think fit. Also to barpin and a¡ree for. buy. selt mongaae, hypothacate. and In lID)' and every way and manner deal in and with goods. wares and merchandise, chooses in acdon, and other property In pOll&Clsion or in action. and to malee, do and 1rIU1SICt aU and fNery kind ofbu&ineas of what na1W'e or kind soever, IDd also for ME IOd in MY name and as MY IICt and deed, to sign. sea~ execute, deliver and acknowledge such deeds, covenants, Indentures, agreements, mol'tg8gtl, hypothecations. bottomries. charter parties, bills of lading, bDls, bonds. notes, receipts, \ evidences of debt, releases and satisfaction of mortga&e, jud¡mePt and other debts,and sudl other instruments In wrldng of whatever kind and nature IS may be neceswy or proper In che pr~ises. GIVING AND GRANTING unto LAURA M. KAISER said Attorney full powm' and authority to do and perfonn all and every açc and thing whatsoever requisite and n~ to be done in and about the premises, as fully to aU intents and purposes.. I m.i¡bt or could do ifperlOnall)' present, and I ISm bereby ratltÿing and confirming all tbatMY said Attorney, LAURA M. KAISER sballlawfu11)' do or cause·to be dono by viri.ua ofthesc presents. mèìTNE~IS t~O~aYo hemuuo see hand IDd seal. __~ RECEIVED 1/18/2008 at 3:00PM RECEIVING # 936337 BOOK: 684 PAGE: 167 State of%LA:-í{.-i.( } JEANNE WAGNER CoUßtyarL111áJ~~} IS; LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY On JANUARY /0 . 2008 penonaU)' appeared before me JEREMY KAISER wbo duly acknowledged to me that THEY executed the lillDe. . Lu ./ .; , /~ ú.--.-( K.