HomeMy WebLinkAbout936342 NTL-1691 SANTOS S. GARCIA 308 GARNET STREET KEMMERER, WY 83101 RECEIVED 1/18/2008 at 3:07 PM RECEIVING # 936342 BOOK: 684 PAGE: 172 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WARRANTY DEED 000:172 AMY BOWEN, A MARRIED PERSON, AS HER SOLE AND SEPARATE PROPERTY, AN UNDIVIDED 13.1 % INTEREST AS A TENANT IN COMMON; ANDREW KAISER, A SINGLE PERSON, AN UNDIVIDED 13.1 % INTEREST AS A TENANT IN COMMON; KRISTLE L. TAYLOR, A SINGLE PERSON, AN UNDIVIDED 11.5% UNDIVIDED INTEREST AS A TENANT IN COMMON; AND CASSANDRA D. TAYLOR, A SINGLE PERSON, AN UNDIVIDED 11.5% INTEREST AS A TENANT IN COMMON. Grantor(s) of KEMMERER, County of LINCOLN, State ofWY, JEREMY KAISER, A MARRIED PERSON, AS HIS SOLE AND SEPARATE PROPERTY, AN UNDIVIDED 13.1 % INTEREST AS A TENANT IN COMMON Grantor of FORT MORGAN, County of MORGAN, State of CO, RUSTY KAISER, A MARRIED PERSON, AS HIS SOLE AND SEP ARA TE PROPERTY, AN UNDIVIDED 13.1 % INTEREST AS A TENANT IN COMMON Grantor of PINEDALE, County of SUB LEITE, State ofWY, JUSTIN KAISER, A MARRIED PERSON, AS HIS SOLE AND SEPARATE PROPERTY, AN UNDIVIDED 13.1 % INTEREST AS A TENANT IN COMMON Grantor of LARAMIE, County of ALBANY, State ofWY, JOSHUA BEUTLER, A MARRIED PERSON, AS HIS SOLE AND SEPARATE PROPERTY, AN UNDIVIDED 11.5% INTEREST AS A TENANT IN COMMON Grantor of LOGAN, County of CACHE, State ofUT hereby CONVEY AND WARRANT to SANTOS S. GARCIA, AS SOLE OWNER, Grantee(s) of KEMMERER, County of LINCOLN, State ofWY for the sum ofTEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the following described tract ofland in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws ofthe State of Wyoming, to wit: LOT 5 AND THE NORTHERLY ONE-HALF OF LOT 6 OF BLOCK 7 OF THE FAIRVIEW ADDITION TO TI-Œ TOWN OF KEMMERER, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING, AS DESCRIBED ON TI-Œ OFFICIAL PLA T THEREOF. Subject to easements, restrictions and rights of way of record, and taxes for the year 2006 and thereafter. Wltne". 'he hand(,) of , aid 0,,",'0'('), ,hi, JANUARYE F~ AM WEN fj:'1!f~~ KRISTLE L. Í'\ 0 0001.73 State of WY ) County of LINCOLN ) On JANUARY 11,2008 , personally appeared before me AMY BOWEN, CASSANDRA D. TAYLOR, KRISTLE L. TAYLOR, AND ANDREW KAISER the signer(s) of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. LeANN BROADHEAD· NOTARY PUBUC County of' State of Uncaln Wyoming My Commission Expires Sept. 21. 2010 ~~ Residing: \;\Y'Co\ V'\ Co. Expires: C\\2A\\O Witness, the hand(s) of said Grantor(s), this day of JANUARY, 2008. JEREMY KAISER State of CO ) County of MORGAN ) On ,2008, personally appeared before me JEREMY KAISER the signer(s) of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Residing: Expires: Notary Public Witness, the hand(s) of said Grantor(s), this 9TH day of JANUARY, 2008. RUSTY KAISER State of WY ) County of SUBLETTE ) On JANUARY 9, 2008, personally appeared before me RUSTY KAISER the signer(s) of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Residing: Expires: Notary Public ANDREW KAISER 0001'74 State ofWY ) County of LINCOLN ) On JANUARY 11,2008 ,personally appeared before me AMY BOWEN, CASSANDRA D. TAYLOR, KRISTLE L. TAYLOR, AND ANDREW KAISER the signer(s) of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they e~ecuted the same. Notary Public Residing: Expires: Witness, the hlU1d(s) of said Grantor(s), this' day of JANUARY, 2008, JEREMY KAISER State of CO ) County of MORGAN ) On .2008 ,'personally appeared before me JEREMY KAISER the signer(s) of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Notary Public Residing; Expires: ..~~. Witness, the hand(s) of said Grantor(s). this 9TH day of JANUARY, 2008. -'-J K4 R KAISER State of WY ) County of SUBLETfE ) On JANUARY 9, 2008 , persohally appeared before me RUSTY KAISER the signer(s) of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. M WP.t1 Notary Public Residing: Expires: ANITA MAcGILL: NOTARY PUB County or 'it UC SUblette .!~ of M Comrn . . ..,.,mtng lsalon expire. Dee. HI,2Oft State of WY County of LINCOLN ) ) ANDREW KAISER 0001.175 On JANUARY 11,2008 , personally appeared before me AMY BOWEN, CASSANDRA D. TAYLOR, KRISTLE L. TAYLOR, AND ANDREW KAISER the signer(s) of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Residing: Expires: Notary Public Witness, the hand(s) of said Grantor(s), this --D-day of JANUARY, 2008. ¿/çUAt 171. t1ub/J M ClHomCC/ ~ (¡ov JEREMY KAISER .J-~ ~ State ofoo-W~ JJ; \) County of-MORGA )'tÙ\Y'\) On ~ Yì \1 ,2008, personally appeared before me JEREMY KAISER the signer(s) of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Residing: UY\~:cl V\ Expires: ~\~\ \ \ () ~u otary Public LeANN BROADHEAD - NOTARY PUBUC County of Stale of Uncaln ... Wyoming My CommIssIon expIres Sept. 21. 2010 Witness, the hand(s) of said Grantor(s), this 9TH day of JANUARY, 2008 . State of WY ) County of SUBLETTE ) RUSTY KAISER On JANUARY 9, 2008, personally appeared before me RUSTY KAISER the signer(s) of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Residing: Expires: Notary Public Witness, the hand(s) of said Grantor(s), this 9 000:176 JUSTIN State of WY ) County of ALBANY ) Residing: Expires: ,2008, personally appeared before me JUSTIN KAISER the signer(s) ent, W 0 duly acknowledged to;e ~ ex.cu~ L-- 0!J!Lrf. ~ ANA BRENT NOTARY PUBLIC Notary Public COUNTY OF LARAMIE STATE OF WYOMING Witness, the hand(s) of said Grantor(s), this day of JANUARY, 2008. JOSHUA BEUTLER State ofUT ) County of CACHE ) On 2008 ) personally appeared before me JOSHUA BEUTLER the signer(s) of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Residing: Expires: Notary Public t\Vlllllt;:r tH "'ail 0 LUVU I"T'V,", IrU",,,,.11 Witness, the hand(s) of said Grantor(s), this _day of JANUARY, 2008. JUSTIN KAISER 000177 State of WY County of ALBANY On , 2008 , personally appeared before me JUSTIN KAISER the signer(s) of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. Residing: Expires: Notary Public Witness, the hand(s) of said Grantor(s), this 9 pÅ- day of JANUARY, 2008. eLL tV.. ~ ~EUTLER StateofUT ) County of CACHE ) On "1 rL.... , 2008 , personally appeared before me JOSHUA BEUTLER the slgne s) of the within Instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that they executed the same. I Rcsiding;'J7 fJ1 v-¿ ~ Expires; ¿;L! :;J.. 7 I ~ ( ù yJ ~ VI árb- Notary Public