HomeMy WebLinkAbout936370 ,as &r601 l..vf116 RELEASE OF REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE (By Corporation) 00031.1. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That 1 st Bank Lincoln SINCE 1904 A corporation, of the County of .fy th . b . d h 17th certI at a certam mortgage, earmg ate t e 1 st Bank made and executed by t Rex Doornbos and Sarah Doornbos, husband and wife as tenants by the entireties as mortgage --' 0 . . I h· . d . fì h f$632.000.00 as mortgagee, conveymg certam rea estate t erem mentlOne as seCUrIty or t e payment 0 and State of Wyoming , does hereby d fApril ay 0 . A. D. 2007 therein states, which mortgage was recorded in the office of the County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds of Lincoln . 24th County, State ofWyommg, on the 551 of Mortgages, at page . d fApril ay 0 2007 . B k 655 In 00 . and mortgaging the following described real estate in said County, to wit: All lands described in said mortgage. RECEIVED 1/22/2008 at 10:16 AM RECEIVING # 936370 BOOK: 684 PAGE: 311 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY is, with a note secured thereby, and the aforementioned debt, fully paid, satisfied, released, and discharged and in consideration thereofthe said mortgagee does hereby release and quitclaim unto the said mortgagor the premises thereby conveyed and mortgaged. IN WI1NESS WHEREOF, the 1 st Bank has caused these Presents to be signed by its and its corporate seal to be affixed, this 16th Branch President d f January ay 0 . A. D, 2008 ~- ~"h~:a1rf~ ) Note: ~ cashier. scribed lands in space therefor, insert the following: "All lands described in said mortgage. THE STATE OF WYOMING County of Linco In } ss. O h· 16th n t IS Penny Jones d fJanuary ay 0 08 , 20-, before me personally appeared to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the I. 1 st Bank Branch President of and that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corpora!ÌìJn, and that said instrument was signed and sealed on behalf of said . b h· f· d D' d ·d she corporat¡on y aut onty 0 Its Boar of ¡rectors 11n sal . . ree act and deed of said corporation. SUE E. GRIFFIN . NOTARY PUBUC. . 16th January 2008 COIJMTY OFGler n1J1IATEIOfItl n lal seal this day Of~, .' , LlNCOI.N WYOMING "--~ ~~ ..../ ..." 19,2011 ry ublic M .. , h 19th d fOctober 2011 y commIssIon expires on t e ay 0 . A. D. THE STATE OF WYOMING, County of } ss. This instrument was filed for record at A. D. 20 , and duly recorded in Book o'clock _M., on the on Page day of County Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds No, Fees, $ By Deputy Clerk