HomeMy WebLinkAbout936377 I ( /)' \..--1 ) . w " QUITCLAIM DEED I OO~327 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Keith L. Nate and Lynett~ Nate, . i husband and wife, of Cokeville, Lincoln County, Wyoming, grantors, in considerationjof Ten and NoI100 Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of ,*hich is , acknowledged, convey and quitclaim unto Brian K. Nate and Rebecca J. Nate, husb~d and wife, ~s tenants by the entireties, grantees, of PO Box 122, Co keville, WY 83114, fór~ver, all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim and demand as they have or ought ~o have, in or to all the following described premises, in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming~ to wit: See EXHIBIT "A" hereto attached and made apart hereof; I I SUBJECT TO all easements, exceptions, restrictions, reservations and rights of way oflsight or ~~ : i Hereby releasin and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption taws of the State of yoming. ! I .-b Dated this day O~lJ"(r , 2000 ~ ,} /1a4- elth L. Nate '. ~ /0ñ, Lyne~ Nate RECEIVED 1/22/2008 at 10:51 AM RECEIVING # 936377 BOOK: 684 PAGE: 327 JEANNE WAGNER I LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERE~, WY . I The fo eg<;>ing Quitclaim Dee~ was acknowledged before me by Keith L. Nate and Lynette Nate, usband and wife, this ,t day of~, 200S. ¡ Witnes my hand and official seal. STATEOFW ) )ss.. . ) COUNTY OF ()JJà '-/IhJM ~æl~ Notary Public My Commissi n Expires:QdLJ d 'J. DD~ I . BOOl It ('laqöJoQ s9J(dx3 UOlssl~WOO AW UIOOun JO AJuno:)ollqndAJDJON . 6u!wøAM . N3HIVM :mlvV'oJ VllV " I I "1l'!ffIo1'~ 1III....I_~;l'tllaa Prolo..lonal Land Survoyors Paul N. Scherbol Wyo. Rogil~ollon No. 16. Idaho RoglI~alion No, 3990 Ulah Rogl'~lIlon No. 1870 Nevada Rogll~alion No. 8805 Scan A. Sohorb" Wyo. Rogillrelll1n No. 3689 Idoho Rogll~lIlon No, 8028 UIIII1 RoglI~allon No. 37211 t Modowo A. Scholbel Wyo, RoglI~ollon No. 5368 Survoyor Scherbol. LTD. Anon. Wyoming 81g Plnoy. Wyoming JocI<lon. Wyoming Lava Hot Spring.. Idoho MonIpOHer. Idoho EXHIBIT "A" DESCRIPTION FROM KEITH L. NATE AND LYNETTE NATE, husband and wife FOR BRIAN K. AND REBECCA NATE, husband and wife OF THE R. NATE TRACT To-wit-- I I OQ0328 That part of Tract No. 83 and within Section 5 of T24N, R119W, within the inc~rporated limits of the Town of Co keville, Lincoln County, Wyoming and part of that tract ofrec~rd in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 602 of Photostatic Records on page 26,1, described as follows: COMMENCING at the southeast point of the Wests ide Addition to the Town pf Cokeville of record in said Office as Plat No. 303 being NOoo45'09"W, 420.43 feet and :N89°10'00"W, 396.97 feet from Comer No.4 of Tract No. 90, T24N, R119W; ! thence N00030' 12"E, 100.00 feet, along the east line of Lot 2 of said Addition ¡to its northeast point and the northwest point of the Perkins House tract, the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing N00030' 12"E, 133.01 feet, along said east line to a point; thence S89°07'35"E, 135.32 feet, to the northwest point of the Beck tract ofrecor,d in said Office in Book 368 of Photostatic Records on page 617, as amended by this survey; I thence SOoo45'09"E, 133.00 feet, along the west line of said Beck tract to the no~heast point for the Perkins fIouse tract as amended by this slli--vey; thence N89°09'05"W, 138.23 feet, along the nortþ. line of said tract to tlie POINT OF BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING an area of 0.42 acre, more or less; I SUBJECT to an easement of record in said Office in Book 218 of Photostatic ~ecords on page 887 for the west, sixty (60) feet; TOGETHER with the right of ingress and egress and utilities along said easel11¡~nt of record in Book 218. each "comer" marked as described in the Comer Record on file or to be filed in s~id Office; each "point" marked by a 5/8x24 ins. steel reinforcing rod with an aluminuni cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL PLS 164 2007 BIG PINEY WY" and appropriate det~ils; I all in accordance with the map to be filed in said Office titled, "MAP OF SURVEY FOR KEITH NATE OF PART OF TRACT 83 WITHIN THE INCORPORATED LIMITS qF THE TOWN OF COKEVILLE WITHIN SECTION 5 T24N R119W LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING". File: Nàte des. 12.04.07 "Modification in any way of the foreQoing description terminates liability of the sUrveyor"