HomeMy WebLinkAbout936378 ~ . ~ MINERAL QUITCLAIM DEED 000329 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS that LILLIAN E. HARROWER, a single person, of 8603 Powderhouse Road, Cheyenne, Wyoming, 82009, GRANTOR, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and sufficient consideration, conveys and quitclaims to LILLIAN E. HARROWER and THOMAS S. HARROWER JR., Trustees in Trust for the LILLIAN E. HARROWER REVOCABLE MINERAL TRUST dated November 2,2007, of8603 Powderhouse Road, Cheyenne, Wyoming, 82009 all of GRANTOR'S right, title and interest in and to all minerals, oil, gas, hydrocarbons, coal, gravel, and other minerals of whatever nature in and upon the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, to wit: SEE EXHIBIT 'A' ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN BY THIS REFERENCE together with all privileges, hereditaments, tenements and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining thereto, hereby releasing and waiving all rights in and to said property under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. DATED t!ùs 'I day orO "'rt~ {4/, ' 2008. RECEIVED 1/22/2008 at 10:56 AM ~~n /j, !J(\/f / RECEIVING# 936378 ~) ~A~ BOOK: 684 PAGE: 329 LILLIAN E. HARROWER JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF CONVERSE ) -i.h. ~.. . On this -'-I day of Q~, 2008, before me personally appeared LILLIAN E. HARROWER, a single pe son, to me ~own to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that she executed the same as her free act and deed. Witness my hand and official seal. ~{iÜ~fWk My commission expires: MISTY BURBACK· NOTARY PUBLIC County of fj~ State of Converse W Wyoming My Commission expires April 29, 2008 EXHIBIT "A" CCû3'30 Any and all interest of Grantor in minerals, oil, gas, hydrocarbons coal gravel or other minerals of whatever nature, whether reserved or otherwise ~cquired in or upon the following described property: ' Tow.nship 24 North. Range 116 West. Lincoln County. Wyoming SectIon 23: El/2NWl/4;El/2SWl/4; SWl/4SWl/4. Section 26: NWl/4. Section 27: NEl/4NEl/4; Sl/2NEl/4; SEl/4. Section 35: Nl/2; Wl/2SWl/4; SEl/4SEl/4; Lot 2. as more particularly shown on the survey map entitled "Record Survey of Crow Creek Ranches and recorded on January 12,2000, in Plat Cabinet 7, slot 181 and Book 1544, page 274, Records of Laramie County, Wyoming. T-." 24 Nardi.. 11._ 11' W.... t!' P. M. SedioII6: Lots 4911Dc1 SO, that part of Lot 18, lying Westerly of the centerline of tile Bear River. SecCiOII7: Lots 12, 23, 24 and that part of Tract 121 lying Westerly of the centerline of the Bear River. T.....lüp ~l'ortJa.. »--119 ad 120 West. 6· P. M. TboIo portioDs ofTI'IICCs 8S and 86 lying Westerly oftbe centerline of the Bear River. T....IdD UNo"" 11-....128 W.... ," P. M. s.ca.1: SI/2SBI/4, Tmcts 41A, 41C, 41D, 4S 8Dd 130. SedIoa 3: Lot 9, East ofproperty line! fence line as described by Surveyor Scherbel, LID on the Map recorded in the Lincoln CouDt)', Wyoming Clcrtr.'s Office as Map 21C on January S, 1994. S.ø.4:,LoIs5aad 10. ,': ' .,. '. " ...... s... '= Lot 7, Souda ofpropea1y liDeI fence line as described by Surveyor Scberbel, LID on the Map recorded in the Lincoln CouafJ, W)'ODIÏDg CIert's Office as Map 21C on January S, 1994. Sediø1112: NEI/4. s... 14: NWI/4NWI/4. . T....1IiD 25 NortJa. R___ 11' West. ,. P. M. Set.... ZI: LoIs 30, 32 IIDcI 34. SeedoII2I: LoIs 2, 4, S, 7, II, 13, 16,34 and 40 also that part of Tract 61, lying West oCtile Oregon ShortIine Railroad Right of way IIDcI tbat part ofTmct 129, lying Westerly of tile centerline of the Bear River. SedioII D: Locs 34, 36, 37 and Tract S6 and TI1ICt S8. Seedøa 31: Lot-S, North ofproperty liDeI feoœ line as described by Surveyor Scherbel, LID on the Map recorded in the LiDcoIa County, Wyoming Clerk's Office as Map 21C on January S, 1994. . s.... 31: Tmct 53. Sec:.... D: Lot 7. Sed'" 33: LoIs 8, 9, 14, IS, 25, 26, 32 and 42. s._ JI Ie 2t: TnICt 59. SedIøI D Ie 32: Tmct S7. s._ ZI, 21, Ie D: TnICt 60 aad that put ofTI1ICt 76, lying Westerly ofthc centerline of the Bear River. See_I'1e JO: SIll ofTraçt lOB and the Sill of Tract 81. All orb aforesaid contaiDiD¡ 2521.497 ecres, more or less, Being men particularly described in that certain Assignment of Agrœmcat of Sale ofRea1 Estate dated August 22, 2001 from John Russell Thornock and wife Emma Lucy Thornock to John RosseU Thornock and Emma Lucy 'Ibomock, Trustees as recorded in Book 471, Page 447 of the Photo Records of Lincoln County, W)'OIDÏDg. ~. . ';. ;1. ',' '¡ :" .~:_I::.. 'j.:-1:~:. . '::~:f~~~t' :!.~>:.... ~f.~:.~~·t. :...:'~": . ...-.1". . '.' ..:tfii·' .,~, . .,.\.:' ..F \.. ,,,.," '.'J;!. J.. .' , ," .Ii.:· ". .:. ". "u,?,¡/," '~JI '.'l"~',":~. (""l'~~H:~':" ..'; : .. ......' ....". '.'''''''\'- '.. ,·;.t!·tn·· t" ~..·I.t.·d'" ':~' ",'\:t~'~';j:l~~,Ú;t:i;~\' '. : «: '. ... .' ..I:...·~~;.: /..:":~~..:" ..\ , ,'; ~:.·<{~~t(: .\ ..~ ..~....~~..,' '..;~. '. . :"'. . ~'. .".