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File No.: 6010716300
COOs 59
Michael K. Grimes and Mary J. Grimes, Husband and Wife,
grantor(s) of Willard, State of Utah, for and in cQnsideration of Ten Dollars and Other Good and Valuable
ConsideratIOn, m hand paid. receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do(es) Convey and Warrant To
Justin Grimes and Vanessa Grimes, Husband and Wife,
gralltee(s), whose address IS: P.O. Box 52 Afton, WY, 83110 the followmg described real estate, situate In Lincoln
County and State of Wyoming, to Wit:
A portion of tile Barber property referred to in the Deed recorded In Book 477 Photostatic Records on page 278
wltil the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Sectlon
35, Township 33 North, Range 119 West of tile 6'h P.M., Lincoln Cou'nty, Wyoming, the metes and bounds being
more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at a point in tile south line of said Soutlleast Quarter of tbe Soutbeast Quarter, said point beiug 391.52
feet Nortb 89°25'26" West, from the Lluyd B. Baker PE/LS 698, 1978 location for the Southeast corner of said
Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter;
Thence North 89°25'26" West, along said south liue, 248.17 feet to the southeast corner of the McLean property
referred to In the Deed recorded in Book 484 Photostatic Rccords on page 671;
Thence North 0°31 '16" East, along the East line of said McLean property, 500.00 feet, to a point in the south line
of the Comito propel"ty referred to in Deed recorded in Book 460 Photostatic Records on page 753;
Thence South 89°25'26" East along said south line, 248.25 feet to the southeast corner 01' said Comito property;
Thence South 0°31'50" West, parallel with tile west line ofsaid Southeast Quarter oftbe Southeast Quarter,
500.00 feet to the point of beginning.
Hereby re1easmg and wOlvmg all nghts under and by Virtue of the homestead exemptIOn laws of the State of
:;;:;:;:(S) ~,thjS /~ ~ day of January, 2008. , .
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Michael K. Grimes Mary J. Grime
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State of Utah )
1J."", Ç/ÁDI_ ) ss.
The foregomg instrument was acknowledged before me this
Grimes and Mary J. Grimes.
day of January, 2008, by Michael K.
Witness my hand and officIal seal.
My commission expires: 12-{ I c;.!1 ()
No Public
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RECEIVED 1/23/2008 at 12:11 PM
RECEIVING # 936440
BOOK: 684 PAGE: 559
em Slre.mUne Deed· Wananly WY 10 Rev, 111512008
11111· III.