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Zions First National Bank
c/o Zions Agricultural Finance
500 Fifth Street
Ames, IA 50010-6063
RECEIVED 1/23/2008 at 4:10 PM
RECEIVING # 936454
BOOK: 684 PAGE: 610
Zions Agricultural Finance
500 Fifth Street
Ames, IA 50010-6063
Loan No. 20701361
THIS ASSIGNMENT entered into this 17th day of Januarv , 2008, by and between
ZIONS FIRST NATIONAL BANK (hereinafter referred to as "Assignor") and U.S. BANK NATIONAL
ASSOCIATION, AS CUSTODIANITRUSTEE (hereinafter referred to as "Assignee").
1. Assignor is the owner and holder of a Note dated January 17,2008, in the original principal amount
of $705,000.00 (the "Note"). The Note is secured by a Mortgage/Deed of Trust executed by Jason
John Thornock and Tracy Thornock, husband and wife, to Assignor and duly filed for record in
the office of the Recorder of Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, concurrently herewith covering
real property described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein.
2. Assignor has the lawful right to endorse the Note and assign the Mortgage/Deed of Trust to Assignee.
3. Assignee desires to purchase the Note and have assigned to it all security instruments held by
Assignor securing repayment of the Note including, but not limited to the Mortgage/Deed of Trust.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, the
receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows:
1. Assignor does hereby sell, assign, transfer, convey, endorse, set over and deliver to Assignee the
Mortgage/Deed of Trust together with the Note, debt and claim secured by said Mortgage/Deed of
Trust, and all liens, collateral assignments, powers of attorney to transfer stock and security
instruments created under, with or related to the Mortgage/Deed of Trust or the Note.
2. The Assignor does represent and warrant that it is the owner of the Mortgage/Deed of Trust and Note
secured thereby and fully authorized and empowered to make the Assignment contained herein.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Assignment is executed the date above indicated.
Hugh A. Ma åen, Vice President
( SS.
On this 17th day of January, A.D. 2008, before me a Notary Public in and for said State, personally
appeared Hugh A. Marsden, to me personally known, who being by me duly sworn, did say that he is Vice
President of ZIONS FIRST NATIONAL BANK, a Utah corporation, named in the foregoing instrument; that
no seal has been procured by said corporation, and that said instrument was signed on behalf of the said corporation
by authority of its Board of Directors, and the said Hugh A. Marsden acknowledged the execution of said
instrument to be the voluntary act and deed of said corporation.
WITNE~S my signature and official seal the day and year aforesaid, at Ames, Iòwa.
~ k, ,4-J¿ _
Mark W. Baker
Notary Public in and for the State ofIowa
My commission expires October 12,2008
. ~ Commllllon Number 225002
. · CommIIIIon expires
CIW MyOctober 12, 2008
Real estate located in the County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming, to-wit:
Resurvey Township 24 North Range 119 West of the 61h P.M., LincoJn County
Section ó; That part olLot 18 of Section 6; and that part of Resurvey Tract 109
lying Westerly of the centerline of the Bear River; and, Lots 49 anel SO; .
Section '1: Lots 12, 23 and 24, and that part of Tract 1211ying Westerly of the
centerline of the Bear River;
Resurvey Township 24 North Range 119 West and Resur",ey Township 24 North
Range 120 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming.
Those portions of Tracts 84, 85 and 86 lying Westerly of the centerline of Bear River
described as follows:
BEGINNING at Tract corner 6/85 and 3/84 in Township 24 North Range 119 West of
the 6th P.M.; and, running thence East 205 feet to the center of the Bear River;
thence North 39°30' West, 690 feet;
thence North Z3°45' We.$t, 496 feet;
thence North 27°30' West, 460 feet;
thence North Z19 West, 264 feet;
thence North 14° West, US feet;
thence North 331;130' West, 374 feet;
thence North 461;1 West, 320 feet;
thence North 36° West, 405 feet;
thence North 38°45' West, 169 feet;
thence North 41;130' West, 310 feet;
thence North 5°30' East, 71.3 feet;
thence Nortb 439 East, 285 feet;
thence North 22°30' East, 484 feet;
thence North 8°30' East, 698 feet;
thence ' West 1653 feet;
thence South 44' East, 2674 feet;
thence East, 1320 feet;
thence South 44' East, 2799 feet;
thence East, 1320 feet to tbe PLACE OF BEGINNJNG.
Resnr",ey Township 24 North Range 120 West of the 6th P.M., Lincoln COWlty,
Section 1: South Half of the Southeast Quarter;
SecUon 3; Lot 9, East of property line/fence line as describe bySuveyor
Scherbe~ L TD on the Map recorded in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office as Map 21 C
on January 5, 1994;
Section 9: Lot 7, South of the property line/fence line all describe by Surveyor
Scherbel, LTD on the Map recorded in the Lincoln County Clerk', Office as Map 21C
on January 5,1994;
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Section 12: Northe8.'Jt Quarter;
Sectton 14: Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; 000613
Resurvey Tratts 41 A, 41 C and 41 D, and Resurvey Tract 45;
That part of Resurvey Tract 130 lying westerly of the centeríine of the Bear River
Resurvey Township 25 North Range 119 West of the 6th P.M., lJncoJn County,
Section 21: Lots 30, 32 and 34;
Section 28: Lots 2, 4, 5, 7, 11, 13, 16, 34 and 40;
Section 29: Lots 34, 36 and 37;
Section 31: That part of Lot S, lying North of the property line/fence line as
described by Surveyor Scherbel, LTD on the Map recorded in the Lincoln County
Clerk's Office 2S Map 21C on January 511994
Sectiou 32: Lot 7
Section 33; Lots 8, 9, 14, 15,25, 26, 32 and 42;
That part of Resurvey Tract 61, lying West of the Oregon ShortJine Railroad right of
way. LESS AND EXCEPT the land described in Warranty Deed recorded September
28, 2007 In Book 673 on page 792 of the recorda of the LIncoln County Clerk..
That part of Resurvey Tract S3 lying East of the property line/fence line a5 described
by Sunreyor ScberbeJ, LT:D on the Map recorded in the Lincoln County Clerk's Office
as Map ZlC on January 5,1994.
Resurvey Tract 56; Resurvey Tract 57; Resurvey Tract 58; and Resurvey Tract 59'
Resurvey Tract 60 and that portion of Resurvey Tract 76 lYing Westerly ofthe
centerline of the )Jear River.
South Half of Tract 80 B and South Half of Tract 81, described as follows:
Beginning at the Southeast corner of Trl\ct 80 Band mnning thence North 16' West,
40.70 chains;
thence South 89°19' West, 20 Chains;
thence West 20 chains;
thence South 16' East, 40.80 chains to the Southwest corner of Tract 81;
thence East ZO chains to the Southwest COl'ner of Tract 80 B;
thence North 88°38' East, 20 chains to the point of beginning.
AJI that part of Resurvey Tract 129 lying Westerly of the centerline of Bear River.
Parcel 2
That part of Tract No. 61 of :Resurvey Township 25 North, Range 119 West, Lincoln
County, WYOming bounded and described as follows:
on the North Une by the North Une ofsaid Tract No. 61;
on the South by the South line of said Tract¡
on the West by the thread of the channel of th II Bear River and the West line of said
Tract; and
on the East by the West rigbt-of"way line of the Oregon Short Line .Railroad;
Page 2 of 2
EXCEPTING THEREFROM that tract of record in the Office of tbe Clerk of Lincoln
County in Book 25 of Deeds on page 460 as conveyed to the Union :raci1ic Railroad