HomeMy WebLinkAbout936462 ') \ C¡' -, )~ c AFFIDAVIT OF ABANDONMENT OF EASEMENT 000665 We, Jim W. Stoker, Grantor and Kevin M. Paul and Eko Paul, Grantees as shown in that certain Roadway Access and Utility Easement, recorded November 16, 2005 Book 605 pages 35 and 36, in the office of the Lincoln County Clerk, State of Wyoming, agree to the following: 1. The following described parcel of land, Exhibit "A' attached hereto, was conveyed by me to us for ingress, egress and utilities in said Roadway Access and Utility Easement. 2. We, hereby abandon any and all interest in said Roadway Access and Utility easement. This affidavit is made in conformance with Section 34-12-106 of the Wyoming Statutes 2001, as amended. Dated this :2-6 day of ~\..}B-^~ ,2007 fLz~~ Jim W. Stoker ~ /rl, ~ ~o/ Eko Paul RECEIVED 1/24/2008 at 11 :33 AM RECEIVING # 936462 BOOK: 684 PAGE: 665 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY STATE OF WYOMING) COUNTY OF LINCOLN) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Jim W. Stoker, Kevin M. Paul and Eko Paul. Witness my hand and official seal. ota Public My Commission expires: 'r7l..~ lð 1 ó\O I ( LAURA FAYE JENSE:\ . NOTARY PUBLlt County of State of Lincolll W)loming My Commission Expires May 10, 2011 EXHIBIT "A" DESCRIPTION: Bret W. Merica and Debbie A. Merica A portioo of the Tnct 2 of the r... Stoker property, as referred to iD the Deed recorded ia Book SnPR, on page 581, with the ofrace of the Oerk of Linee" Couoty, WyomiDg, within the East Half of the Northeast Quarter of Sectioo 23, T34N, R119 W, of the (/Ii P.M., Town of Thayne, LiDee" County, Wyomiag, the metes and bounds beiDg more particuJàrly described as foDows: BEGINNING at the Uoyd B. Baker PFILS 698, 1995 location for the Northeast Corner of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 23; thence North as degrees 36' 10" West, along the North line of said Southeast Quarter, 60.00 feet to the Southeast corner of the Samuel W. Taylor property,.as referred to iD Book 62SPR, on page 871, with said office; Theace North 1 degree, 08' 17" East aIoog the East line of said Samuel W. Taylor property, ad the Northerly prolongation thereof, 353.33 feet; Thence North 88 degrees 36' 10" West, parallel with said North line, 172.52 feet; Thence South 1 degree, 08' 54" West 60 feet; Theace South 88 degrees, 36' 10" East 172.50 feet; Thence South 1 degree, 08' 17" West 293.33 Theace East along the North lioe of said SOutheast Quarter, 60 feet, to the point of b'egillning. Containing .246 acres of land more or less. TOGETHER WITH and SUBJECT TO: AD Easements, EIceptions, Reservations, Restrictions, Rights-of-Way and Improvements of sight and or record. 000666