HomeMy WebLinkAbout936499 WELLBORE ASSIGNMENT 00081.2 THIS WELLBORE ASSIGNMENT (the "Assignment"), dated effective 12:01 a.m. local time November 9, 2005 (the "Effective Time"), is from BP America Production Company, a Delaware corporation, whose mailing address is P.O. Box 3092, Houston, Texas 77253-3092 ("Assignor") to EOG Resources, Inc., a Delaware corporation, whose address is 600 Seventeenth Street, Suite 1000N, Denver, Colorado 80202 ("Assignee"). For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Assignor hereby sells, assigns, transfers, grants, bargains, and conveys to Assignee the real and personal property interests described below, located in Sweetwater County, Wyoming (the "WelIbore Interests"): 1. Seventy percent (70%) of Assignor's right, title and interest in and to the well bore for the McNamara 34-6 Well, located in the NW/4NE/4 of Section 34, T19N, Rl12W, 6th P.M., Sweetwater County, Wyoming, at a surface location 368 feet from the north line, and 2,356 feet from the east line of said Section 34, and all associated equipment and personal property (the "WeIlbore"), together with such interest of the Assignor derived from the oil and gas leases described on Exhibit A hereto (the "Leases"), insofar and only insofar as the Leases cover the lands described on Exhibit A (the "Lands") under: (i) the Operating Agreement dated August 9, 2005, between EOG Resources, Inc., Operator for Drilling, Evaluation, Completion and Plugging and Abandonment, Chevron U.S.A. Inc., Operator for Post Completion, and BP America Production Company, Anadarko E&P Company LP, Wexpro Company and Questar Exploration & Production Company, as non -operators, (ii) the Operating Agreement dated June I, 1987, between Amoco Production Company, as operator, Celsius Energy Company, Union Pacific Resources Company, Texaco, Inc., and Conoco, Inc., as non -operators, (iii) Bruff Unit Agreement, No. 109442X, and Unit Operating Agreement for the Bruff Unit, and (iv) Communitization Agreement WYW -109194, effective June 28, 1984, (v) Communitization Agreement WYW-132740, effective July 11, 1992, (vi) Communitization Agreement WYW- I (pC¡ 14Z , effective August 1, 2005, (vii) Communitization Agreement WYW - I tøq It . \ , effective August 1, 2005, from the surface of the earth to 100 feet below the base of the Dakota formation, defined as the base of the coarsening upward sequence as depicted by well log gamma ray curve occurring at a measured depth of 12,474 measured depth feet in the BP America Production Company CHAMPLIN 186 r #2 (API No. 4904120840), located in Section 13, Tl8N, R113W, Uinta County, Wyoming (the "Assigned Depths"), as is necessary to RECEIVED 1/25/2008 at 3:53 PM RECEIVING # 936499 BOOK: 684 PAGE: 812 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 110m IIJIImum fflmlllllllllUmll111ll111UlIlDI 1111111111 11111111 1 RECORDED 1.1'02/2009 AT 11: 3S AM RECII lS23622 BKII 1111 PGII 0161 STEVEN DALE DAVIS, CLERK of S~EET~ATER COUNTY, ~YPa~. 1 of 6 vest in Assignee ownership of 70% of Assignor's right, title and interest in the WeIIbore and the production therefrom, limited to the Assigned Depths. 00081.3 In the event a participating area ("P A") is expanded after Assignee has acquired an interest therein pursuant to the BP-EOG Moxa Arch Farmout Agreement dated July 3 I, 2003 between BP and EOG, Assignee will not be entitled to pm1icipate in production from the expanded pal1icipating area but Assignor will be deemed to have assigned to Assignee, as of the effective date of the P A expansion, out of its retained working interest, such additional interest in the Wellbore as to the affected formation to keep Assignee whole as to the quantity of production ( in MMBTU's) which Assignee would have received had the PA not been expanded. In the event the assignment of Assignor's retained working interest is insufficient to keep Assignee whole, Assignee shall not be entitled to any further remedy. 2. Rights in and to all existing and effective unitization, pooling and communitization agreements, and other contracts, agreements and instruments to the extent only that they relate to or affect the Wellbore Interests. 3. Concurrent rights of ingress and egress to the Lands, and in and to surface use agreements, rights-of-way, easements, surface leases and other surface rights held by Assignor in connection with ownership or operation of the Leases and Lands. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Well bore Interests unto Assignee and its successors and assigns forever. This Assignment is made and accepted expressly subject to the following terms and conditions: A. THIS ASSIGNMENT IS MADE WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY EXCEPT THAT ASSIGNOR WARRANTS THAT TITLE TO THE WELLBORE INTERESTS IS FREE AND CLEAR OF ANY LIENS AND ENCUMBRANCES CREATED BY, THROUGH OR UNDER ASSIGNOR WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ROYALTY, OVERRIDING ROYALTY AND OTHER BURDENS ON PRODUCTION OF RECORD ON JULY 31, 2003. B. This Assignment is subject to the terms and provisions of the BP-EOG Moxa Arch Farmout Agreement dated July 31, 2003, between Assignor and Assignee (the "Farmout Agreement"). If there is a conflict between the terms of this Assignment and the Farmout Agreement, the terms of the Farmout Agreement shall control and not be deemed to have merged into the terms of this Assignment. C. This Assignment is subject to the terms, provisions and covenants of the Leases, all Lease burdens of record on July 31, 2003, all existing and effective pooling, communitization and unitization agreements and all other contracts, agreements and instruments related to the Well bore Interests to the extent the same are of record on July 31, 2003 or identified in the Farmout Agreement. D. Assignee agrees to perform all obligations, express or implied, of Assignor under the Leases insofar as such obligations are applicable to the Wellbore Interests. E. To the extent permitted by law, Assignee shall be subrogated to Assignor's rights, to the extent of the WeIIbore Interests, in and to representations, warranties and covenants 2 ] 1IIfm1 Iß~ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 RECORDED 1'-02'-2008 AT 11: 3:5 AM RECIt 1:523622 BKIt 1111 PGIt 0162 STEVEN DALE DAVIS, CLERK of S~EET~ATER COUNTY, ~VPag. 2 of 6 OÓO~14 given with respect to the Leases. Assignor grants and transfers to Assignee, its successors and assigns, to the extent so transferable and permitted by law, the benefit of and the right to enforce the covenants, representations and warranties, if any, which Assignor is entitled to enforce with respect to the Leases, but only to the extent not enforced by Assignor. F. The references herein to liens, encumbrances, burdens, defects and other matters shall not be deemed to ratify or create any rights in third parties or merge with, modify or limit the rights of Assignor or Assignee as between themselves, as set forth in the Farmout Agreement. G. Unless provided otherwise, all recording references in Exhibit A hereto are to the official real property records of the county in which the Lands are located. H. Separate governmental forms of assignment of the Well bore Interests may be executed on officially approved forms by Assignor to Assignee, in sufficient counterparts to satisfy applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. Those assignments shall be deemed to contain all of the exceptions, reservations, warranties, rights, titles, power and privileges set forth herein as fully as though they were set forth in each such assignment. The interests conveyed by such separate assignments are the same, and not in addition to, the Well bore Interests conveyed herein. I. This Assignment binds and inures to the benefit of Assignor and Assignee and their respective successors and assigns. J. This Assignment may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original instrument, but all of which together shall constitute but one instrument. EXECUTED on the dates contained in the acknowledgments of this Assignment, to be effective for all purposes as of the Effective Time. ASSIGNOR: BP AMERICA PRODUCTION COMPANY ~ C. it R\ "'f17 1111111 111111111111111 1111111111 11111 IIßIIIßIIIIIIII1Æ~ DÆI1111J III 1m II RECORDED 1;02;2008 AT 11: 3~ AM RECIt 1~23622 BKIt 1111 PGIt 0163 STEVEN DALE DAVIS, CLERK of SWEETWATER COUNTY, WYPa~. 3 of 6 3 ·' Acknowledgements STATE OF TEXAS ) ) ss. COUNTY OF HARRIS ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of May, 2007 by Jeanine Haller Piskurich, as Attorney in Fact for BP America Production Company, a Delaware corporation. 00081.5 Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: ..1>.:!i:..~, CHARLES T. DAVIS, JR. f'\1"'\/ª MY COMMISSION EXPIRES \~~....,.~$! April 19, 2010 'rll?I~'I" L{-\'\~1 p/í) OLL~~__~ STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER ) . . . . fh .Sc::'!.f-/-e'''1 h",1" The foregoing Instrument was acknowledged before me thIs 2. C, day of.-May; ~cty¡ 2007 by J. Michael SChween, as Agent and Attorney in Fact of EOG Resources, Inc., a Delaware corporation. ,~;;;.' . '. J:/ ~\. ~:('I ,"',f' ,::.......:~'\ ~ / ~ __,0 ,r· .' . t~~.... I\" f? t('-"·~·';;.I· "-""~: \ " .;; ~ ) r~ r ~ c '. }; : í~ ,:/,_ ,_ '-t~" . ,.p ~/t C /~ \,"), i,./~'lJ'''''~ ".~~" ::: J ' :1 (1 ýI7~r"~'€~'~~~::# Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: 0 {I, 0/2. 0 J 0 r ~frrI1~fr ,~~ ~'n Imllfllllllfllllfl IIII1II11I 1111/ 1111111111111111111111111111 RECORDED 1~02~200e AT 11:35 AM REC8 1523622 BK8 1111 PQ8 0164 STEVEN DALE DAVIS, CLERK of SWEETWATER COUNTY, WYPa~. 4 of 6 4 EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED TO AND MADE A PART OF THAT CERTAIN WELLBORE ASSIGNMENT BY AND BETWEEN BP AMERICA PRODUCTION COMPANY, AS ASSIGNOR AND 00081.6 EOG RESOURCES, INC., AS ASSIGNEE "LANDS" Lands in Frontier Formation Drilline: and Spacine: Unit approved bv the Wvomine: Oil & Gas Conservation Commission under Order 398-2004 and subject to Communitization Ae:reement WYW- l{gq ILlZ, effective Au!!ust 1,2005: Township 19 North, Range 112 West Section 27: E/2SE/4SW/4, W/2SW/4SE/4 Section 34: W/2 NW/4NE/4, E/2NE/4NW/4 Consisting of 80.00 acres, more or less Lands in Dalwta Formation Drillin!! and Spacin!! Unit approved bv the Wvomin!! Oil & Gas Conservation Commission under Order 222-2005 and subject to Communitization A!!reement WYW- ¡lie¡ ILl \ . effective Au!!ust 1. 2005: Township 19 North. Range 112 West Section 27: SE/4SW/4, SW/4SE/4 Section 34: NW/4NE/4, NE/4NW/4 Consisting of 160.00 acres, more or less Lands Subject to Communitization A!!reements WYW-109194 (Frontier formation) and WYW-132740 (Dakota formation) Township 19 North. Range 112 West Section 27: All Lands Subject to Bruff Unit Frontier Formation Participatin!! Area "A" Lincoln County. Wyoming Township 19 North. Range 112 West Section 21: SE/4 Section 22: SE/4NW/4, SW/4 Section 27: NW/4 Section 28: NE/4 Sweetwater County. Township 19 North. Range 112 West Wyoming Section 14: S/2SW/4, SE/4 Section 22: E/2 Section 23: W/2, W/2E/2, E/2NE/4, NE/4SE/4 Section 24: NW/4, NW/4SW/4 Section 26: NW/4NW/4 Section 27: N/2NE/4 1111110\1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I 011111111111111111 111\ I 1111 PGI 016~ RECORDED 1/02/2008 AT 11:3~ AM RECI 1~23622 BK STEVEN DALE DAVIS, CLERK of S~EET~ATER COUNTY, ~VPQ~. ~ of 6 5 EXHffiIT "A" ATTACHED TO AND MADE A PART OF THAT CERTAIN WELLBORE ASSIGNMENT BY AND BETWEEN BP AMERICA PRODUCTION COMPANY, AS ASSIGNOR AND EOG RESOURCES, INC., AS ASSIGNEE 0008~7 "LEASE" BP Lease Number: Lessor: Lessee: Recording: 600148 Champlin Petroleum Company Amoco Production Company Book 102PR, Page 405 (Lincoln) Book 517, Page 416 (Sweetwater) July 27, 1972 Lincoln and Sweetwater Wyoming TI9N-RI12W Sec 27: W/2W/2, W/2SE/4NW/4, E/2SW/4, NW/4SE/4, S/2SE/4 Containing 380.00 acres, more or less Lincoln and Sweetwater Counties, Wyoming Lease Date: County: State: Legal Description: BP Lease Number FEE LANDS 13 Fee Champlin Petroleum Township 19 North. Range 112 West 500.00 600148 Company Section 21: SE/4 Section 23: W/2E/2, NE/4SE/4, NE/4NW/4 Section 27: W/2NW/4, W/2SE/4NW/4 nmll 11111111111111111111 11111 11111 1111111111111111111111111 111111111l1li1111111111 RECORDED 1;02;2009 AT 11:J~ AM REC. 1~2J622 BK. 1111 PG. 0166 STEVEN DALE DAVIS, CLERK of SWEETWATER COUNTY, WYPa~. 6 of 6 6 RECEIVED 1/25/2008 at 3:56 PM RECEIVING # 936500 BOOK: 684 PAGE: 818 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WELLBORE ASSIGNMENT r C OOO~1.8 TillS WELLBORE ASSIGNMENT (the "Assignment"), dated effective 12:01 a.m. local time September 22, 2005 (the "Effective Time"), is from BP America Production Company, a Delaware corporation, whose mailing address is P.O. Box 3092, Houston, Texas 77253-3092 ("Assignor") to EOG Resources, Inc., a Delaware corporation, whose address is 600 Seventeenth Street, Suite 1000N, Denver, Colorado 80202 ("Assignee"). For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Assignor hereby sells, assigns, transfers, grants, bargains, and conveys to Assignee the real and personal property interests described below, located in Lincoln County, Wyoming (the "Wellbore Interests"): 1. Seventy percent (70%) of Assignor's right, title and interest in and to the wellbore for the Shute Creek 3-32E Well, located in the NWNE of Section 32, T23N, Rl12W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, at a surface location 678 feet from the North line, and 1448 feet from the East line of said Section 32, and all associated equipment and personal property (the "Wellbore"), together with such interest of the Assignor derived from the oil and gas leases described on Exhibit A hereto (the "Leases"), insofar and only insofar as the Leases cover the lands described on Exhibit A (the "Lands") under the Shute Creek Unit Frontier Formation Participating Area "A" and the Unit Operating Agreement for the Shute Creek Unit, No. WYW-109687X, from the surface of the earth to 100 feet below the base of the Frontier formation, defined as the base of the coarsening upward sequence as depicted by well log gamma ray curve occurring at a measured depth of 11,807 measured depth feet in the BP America Production Company CHAMPLIN 186 I #2 (API No. 4904120840), located in Section 13, T18N, RI13W, Uinta County, Wyoming (the "Assigned Depths"), as is necessary to vest in Assignee ownership of 70% of Assignor's right, title and interest in the Wellbore and the production therefrom, limited to the Assigned Depths, including specifically the interest that is attributable to Assignor in the Wellbore as may be derived from the Shute Creek Unit Frontier Formation Participating Area "A" and the Unit Operating Agreement for the Shute Creek Unit. 2. Rights in and to all existing and effective unitization, pooling and communitization agreements, and other contracts, agreements and instruments to the extent only that they relate to or affect the Wellbore Interests. 3. Concurrent rights of ingress and egress to the Lands, and in and to surface use agreements, rights-of-way, easements, surface leases and other surface fights held by Assignor in connection with ownership or operation of the Leases and Lands. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Wellbore Interests unto Assignee and its successors and assigns forever. This Assignment is made and accepted expressly subject to the following terms and conditions: A. THIS ASSIGNMENT IS MADE WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY EXCEPT THAT ASSIGNOR WARRANTS 1 /1111111111111111111111111111111111111/111111111111111111 11111111111111111111 1111111/ RECORDED 1/02/2008 AT 11:3~ AM REC* 1~23624 BK* 1111 PG* 0172 ---. .-.. -.... - -.....- - -. -_.. . _. ._-_... --- - -- -- 000S1.9 THAT TITLE TO THE WELLBORE INTERESTS IS FREE AND CLEAR OF ANY LIENS AND ENCUMBRANCES CREATED BY, THROUGH OR UNDER ASSIGNOR WITH THE EXCEPTION OF ROYALTY, OVERRIDING ROYALTY AND OTHER BURDENS ON PRODUGTION OF RECORD ON JULY 31,2003. B. This Assignment is subject to the terms and provisions of the BP-EOG Moxa Arch Farmout Agreement dated July 31, 2003, between Assignor and Assignee (the "Farmout Agreement"). If there is a conflict between the terms of this Assignment and the Farmout Agreement, the terms of the Farmout Agreement shaU control and not be deemed to have merged into the terms of this Assignment. C. This Assignment is subject to the terms, provisions and covenants of the Leases, aU Lease burdens of record on July 31, 2003, aU existing and effective pooling, communitization and unitization agreements and aU other contracts, agreements and instruments related to the Wellbore Interests to the extent the same are of record on July 31, 2003 or identified in the Farmout Agreement. D. Assignee agrees to perform all obligations, express or implied, of Assignor under the Leases insofar as such obligations are applicable to the Wellbore Interests. E. To the extent permitted by law, Assignee shall be subrogated to Assignor's rights, to the extent of the Wellbore Interests, in and to representations, warranties and covenants given with respect to the Leases. Assignor grants and transfers to Assignee, its successors and assigns, to the extent so transferable and permitted by law, the benefit of and the right to enforce the covenants, representations and warranties, if any, which Assignor is entitled to enforce with respect to the Leases, but only to the extent not enforced by Assignor. F. The references herein to liens, encumbrances, burdens, defects and other matters shall not be deemed to ratify or create any rights in third parties or merge' with, modify or limit the rights of Assignor or Assignee as between themselves, as set forth in the Farmout Agreement. 2 G. Unless provided otherwise, all recording references in Exhibit A hereto are to the official real property records of the county in which the Lands are located. H. Separate governmental forms of assignment of the Wellbore Interests may be executed on officially approved forms by Assignor to Assignee, in sufficient counterparts to satisfy applicable statutory and regulatory requirements. Those assignments shall be deemed to contain all of the exceptions, reservations, warranties, rights, titles, power and privileges set forth herein as fuUy as though they were set forth in each such assignment. The interests conveyed by such separate assignments are the same, and not in addition to, the Well bore Interests conveyed herein. I. This Assignment binds and inures to the benefit of Assignor and Assignee and their respective successors and assigns. J. This Assignment may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original instrument, but all of which together shall constitute but one instrument. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 RECORDED 1/02/2008 AT 11: 3:5 AM RECIt 1 :523624 SKit 1111 PGIt 0173 STrurN DALr DAUIS, CLrRK of swrrTWATrR COUNTY, WVPag. 2 of 7 000820 EXECUTED on the dates contained in the acknowledgments of this Assignment, to be effective for all purposes as of the Effective Time. ASSIGNOR: BP AMERICA PRODUCTION COMPANY &1 c.\-\i\'\ f'.Al lu.mUlmlm...IUlmll RECORDED 1;02;200& AT 11:3~ AM REC~ 1~23624 BK~ 1111 PG~ 01?4 STEUEN DALE DAUIS, CLERK of SWEETWATER COUNTY, WYPag. 3 of ? 3 Acknowledaements STATE OF TEXAS ) ) ss. COUNTY OF HARRIS ) 00082~ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 3/ day of May, 2007 by Jeanine Haller Piskurich, as Attorney in Fact for BP America Production Company, a Delaware corporation. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: '-I-/q- 2'011) \~~I~,, ~ [.~~~\ CHARLES T. DAVIS, JR. \~'. ..... J MY COMMISSION EXPIRES . ..91;,1. " Apt/lt9, 2010 W -;(L j STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER ) ...5ef) i"'Ir .b" r- The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 2 ¿ +h day of -May, f-b11 2007 by J. Michael Schween, as Agent and Attorney in Fact of EOG Resources, IQC,...... '"' . ~. Delaware corporation. ,c::' V' ~~!'!"'Ok '. ,./ '.. ,,0 -,r' .. 'A // ':,""0 uA~··~¥ I",¡ l~ ail)':;'_", (i .... .) cr, .' F ~ . {I C .' n C (. ,- . I' J)~. ':, : ~; \,' "" . "'J I. ·(0 () ,:I'\. P. .. C " 'I .Å ·.'·...·)7. ft "Uø" ~ .( \,:~.. ". vB \i.oo . ,l·· ' '¡.;v\O,.... 'Cø з,r- ð.,'r' 1~':''''''- ," "'." c.,.-:-- '<, '41" ,;;n\.: .,' 9- O. l./7'7 D-3~ '''''~''';.'' .-- Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: 0 { II D /::<"'0 I D IMunUlnl~UUUIUlm~1 RECORDED 1/02/2008 AT 11: 315 AM RECII 11523624 BKII 1111 pall 01715 STEUEN DALE DAUIS, CLERK of S~EETWATER COUNTY, ~YPa~. 4 of 7 4 EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED TO AND MADE A PART OF THAT CERTAIN WELLBORE ASSIGNMENT BY AND BETWEEN BP AMERICA PRODUCTION COMPANY, AS ASSIGNOR AND EOG RESOURCES, INC., AS ASSIGNEE 000822 "LANDS" Shute Creek Unit Frontier Formation Participatin!! Area "A" Lands: Lincoln County. Wyoming Township 22 North. Range 112 West Section 3: Lot 8, SWNW, NWSW Section 4: Lots 5-8, S2N2, N2SW, SE Section 5: Lots 5-8, S2N2, NESE Section 6: Lot 8 Township 23 North. Range 112 West Section 19: Lots 5-16, E2 Section 20: W2E2, W2, E2SE Section 28: W2SW Section 29: ALL Section 30: Lots 5-16, E2 Section 31: Lots 5-16, E2 Section 32: ALL Section 33: W2NW, SW, S2SE 11111111111111111 \\111111\1111\11111\1111111111 )111111111 1\11\ 1111\ \\I~ ~~U~~II IK4I 1111 P041 0176 RECORDED 1/02/200. A~DK11'~~S:~E~~~~E:R COUNTY, WYPa~. e of 7 STEVEN DALE DAVIS, CL~~ 0 EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED TO AND MADE A PART OF THAT CERTAIN WELLBORE ASSIGNMENT BY AND BETWEEN BP AMERICA PRODUCTION COMPANY, AS ASSIGNOR AND EOG RESOURCES, INC., AS ASSIGNEE "LEASES" 000'823 Lease Number Lessor Shute Creek Unit Frontier Formation Participatinl! Area "A" Leases: 2 WYW-92975 USA Township 23 North, Range 112 West 80.00 663253 Section 28: W2SW 6 WYW -92968 USA Township 22 North, Range 112 West 40.18 606636 Section 6: Lot 8 9 WYW -0311099 USA Township 22 North, Range 112 West 920.88 656801 Section 5: Lots 5-8, S2N2, NESE Township 23 North, Range 112 West Section 32: W2, SE, S2NE 13 WYW-0318358 USA Township 22 North, Range 112 West 1280.00 606621 Section 20: W2, SE, W2NE Section 29: All Section 32: N2NE 15 WYW-0319564 USA Township 23 North, Range 112 West 160.00 608713 Section 31: SE 16 WYW-0320819 USA Township 23 North, Range 112 West 563.28 606629 Section 19: Lots 5-16, NE 17 WYW-9297I USA Township 23 North, Range 112 West 280.00 606630 Section 33: W2NW, SW, SWSE 19 WYW-92970 USA Township 22 North, Range 112 West 120.00 Contractual Section 4: SWSW, S2SE 21 WYW -92972 USA Township 22 North, Range 112 West 601.06 Contractual Section 3: Lot 8, SWNW, NWSW Section 4: Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, S2N2,N2S2 IUlm~lmlgllllUIIII RECORDED 1~02~200B AT II:J~ AM RECI 1~2J624 BKI 1111 PGI 0177 STEVEN DALE DAVIS, CLERK of S~EET~ATER COUNTY, ~YPag. 6 of 7 1F EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED TO AND MADE A PART OF THAT CERTAIN WELLBORE ASSIGNMENT BY AND BETWEEN BP AMERICA PRODUCTION COMPANY, AS ASSIGNOR AND EOG RESOURCES, INC., AS ASSIGNEE "LEASES" 000824 Lease Number Lessor 22 WYW-0321442 USA Township 23 North, Range 112 West 240.00 Contractual Section 19: SE Section 30: N2NE 23 WYW-0322062 USA Township 23 North, Range 112 West 40.00 663254 Section 33: SESE 24 WYW-0323117 USA Township 23 North, Range 112 West 179.43 606627 Section 30: Lots 5,6,7,9,10 \ 11111\ 1\111 1\\11 \1111 1\1\1 IIIII IIIII 11111 \\111 !IIIIIIII\ I\I\~J~~II~ ~l~!~~II IKII 1111 PGII 0178 RtCORDtD 1/02/2008 AT 11.3es~~tT~ATtR COUNTY, ~YPa~. 7 of 7 STtVtN DALt DAVIS, CLtRK of