HomeMy WebLinkAbout936626 AFFIDAVIT OF AS-BUILT CENTERLINE DESCRIPTION 000324 WILLIAMS FIELD SERVICES COMPANY, LLC whose address is P.O_ Box 21628, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74121, hereinafter referred to as "Affiant", is the Operator of a pipeline on property owned by Western Wyoming Range identified and described as follows: Land Owner: Operator: Western Wyoming Range Williams Field Services Company, LLC LN-7935 Wilson Ranch Unit 5-01 S-1, T -19N, R-113W See attached centerline description Affiant states that in accordance with Wyoming Statute Section 34.1-141 (1980) the description of the herein above Easement and Right-of-Way is the surveyed centerline description_ WILLIAMS FIELD SERVICE CO., LLC ,¡-; .. ~~¿ BY: L~ =;z Brian Taylor Authorized Agent \ j STATE OF WYOMING ) ) COUNTY OF SWEETWATER ) ACKNOWLEDGMENT RECEIVED 1/31/2008 at 11 :00 AM RECEIVING # 936626 BOOK: 685 PAGE: 324 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY . The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Brian Taylor, ~ized Agent for Williams Field Services Company, LLC this d~ day of . A~ ,2008. Witness my hand an official seal. SAlLY POOLE ,,'NoTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF. ., STATE OF SWEETWATER WYOMING . MY COMMISSION EXPIRES q -~J -I D ~é~) Notary Public n and for Sweetwater County State of Wyoming My Commission Expires: q -~ l-d-D/Ò j - (j z ¡¡: «lL.::¡; ~O[l. Q~ [15~ .w z~3::o o IN WI')· fiJiE:¡:$!; ~¡SD::8 ID zz ~~d, .. «;:¡~:Q V)I-..!.« (;)(/) W Z« .ID Q:W~ «(;)0 WZW IDO(/) ...J « ~ o z .. .... .. '" ... !!; ... 0+00 = P.D.T. ON WILSON RANCH 2 ... s: .. '" ... z :- c SUBDIVISIOO 0+00 TO 23+63,1 ~ ¡;; ;: 1 3/7 106 SRH ~ NO, DATE BY R/'w' #, METER #, SURVEYED' 'w'Y'w' #, BLM OFF' INFO u~ 36 .jb ILl T-20-N - T -19-N 1 6 0OO32~ 0.. « ü OVJ ZVJ :::>« 00:: u...(D 0"- // "~// ::3 '> . t>r7- / ..> '1\\ J?! I I j S ú5!::.·ð.g.v (y) (\J 7 7- ..--i ..--i 1/// X X - ¡ --------~ ~ I ~i- ~, ~.3 11/Y\\ 6 I . ~m°,,"- FOUND ~ BRASS CAP 12 7 ¡...~ V'~ 'è-.,N t'-.~ t")lO N I OC! g I~~ + '~~ t") c:i V N .r7~t'-. O::~ 2" METER RUN OUTLET ~:ó -+ SEE DWG. STD-B-1-1035 O::~ 2 1 2 0+00 - P nT nN WILSON RANCH 2 ~1J~~4~~3~9~",~~'4R" RT S 44'951 E ?1+?n ??4'~4.Q·??" IT S 87'59'13" E 21+74.5 _~_ROAD __ 27+01 R?...·/·?Q'O.. K I. 1 ~,¡~.~~ 1 ~ 4 E 1 /7" RISER (FOI) WILSON RANCH UNIT 5-01 ~ ---~--- 2348.7' - 4 1/2" 0.0. X .156" W. T., ERW, GR X-42 COATING: PLEXGUARO 7935 DRA'w'N BY 97803 CHECKED BY 1/21/06 APPROVED BY ENGINEER 11 12 I 3"-600# VALVE ASSEMBLY SEE DWG. STD-0-1-2017 OVNER 'w'ESTERN 'w'YOMING RANGE fEET 2363.1 ~ ~ + o HILES 0.448 ACRES 1.627 RODS 143,218 APPlICA T/ON DVG. AS CONSTRUCTED 1004185 BS DESCRIPTION 'w',O.NO. CHK. APP. NO, DATE BY DRAFTING BY DATE STATE, 'w'YOMING SRH 317106 COUNTY, LINCOLN BS KGM 3/10/06 3/24/06 BY DATE DESIGNED BY PROJ. APPROVED SCALE, 1'=1000' ""',0, NO, 1004185 DESCRIPTION 'w',D,ND. CHK. APP, ~f~Sf:!!~~D~"11 MOXA ARCH GATHERING SYSTEM 'WESTPORT - 'WILSON RANCH UNIT 5-01 0+00 = P,O,T. ON 'WILSON RANCH 2 (REF, D'WG, 3A786,O-18-l) SEC. L T-19-N, R-113-'W, 6th PM DWG NO. SHEET REV ~ Of 1 1 3A 786,0-40-1 March 10,2006 Williams Gas Processing Moxa Arch Gathering System Wilson Ranch Unit 5-01 Crossing a portion of Western Wyoming Range Property Section 1, Township 19 North, Range 113 West, 6TH PM, Lincoln County, Wyoming 000326 A strip ofland 30 feet wide across a portion of Section 1, Township 19 North, Range 113 West, 6th PM, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being 15 feet each side, measured at right angles from the following described survey line, which is the centerline of an existing 4 1/2 inch diameter pipeline: Beginning at a point located in the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 1, said point bears South 66dll'42" West a distance of2429.6 feet ftom the East quarter comer of said Section I' , Thence South 74d46'39" East a distance of 1126.4 feet; Thence South 44d9'51" East a distance of993.8 feet; Thence South 87d59'13" East a distance of 141.6 feet; Thence South 35d30'13" East a distance of 101.3 feet to the end ofthe line at a point located in the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section I: said point bears North 23d2'47" West a distance of 612.7 feet from the Southeast comer of said Section 1. The length of the above describes survey line is 2363.1 feet, or 143.218 rods, or 0.448 miles. Dwg. No. R/W No. 3A786.0-40-1 7935 K:\Ds\MAPPING\Documents\Centerline Desriptions\ 786\3A 7860-40-I.doc