HomeMy WebLinkAbout936753 · Y, 6010716074 RECEIVED 2/5/2008 at 3:13 PM RECEIVING # 936753 BOOK: 686 PAGE: 1 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WARRANTY DEED 000001 Regal Office Leasing, L.L.C., a Utah limited liability .company. GRANTOR of94 South State. City of Logan, Cache County, State of Utah, for and in consideration ofTEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEY AND WARRANT TO Blayne G. Rounds as to an undivided 25% interest, Sherwin O. Kirby as to an undivided 25% interest, Arlyn E. Rounds as to an undivided 25% interest and Rod D. Rounds as to an undivided 25% interest. GRANTEE, of 85 South State, City of Preston, State ofIdaho, the following described real estate, situate in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming to wit: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by reference to made a part hereof Subject to covenants, conditions, restrictions, easements and encumbrances of record, if any. Hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming. " f ¿ WITNESS my/our hand(s) this jJ à day of January, 2008. L ~.' "1 ~j .-' Regal Office Leasing, L.L.C., a Utah imite liability company '- By: Its: ~~~.~ By: BJa G. Rounds Its: Manager / State of ~ ) )ss. County of ~ ) 000002 On the.3k day ofJanuary, 2008, personally appeared before me Arlyn E. Rounds. who being by me duly sworn. did say. that he is the manager of Regal Office Leasing, L.L.C.. a Utah limited liability company and that the within and foregoing instrument was signed in behalf of said Limited Liability Company by authority of its Operating Agreement and the said Arlyn E. Rounds acknowJedged to me that said Limited Liability Compapy executed the same. r--------__ ~ .."" t§ Notary Public , I ~L\O ~ SHARRON B.LARSEN I ~ I ~ 538 Wesl800 North I .' l..c.-,. '3. logan, UIah 84321 -' . '<1- I \: ~ My CommlllllonExpjr88 I NOTARY PuBL¡ . ". I.. ," August 18,200II L _ _ _ _ State of Utah .. -~---- My Commission Expires: » / /f'-o1 State of ~u ) )ss, County of~¿Uk. ) On the.?a day of January, 2008. personally appeared before me Blayne G. Rounds. who being by me duly sworn. did say, that he is the manager of Regal Office Leasing, L.L.C., a Utah limited liabi1ity company and that the within and foregoing instrument was signed in behalf of said Limited Liability Company by authority of its Operating Agreement and the said Blayne G. Rounds acknowledged to me that said Limited Liability Company executed the same. ,.---G'IUIIt-..wu.-.____ 3 of' Nota,ry Public - , S '. ~ SHARRON B. LARSEN , , .. ~ 538 w., 800 Notth My COTf " ir~l~íi1.J:~,~' " I. ." AU U8' 18, 2öôr I L _ _ _ _ _ S_tate of Utah .. ---- Vß~. '. NOTARYP~- Exhibit A 000003 Part of GLO Tract 63 Township 21 North, Range 116 West, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 322 of Photostatic Records on page 346, described as follows: COMMENCING at the northwest corner of said tract in Book 322 identical with the southwest corner of that tract of record in said Office in Book 368 of Photostatic Records on page 755 on the easterly right-of-way line of Highway 189 where found a steel reinforcing rod, South 04°32 '00" West, 325.16 feet of a right-of-way marker; thence South 04°32'00" West, 253.03 feet along said right-of-way and the westerly line of said tract to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing South 04°32'00" West, 235.00 feet, along said right-or-way line to a point, North 04°32'00" East, 45.04 feet to a right-of-way marker; thence East, 381.57 feet, to a point; thence North, 234.26 feet, to a point; thence West, 363.00 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING.