HomeMy WebLinkAbout936858 J 6010816405 STATE OF CALIFORNIA) CO UNTY OF R I VfJl-S j(~ (... ) SS. RECEIVED 2/11/2008 at 3:28 PM RECEIVING #936858 BOOK: 686 PAGE: 299 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ~ G.-J / I, Gale- L. Ueland, being of lawful age and first duly sworn according to law, upon my oath, depose and state: AFFIDAVIT TERMINATING ESTATE 000299 1. That I am of adult age, a resident of India, California, and the Affiant herein. , r I, Vt1/\ I \V¡ l 2. That by virtue of the conveyance which is recorded in the office of the County Clerk for Lincoln County, Wyoming, located at Kemmerer, Wyoming in Book 588PR on page 18 is recorded a Warranty Deed. The Warranty Deed, dated the 9th day of June, 2005 conveys unto David M. Ueland and Gail L. Ueland, Husband and Wife as Tenants by the Entireties with full rights of survivorship the following described property, to-wit: See attached Exhibit' " 3. That said David M. :'Iand on the /d. day of c?t!~k: ~ .,'2I!JIJ Ç;., and a copy of the original certificate of death, certified to as true an correct by public authority in which the original of said certificate is a matter of record, is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". 4. That by reason of death of said David M. Ueland and by reason of 2-9- 102 W.S. (1980), the decedents interest and title in said conveyance has terminated and title to the real property conveyed thereby has vested absolutely in Gail L. Ueland continuously since the death of the said decedent. FURTHER AFFIANT SA YETH NOT. t.. -to .- 08' Dated State of ~~ .;\- County of ~wi(.lt,~\o'O£ ) )ss. ) The foregoing instrument was subscribed and sworn to me by Gail L. Ueland this ~71-~' day of Feburary,2008 Witness my hand and official seal. X~' E. L. PENTZ ~ ... COMM,# 1693656 UI ~.... NOTARY PUBLIC· CALIFORNIA ~ ~ 'I' RIVERSIDE COUNTY .. '1 My COMM. Exp. SEPT. 14, 2010 I ...-vI\ ! .. ".,:...... J ~ . ~ ,.............................. ~ 9 ? . .... ~ 9.. ~- Notary Public My Commission Expires: 11 - t Lf - "L..ð l D Exhibit "A" tlst/cs / V IJ ~S- Data of Slgnetura wn causes. refer case to DMINo: Z006-""O",,49~~:: O..~l> '100 ""'¡"~' V~·" .c". ',;.:.--.. V,: ..., ::;::...... ... .'......_.. ,",'...... H.. .... ..... ","::,. .,....;....:::.......::.;..... Mimbres Grällt City of Death CoÍíntyofPQïih lb. IF DECEDENT tS FEMALE· Give matden neme. CLøt nem. prl~}.~. ".m mirii...:) 4..AGE~1111 blrthd.,. (v.....) 72{ Sc.:COUNTRV OF SIRTM ' USA 8c. RESIDENctCO'UNTY GRANT 8d. RESIDENCE STATE NEW MEXICO ::~:F'NT' If u::u:~· 5jü'LÿIRi2onWDï934 s·~t54ENëAËÄÏLÕER Bwoëo S.. RESIOENCE COUNTRY sr. RESIDENCE ZIP CODe " "'If. "IS RESIDENCE INSlDi CITY UMITS7 USA 8804;¡ç:J,!" 0 No 11. DECEDENTS RACE·~'" OM ~~__ ~tø:irt~~~:Ih. .cedent oon""''' ........or 10 b8: :','\,: ..'.,.. ""',, '''', ')' t Gì White 0 8IàiOM·:Ót~r~~Am'~~n LT Arnettca" tndlln or N~,~~.~ . Speclf1 n.me of the T~bI(Î~:':"" .... ..... AIiIn IncI'-n q;~;::"J'~_~'~::, .... ":;:::'" 0 Kor.." Chln_ I:L a.!Tiiaíi'/:"."O F1Ilplno VJetnlmete C;;r;; N.~ HI~~ri' Oth-: Allin (Specify ; Guemlnlln or OIlmorro' '}:" Other Peolfla IIIM.r ISpectfy):"" Other (Specify): 9. DECEDEHrS ED~T10N . Check the bOJl,.1hal beit dlserib.':'.lhe hlCf'lIl' de.,.. or levet of .cheol completed .t the·tlme, _of death. 8th JrHI or I... 9th· 12th arH« no dlploma!i: No.notSp.nl.h/HI.panIO¡~tlno HIp M:tIooIlJ'IdUltl Of GED_completëd,,' 0 Ves. Spanish/HispaniC Some cone.. Cf1dlt. but~_é; d...... 0 Ves, Mexlcan/Me.'cln American Atsoctate de.,.. (..... ~;:AS) " . 0 V... Puerto RIcin Bach.lo". de.,.. (...., ~'.AS~:iJs) 0 Ye.. Cube" Masters de.,.e (..... MA~:'~. MEnl,¡:MEtfò' MSW/MBA) 0 Ve.. latino Doclo..... I..... PhO. EdD)ö~:Prof"lIjon.1 d,..... 0 V... Other Hispanic Orllln e. . MD DOS DVM llB JO'; f oth.r (Specify): 12a. DECEDENTS USUAL OCCUPATION ·lmIOI" Iype af wcrk doni dIIinf mOlt of WOftdng If I. Do not UN ,....d ....--. TEACHER . MARITAl SA· At lime 0 death II: Morriod o Never Mimed 115. FATHER'S FULL NAME ELMER JAMES UELAND to. DeCEDENTS HISPANIC ORIGJN1 Cheelllhe box !hll bllt .lOIbN....1hIr 1'1, ~ Is Spanllh'Hllp.uc/LaUono. Check !h. "NO· box H dtctdlnt II ~I SplMll.'Hl.,lI1icriLatino. o o o o o o o Ub. KIND Of BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY EDUCATION o Dlvore.d o WIdowed 14. G'ÄrL SDRUM1JÕÑÏ)" n.m. (nlm. prior 10 n". m.,rllþ) 11. MOTHER'! FUU MAIDEN NAME - Give nlm. prior 10 nrat mlrYl,.. PEARL KINNEY . . o Unknown 171. INFORMANT. NAME (Fll'lt and L..I, GAIL UELAND 170. INfDRMANTS RElATIONSHIP TD DECEDENT WIFE 1!1'1'40RëÃËÃÎÎ.ÕREËmëðs....'MOORES ,,:NM, 88049 19. PlACl OF OISPOsmON - Name of Cern.".,. I Crtmld.oty or Oth., Place. 18. METHOD OF DISPOSITION o Burial JII Cremation II Dlh.~S."II'y : Roadwa.1f' CDMPlETE iN.lÛiwSËÇT1ÖN FOR ACCIDENT, HOMIC~.9..~:,~WI.~I.D£ OR UNDETERMINED 32d. lOCATJON OF INJURV· (Add,.... ;~rj' SIe~.~...~!I?_.~~.J:::::: '::' - PIC Drlver/Optre~~::·. t:J:: ::;::.:.~....~", ""'"1_ '::. 0 . Othe $ tcl PART I. Enler III. chlln of ewnll- di....... I~... or oomplloallon,· ...1 dncfV MIlled'" dull 00 NOT anter lermlnll MnlllUClh II........ ...1IIÞry:::-:::... :.::: Appro.tma InI8rvlt ....... Ibvkt. orWflticul. fIbrIIIalløn .11hovC Ihowing llIe e,,*lW. DO NOT.,.., 'Olel Age-. 00 NOT~. En_ only 0118 GlUM on alne. Add addIIIDn.an.. 0-1 to.... Ifn_....,. ~ .. Arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease Du. to lor "' conaequ.ncI of).: e Sequentially IISI condition.. If any, 1.ldln, to the CIUII IIlIed on line e. Enler the UNDERLYING CAUSE (dll.... or Injury th.t I"UNlted the evenls rllulUn, In death) lAST. .. Due to (or '1' conHquencl of): Du. 10 (o, ... connquencl of); · d~ '. PART II. Enler other Silniric:anl condillons c:on.lri,buli."1 (o.diJ.t~ .~UI not retulUn¡ln the underl)'!"1 CIUse ,Iven In PART I. Due (0 (or.. . consequence of): ° Y.. 0 ProO.OI}' No em Unk"own a.WAUPSPERRD No U I 37b. IF VESt Specify Type of Proçedur. 3 T'f,)ìAT1õ9f P~9~1IÙ~~(~onWD"/Y"') No ì ! o Not Prelnant. bul pre..,.nl 43 days to 1 year before death o Unknown If preen_nt within 1 )'ear of death 38.. If PReOHA~rATtlt,4E,9MEÁM T\I,e,IIME Of DEATH ESTIMATED LENGTH Of PREG~Nçy"fWEEKiI ),,: "", 39. CERTIfiED BY o C.,tiro.d "",.'cl.n tJ o Doctor or Osteopathy 0 III Orne. or Ihe Medlcallnvellillltor . d. OMI/UHM '0:" 408. NAME OF CERTIFIER IPlease t)'p. or print cle.rly): · Trlb"i:A¿' h:Ø~.ty · ~Ult~'Y'''U~hØ;lty Othl!J~l$þëclty): 40b. ADDRESS OF CERTIFIER (PI..':~::~)'.~:~,;~(~ø.~(:::~~~.!y~ ,.:. Ian Paul, MD 2134732 CERTIFIED COpy OF VITAL RECORD i.. .' ',' ',' ,'.' i This is a true and exact reproduction of all or part of the dOc1iin~!J~i') officially registered and filed with the New Mexico Vital ' Records and Health Statistics. Public Health Divisiou, Department of Health. CERTIFIER STATEMENT: On the ba,l, of ellemlnetion an 40c. SIGNATURE OF CERTIFIER Signature Electronically Authenticated" nlon. Ihl, death ol:curred lit Ihe lime. d.te end lice, .nd due 10 the cause, .nd manner stlled. 40d. DATE SIGNED IMonlh/Oa)'lYea,) Oct 25, 2006 iiJ~£)~ State Registr~ DATE ,sJjMN J)) 'ð 2006 Exhibit "B" 00\>301. Lot 5 of Emigrant Meadows Subdivision, I..incohl County, Wyoming as described on the official plat filed OIl October 8, 2003 as instrument No. 894227 of the records of the Lincobl County Clerk.