HomeMy WebLinkAbout936865 Feb 4 2UUB ! :42 "''''4/U13 NTL-1749 JAMES MIOUOZZI SARA TEMME 25 MULLER ROAD NEWToN, NJ 07860 RECEIVED 2/11/2008 at 4:29 PM RECEIVING # 936865 BOOK: 686 PAGE: 336 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WARRANTY DEED 000336 SHADD A:. JOaNSTONB Imd ANO:ELA K.. JOHNSTONE, HUSBAND AND WIFE, Grantor(s) of EVANSTON, CountyofUlNTA, State ofWY, heraby CONVEY AND 'WARRANTto JAMES MIGLIOZZI and SARA TE~. HUSBA:ND AND WIFE, Grantee(s) of NEWTON, County of SUSSEX't State òfNBW JBRSEY for the øwn QfTEN DOLLARS AND OTHER OOOD AND V Ar..UABLB CONSIDERATION, tho following described traot of land i.n Lincoln County, State of Wyoming, hcroby ~Jeasin,g and waiving au rlsJ1ts under and by virtuo oftbe homcs~ad exemption 14ws ofth.e State of Wyoming, ~o wit: LO! SIXTY-FOUR (64) OF STAR VALLEY RANCH PLAT 21, LlNCOLNCOUNTY, WYOMINO AS DESCIUBBD ON THE OFFICIAL.PLA T 11IEREOF RECORDED OCTOBER 22, 1982 AT DOCUMENT NUMBER 586332 AND MAP NUMBER 2841N THE OFFICE OF 'THE CLE~ LINCOLN CO'ONTY, WYOMING. Subject to easements, restrictions and ri8hts ofway of~rd, an~ taxu for the year 2008 and therea.:flm-. Witness, the hand(s) of8Bld Grantor(s), this ,l- 4.2008. ~ Jld~:, . SHADD A. J!J S NE ~1-~~ ANG K.. JO STONE Slatcof~ ) COW1tyOf~ ) OnJ:p hnAllhA 't .2008, perso¢1y appeared before me SRADD A. JOHNSTONE and ANGELA K. JO~8Der(s) of the within Í118tn.1ment, who duly acknowledged to me tbat they exeQUted the Satnc. . REGINA M. SIMS - NOTARY PUBUC County of .. St8te of Uinta . Wyoml My Commission expires Dec. 8, Residing: l1ï "t-p.. C'~-k¡ Expires: i 21 (p Ilo 10 J /