HomeMy WebLinkAbout936920 000658 STEVEN M. CAKEBREAD AND JILL M. BELLINS CAKEBREAD. , grantor of the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, hereby acknowledge, CONVEY (S) AND WARRANT (S) to SILVER STAR TELEPHONE COMPANY, INC., grantee of Freedom, Wyoming, an easement for the benefit ofthe Grantee on the following described real estate situate in the County of Lincoln and State of Wyoming, for the following purposes and under the following conditions: GRANT OF EASEMENT 1. Purpose of Easement. This easement shall be for the purpose of Right- of- Way for telecommunications lines and to construct, operate, repair, maintain, relocate and replace thereon underground or exposed telecommunication facilities, and included as necessary and reasonable rights of ingress and egress to accomplish said operation, maintenance, repair, relocation and replacement. The grantee may trim or remove trees, shrubbery, undergrowth or other obstructions that pose a threat of damage to the utilities. , , '.... I~ j Description of Easement. See Exhibit A 2. Binding Effect. The terms and conditions ofthis easement shall be binding upon the inure to the benefit ofthe heirs, successors and assigns of the parties named in this instrument. Witness my hand this 3) day of J~~K y 2008 , Grantor RECEIVED 2/13/2008 at 3:30 PM RECEIVING # 936920 BOOK: 686 PAGE: 658 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Steven M. Cakebread and Jill M. Bellins Cakebread, this ?/J/ day of J~4:?A: 7 2008 IN THE STATE OF C4'(/r(Y(;U/# ) J//IÄ-" . ) ss. COUNTY OF ~cJJrO ) ~ '. N~ARYPUB~ ~4;(c), ~ 'UJ/I My Commission Expires Witness our hands and official seal. JOHN MINJIRAS l Commission # 1724080 ~ ; - Notary Public - California I j San Fran.CISCo County - W T : w' _ T ~:c:n~'~~~~':O~} j CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT ~~_A_A_A"":":""-;'_'_._._'_'______U_ _ _ _ 000659 State of California } County of <;MN h/J.A.1 c.J.f (' 0 On 0/ /3// 'Z<tJtÍ before me, (Tch~ [jate personally appeared ,)/,éVÞN ~. ~/~A?~ /4>/~..c'Y /v.t-"< Here Insert Name and Title of the Officer , C4ß/ßq~" all ~. /3.,é/~Á/f Name(s) of Signer(s) . C/9/~¿hd?J . who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s)..jelare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that J;Ief$he/they executed the same in-l:Hslt:ter/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by..J:l.isll:ter/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. JQHr';fMlfM~I\St<'~:"" e\ :' cornml$slQn * 17~4,að:O,~: ~ i M NotçUY Pu.ÞIIQ . CglJtQrnlo: I z . $01'1 FranQI$o_Q çQunty ....- J MvComm. ~Mar.5-.2Qn t ... .... .. 'III" ... ... ... ... ... 'III" -.: .... -,r< ." ~..._ _ ..._ .....,_,~ I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. Place Notary Seal Above WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature ~ ~~ /' Signature potar;:;:--- OPTIONAL Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document, Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: G ;t('A'~7 ð/ .E#f ~/.KJT Document Date: (T~y )/ '" --uJ1Jõ Number of Pages: ç ( / Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: Capaclty(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: D Individual D Corporate Officer - Title(s): D Partner - D Limited D General D Attorney in Fact D Trustee D Guardian or Conservator D Other: Top of thumb here Signer's Name: D Individual D Corporate Officer - Title(s): o Partner - D Limited 0 General D Attorney in Fact D Trustee D Guardian or Conservator D Other: RIGHT THUMBPRINT OF SfGNER RIGHT THUMBPRINT OF SIGNER Top of thumb here Signer Is Representing: Signer Is Representing: -----.,., ,.,. -'" ..-:---:-:--::----------- ©2007 National Notary Association· 9350 De Soto Ave" P,O, Box 2402'Chatsworth,CA 91313-2402'www.NationaINotary,org Item #5907 Reorder:CaIlTolI-Free1-800-876-6827 EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT AREAS WITHIN LANDS OF "CAKEBREAD RANCH" 000660 TO WIT: FOUR STRIPS OF LAND that are each part of that parcel described in the Warranty Deed of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming in Book 545 of Photo, page 223; STRIP 1 is forty feet (40.00') in width, and is located within the El/2NWl/4 and the NWl/4NEl/4 of Section 3, T34N, R119W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming; the centerline of said strip is more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the east boundary of said parcel in Book 545 of Photo, page 223; said point bears S 74°-58'-09" E, 115.49 feet from the north one-quarter comer of Section 3, T34N, R119W, which is monumented by a BLM type monument, an iron pipe with a brass cap inscribed "Marlowe A. Scherbel PLS 5368; 2000; Afton, Wyoming;" thence S 89°-46'.07" W, 37.61 feet; thence southwesterly 291.10 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 220.00 feet through a central angle of 75° -48' -44"; said curve is subtended by a chord bearing S 51 °-51' -46" W, 270.32 feet; thence S 13°-57'-24" W, 0.32 feet; thence southeasterly 26.98 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 50.00 feet through a central angle of 30°-54' -56"; said curve is subtended by a chord bearing SOl °-30' -04"E, 26.65 feet; thence S 16°-57'-33" E, 132.85 feet; thence southwesterly 164.26 feet along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 150.00 feet through a central angle of62°-44'-37"; said curve is subtended by a chord bearing S 14°.24'-46" W, 156.18 feet; thence S 45°-47'-04" W, 50.40 feet; thence S 51 °-35' -28" W, 231.35 feet to a point, hereinafter described as Point A; thence S 38°-44'.51" E, 53.97 feet; thence southeasterly 230.48 feet along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 350.00 feet through a central angle of37°-43'-48"; said curve is subtended by a chord bearing S 19°.52'-57" E, 226.34 feet; thence S 05°-36'-59" W, 164.42 feet; thence southeasterly 147.14 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 175.00 feet through a central angle of 48°-10'-33"; said curve is subtended by a chord bearing S 18°.28'-18" E, 142.85 feet; thence S 42°-33'-35" E, 109.93 feet; thence southwesterly 230.24 feet along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 153.00 feet through a central angle of 86°:"13' -16"; said curve is subtended by a chord bearing S 00°-33' -03" W, 209.12 feet; Page 1 of3 thence S 43°-39'-41" W, 160.62 feet; EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT AREAS WITHIN LANDS OF "CAKEBREAD RANCH" thence southwesterly 230.61 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 500.00 feet through a central angle of 26°-25'-34"; said curve is subtended by a chord bearing S 30°-26'-54" W, 228.57 feet; thence S 17°-14'-07 W, 19.98 feet; 000661. thence southeasterly 155.73 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 200.00 feet through a central angle of 44°.36' -46"; said curve is subtended by a chord bearing S 05°-04' -16" E, 151.82 feet; thence S 27°-22'-39" E, 37.19 feet to the end point of the centerline of said Strip 1; the side lines of said Strip 1 being lengthened or shortened accordingly: to meet at angle points; to intersect the east boundary of said record parcel on the north end of said Strip 1; and to intersect a line that is perpendicular to the centerline of said Strip 1 at its end point. STRIP 2 is forty feet (40.00') in width, and is located within the NE1I4NW1I4 of Section 3, T34N, R119W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming; the centerline of said strip is more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at Point A, described above; thence S 51°-35'.28" W, 158.75 feet; thence southwesterly 72.45 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 130.00 feet through a central angle of 31 °·55' -55" to a point, hereinafter referred to as Point B; said curve between its point of beginning and said Point B is subtended by a chord bearing S 35°-37' -30" W, 71.52 feet thence continuing southwesterly 20.02 feet along the arc of said curve to the left having a radius of 130.00 feet through a central angle of 8°-49' ·26"; said curve from said Point B to its end point is subtended by a chord bearing S 15°-14'-50" W, 20.00 feet; thence S 10°-50'.07" W, 23.10 feet; thence N 41 °-28' 16" E, 265.24 feet to the end point of the cente,rline of said Strip 2; the side lines of said Strip 2 being lengthened or shortened accordingly: to meet at angle points; to intersect a line that is perpendicular to the centerline of said Strip 2 at its end point; and at the northeasterly end of said Strip 2 to intersect the westerly side line of said Strip 1. STRIP 3 is forty feet (40.00') in width, and is located within the NE1I4NW1I4 of Section 3, T34N, R119W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming; the centerline of said strip is more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at Point B, described above; thence N 70°-20'-27" W, 10.64 feet; thence northwesterly 26.81 feet along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 50.00 feet through a central angle of 30°-43'-33" to the end point of said curve, from which the radius point of said curve bears S 50° 23' 06" W; said curve is subtended by a chord bearing N 54°-58'-40" W, 26.49 feet; thence on a non-tangent bearing, N 40°-00'.21" W, 62.27 feet to a point, hereinafter referred to as Point C, being the end point of the centerline of said Strip 3; the side lines of said Strip 3 being lengthened or shortened accordingly: to meet at angle points; to intersect a line that is perpendicular to the centerline of said Strip 3 at its end point, Point C; and at the southeasterly end of said Strip 3 to intersect the westerly side line of said Strip 2; EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT AREAS WITHIN LANDS OF "CAKEBREAD RANCH" Page 2 of3 STRIP 4 is thirty feet (30.00') in width, and is located within the NEl/4NWl/4 of Section 3, T34N, R119W, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming; the centerline of said strip is more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at Point C, described above; 000662 thence N 40°-00'-21" W, 10.53 feet; thence northwesterly 69.81 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 80.00 feet through a central angle of 49°-59'-39"; said curve is subtended by a chord bearing N 65°-00'-10" W, 67.61 feet; thence N 90°.00'-00" W, 0.89 feet; thence southwesterly 15.07 feet along the arc ofa curve to the left having a radius of 50.00 feet through a central angle of 17°-15'-50"; said curve is subtended by a chord bearing S 81 °-22'-05" W, 15.01 feet; thence southwesterly 71.48 feet along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 100.00 feet through a central angle of 40°-57'-11"; said curve is subtended by a chord bearing S 52°-15'-35" W, 69.96 feet; thence S 31 °-46' -59" W, 65.07 feet; thence southwesterly 92.51 feet along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 180.00 feet through a central angle of29°·26' -43"; said curve is subtended by a chord bearing S 46°-30' -21" W, 91.49 feet; thenceS 61°-13'-42" W, 3.71 feet; thence southwesterly 45.03 feet along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 150.00 feet through a central angle of 17°-11 ' ~5 7" to the end point of said curve, from which the radius point of said curve bears S 16°-58'-42" W; said curve is subtended by a chord bearing S 69°-49'-41" W, 44.86 feet; the end point said curve being the end point of the centerline of said Strip 4; the side lines of said Strip 4 being lengthened or shortened accordingly: to meet at angle points; to intersect a line that is perpendicular to the centerline of said Strip 4 at its end point, and at the north end of said Strip 4 to intersect the end line of said Strip 3; at the time of the preparation of this description, the Strips described herein are not monumented; the BASIS OF BEARING for this description is N 00°13'34" W along the east line of the NEl/4NWl/4 of said Section 3; this description is based on a survey performed during the year 2007; said tract is shown on that ILLUSTRATIVE MAP TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT AREAS WITHIN LANDS OF "CAKEBREAD RANCH" attached hereto ,and by this reference made a part hereof. JORGENSEN ASSOCIATES, P.C. Prepared January 8, 2008; AL, FPR H:\2005\05125\01\00\Docs\Util Esmt\Desc UTILITY Esmt.doc EXHIBIT A DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT AREAS WITHIN LANDS OF "CAKEBREAD RANCH" Page 3 of 3 834 T34N Rl19W 83 A'::,~r' ¡;:.:..'ib t::~v;r Strip 1", \(( "Ç\ c~r:~f\;;J ¿.:::, ,f¡¿Y Strip ~Ao:to;ølt; ;::; A Jo¡;?' 30,00 ,\.:.:..1 POint B IT Proposed Proposed trip 3 .:-f:' 40,00' Fly Shop Day Lodge {:':::~:::" & 11 Spa V~à '-N\ NE1/4NW1/4 \A~ ,:t:;'.., ,'N::~ '\~\\ 'II LV Strip 1 /~tl ~A'::~:>:'7 ....:7/ ./:?/ A~7 ¡ff:.~::::: ......1 flY (:;':':1 \t, \~ p,oposed~ Residence SE1/4NW1/4 LEGEND o Iron Pipe With A Brass Cap Inscribed "Marlowe A. Scherbel PLS 536B; 2000; Afton, Wyoming;" o 2" Diameter Aluminum Cap Inscribed "Lloyd Baker ~ Associates LLC, PE/LS Thayne, Wyoming" o 314" Diameter Aluminum Cap On A 2 Yz" Diameter Aluminum Pipe Inscribed "Lloyd B Baker PE/LS 69B; 2004; Thayne, Wyoming;" Subject Property Boundary N1/4 Carner Section 3 ---- 60.00' Wide Access And Utility Easement 545P22J 000663 NW1/4NE1/4 SW1/4NET/4 o JOO 600 I , I Scale: 1 Inch = 300 Feet This scale valid only for 8.Sx14 prints. IUUSTRATIVE MAP TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION OF EASEMENT AREAS WITHIN LANDS OF "CAKEBREAD RANCH" LOCATED WITHIN El/2NW1/4 AND NWl/4NE1/4 SECTION 3 T34N, R119W, 6TH P.M., UNCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING J O~~n~~n~~~ n^~~.~~I.~?;~~~:ec. Map Prepared: December 21, 2007 P.O. Box 9550. 270 Ba8t Slmpllon Ave. Jack:lOn. Wyomlna 83002 (307) 733-5150 FAX: (307) 733-5J87 B-mail: ja@jorgensenossochues.com H: \2005\05125\OI\OO\Acad\Uitl Co Esmt\05125-01-70 EX £smt Desc,dwg Project No.: 05125.01.70