HomeMy WebLinkAbout936942 ( RECEIVED 2/14/2008 at 10:55 AM RECEIVING # 936942 R 14136~·~ BOOK: 686 PAGE: 767 JEANNE WAGNER EASEMENT DEED LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Indexed ß00767 THIS DEED, made this 4-1-t., day of relo;·LoIt',~v , 19.2i., between UINTA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Wyoming, Grantor, and WILLIAMS GAS PROCESSING COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Delaware, whose postal address is 295 Chipeta Way, Salt Lake City, Utah 84158, Grantee: Entry No. i"-\ I òVL Book ~a ''::\- Recorded I \ 1:òl C1át I Y " (~ m Page 1'1.4\ 2..3 ') Fee LYNNE D. FOX, UINTA COUNTY CLERK $ 3'b·c.ù By 0,. -\-\c....-~U )~ {'I WITNESSETH, that Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable considera- tion, to it paid by Grantee, the receipt, whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sold and con- veyed, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto Grantee, and unto its successors and assigns, a PERPETUAL EASEMENT for the construction, operation, maintenance, repair, renewal, relocation, reconstruction and use of 4-1/2" O.D. natural gas pipelines (hereinafter referred to as "Pipeline") upon, along and under the surface of the land situate in the Counties of Lincoln, Sweetwater and Uinta, State of Wyoming, described in Exhibit "A", hereto attached and hereby made a part hereof and hereinafter referred to as the "Right-of-Way"; together with the right of ingress and egress to and from said land for the purpose of exercising the rights herein granted. RESERVÌNG, however, to Grantor, its successors and assigns, the right to construct at any and all times and to maintain roads, highways, railroad tracks, pipelinès and tele- phone, telegraph and electric power pole and wire lines, over, under and across (but in such a way as not unreasonably to inter- fere with) said Pipeline of Grantee on the Right-of-Way; 'it being understood that the right so reserved to Grantor, its successors and assigns, is retained along with the general right of Grantor, its successors and assigns, to the use of said premises for any purpose·not inconsistent with the use by Grantee of said easement for the purposes herein defined. 1:: 229 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 RECORDED 10/11/2007 AT 09: 00 AM RECIt 1317~63 BKIt 110~ PCIt 0360 STEVEN DALE DAVIS, CLERK of SWEETWATER COUNTY, WYPag. I of II 00 1:2:20 ()O/~:L/ß 00 1~1.1 m¡~_u This Easement Deed is made subject to all outstanding leases and other outstanding rights, including, but not limited to, those for highways and other roadways and rights-of-way for irrigation ditches, pipelines, pole and wire lines and the right of renewals and extensions of the same, and subj ect also to all conditions, limitations, restrictions, encumbrances, reservations or interests of any person which may affect the said land, whether recorded or unrecorded. The easement described in Exhibit A is for a strip of land thirty feet (3D') in width; however, Grantee shall have the right to use a fifty foot (50') wide right-of-way during the time that Grantee is constructing or maintaining the Pipeline, however, right-of-way shall be reduced to the thirty-foot (3D') strip of land described in the exhibit at such time as Grantee completes construction or maintenance of the Pipeline. The grant of easement herein made is on the following express conditions: ( a) Subsidence: 000768 Neither Grantor nor its affiliates shall be liable to Grantee for any damage occurring to said Pipeline to be constructed on the Right-of-Way or for any other damage whatsoever occasioned by subsidence of the surface of the Right-of-Way as a result of mining underneath the same or resulting in any other way from the removal of oil, gas or other minerals in or underlying the Right-of-Way prior to the date hereof: (b) Removal of oil and Gas and Associated Liauid Hydrocarbons: Wi thout the prior consent of Grantee, neither Grantor nor its affiliates shall conduct drilling operations upon the surface of the Right-of-Way for oil, gas or other asso- ciated liquid hydrocarbons ("oil and gas"): PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that nothing herein contained shall limit the right of Grantor or its affiliates to remove such oil and gas from underneath the surface of the Right-of-Way by means of operations conducted on the surface of other lands, and provided further that in removing oil and gas from underneath the surface of the Right-of-Way, Grantor or its affiliates engaged in said operations shall exercise due care to avoid damage to Grantee's Pipeline thereon: and (c) Removal of Minerals Other than oil and Gas and Associated Liauid Hydrocarbons from Under the Right-of-Way: (i) Upon conclusion of a term of not less than ten (10) years from the date of this Agreement, Grantor or its affiliates shall give Grantee written notice of any intention to remove from any segment of the Right-of-Way minerals other than oil and gas not less than two years prior to commencement of such removal. Such notice shall be in sufficient detail to inform Grantee of Grantor's or its affiliates' plans to remove minerals other than oil and gas from any segment of the Right-of-Way. Grantor's or its affiliates' final mining plan with respect to such segment of the Right-of-Way shall 230 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111\ ~~~II BKII 110~ PGII 0361 RtCORDtD 10/11/2007 AT 09:~0S~~E~~~~E~~¿6uNTV, WVPage 2 of 11 STEVEN DALt DAVIS, CLtRK OT I ¡ 000769 fully comply with all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations; (ii) If such removal of minerals by Grantor or its affiliates is to be conducted in such a manner as will interfere with a segment of the Pipeline, such notice shall include a written estimate of damages, if any, which Grantor or its affiliates might incur if the segment of the Pipeline is not relocated, which estimate shall include the basis for the calculation of such estimate of damages; (iii) Within 120 days after receipt of such notice, Grantee shall be written notice to Grantor or its affected affiliates elect: (a) to relocate the affected segment of the Pipeline at its own cost and expense on other of Grantor I s property, wi thin a time period consistent with the mining plan provided to Grantee pursuant to paragraph (c) (i) above. Substitute right-of-way to be provided by Grantor subject to availability of property suitable for intended use. Grantor reserves the right to charge additional consideration for the substitute right- of-way based on rates in effect at the time of relocation. In the event the consideration for the substitute right- of-way shall be less than that amount paid for the grant herein made, Grantor will not be required to reimburse Grantee for the difference; or (b) to not relocate the affected segment of the Pipeline and to pay Grantor or its affected affiliate the amount of damages set forth in the estimate of damages furnished to Grantee pursuant to paragraph (c) (i i) above, or any other amount agreed: upon by Grantee and Grantor or Grantor's affected affiliate for such damages; or (c) to not relocate the affected segment of the Pipeline and to exercise its right to eminent domain or any other legal remedies which might be available to Grantee at such time for the purpose of determining what amount of damages is to /lIllIf 111111/111/11/1 11111111111111111111/1111/1111111111111111/11111/11111111111111 . 231 R£CORD£D 10....11....2007 AT 09: 00 AM R£CII 1 e 17e63 BKII 11 0e PCII 0362 ST£UEN DALE DAUIS, CL£RK of SW££TWATER COUNTY, WYPa;. 3 of 11 be paid to Grantor or its affected affiliate for the resultant taking of the affected mineral estate. (iv) Neither Grantor or its affected affiliate nor Grantee shall arbitrarily or unreasonably exercise its rights hereunder; and 000770 (v) Should Grantee elect to relocate at its cost and expense any segment of the Pipeline so as to accommodate the mining plan of Grantor or its affiliate, Grantee shall not again be required to relocate such segment of the Pipeline without reimbursement from Grantor or its affected affiliate for any and all losses, damages, expenses, and costs, of whatsoever kind (exclusive, however, of any consequential losses, damages, expenses and costs), incurred by Grantee in the relocation thereof. (vi) Should the costs of any Pipeline relocation and subsequent reconnection of a well or wells, in Grantee's opinion be economically unjustified, that affected segment of the Pipeline shall be abandoned and Grantee shall relinquish all rights thereunder as subse- quently provided for herein. Grantee, for itself, its successors and assigns, by the acceptance of this Easement Deed, agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Grantor and its affiliates, their officers, agents, employees, successors or assigns, against and from any and all liability, loss, damage, claims, demands, actions, causes of action, costs and expenses of whatsoever nature, including court costs and attorneys' fees, which may result from personal injury to or death of persons whomsoever, or damage to or loss or destruction of property whatsoever, including the Pipeline of Grantee, when such personal injury, death, loss, destruction or damage, howsoever caused, grows out of or arises from the bursting of or leaks in said Pipeline, or in any other way whatsoever is due to, or arises because of, the existence of said Pipeline or the construction, operation, maintenance, repair, renewal, reconstruction, removal or use of said Pipeline or any part thereof, or to the contents therein or therefrom, unless caused by the sole and direct negligence of Grantor or any of its affiliates or any of its or their officers, employees and/or agents. The term "affiliate" (or "affiliates" as the case may be) as used herein means any corporation which directly or indirectly controls, or is controlled by, or is under common control with Grantor. ;,;' 232 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 P II 0363 RECORD£!) 10"11"2007 AT 09: 00 AM RECII 1~17~63 BKII 110~ G STEVEN DALE DAVIS, CLERK or SWEETWATER COUNTY, WVPa~. 4 of 11 000771. It is expressly madera condition of this easement that if Grantee, its successors or assigns, shall abandon the premises of Grantor in the location descriþed in Exhibit "A", or any portion of said premises, for the purpos~s of this easement, then and in that event all the rights herein granted shall cease and terminate with respect to the premises so I abandoned, and the title to said premises shall be freed from t~e burden of said easement; and it is further agreed that nonuse of the premises described in Exhibit "A" or any portion thereof for th~ purposes of said easement for the period of two (2) years sha~l be deemed an abandonment of the premises or portion thereof; not used, provided, however, that abandonment shall not be deemed to have occurred if the nonuse of the premises or a portion the~eof is for less than two (2) years and is caused by market condi~ions or by circumstances beyond the reasonable control of Grantee.! In the event of abandonment of the premises of Grantor in the lobation described in Exhibit "A", or any portion of said premises, either by nonuse or otherwise, Grantee shall deliver to Grantor a recordable instrument evidencing that the title to the premises so abandoned is free and clear of the burden of said easement and is free and clear of liens, encumbrances, clouds upon or defects in the title to said premises created or permitted to be created by Grantee. If the facilities or any portion thereof are abandoned, and Grantee fails to commence good faith efforts to remove the facilities so abandoned and restore the portion of the land described in Exhibit "A" to which the abandoned facilities are appurtenant to its original condition within ninety (90) days after receipt of notice from Grantor to perform such activities, Grantor may perform such activities for the account of Grantee. Grantee agrees that all of the surface areas of the Right-of-Way disturbed in the exercise of the rights granted hereunder shall be reseeded with fifty percent (50%) thickspike wheatgrass and fifty percent (50%) western wheatgrass, to be applied at the rate of fifteen (15) pounds per acre; provided, however, in the event the reseeding and maintenance of such areas with fifty percent (50%) thickspike wheatgrass and fifty percent (50%) western wheatgrass falls below standards consistent with applicable Bureau of Land Management, United states Department of Interior, requirements on comparable adjacent areas of public lands, then in that event such higher standards as may be required by the Bureau of Land Management, United states Department of Interior, shall be adhered to. Addi tionally, Grantee shall eradicate all noxious weeds from said lands and shall not allow the same to go to seed. In accordance with Section 1445(b) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code, Grantor, Federal ID No. 87-0185730, certifies that it is not a foreign corporation and withholding of Federal Income Tax from the amount realized will not be made by Grantee. Grantor understands that this certification may be disclosed to the 233 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 PCtl 0364 RECORDED 10/11/2007 AT 09:00 AM RECti lS17~63 BKtI 110S STEVEN DALE DAVIS, CLERK of SWEETWATER COUNTY, WYPa~. ~ of 11 0007Þ,2 Internal Revenue Service by the Grantee and that any false statement made here could be punished by fine, imprisonment, or both. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused these presents to be signed by its vice President the day and year first herein written. Witness: UINTA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY BY~/)~ It· Vice president (SEAL) STATE OF ss. COUNTY OF LJ Th fqregoing instrument/~Js at:f0WI~d~d before me this ~ day of ,/, / , 19~, b j}(l1:ttl..6. Æ1.o');U)./ , as Vice President of UINTA D VELOPMENT COMPA expires; I Witness my hand and official seal. My commission -.3/-QS ( SEAL) AliCIA Ie. BRINKLEY Notay Pubnc STATE OF TEXAS My CImII. Ðp. 01/31115 234 111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 II 110~ PGII 036~ RECORDED 10/11/2007 AT 09:00 AM RECII 1~17~63 BK STEVEN DALE DAVIS, CLERK of S~EET~ATER COUNT V , ~VPa~. 6 of 11 EXHIBIT "A" June 18, 1993 , 0007Þj'3 WILLIAMS GAS PROCESSING COMPANY MOXA ARCH GATHERING SYSTEM CHAMPLIN #243 B-1 PIPELINE CROSSING A PORTION OF UINTA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY PROPERTY SECTION 29, TOWNSHIP 21 NORTH, RANGE 111 WEST, 6TH P.M. LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING A strip of land 30 feet wide across a portion of Section 29, Township 21 North, Range 111 West, 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, being 15 feet Southwesterly and 15 feet Northeasterly of the following described survey line; which is the centerline of the existing 4 112" diameter pipeline: Beginning at a point located in the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section 29, said point bears South 39°49' East, a distance of 1061.3 feet from the West quarter corner of said Section 29; Thence South 20°32' East, a distance of 374.9 feet; Thence South 82°33' East, a distance of 372.6 feet to the end of the line at a point located in the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section 29, said point bears South 44°11' East, a distance of 1693.7 feet from the West quarter corner of said Section 29. The length of the above described survey line is 747.5 feet, or 45.303 rods, or 0.142 miles. 235 Dwg. No. A786.0-90-1 R/W No. 01220 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111\\111111\11111111111111111111111111 IIKII 110!5 PCII 0366 RECORDED 10/11/200? AT 09,00 AM RECII 1!51?!563 1 STEUEN DALE DAUlS, CLERK of S~EET~ATER COUNTY, ~YPa~. ? of 1 EXHIBIT flAfI (CONT'D) September 22, 1993 000774 WILLIAMS GAS PROCESSING COMPANY BRUFF #35B A-I PIPELINE CROSSING A PORTION OF UINTA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY PROPERTY SECTIONS 7 AND 1, TOWNSHIP 17 NORTH, RANGES 112 AND 113 WEST, 6TH P.M. UINTA COUNTY, WYOMING Parcel #1 A strip of land 30 feet wide across a portion of Section 7, Township 17 North, Range 112 West, 6th P.M., Uinta County, Wyoming, being 15 feet Northeasterly and 15 feet Southwesterly of the following described survey line; which is the centerline of the existing 4 1/211 diameter pipeline: Beginning at a point located in the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 7, said point bears South 34°47' West, a distance of 1383.4 feet from the North quarter corner of said Section 7; Thence North 42°48' West, a distance of 850.2 feet; Thence North 66°59' West, a distance of 1069.3 feet to a point located on the West boundary line of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section 7, said point bears Southerly along said boundary line, a distance of 195.5 feet from the Northwest corner of said Section 7. The length of the above described survey line is 1919.5 feet, or 116.333 rods, or 0.364 miles. Parcel #2 A strip of land 30 feet wide across a portion of Section 1, Township 17 North, Range 113 West, 6th P.M., Uinta County, Wyoming, being 15 feet Northeasterly and 15 feet Southwesterly of the following described survey line; which is the centerline of the existing 4 1/211 diameter pipeline: Beginning at a point located on the South boundary line of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 1, said point bears Westerly along said boundary line, a distance of 294.7 feet from the Southeast corner of said Section 1; Thence North 38°50' West, a distance of 776.3 feet; \ . 236 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 D.l'nlm.n 1111/ 11/21211217 AT 1219: 00 AM RECI! 1 :517:563 BKI! 110:5 PGI! 0367 , I / EXHIBIT "A" (CONT'D) 000775 Thence North 47°01' West, a distance of 1033.2 feet to the end of the line at a pOint located in the Northwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of said , Section 1, said point bears South 49°19' West, a distance of 2054.6 feet from the East quarter corner of said Section 1. The length of the above described survey line is 1809.5 feet, or 109.667 rods, or 0.343 miles. The combined length of the above described survey line is 3729.0 feet, or 226.000 rods, or 0.707 miles. 237 Dwg. No. 88786.0-20-1 R/W No. 01221 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 RECORDED 19.111.1200? AT 09: 00 AM RECIt 1 e 1 ?e63 JKIt 11 0e PCIt 0368 STEUEN DALE DAUIS, CLERK 0' SWEETWATER COUNTY, WYPag. 9 0' 11 EXHIBIT "A" (CONT'D) June 18, 1993 C:Oû776 WILLIAMS GAS PROCESSING COMPANY MOXA ARCH GATHERING SYSTEM CHAMPLIN #326 E-1 PIPELINE CROSSING A PORTION OF UINTA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY PROPERTY SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 20 NORTH, RANGE 111 WEST, 6TH P.M. SWEETWATER COUNTY, WYOMING A strip of land 30 feet wide across a portion of Section 19, Township 20 North, Range 111 West, 6th P.M., Sweetwater County, Wyoming, being 15 feet Easterly and 15 feet Westerly of the following described survey line; which is the centerline of the existing 4 1/2" diameter pipeline: Beginning at a point located in the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 19, said point bears North 86°191 East, a distance of 1047.5 feet from the South quarter corner of said Section 19; Thence South 90°001 East, a distance of 45.9 feet; Thence North 24°151 East, a distance of 315.5 feet; Thence North 8°491 West, a distance of 337.2 feet; Thence North 20°141 West, a distance of 340.2 feet; Thence North 53°281 East, a distance of 222.8 feet to the end of the line at a point located in the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 19, said point bears North 51°011 West, a distance of 1812.2 feet from the Southeast corner of said Section 19. The length of the above described survey line is 1261.6 feet, or 76.461 rods, or 0.239 miles. 238 Dwg. No. 8A786.0-21-1 R/W No. 01227 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 RECORDED 10/11/2007 AT 09:00 AM REC. 1S17S63 BK. 110SPC. 0369 STEVEN DALE DAVIS, CLERK of S~EET~ATER COUNTY, ~YPag. 10 of 11 EXHIBIT "A" (CONT'D) September 22, 1993 000777 WILLIAMS GAS PROCESSING COMPANY MOXA ARCH GATHERING SYSTEM CHURCH 8UTTE #3-5 PIPELINE CROSSING A PORTION OF UINTA DEVELOPMENT COMPANY PROPERTY SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 17 NORTH, RANGE 112 WEST, 6TH P.M. UINTA COUNTY, WYOMING A strip of land 30 feet wide across a portion of Section 5, Township 17 North, Range 112 West, 6th P.M., Uinta County, Wyoming, being 15 feet Southerly and 15 feet Northerly of the following described survey line; which is the centerline of the existing 4 1/211 diameter pipeline: Beginning at a point located in the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 5, said point bears South 51°091 West, a distance of 1804.8 feet from the North quarter corner of said Section 5; Thence North 5°07' West, a distance of 21.7 feet; Thence North 39°521 East, a distance of 40.0 feet; Thence North 84°531 East, a distance of 461.4 feet; Thence South 78°57' East, a distance of 1993.0 feet; Thence South 89°29' East, a distance of 298.1 feet to the end of the line at a point located in the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 5, said point bears North 45°061 West, a distance of 1873.1 feet from the East quarter corner of said Section 5. The length of the above described survey line is 2814.2 feet, or 170.558 rods, or 0.533 miles. 239 Dwg. No. 88786.0-19-1 R/W No. 01228 1111111 11111 11111 1111111111 IlIInllll !111[lIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11II RtCORDtD 10/11/2007 AT 09: 00 AM RtCII 1S17S63 BKII 110S PGII 0370 STtUtN DALt DAUIS, CLtRK of s~ttT~ATtR COUNTY, ~VPa~. 11 of 11